Education FeedThePlanet Worldchefs Academy

Worldchefs Launches Arabic Edition of Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals

See the Arabic version below / انظر أدناه للاطلاع على النسخة العربية.

  • Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals, created by Worldchefs’ Feed the Planet initiative, is now available in Arabic on Worldchefs Academy. This course offers a free 8-course curriculum for learners to deepen their knowledge of sustainable culinary methods and key topics in food systems.
  • With the expansion of this course to its second language on Worldchefs Academy, it becomes more accessible, now able to reach tens of thousands of Arabic-speaking chefs around the world.
  • Learn more about Feed the Planet programs including Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals at

Paris, 1 February 2025 – Worldchefs Academy is proud to announce the launch of Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals course now in Arabic— a significant step in making this valuable education even more inclusive and accessible.

This launch marks a significant milestone for Worldchefs, as the course becomes a resource available for the tens of thousands of Arabic-speaking chefs worldwide.

A Global Initiative with Local Impact

Recognizing the growing demand for sustainability education from Arabic-speaking chefs, Worldchefs took a major step forward in 2023 by launching the Arabic version of the Sustainability Education trainers’ program, made possible by the expert translation of Ms. Shourouk Mohamed and Chef Haitham H. Hassoon.

This year, Chef Majed Al Sabagh, a highly respected culinary educator and Director of the Chef International Center (Chef Training And Consultancy) (CIC) in the UAE, along with his team, volunteered to adapt all of the Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals curriculum into Arabic on Worldchefs Academy, ensuring the program resonated with Arabic-speaking learners. Thanks to the help and support of these key contributors, Worldchefs deepens its commitment to providing accessible learning opportunities for chefs around the world, inspiring positive environmental and social impact in kitchens and communities.

Celebrating Graduates from Arabic-Speaking Countries

The response to the Arabic version of the course has been overwhelmingly positive, empowering 12 newly-approved trainers from Arabic-speaking countries to lead the way in sustainability education. Already, over 3,600 students have graduated from the program including:

  • Egypt: 2,262 graduates
  • Saudi Arabia: 361 graduates
  • Iraq: 662 graduates
  • Jordan: 314 graduates
  • Algeria: 60 graduates

“Translating and recording this course into the Arabic version alongside my family and colleagues proved to be real teamwork. It’s not simply a matter of changing the words, but we worked to find new examples to place throughout the curriculum that align with Arabic culture and are meaningful to the Arabs who enroll. I’m looking forward to not only study it, but also implement it in our lifestyle,” said Chef Majed.

To hear more about this important project, click here.

“We now have a remarkable opportunity to more deeply connect with Arab-speaking chefs through education. On behalf of the entire Worldchefs Board of Directors, we’d like to thank everyone whose dedication and expertise made this possible. We are extremely proud of this achievement and we look forward to furthering Worldchefs’ commitment to providing sustainability education in as many languages as possible,” said Worldchefs President, Andy Cuthbert.

Get started today by enrolling in Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals, in Arabic or English at

– END –

About Worldchefs 

The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a federation made up of 110 national chef associations. A leading voice in the hospitality industry, Worldchefs carries years of history since its founding in 1928 at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier.

Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.

Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through these core focus areas:

Humanitarianism & Sustainability – Worldchefs Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.

Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, a diverse network of Worldchefs Education Partners and curriculum, and the world’s first Global Culinary Certification recognizing on-the-job skillsin hospitality;

Networking – Worldchefs connects culinary professionals around the world through their online community platform and provides a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events and the biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;

Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and operates the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge.

Worldchefs  تطلق النسخة العربية من دورة تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي

تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي، الذي تم إنشاؤه من خلال مبادرة “إطعام كوكب الأرض” التابعة لـ Worldchefs، أصبح الآن متاحًا باللغة العربية على أكاديمية Worldchefs . يقدم هذا المقرر الدراسي منهجًا مجانيًا من 8 دورات لتوسيع معرفة المتعلمين بأساليب الطهي المستدامة والموضوعات الرئيسية في نظم الغذاء

مع توسيع هذا المقرر ليصبح متاحًا بلغة ثانية على أكاديمية  Worldchefs ، أصبح الوصول إليه أكثر سهولة، حيث أصبح قادرًا الآن على الوصول إلى عشرات الآلاف من الطهاة الناطقين بالعربية في جميع أنحاء العالم

للتعرف على المزيد حول برنامج “إطعام كوكب الأرض” بما في ذلك تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي، يمكنك زيارة الرابط

باريس، 1 فبراير 2025 – أكاديمية Worldchefs تفخر بالإعلان عن إطلاق دورة “ تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي” الآن باللغة العربية — خطوة هامة في جعل هذا التعليم القيم أكثر شمولاً وقابلية للوصول

يُعد هذا الإطلاق علامة فارقة لـ Worldchefs، حيث أصبح المقرر الآن موردًا متاحًا لعشرات الآلاف من الطهاة الناطقين بالعربية في جميع أنحاء العالم

مبادرة عالمية بأثر محلي

مع تزايد الطلب على تعليم الاستدامة من الطهاة الناطقين بالعربية، اتخذت Worldchefs خطوة كبيرة إلى الأمام في عام 2023 بإطلاق النسخة العربية من برنامج تدريب “تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي”، الذي تحقق بفضل المترجمة الخبيرة للسيدة شروق محمد والشيف هيثم حسن حسون.

هذا العام، تطوع الشيف ماجد الصباغ، وهو معلم طهي محترم ومدير مركز الشيف للتدريب والاستشارات (CIC) في الإمارات، وفريقه لتكييف جميع مقررات برنامج “تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي” إلى اللغة العربية على أكاديمية  Worldchefs، لضمان أن البرنامج يتناسب مع المتعلمين الناطقين بالعربية. بفضل المساعدة والدعم من هؤلاء المساهمين الرئيسيين، تعمق  Worldchefs  التزامها بتوفير فرص تعلم متاحة للطهاة في جميع أنحاء العالم، مما يلهم تأثيرًا بيئيًا واجتماعيًا إيجابيًا في المطابخ والمجتمعات.

الاحتفال بتخريج المتعلمين من الدول الناطقة بالعربية

كانت الاستجابة للنسخة العربية من الدورة إيجابية للغاية، مما أتاح لـ 12 مدربًا جديدًا معتمدًا من الدول الناطقة بالعربية قيادة الطريق في تعليم الاستدامة. حتى الآن، تخرج أكثر من 3,600 طالب من البرنامج بما في ذلك:

مصر: 2,262 خريجًا

السعودية: 361 خريجًا

العراق: 662 خريجًا

الأردن: 314 خريجًا

الجزائر: 60 خريجًا

قال الشيف ماجد: “ترجمة وتسجيل هذه الدورة إلى النسخة العربية جنبًا إلى جنب مع عائلتي وزملائي كان عملًا جماعيًا حقيقيًا. لم يكن الأمر مجرد تغيير الكلمات، بل عملنا على إيجاد أمثلة جديدة لتضمينها في المنهج تتماشى مع الثقافة العربية وتكون ذات معنى للعرب الذين يلتحقون بالدورة. أتطلع إلى  تنفيذ هذه الدورة في نمط حياتنا أيضًا.”

للاستماع إلى المزيد حول هذا المشروع المهم، يمكنك الضغط هنا:

رابط الفيديو

قال رئيس  Worldchefs ، آندي كاثبيرت: “نحن الآن أمام فرصة رائعة للتواصل بشكل أعمق مع الطهاة الناطقين بالعربية من خلال التعليم. نيابةً عن مجلس إدارة  Worldchefs، نود أن نشكر كل من ساهم بخبراته واهتمامه لتحقيق ذلك. نحن فخورون جدًا بهذا الإنجاز ونتطلع إلى تعزيز التزام       Worldchefs  بتوفير تعليم الاستدامة بأكبر عدد ممكن من اللغات.”

ابدأ اليوم بالتسجيل في برناج “تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي”، باللغة العربية أو الإنجليزية على الرابط:


عن  Worldchefs

جمعية الطهاة العالمية، والمعروفة باسم  Worldchefs، هي اتحاد مكون من 110 جمعيات طهاة وطنية. باعتبارها صوتًا رائدًا في صناعة الضيافة، فإن Worldchefs تحمل تاريخًا طويلاً منذ تأسيسها في عام 1928 في السوربون على يد الطاهي الشهير أوغست إسكوفية.

تمثل Worldchefs أعضاء دوليين نشطين من المهنيين في فنون الطهي، وهي ملتزمة بتطوير المهنة واستخدام تأثير سترة الطاهي لتحسين صناعة الضيافة وإنسانية العالم.

تعمل Worldchefs على رفع معايير الطهي وزيادة الوعي الاجتماعي من خلال مجالات التركيز الأساسية التالية:

الإنسانية والاستدامة – برنامج “إطعام كوكب الأرض” و”طهاة بلا حدود” تخفف من فقر الغذاء، وتقدم الدعم في الأزمات، وتعزز الاستدامة في جميع أنحاء العالم.

التعليم – تقدم Worldchefs دعمًا للتعليم والتطوير المهني من خلال برامج أكاديمية Worldchefs  التدريبية عبر الإنترنت، وشبكة متنوعة من شركاء التعليم التابعين لـ Worldchefs  والمناهج الدراسية، وأول شهادة طهي عالمية معترف بها عالميًا للاعتراف بالمهارات المكتسبة في مجال الضيافة.

التواصل الشبكي – تقوم Worldchefs بربط المهنيين في مجال الطهي في جميع أنحاء العالم من خلال منصتها المجتمعية عبر الإنترنت وتوفر بوابة لفرص التواصل الصناعي من خلال الفعاليات المعتمدة ومؤتمر ومعرض  Worldchefs biennial .

المسابقات – تحدد Worldchefs معايير عالمية لقواعد المسابقات، وتوفر ندوات حول المسابقات وضمان القضاة المعتمدين من  Worldchefs، وتدير تحدي الطهاة العالمي المرموق.

Worldchefs Academy

Worldchefs Academy Launches 8th Language Offering Free Online Culinary Training in Hindi

PARIS October 16, 2024

Worldchefs Academy is excited to announce the launch of the free online culinary training now in Hindi. Expanding the free courses available for our global community, the Hindi Pre-Commis Chef/Culinary Foundations Course joins the English, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Italian, German and Mandarin Library!

“On behalf of the Worldchefs Board of Directors, I would like to congratulate everyone involved for making this culinary educational opportunity available to aspiring Chefs in Hindi-speaking communities around the world. We are extremely proud to be offering the Pre-Commis Chef/Culinary Foundations Course in 8 different languages, this is quite an accomplishment”, stated Worldchefs President Thomas Gugler.

With curriculum covering the basics of culinary professionalism, food service operations, culinary theory, hygiene, sanitation, basic cooking and nutrition, the Pre-Commis Chef/Culinary Foundations Course can be followed as a complete curriculum. Individual lessons can also be utilized to compliment other existing courses and provide theoretical components towards culinary apprenticeship training, onboarding or culinary review.

Participants can learn through the online platform or via the mobile app offering an offline study mode. This online culinary training links to Worldchefs Certification opportunities and will help guide Chefs throughout their culinary career.

Worldchefs Academy would like to extend its sincere gratitude to Kamal Kant Pant and Manjit Gill, President of the Indian Federation of Culinary Associations for their contributions during the Hindi Pre-Commis Chef/Culinary Foundations Course translations and review. We acknowledge their support to Worldchefs Academy and their efforts towards offering this educational opportunity to inspire Hindi-speaking Chefs worldwide.

Worldchefs Academy is proud to welcome Kamal Kant Pant as a Worldchefs Academy Hindi Advisor and looks forward to working with him to further develop, promote and expand the global reach of the Hindi Pre-Commis Chef/Culinary Foundations Course.

About Worldchefs Academy

Worldchefs Academy, a division of World Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs), developed the Pre-Commis Chef online course and mobile app in conjunction with NestléProfessional and the Pro Gastronomia Foundation to offer culinary education for aspiring chefs that may not have the means, mobility or flexibility to attend full-time culinary school. The Worldchefs Academy mobile app can be downloaded on both the App Store and Google Play, and is available at

About Worldchefs 

The World Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs) is a dynamic global network with over 110 chef associations worldwide. A leading voice in hospitality, Worldchefs carries 93 years of history since its founding at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier. Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the culinary profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.

FeedThePlanet Worldchefs Academy

Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals Celebrates 10,000 Graduates

Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals Celebrates 10,000 Graduates

  • Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals, a Feed the Planet initiative, has reached 10,000 graduates. The free curriculum and online course helps learners deepen their knowledge of sustainable culinary methods and key topics in food systems.
  • Culinary schools, national chef associations, and training institutions around the globe deliver the program through a network of dedicated Approved Trainers. The e-learning version, launched in 2022, is also available on Worldchefs Academy ( Graduates receive a Worldchefs certificate and digital badge to market their skills.
  • Learn more about Feed the Planet programs including Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals at

Paris, 26 June 2023 – Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals, a World Association of Chefs’ Societies’ (Worldchefs) Feed the Planet initiative, has reached 10,000 graduates.

The free Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals course teaches chefs how to think and act sustainably. Available in two formats, the certificate program provides an opportunity for culinary professionals to explore key themes in food systems through a trainer-led course or through self-paced online learning.

The curriculum includes eight lessons to help learners engage with and deepen their knowledge of sustainable culinary theory and methods. Modules include the Big Picture, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Seafood, Energy, Water, Waste Management, and Sustainable Nutrition. 

Learners can access Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals through Worldchefs Academy and build skills through the web-based platform or via the mobile app offering an offline study mode.

Culinary schools, national chef associations, and training institutions around the globe deliver the program through a network of dedicated Approved Trainers, with access to detailed lesson plans including presentations, instructor notes, quizzes, activity ideas, localization tips, and assessments. Globally relevant, the trainer-led curriculum is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and French. The online version is available in English with additional languages to follow.

Upon completion of the course, participants are equipped with the theory required to complete an assessment and receive a Worldchefs certificate and digital credential in the form of a digital badge – an important way to make skills visible when seeking employment in professional kitchens or demonstrating their commitment to the sustainability movement.

“We are so proud of the more than 10,000 Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals graduates and what this milestone means for the movement,” says Ragnar Fridriksson, Worldchefs Managing Director. “We at Worldchefs set out to help empower culinary professionals to harness ‘the power of the white jacket’ and take on their responsibility to share healthy and sustainable habits with the many people they feed. As the number of graduates continues to grow, we hold tremendous gratitude to our global community and partners whose participation and support make all of this possible.”

A global community of action

Hear directly from Sustainability Education’s Approved Trainers and alumni how the course has helped to inform and activate culinary professionals around the world to build a better food future.

Valeria Hernandez

Corporate Executive Chef at Griffith Foods, Central America and the Caribbean

Environmental sustainability education has always been one of the most important topics for me as a chef since I come from a country in which we are very concerned about the environment. I always thought that we needed a massive effort to generate significant action, but after looking at Feed the Planet’s information, I realized that change can be created in small actions and that the power of a white jacket can change the world.

Soon Pau Voon

Teaching Fellow at Sunway University, Malaysia

Very interesting curriculum! The course provides an opportunity for students to explore a path away from traditional teaching and learning method. They are now more aware of the big word – Sustainability, and hopefully, they will use this knowledge in their future careers.

Mark serice

Vice President of Global Culinary at Griffith Foods

As chefs who fundamentally depend on the earth for inspiration and creativity, we are ethically bound to preserve those gifts through knowledge, understanding, and stewardship. The sustainability course from the Worldchefs is the first step for our global guild in moving forward to make a difference. We now have another opportunity to scale positive impact by working together globally.

Bongani Baloyi

Sous Chef at The Blue Train, South Africa

Today’s session was talking to me as an individual; it relates to me as a professional in my line of work. Really learned so much in terms of energy-saving measures, not only in my career space but also on a personal level, saving and using energy responsibly indeed plays a bigger role in our lives and sustainability. Change attitude and habits is a process I am beginning from this lesson going onwards, starting with changing myself first then automatically in the process of changing my team and colleagues.

Rochelle schaetz

Head of Marketing, Europe & Africa at Griffith Foods

As chefs, we often underestimate “the power of the white jacket” to influence the food choices consumers make. As custodians of the worlds’ food supply, we must lead by example, be responsible in our recommendations, menus, products, and in how we run our kitchens. The program reinforced the urgency of addressing the world’s food security challenges and the role we as chefs have to play.

Terry jenkinson

Head of Culinary Arts at Silver Spoon Hospitality Academy, Namibia

The sustainability course has proven to be very informative, especially as we here at Silver Spoon Hospitality Academy in Namibia have been active in creating an awareness of the importance of biodiversity, conserving natural resources, and making the most of products indigenous to our country. The students who participated in the curriculum have a better understanding of what we have been teaching as well as a newfound respect for ensuring long-term sustainability of our natural resources.

Amro fahed al yassin

Amro Fahed Al Yassin
Vice President of the Emirates Culinary Guild and Worldchefs Academy Arabic Advisor

I’ve been watching Feed the Planet and sustainability programs. This is something that we are only in need of, it’s a must for each and every chef to do this. It’s a partnership in education. There is a lot of efforts from Worldchefs and you have the efforts from the restaurants to get people involved. They are caring about the education of their staff.

Chef John LPU Laguna
John carlo palacol

Faculty Member at LPU Laguna

Sustainability education is becoming increasingly important as we face environmental challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and pollution. At Lyceum of the Philippines University (LPU) in Laguna, students are not only learning about sustainable practices, but they are also putting their knowledge into action through their participation in the Worldchefs Feed the Planet program.

The success of the Worldchefs program at LPU Laguna is a testament to the power of sustainability education. By providing students with the knowledge and skills to create sustainable food practices, they are not only making a positive impact on the environment, but they are also preparing themselves for careers in the food industry that are increasingly focused on sustainability.

The Feed the Planet program at LPU Laguna is an inspiring example of how sustainability education can lead to positive change. As we continue to face environmental challenges, sustainability education will become increasingly important in preparing the next generation to create a more sustainable future.

Read more about Chef John and LPU Laguna’s sustainability program on page 45 of Worldchefs Magazine Issue 29.

Culinary Foundations

The e-learning version of Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals was launched in 2022 on Worldchefs Academy, adding to the line-up of free courses available for chefs around the world and at any stage of their career. The online course was created by Worldchefs Feed the Planet initiative, powered by Electrolux Food Foundation and Custom Culinary, with the support of content advisors of culinary educators and experts around the globe.

Course AdvisorsTitleCountry
Anne McBrideDeputy Director of the Torribera Mediterranean Center (TMC)Italy
Chris KoetkeChairman of Worldchefs Feed the Planet & Sustainability CommitteeUSA
Clinton MonchukExecutive Director of the Farm & Food Care SaskatchewanCanada
Daniel Schweizer CEC, CCA, WCECExecutive Chef at Goddard Catering Group, Vice President ACF Jamaica Chapter, and Member of Worldchefs Feed the Planet & Sustainability CommitteeJamaica
Jihan SahawnihCulinary Professor at the Royal Academy of Culinary Arts and Member of Worldchefs Feed the Planet & Sustainability CommitteeJordan
Jonathan Deutsch, Ph.D, CHE, CRCProfessor and Director at Drexel UniversityUSA
Kelly DaynardExecutive Director of Farm & Food Care OntarioCanada
Richard YoungDirector of the Frontier Energy Food Service Technology Center Frontier Energy, Inc.USA
Rodrigo Duarte-Casar, MScLecturer at the School of Gastronomía Universidad Técnica de ManabíEcuador
Sheila A. BowmanSeafood Watch Manager of Culinary Initiatives at the Monterey Bay AquariumUSA
Shonah Chalmers CCC, BSc, WCCE Culinary Professor at Humber College and Vice Chairwoman of Worldchefs Feed the Planet & Sustainability CommitteeCanada
Terence Keith JenkinsonHead of Culinary Arts at Silver Spoon Hospitality AcademyNamibia
Vincent DoumeizelVice President of Food Beverage and Sustainability for Lloyd’s Register FoundationFrance

“For us at Worldchefs, it is important to give aspiring chefs the foundation for a proper learning system that is available to all,” says Worldchefs President Thomas Gugler. “On behalf of the Worldchefs Board of Directors, I would like to congratulate all the volunteers and our wondering sponsors who helped to bring this educational opportunity to chefs around the world. We are proud to provide the resources to help prepare our industry for a better future,” says Worldchefs President Thomas Gugler.

Take action

Start the Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals course for free at, and receive a digital badge to show your achievement.

The Worldchefs Academy mobile app can be downloaded on both the App Store and Google Play, and at

Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals is made possible with the support of Feed the Planet partners and the tireless contributions of Worldchefs’ members around the globe. Worldchefs extends the utmost gratitude to all course participants, program trainers, and educational institutions who bring their time, expertise, and vision to all Feed the Planet initiatives.

To learn more about Feed the Planet, visit

Read more in the latest issue of Worldchefs Magazine

Head to page 47 in Issue 29 to read more about the impact of Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals’ free curriculum.

From mastering the art of sustainable cooking to embracing the latest technological advancements in the kitchen, Worldchefs Magazine is your guide to staying at the forefront of the culinary profession. 

Worldchefs Academy

Worldchefs Academy Supports Culinary Education in the Dominican Republic!

Worldchefs Academy Supports Culinary Education in the Dominican Republic!

PARIS April 5, 2023 – The Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), a pioneer in tourism and gastronomy training in the Dominican Republic, has two campuses, one in the city of Santiago de los Caballeros and the other in the capital Santo Domingo. It has been the most awarded university in the country during the last 20 years, winning first places in many national competitions.

In 2022, it was recognized as a school with high educational quality standards by Worldchefs. Adopting its Pre-Commis and Culinary Foundations program as mandatory programs to be taken by its students, which supports their training in culinary education.

PUCMM Chef Instructor Alejandro Andrés Abréu Bretón stated, “So far, 60 new chefs have graduated, but by the end of the year, we expect 200 more to graduate!

Worldchefs Academy apoya la educación culinaria en la República Dominicana!

La Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), pionera en formación turística y gastronómica en República Dominicana, cuenta con dos campus, uno en la ciudad de Santiago de los Caballeros y la otra en la capital Santo Domingo. Ha sido la universidad más premiada en los últimos 20 años ganando los primeros lugares en la mayoría de las competencias nacionales.

En el año 2022 fue reconocida como escuela con altos estándares de calidad educativa por Worldchefs. Adoptando su programa de Pre-Commis y Fundamentos. Culinarios como programas obligatorios a cursar por sus estudiantes, lo que viene a apoyar la formación en términos culinarios de los mismos. 

Chef Instructor PUCMM, Alejandro Andrés Abréu Bretón, afirmó “Hasta el momento, se han graduado 60 nuevos chefs, pero para fin de año, ¡esperamos que se gradúen 200 más!

For more information click here.

Worldchefs Academy

Worldchefs Academy launches Culinary Foundations Initiative with Saudi Airlines Catering Company

Jeddah, 18 of October, 2022 – Worldchefs Academy is proud to announce the launch of the Culinary Foundations Initiative and acknowledges Saudi Airlines Catering Company as its first co-branded partner.

Expanding on outstanding success over the past 5 years with the Pre-Commis Chef Course Library in 7 languages, participants successfully completing the free online course will now receive an additional Certificate in Culinary Foundations in their choice of language including  English, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, and Mandarin.

“We are very excited to introduce the Culinary Foundations Initiative,”  states Cornelia Volino,  Worldchefs Academy Program Manager &  Chief Advisor.  “By offering a learning opportunity for culinary professionals in all stages of their career, we will help to reinforce the culinary basics and international standards recognized globally.”

As an integral educational component of the collaboration between Saudi Airlines Catering Company (SACC), the World Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs) and Worldchefs Academy (WCA), the co-branded WCA/SACC Certificate in Culinary Foundations is also available.

The WCA/SACC Certificate in Culinary Foundations demonstrates SACC’s commitment towards an increase  in corporate training and individual talent development, while reinforcing quality food production standards and health & safety protocols. 

The Culinary Foundations and Pre-Commis Chef Course provides effective e-learning methodology in 6 key areas: Culinary Theory; Nutrition; Kitchen Operations; Hygiene & Sanitation; Professionalism and Professional Cooking.

“We are proud  to launch the co-branded Culinary Foundations Initiative with Saudi Airlines Catering Company. We recognize their strong commitment towards training and development, and we look forward to the positive impact this initiative will have on SACC’s talent-building objectives,”, stated Thomas Gugler, Worldchefs President.

Through the Culinary Foundations co-branded partnerships, Worldchefs Academy will provide support to hospitality and foodservice companies around the world to reinforce inhouse development and skills training strategies. Co-branded partners will have the opportunity to empower employees, qualify achievements, and increase performance capabilities and productivity of core competencies.

For information on Worldchefs Academy’s Corporate Partnerships for Co-Branded Certificates in Culinary Foundations, contact Worldchefs Academy Program Manager & Chief Advisor Cornelia Volino at email: [email protected]

– END –

About Worldchefs Academy

Worldchefs Academy provides the opportunity to learn the culinary basics needed to start a career in culinary arts, review culinary foundations with international standards, and help deepen knowledge of sustainable culinary methods. To get started, visit or download the Worldchefs Academy mobile app from Google Play or the App Store.

Worldchefs is a non-political professional organization, dedicated to maintaining and improving the culinary standards of global cuisines. Worldchefs accomplishes these goals through education, training, and professional development. Worldchefs is the global voice of culinary professionals.

About Saudi Airlines Catering Company

Saudi Airlines Catering Company (SACC) was established in 1981 to provide catering services to the Kingdom’s National Airline. SACC has since blossomed into a broad and diversified enterprise offering a full suite of food and beverage, retail, hospitality, and support services to local and international clients. 

Over the years, SACC has pressed forward with its program of continuous improvement and innovation, as well as streamlining its operations to meet growth in demand and to achieve operational efficiencies. 

SACC’s Mission is to excel as a market leader through continual process improvement, innovation, and timely response for its’ customers’ best interest. SACC’s values include customer orientation, team spirit, transparency, sustainability, and commitment to quality.

Worldchefs Academy

Ja Chef! German Pre-Commis Chef Course Goes Live!

Ja Chef! German Pre-Commis Chef Course goes Live! 

Paris, 9 of December 2021 – Worldchefs Academy is excited to announce the launch of the German Pre-Commis Chef Course! Adding to the line-up of free coursesavailable for our global community, the German Pre-Commis Chef Course joins the English, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and Italian Library!

“On behalf of the Worldchefs Board of Directors, I would like to congratulate everyone involved for making this educational opportunity available to aspiring Chefs in German-speaking communities around the world. We are extremely proud to be now offering the Pre-Commis Chef Course in 6 languages and will be adding Mandarin very soon”, stated Worldchefs President Thomas Gugler.

With curriculum covering the basics of culinary professionalism, food service operations, culinary theory, hygiene, sanitation, basic cooking and nutrition, the Pre-Commis Chef Course can be followed as a complete curriculum or individual lessons can be utilized to compliment other existing courses or provide theoretical components towards culinary apprenticeship training.

Participants can learn through the online platform or via the mobile app also offering an offline study mode. The Pre-Commis Chef Course links to Worldchefs Certification opportunities and offers to be the first step towards a culinary career.

Worldchefs Academy would like to extend its sincere gratitude to Petra Maria Gugler and Elisabeth Volino for their contributions during the German Pre-Commis Chef Course review and for supporting Worldchefs Academy’s efforts to offer this educational opportunity that will inspire future German Chefs worldwide. A hearty congratulations is also extended to Elisabeth Volino for becoming the 1st Worldchefs Academy German Pre-Commis Chef Graduate!

Worldchefs Academy is very proud to welcome Petra Maria Gugler as Worldchefs Academy German Advisor and looks forward to working together with her to promote, showcase, develop and expand the global reach of the German Pre-Commis Chef Course in the years to come.

About Worldchefs Academy

Worldchefs Academy, a division of World Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs), developed the Pre-Commis Chef online course and mobile app in conjunction with NestléProfessional and the Pro Gastronomia Foundation to offer culinary education for aspiring chefs that may not have the means, mobility or flexibility to attend full-time culinary school. The Worldchefs Academy mobile app can be downloaded on both the App Store and Google Play, and is available at

About Worldchefs

The World Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs) is a dynamic global network with over 110 chef associations worldwide. A leading voice in hospitality, Worldchefs carries 93 years of history since its founding at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier. Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the culinary profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.

For more information on Worldchefs Academy, contact: [email protected]

Ja Chef! Die deutsche Version des Pre Commis Chef Kurses ist jetzt aktiviert!

Paris 9. Dezember 2021 – Worldchefs Academy freut sich bekannt geben zu können, dass die deutsche Version des Pre Commis Chef Kurses aktiviert wurde! Die deutsche Version des Pre-Commis-Kochkures ergänzt das Angebot an kostenlosen Kursen, die durch ihre globale Vereinigung zu Verfügung stehen, und ergänzt ihre englische, spanische, portugiesische, arabische und italienische Bibliothek!

„Im Namen des Worldchefs Board of Directors möchte ich allen Beteiligten dazu gratulieren, dass sie diese Bildungsmöglichkeit angehenden Köchen, in deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaften auf der ganzen Welt, zur Verfügung stellen. Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, den Pre-Commis Kochkurs jetzt in 6 Sprachen anzubieten und werden in Kürze die Übersetzung in Mandarin hinzufügen“, sagte Worldchefs Präsident Thomas Gugler.

Mit einem Lehrplan, der die Grundlagen der kulinarischen Professionalität, Gastronomie, Theorie im Bereich Kochen, Sauberkeit, Hygiene, Grundkenntnisse des Kochens und Ernährung abdeckt, kann der Pre-Commis-Kochkurs als vollständiger Ausbildungsplan befolgt werden oder einzelne Lektionen können als Ergänzung zu anderen bestehenden Kursen verwendet oder theoretische Komponenten für die Kochausbildung genutzt, werden.

Die Teilnehmer können über die Online-Plattform oder über die mobile App lernen, die auch einen Offline-Lernmodus bietet. Der Pre-Commis-Chefkurs ist mit den Worldchefs-Zertifizierungsmöglichkeiten verbunden und bietet den ersten Schritt in Richtung einer kulinarischen Karriere.

Die Worldchefs Academy möchte Petra Maria Gugler und Elisabeth Volino ihren aufrichtigen Dank aussprechen, da sie mit ihren Beiträgen, zur Überprüfung der deutschen Übersetzung des Pre-Commis-Kochkurses dazu bei getragen haben, die Bemühungen der Worldchefs Academy zu unterstützen, zukünftige deutsche Köche weltweit zu inspirieren. Herzliche Gratulation geht auch an Elisabeth Volino zum 1. Deutschen Worldchefs Academy Pre-Commis Chef Abschluss!


Die Worldchefs Academy ist sehr stolz, Petra Maria Gugler als deutsche Beraterin der Worldchefs Academy begrüßen zu dürfen und freut sich darauf, mit ihr zusammenzuarbeiten, um die globale Reichweite des deutschen Pre-Commis-Kochkurses in den kommenden Jahren zu fördern, zu präsentieren, zu entwickeln und auszubauen.

Über die Worldchefs Academy

Die Worldchefs Academy, eine Abteilung der World Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs), hat in Zusammenarbeit mit Nestlé Professional und der Pro Gastronomia Foundation den Pre-Commis Chef-Onlinekurs als mobile App entwickelt, um aufstrebenden Köchen, die möglicherweise nicht über die Mittel,  Mobilität oder Flexibilität verfügen, eine kulinarische Ausbildung durch den Besuch einer Vollzeit-Kochschule bzw. -Ausbildung zu erhalten. Die mobile App der Worldchefs Academy kann sowohl im App Store als auch bei Google Play heruntergeladen werden und ist verfügbar unter

Über Worldchefs

Die World Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs) ist ein dynamisches globales Netzwerk mit über 110 Kochverbänden weltweit. Als führende Stimme im Gastgewerbe kann Worldchefs auf eine 93-jährige Geschichte, seit der Gründung an der Sorbonne durch den ehrwürdigen Auguste Escoffier, zurück- blicken. Als aktive internationale Vereinigung von Kochprofis setzt sich Worldchefs dafür ein, den Kochberuf voranzubringen und den Einfluss der Kochjacke für das Wohl der Branche und der gesamten Menschheit zu nutzen.

Weitere Informationen zur Worldchefs Academy erhalten Sie unter: [email protected]

Worldchefs Academy

Venezuelan Tour Showcases Worldchefs Academy’s Spanish Pre-Commis Chef Course

Venezuelan Tour Showcases Worldchefs Academy’s Spanish Pre-Commis Chef Course

Paris, 10 of November 2021 – In October 2021, Worldchefs Academy Spanish Advisor Elia Nora Rodriguez and the Venezuelan Chef Association travelled throughout Venezuela to share the Spanish Pre-Commis Chef Course available with Worldchefs Academy and the many global opportunities within Worldchefs. 

During the tour, they were able to reach approximately 450 students and teachers in 5 cities including Valencia located in the Central region, Maracay at the foot of the coastal mountain range, Barquisimeto to the northwest, Acarigua to the center West and finally Merida in the mountain range of Los Andes.

The schools participating in the tour included: Le Gourmets Culinary Arts; Carlos Fierro Culinary Institute; La New Cuisine Gastronomic Training Center; Parsley Gastronomic School; The Wheat Culinary Institute; Speto´s Gastronomy Master School and Emerson Freites Academy of Gastronomy. 

Worldchefs Academy recognizes the incredible efforts of Spanish Advisor Elia Nora Rodriguez and the Venezuelan Chef Association and would like to thank everyone involved for their commitment towards promoting and showcasing the Spanish Pre-Commis Chef Course and introducing the students and teachers in Venezuela to the benefits of joining the Worldchefs global community.

Tour Venezuela, Presentacion Worldchefs Academy Pre-Commis Chef Curso

En octubre de 2021, Elia Nora Rodriguez Tutor de los cursos de Worldchefs Academy en Español y la Asociación de Chef de Venezuela hicieron un recorrido por zonas importantes de Venezuela para compartir el curso de Pre-Commis Chef el cual esta disponible en la web de Worldchefs Academy y las muchas oportunidades globales que se pueden obtener a través de Worldchefs.

Durante este recorrido , se logro alcanzar entre estudiantes y profesores aproximadamente 450 personas en 5 ciudades entre las cuales están Valencia ubicada en la zona Central, Maracay al pie de la cordillera de la costa,Barquisimeto en el noroeste de Venezuela, Acarigua en el centro occidente y finalmente Merida en la cordillera de los Andes.

Las escuelas participantes en este recorrido incluyen : Le Gourmets Centro de estudios de las Artes Culinarias; Carlos Fierro Instituto Culinario; La new Cuisine Centro de Capacitación Gastronomica; El Perejil Escuela Gastronomica; El Trigo Instituto Culinario; Speto´s Escuela Magistral de Alta gastronomía ; Emerson Freites Academia de Gastronomia.

Worldchefs reconoce el incredible esfuerzo de nuestra Tutora Elia Nora Rodriguez y de la Asociación de Chef de Venezuela como igualmente nos gustaría  agradecer todas aquellas personas involucradas y comprometidas para promover y presentar  Pre-Commis Chef Courso  e introducir a los estudiantes y profesores en Venezuela en beneficio del disfrute de la comunidad Global de Worldchefs.


For more information contact : [email protected]

Worldchefs Academy

Worldchefs Academy Awards 60 New Diplomas to Students and Chefs in Mexico

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Worldchefs Academy Awards 60 New Diplomas to Students and Chefs in Mexico

Once again, Mexican chefs, cooks and culinary arts students successfully completed the Pre-Commis Chef course that Worldchefs Academy offers, free of charge, online for all those interested in starting a professional career in a professional kitchen, or, reaffirm the theoretical knowledge that is required in the daily operation of any commercial kitchen.

Chef Rodrigo Ibáñez, Worldchefs Academy Spanish Advisor, said: “It is wonderful that more people are joining the Worldchefs Academy family, where they will find a way into the exciting world of professional cooking. It’s a great start.” 

We will continue to disseminate the Pre-Commis Chef course and the subsequent certification path that Worldchefs offers through its platform.

For more information, visit  and choose the language in which you want to take the course: Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian or Arabic. German and Mandarin versions will be available soon.

What are you waiting for? Join the Worldchefs Academy family and get started today!

Worldchefs Academy Entrega 60 Nuevos Diplomas a Estudiantes y Chefs de México

Una vez mas, chefs, cocineros y estudiantes de artes culinarias mexicanos, completaron, exitosamente, el curso Pre-Commis Chef que Worldchefs Academy ofrece, de forma gratuita, en la modalidad online para todos aquellos interesados en comenzar una carrera profesional en el área de la cocina profesional, o bien, reafirmar los conocimientos teóricos que se requieren en la operación diaria de cualquier cocina comercial.

El chef Rodrigo Ibáñez, Asesor en español de la Academia de Worldchefs, dijo: “Es maravilloso que mas personas se unan a la familia de Worldchefs Academy, en donde encontrarán un camino para adentrarse al emocionante mundo de la cocina profesional. Es un gran comienzo”.

Seguiremos difundiendo el curso de Pre-Commis Chef y el posterior camino de certificaciones que Worldchefs ofrece a través de su plataforma.

Para mayor información, visite el sitio y elija el idioma en que quiere llevar a cabo el curso: español, inglés, portugués, italiano o árabe. Próximamente estarán disponibles las versiones en alemán y mandarín.

Que esperas, únete a la familia de Worldchefs Academy y comienza hoy mismo!

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Worldchefs Academy

Si Chef! Italian Pre-Commis Chef Course is Live!

Si Chef! Italian Pre-Commis Chef Course is Live!

PARIS June 15, 2021 — Worldchefs Academy is excited to announce the launch of the Italian Pre-Commis Chef Course! Adding to the line-up of free courses available for our global community, the Italian Pre-Commis Chef Course joins the English, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic Library!

“On behalf of the Worldchefs Board of Directors, I would like to congratulate all the Italian Chef Volunteers who helped bring this educational opportunity to aspiring Chefs in Italian-speaking communities around the world. We are proud to be now offering the Pre-Commis Chef Course in 5 languages and will be adding German and Mandarin later this year” stated Worldchefs President Thomas Gugler.

With curriculum covering the basics of culinary professionalism, food service operations, culinary theory, food hygiene and sanitation, basic cooking and culinary nutrition, the Pre-Commis Chef Course can be followed as a complete curriculum and individual lessons can be used to compliment other existing courses or provide theoretical components to culinary apprenticeship.

Photos Credit: FIC National Congress 2019 in Catania, Sicily

Participants can learn through the online platform or via the mobile app also offering an offline study mode. By connecting to the Internet when available they can download the course via the mobile app and study any time, with or without Internet. Then they simply go back online when ready to complete the final assessment. The Pre-Commis Chef Course also links to Worldchefs Certification opportunities and offers to be the first step on the culinary career pathway.

Worldchefs Academy would like to extend its sincere gratitude and recognition to Domenico Maggi, Worldchefs Continental Director Europe South for his dedication, time and contributions during the development of the Italian Pre-Commis Chef Course over the past 2 years.

Special recognition is also extended to the Federazione Italiana Cuochi (FIC) Chef Volunteers for their help during the Italian Pre-Commis Chef Course Review: Rossanina Del Santo, Giuseppe Giuliano and Giovanni Guadagno. And a heartfelt thank you to FIC President Rocco Pozzulo and FIC Social Network Representative Riccardo Carnevali for their support and contribution towards creating this opportunity for the future of Italian Chefs worldwide.

Worldchefs Academy is proud to welcome Domenico Maggi and Rossanina Del Santoas Worldchefs Academy Italian Advisors and looks forward to working together with them to further promote, showcase, develop and extend the reach of the Italian Pre-Commis Chef Course.

About Worldchefs Academy

Worldchefs Academy, a division of World Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs), developed the Pre-Commis Chef online course and mobile app in conjunction with NestléProfessional and the Pro Gastronomia Foundation to offer culinary education for aspiring chefs that may not have the means, mobility or flexibility to attend full-time culinary school. The Worldchefs Academy mobile app can be downloaded on both the App Store and Google Play, and is available at

About Worldchefs

The World Association of Chefs’ Societies (Worldchefs) is a dynamic global network with over 110 chef associations worldwide. A leading voice in hospitality, Worldchefs carries 93 years of history since its founding at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier. Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the culinary profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large. Learn more at

For more information on Worldchefs Academy, contact: [email protected]

Si Chef! Il Corso di Italiano Pre-Commis Chef è Live!

PARIGI Giugno 15, 2021 — Worldchefs Academy è lieta di annunciare il lancio del Corso Italiano Pre-Commis Chef! In aggiunta al programma di corsi gratuiti già disponibili per la nostra comunità globale, il Corso in Italiano Pre-Commis Chef si unisce alle nuove proposte in Inglese, Spagnolo, Portoghese e Arabo!

“A nome del Consiglio di Amministrazione di Worldchefs, vorrei congratularmi con tutti gli chef italiani volontari che hanno contribuito a portare questa opportunità educativa agli aspiranti Chef nelle comunità di lingua italiana in tutto il mondo. Siamo orgogliosi di offrire ora il Corso per Pre-Commis Chef in 5 lingue e aggiungeremo tedesco e mandarino entro la fine dell’anno”, ha dichiarato il presidente di Worldchefs Thomas Gugler.

Con un programma che copre le basi della professionalità culinaria, le operazioni di ristorazione, la teoria culinaria, l’igiene del cibo e la sanificazione, la cucina di base e la nutrizione, il Corso Pre-Commis Chef può essere seguito come un piano di studi completo e le lezioni individuali possono essere utilizzate per completare altri corsi o fornire componenti teoriche all’apprendistato culinario.

I partecipanti possono apprendere attraverso la piattaforma online o tramite l’app mobile che offre anche una modalità di studio offline. Collegandosi a Internet, quando disponibile, possono scaricare il corso tramite l’app mobile e studiare in qualsiasi momento, con o senza Internet. Quindi sarà sufficiente tornare online quando saranno pronti per completare la valutazione finale. Il Corso Pre-Commis Chef si collega anche alle opportunità di certificazione Worldchefs oltre che come primo passo nel percorso di carriera culinaria.

La Worldchefs Academy desidera estendere la sua sincera gratitudine e riconoscimento a Domenico Maggi, Direttore Continentale di Worldchefs Europa Sud per la dedizione, tempo e contributi durante lo sviluppo del Corso Italiano Pre-Commis Chef negli ultimi 2 anni.

Un riconoscimento speciale è esteso anche agli chef volontari della Federazione Italiana Cuochi (FIC) per il loro aiuto durante la correzione del Corso Pre-Commis Chef in Italiano: Rossanina Del SantoGiuseppe Giuliano e Giovanni Guadagno. E un sentito ringraziamento al Presidente FIC Rocco Pozzulo e al Rappresentante FIC Social Network Riccardo Carnevali per il loro supporto e contributo alla creazione di questa opportunità per il futuro degli chef Italiani nel mondo.

Worldchefs Academy è orgogliosa di dare il benvenuto a Domenico Maggi e Rossanina Del Santo come Consulenti Italiani di Worldchefs Academy e non vede l’ora di lavorare insieme a loro per promuovere, mostrare, sviluppare ed estendere ulteriormente la portata del Corso Pre-Commis Chef in Italiano.

Informazioni su Worldchefs Academy

Worldchefs Academy, una divisione della World Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs), ha sviluppato il corso online Pre-Commis Chef e l’app mobile in collaborazione con Nestlé Professional e la Fondazione Pro Gastronomia per offrire formazione culinaria agli aspiranti chef che potrebbero non avere i mezzi, mobilità o flessibilità per frequentare la scuola di cucina a tempo pieno. L’app mobile Worldchefs Academy può essere scaricata sia su App Store che su Google Play ed è disponibile su

A proposito di Worldchefs

La World Association of Chefs’ Societies (Worldchefs) è una rete globale dinamica con oltre 110 associazioni di chef in tutto il mondo. Una voce di primo piano nell’ospitalità, Worldchefs porta avanti 93 anni di storia dalla sua fondazione alla Sorbona ad opera del venerabile Auguste Escoffier. Rappresentando un’associazione internazionale attiva sul campo  formata da professionisti della cucina, Worldchefs si impegna a far progredire la professione culinaria e a sfruttare l’influenza della giacca da chef per il miglioramento dell’industria e dell’umanità in generale.

Per maggiori informazioni su Worldchefs Academy, contatta: [email protected]


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