Worldchefs’ Feed the Planet program is continuing to make a tangible difference around the world, with recent success stories from the EcoFood Training and Certification Agency in Saint Lucia.
This Caribbean island nation, known for its vibrant tourism industry and diverse food culture, has faced challenges related to food security, climate change, and an over-reliance on imported goods. However, local efforts, bolstered by Feed the Planet’s sustainability programs, are striving for a shift toward a more sustainable and resilient food system.
Recognizing the importance of creating a more self-sufficient and sustainable food system, EcoFood Training and Certification Agency, led by CEO Jordann Norbert, has sought to help change the future of the island’s food systems. As the agency’s goals aligned closely with the objectives of Worldchefs’ Feed the Planet programs, a collaboration began, aiming to empower local food professionals through education in sustainable practices and culinary skills.
The Start of a Powerful Collaboration
To begin this strategic collaboration, EcoFood introduced the Like a Chef program in Saint Lucia, an employment training program that equips underserved communities with culinary workplace skills. The course promotes sustainable cooking with a zero food waste approach, designed to provide essential culinary skills and promote sustainability within the food industry.
Over a 12-week training period, participants learned the fundamentals of culinary operations through Worldchefs Academy’s Pre-Commis Chef curriculum. This included practical modules on knife skills, salads, stocks, soups, poultry, cakes, and desserts, coupled with lessons on business operations and food entrepreneurship.
The program also incorporated Worldchefs’ Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals curriculum, empowering participants even further to integrate sustainable practices into their kitchens. This comprehensive approach equipped the chefs with the tools necessary to contribute positively to the environment, helping to reduce food waste, promoting local ingredients, and encouraging sustainable sourcing, responding to Saint Lucia’s food system needs.
Training the Next Generation of Culinary Professionals
The Like a Chef program not only focused on skills development but also on job readiness. Participants received job training, including resume building and soft skills development. To further enhance their employability, several students were placed into internships with local restaurants and hotels. The program’s impact is evident, with 35% of participants engaging in internships, 24% securing employment, and 40% pursuing self-employment.
The Like a Chef participants also made an impact in classrooms of Saint Lucia, hosting a Food Heroes Challenge workshop at local schools. The workshop aimed at educating children about sustainable food practices and engaged 60 students between the ages of 8-12 years old.
Program Outcomes and Impact
The 2024 Like a Chef program in Saint Lucia featured three cohorts, with a total of 26 participants. Of the participants, 80% were aged 17-35, with a smaller group of 20% over 35. In addition to the culinary and sustainability training, the program also provided education on food business fundamentals, including the financial aspects of running a food business and how to craft a strong business plan.
With 3 cohorts completing the program throughout 2024 in Saint Lucia, changed lives and inspiring stories were displayed among the 26 total participants.
Underscoring the success of this program, EcoFood Training & Certification Agency was awarded for their work in Saint Lucia in the category of Food Security and Nutrition 2023-2024 under SLUDTERA’s Anita James Social Impact Award. The impact of the program is already being felt, with plans for 2025 to further expand the reach of the program to include food operators, school cooks, and more underserved communities across Saint Lucia. The next cohort is set to begin in June.
The Future of Feed the Planet Programs in Saint Lucia
The EcoFood Training and Certification Agency remains committed to its mission of creating sustainable food systems in the Caribbean, and with the ongoing support of Worldchefs and the Electrolux Food Foundation, the Like a Chef program will continue to make a profound difference in both the lives of individuals and the broader food system in Saint Lucia.
As the world faces increasing challenges related to climate change and food security, initiatives like these will continue to inspire change, promote sustainability, and empower the next generation of culinary professionals.
To learn more about Feed the Planet, discover our latest episode of World on a Plate, with Chair Shonah Chalmers:
See the Arabic version below / انظر أدناه للاطلاع على النسخة العربية.
Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals, created by Worldchefs’ Feed the Planet initiative, is now available in Arabic on Worldchefs Academy. This course offers a free 8-course curriculum for learners to deepen their knowledge of sustainable culinary methods and key topics in food systems.
With the expansion of this course to its second language on Worldchefs Academy, it becomes more accessible, now able to reach tens of thousands of Arabic-speaking chefs around the world.
Learn more about Feed the Planet programs including Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals at
Paris, 1 February 2025 – Worldchefs Academy is proud to announce the launch of Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals course now in Arabic— a significant step in making this valuable education even more inclusive and accessible.
This launch marks a significant milestone for Worldchefs, as the course becomes a resource available for the tens of thousands of Arabic-speaking chefs worldwide.
A Global Initiative with Local Impact
Recognizing the growing demand for sustainability education from Arabic-speaking chefs, Worldchefs took a major step forward in 2023 by launching the Arabic version of the Sustainability Education trainers’ program, made possible by the expert translation of Ms. Shourouk Mohamed and Chef Haitham H. Hassoon.
This year, Chef Majed Al Sabagh, a highly respected culinary educator and Director of the Chef International Center (Chef Training And Consultancy) (CIC) in the UAE, along with his team, volunteered to adapt all of the Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals curriculum into Arabic on Worldchefs Academy, ensuring the program resonated with Arabic-speaking learners. Thanks to the help and support of these key contributors, Worldchefs deepens its commitment to providing accessible learning opportunities for chefs around the world, inspiring positive environmental and social impact in kitchens and communities.
Celebrating Graduates from Arabic-Speaking Countries
The response to the Arabic version of the course has been overwhelmingly positive, empowering 12 newly-approved trainers from Arabic-speaking countries to lead the way in sustainability education. Already, over 3,600 students have graduated from the program including:
Egypt: 2,262 graduates
Saudi Arabia: 361 graduates
Iraq: 662 graduates
Jordan: 314 graduates
Algeria: 60 graduates
“Translating and recording this course into the Arabic version alongside my family and colleagues proved to be real teamwork. It’s not simply a matter of changing the words, but we worked to find new examples to place throughout the curriculum that align with Arabic culture and are meaningful to the Arabs who enroll. I’m looking forward to not only study it, but also implement it in our lifestyle,” said Chef Majed.
To hear more about this important project, click here.
“We now have a remarkable opportunity to more deeply connect with Arab-speaking chefs through education. On behalf of the entire Worldchefs Board of Directors, we’d like to thank everyone whose dedication and expertise made this possible. We are extremely proud of this achievement and we look forward to furthering Worldchefs’ commitment to providing sustainability education in as many languages as possible,” said Worldchefs President, Andy Cuthbert.
Get started today by enrolling in Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals, in Arabic or English at
– END –
About Worldchefs
The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a federation made up of 110 national chef associations. A leading voice in the hospitality industry, Worldchefs carries years of history since its founding in 1928 at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier.
Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.
Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through these core focus areas:
Humanitarianism & Sustainability – Worldchefs Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.
Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, a diverse network of Worldchefs Education Partners and curriculum, and the world’s first Global Culinary Certification recognizing on-the-job skillsin hospitality;
Networking – Worldchefs connects culinary professionals around the world through their online community platform and provides a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events and the biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;
Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and operates the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge.
Worldchefs تطلق النسخة العربية من دورة تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي
تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي، الذي تم إنشاؤه من خلال مبادرة “إطعام كوكب الأرض” التابعة لـ Worldchefs، أصبح الآن متاحًا باللغة العربية على أكاديمية Worldchefs . يقدم هذا المقرر الدراسي منهجًا مجانيًا من 8 دورات لتوسيع معرفة المتعلمين بأساليب الطهي المستدامة والموضوعات الرئيسية في نظم الغذاء
مع توسيع هذا المقرر ليصبح متاحًا بلغة ثانية على أكاديمية Worldchefs ، أصبح الوصول إليه أكثر سهولة، حيث أصبح قادرًا الآن على الوصول إلى عشرات الآلاف من الطهاة الناطقين بالعربية في جميع أنحاء العالم
للتعرف على المزيد حول برنامج “إطعام كوكب الأرض” بما في ذلك تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي، يمكنك زيارة الرابط
باريس، 1 فبراير 2025 – أكاديمية Worldchefs تفخر بالإعلان عن إطلاق دورة “ تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي” الآن باللغة العربية — خطوة هامة في جعل هذا التعليم القيم أكثر شمولاً وقابلية للوصول
يُعد هذا الإطلاق علامة فارقة لـ Worldchefs، حيث أصبح المقرر الآن موردًا متاحًا لعشرات الآلاف من الطهاة الناطقين بالعربية في جميع أنحاء العالم
مبادرة عالمية بأثر محلي
مع تزايد الطلب على تعليم الاستدامة من الطهاة الناطقين بالعربية، اتخذت Worldchefs خطوة كبيرة إلى الأمام في عام 2023 بإطلاق النسخة العربية من برنامج تدريب “تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي”، الذي تحقق بفضل المترجمة الخبيرة للسيدة شروق محمد والشيف هيثم حسن حسون.
هذا العام، تطوع الشيف ماجد الصباغ، وهو معلم طهي محترم ومدير مركز الشيف للتدريب والاستشارات (CIC) في الإمارات، وفريقه لتكييف جميع مقررات برنامج “تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي” إلى اللغة العربية على أكاديمية Worldchefs، لضمان أن البرنامج يتناسب مع المتعلمين الناطقين بالعربية. بفضل المساعدة والدعم من هؤلاء المساهمين الرئيسيين، تعمق Worldchefs التزامها بتوفير فرص تعلم متاحة للطهاة في جميع أنحاء العالم، مما يلهم تأثيرًا بيئيًا واجتماعيًا إيجابيًا في المطابخ والمجتمعات.
الاحتفال بتخريج المتعلمين من الدول الناطقة بالعربية
كانت الاستجابة للنسخة العربية من الدورة إيجابية للغاية، مما أتاح لـ 12 مدربًا جديدًا معتمدًا من الدول الناطقة بالعربية قيادة الطريق في تعليم الاستدامة. حتى الآن، تخرج أكثر من 3,600 طالب من البرنامج بما في ذلك:
مصر: 2,262 خريجًا
السعودية: 361 خريجًا
العراق: 662 خريجًا
الأردن: 314 خريجًا
الجزائر: 60 خريجًا
قال الشيف ماجد: “ترجمة وتسجيل هذه الدورة إلى النسخة العربية جنبًا إلى جنب مع عائلتي وزملائي كان عملًا جماعيًا حقيقيًا. لم يكن الأمر مجرد تغيير الكلمات، بل عملنا على إيجاد أمثلة جديدة لتضمينها في المنهج تتماشى مع الثقافة العربية وتكون ذات معنى للعرب الذين يلتحقون بالدورة. أتطلع إلى تنفيذ هذه الدورة في نمط حياتنا أيضًا.”
للاستماع إلى المزيد حول هذا المشروع المهم، يمكنك الضغط هنا:
قال رئيس Worldchefs ، آندي كاثبيرت: “نحن الآن أمام فرصة رائعة للتواصل بشكل أعمق مع الطهاة الناطقين بالعربية من خلال التعليم. نيابةً عن مجلس إدارة Worldchefs، نود أن نشكر كل من ساهم بخبراته واهتمامه لتحقيق ذلك. نحن فخورون جدًا بهذا الإنجاز ونتطلع إلى تعزيز التزام Worldchefs بتوفير تعليم الاستدامة بأكبر عدد ممكن من اللغات.”
ابدأ اليوم بالتسجيل في برناج “تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي”، باللغة العربية أو الإنجليزية على الرابط:
عن Worldchefs
جمعية الطهاة العالمية، والمعروفة باسم Worldchefs، هي اتحاد مكون من 110 جمعيات طهاة وطنية. باعتبارها صوتًا رائدًا في صناعة الضيافة، فإن Worldchefs تحمل تاريخًا طويلاً منذ تأسيسها في عام 1928 في السوربون على يد الطاهي الشهير أوغست إسكوفية.
تمثل Worldchefs أعضاء دوليين نشطين من المهنيين في فنون الطهي، وهي ملتزمة بتطوير المهنة واستخدام تأثير سترة الطاهي لتحسين صناعة الضيافة وإنسانية العالم.
تعمل Worldchefs على رفع معايير الطهي وزيادة الوعي الاجتماعي من خلال مجالات التركيز الأساسية التالية:
الإنسانية والاستدامة – برنامج “إطعام كوكب الأرض” و”طهاة بلا حدود” تخفف من فقر الغذاء، وتقدم الدعم في الأزمات، وتعزز الاستدامة في جميع أنحاء العالم.
التعليم – تقدم Worldchefs دعمًا للتعليم والتطوير المهني من خلال برامج أكاديمية Worldchefs التدريبية عبر الإنترنت، وشبكة متنوعة من شركاء التعليم التابعين لـ Worldchefs والمناهج الدراسية، وأول شهادة طهي عالمية معترف بها عالميًا للاعتراف بالمهارات المكتسبة في مجال الضيافة.
التواصل الشبكي – تقوم Worldchefs بربط المهنيين في مجال الطهي في جميع أنحاء العالم من خلال منصتها المجتمعية عبر الإنترنت وتوفر بوابة لفرص التواصل الصناعي من خلال الفعاليات المعتمدة ومؤتمر ومعرض Worldchefs biennial .
المسابقات – تحدد Worldchefs معايير عالمية لقواعد المسابقات، وتوفر ندوات حول المسابقات وضمان القضاة المعتمدين من Worldchefs، وتدير تحدي الطهاة العالمي المرموق.
In 2014, I was invited to go to Leipzig, Germany for a meeting to discuss the Feed the Planet Committee. As I had already been working to grow sustainability education in culinary schools globally, it made sense for me to attend. Little did I know that it would result in a 10-year commitment to Feed the Planet as the chair of the committee. Little did I know at the time what this committee would grow into, the reach that it would have, and the many lives that it would change. I also had no idea at the time that I would work with so many dedicated and gifted people within Worldchefs, as well as external partners like the Electrolux Food Foundation, AIESEC international, and Custom Culinary.
What Feed the Planet accomplished in the last decade has been admirable. We started by developing a 7-part sustainability curriculum for culinary schools that launched in 2018. This evolved into a shortened 8-part curriculum designed for culinary professionals around the world. This was originally (and still continues) to be taught by chef trainers throughout the world. Taking it one step further, we launched the curriculum completely online as part of the Chefs Academy. This, along with a growing set of translations allows this pivotable curriculum to reach more people. The good news is that to date, 14,000 culinary professionals have completed the sustainability training. Imagine what each of these graduates will do in their corner of the world!
As Feed the Planet moved from a uniquely Worldchefs’ initiative to a global consortium that included the Electrolux Food Foundation and AIESEC International, we were able to expand our mission. We launched the initial “Like A Chef” program in Curitiba, Brazil. This program serves an economically challenged population by providing basic foodservice training which then leads to employment opportunities. Today, this initial program has been expanded to 8 countries and has over 1400 graduates. Talk about changing lives for the better!
Through our partnerships, we launched another program designed to reach school-aged children around the globe and teach them about sustainability. This initiative, called Food Heroes, was developed with the United Nation’s World’s Largest Lesson. The good news here is that we have reached over 178,000 kids today. We also know what the children learn is often shared with their families—which only expands our impact.
As I reflect on my time as chair, I think of the inspirational and caring people with whom I worked so closely. I have learned from their passion, commitment, and intelligence. They helped shape my thoughts and reeled me in when my ideas were “too far out there.” The progress we made would not have been possible without each one of them. It has been and continues to be a team effort!
After 10 amazing and impactful years, it was time to step down this last October. I am extremely proud of what we have accomplished and proud of how Worldchefs prioritizes sustainability. The decision was difficult for me but was made easier by the amazing next generation of leadership that is in place and ready to roll up their sleeves and make a bigger impact around the world. There is plenty of work still to be done as the problems of a warming planet, social inequalities, dwindling resources, and an impending water crisis are at our doorstep. I am confident that Chef Shonah Chalmers, the Worldchefs office, the many dedicated chefs within Worldchefs, and our external partners, alongside the new chair, will continue to grow Feed the Planet in ways we can’t imagine now.
One last thought. Please consider getting involved. We need as many people as possible to change the world through the power of the white jacket.
Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals has now reached 14,000 graduates, marking another milestone for the program.
Worldchefs’ Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals is a free course designed to help chefs think and act sustainably in their kitchens. Part of Worldchefs’ Feed the Planet initiatives, this course empowers culinary professionals to engage with key sustainability topics and promotes positive industry change.
The course is available in both English and Arabic, and can be accessed online through Worldchefs Academy or completed in-person led by a Worldchefs’ certified sustainability education trainer.
With 157 registered Sustainability Education trainers across the globe, Worldchefs continues to expand its global network of students and trainers, advancing in our mission to upskill chefs on sustainability.
Read below to hear from some of our dedicated sustainability education trainers who are making a significant impact in their communities.
Training Supermarket Chefs with Dr. Wafaa Hassaneinin Egypt
Dr. Wafaa Hassanein’s idea to teach sustainability education to supermarket staff came from a simple observation. During one of her visits to a large market, Hyper 1, she noticed that several sections, including prepared meals, bakery, and fresh food counters, were staffed by chefs actively involved in food preparation. Recognizing an opportunity, she proposed offering the sustainability course specifically tailored for these chefs. After sharing the course content and explaining its value to the training manager, the course was soon put in place across various sections of the market.
Dr. Hassanein was well-aware of the significant environmental impact of large supermarkets and hypermarkets, which are often overlooked as venues for sustainability training. By equipping chefs in these areas with practical knowledge, she saw the potential for a widespread positive change, suggesting sustainable practices in their day-to-day operations, not only in professional kitchens but also in sections like bakery, prepared meals, and fresh food counters.
The response from the supermarket staff was overwhelmingly positive. Chefs were eager to learn and expressed gratitude for receiving insightful information, highlighting how the course had opened their eyes to sustainability practices they could immediately implement. The success of this initiative led the supermarket to request an additional course focused specifically on sustainability within kitchen operations.
Hands-On Sustainability Education with Viktorija Baltutyte-Bacheva at HRC Academy in Bulgaria
In Bulgaria, Viktorija Baltutyte-Bacheva has brought sustainability education to life at the HRC Culinary Academy in Sofia. Her inspiration for offering students a hands-on experience in sustainable education stemmed from her deep passion for supporting their growth and her desire to provide students with the bigger picture of sustainability in hospitality and foodservice.
Twice a year, as part of the academy’s curriculum, students engage in sustainable practices such as gardening and responsible recipe creation. The academy collaborates with a local garden to give students a real-world understanding of how food production and sustainability are connected.
By instilling sustainable practices in her students early on, Victorija helps them develop into leaders who will inspire broader change as they advance in their careers. She regularly reminds her students, “Remember that the power to make changes is within you and the white chef jackets you are wearing. Being a bit more responsible can change way more than just the image of what kind of a chef you are.”
The HRC academy students are adopting responsible habits, such as recycling and developing no-waste recipes. For some, the realization of environmental challenges can be overwhelming, yet it motivates them to consider how their individual practices can directly have both positive and negative impacts on the future.
At the HRC Culinary Academy, about 30-50 students participate in sustainability education each year. Viktorija encourages active participation with hands-on training and discussions.
These trainers serve as just two examples of how Worldchefs’ Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals is making an impact around the world. Whether in a hypermarket in Egypt or a culinary academy in Bulgaria, sustainability education is empowering chefs to make a difference in their kitchens and beyond. We look forward to the continued growth of this training and discovering more sustainability champions across the globe
Thank you to Dr. Wafaa Hassanein and Viktorija Baltutyte-Bacheva for sharing these inspiring stories with us and supporting your students while driving innovative, positive change.
To learn more about becoming a sustainability education trainer, click here.
Take Action
Start the Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals course for free at, and receive a digital badge to show your achievement.
The Worldchefs Academy mobile app can be downloaded on both the App Store and Google Play, and at
Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals is made possible with the support of Feed the Planet partners and the tireless contributions of Worldchefs’ members around the globe. Worldchefs extends the utmost gratitude to all course participants, program trainers, and educational institutions who bring their time, expertise, and vision to all Feed the Planet initiatives.
Celebrating global leadership in sustainable gastronomy, Worldchefs’ Feed the Planet program has been awarded second place in the prestigious LIFE Climate Smart Chefs Award 2023-24 for Best Non-Profit Initiative. This recognition highlights Feed the Planet’s innovative efforts to educate chefs and inspire sustainable food practices worldwide.
Feed the Planet was celebrated for its transformative initiatives, including chef education on sustainability, zero-waste practices, and community empowerment programs.
The award was presented at the LIFE Climate Smart Chefs Final Conference in Milan in December 2024, where stakeholders reflected on the project’s impact and advanced dialogue on sustainable gastronomy.
Learn more about how Feed the Planet is shaping a more sustainable future by exploring its initiatives at
Paris, 19 December 2024 – Worldchefs’ Feed the Planet program is proud to announce its second-place recognition in the prestigious LIFE Climate Smart Chefs (CSC) Award 2023-24 for Best Non-Profit Initiative. Presented at the LIFE Climate Smart Chefs Final Conference in Milan, this award highlights the program’s dedication to promoting sustainable gastronomy and environmental stewardship through culinary education.
The LIFE Climate Smart Chefs project, a three-year initiative focused on educating chefs across Europe, emphasizes the vital connection between food, health, and the environment. By equipping culinary professionals with the knowledge and tools to make sustainable choices, the project supports healthier food systems and raises awareness of gastronomy’s role in achieving global sustainability goals.
At the Final Conference, stakeholders from across the European food community gathered to reflect on the accomplishments of the Climate Smart Chefs project. The event showcased innovative solutions, encouraged dialogue on sustainable gastronomy, and celebrated organizations and chefs driving meaningful change.
Worldchefs’ Feed the Planet program was recognized for its pioneering initiatives, including:
Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals: A free, open-source curriculum designed to equip chefs with practical tools to implement sustainable practices in their kitchens and communities.
Like a Chef: An employment training program offering underprivileged individuals a pathway into the culinary industry with an emphasis on zero-waste and sustainability.
Food Heroes Challenge: A global educational project inspiring children to adopt sustainable food habits and become active participants in creating a better future.
Ragnar Fridriksson, Worldchefs Managing Director, accepts the award in Milan.
“This award celebrates the incredible efforts of our global network of chefs who have made sustainability a cornerstone of their craft,” said Ragnar Fridriksson, Managing Director of Worldchefs, who accepted the award in Milan. “Feed the Planet is proud to be part of this vibrant movement advancing sustainable gastronomy, and we appreciate this recognition from the LIFE Climate Smart Chefs program.”
The LIFE Climate Smart Chefs Award reflects Worldchefs’ focus on addressing the critical challenges of food sustainability and environmental impact. As a leader in culinary innovation, Feed the Planet continues to engage chefs, educators, and communities worldwide to contribute to a sustainable food future, inspiring better cooking and eating habits through awareness and advocacy.
Feed the Planet was founded by Worldchefs in 2012 as a way to empower and mobilize our global chefs’ network passionate about building a better future. In 2016, Worldchefs joined forces with Electrolux Food Foundation and AIESEC, the world’s largest youth-led organization. Since that time, Feed the Planet has grown into a dynamic collaborative effort for inspiring social change. Through diverse and crosscutting programs, Feed the Planet creates impact through awareness, education and advocacy, supporting the training of key communities to help them put better food on the table, upskilling culinary professionals to help minimize environmental impact in professional kitchens, and encouraging sustainable food consumption through resources, webcasts, recipes, and more.
The success of Feed the Planet would not be possible without the support of its key partner, the Electrolux Food Foundation. Together, these initiatives aim to inspire positive change by leveraging the power of culinary professionals to drive sustainability and support communities in need.
The Climate Smart Chefs project is part of the European Union’s LIFE program, which supports environmental, nature conservation, and climate action initiatives across Europe.
For more information about the LIFE program and awards, visit the LIFE Climate Smart Chefs Award website or find the full list of winners here.
Start your journey towards a more conscious kitchen with Worldchefs’ FREE online Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals course on Worldchefs Academy! Learn about key topics in food systems at your own pace, and give your career a boost with a valuable digital badge to show you’ve completed the training program.
Feed the Planet is powered by our friends at Electrolux Food Foundation. Visit the Electrolux Food Foundation website here and explore Replate at
Read more in the latest issue of Worldchefs Magazine
Head to page 46 in Issue 30 to read more about how Feed the Planet programs are making an impact around the globe.
About Worldchefs
The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a federation made up of 110 national chef associations. A leading voice in the hospitality industry, Worldchefs carries years of history since its founding in 1928 at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier.
Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.
Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through these core focus areas:
Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, a diverse network of Worldchefs Education Partners and curriculum, and the world’s first Global Culinary Certification recognizing on-the-job skillsin hospitality;
Networking – Worldchefs connects culinary professionals around the world through their online community platform and provides a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events and the biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;
Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and operates the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge;
Humanitarianism & Sustainability – Worldchefs Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.
Celebrating the graduates of the Like A Chef program in St. Lucia
The Like A Chef program, a Feed the Planet initiative driven by Worldchefs, Electrolux Food Foundation, and AIESEC, hosted the first graduation for 2024 in St. Lucia.
Graduates received comprehensive culinary education, encompassing cooking techniques and strategies for reducing food waste, to help them identify suitable employment
The unique Like a Chef initiative was launched in 2017 with a goal to educate and train 3,000 people worldwide by 2030. Learn more about Feed the Planet programs including Like A Chef at
This May, the fourth cohort of students graduated from Worldchefs’ Like a Chef program in St. Lucia! Over twelve weeks, the fourteen students learned essential skills in the kitchen to prepare them for a future career in the culinary industry.
The Like a Chef program in St. Lucia launched on February 14th, 2023 by founder Jordann Norbert. Since then, a total of 54 students have graduated from the program over four cohorts.
Graduates from our Like a Chef program never fail to inspire us and this group of graduates is no different. Take it from founder Jordann Norbert herself:
We have had some really inspiring stories come out of this cohort. One being a return student who started out with us last year in our second cohort and got caught up with the law which affected him not being able to complete the program. However during his first appearance before the judge she learned of the program he was completing and was very impressed. She ordered that he had to return to complete the program in it’s entirety as a stipulation during his probational period. He did exactly that, participating in this cohort and successfully completing the program. He will be starting his internship next week at one of our most highly decorated restaurants here on island. We are super proud of him.
Training chefs in sustainability practices is crucial for St. Lucia’s food industry, given the island’s heavy reliance on tourism and its vibrant culinary scene. Realizing the importance of sustainable practices in the kitchen, Jordann Norbert decided to incorporate Worldchefs’ Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals course into the Like a Chef program. By equipping chefs with the knowledge and skills to source local ingredients, minimize food waste, and adopt eco-friendly cooking methods, the graduates of this program can help St. Lucia reduce its dependence on imported foods and support local agriculture. Sustainable practices in the kitchen not only enhance the island’s food security but also ensure a resilient food system that can withstand the impacts of climate change.
The students and graduates of Like a Chef in St. Lucia are motivated by their desire to create a better future for themselves and the planet. Their stories never cease to amaze us.
Another remarkable story is that of a single mother who, despite facing numerous challenges, excelled in the program. Her hard work and perseverance paid off when she was recently hired as a senior chef at Jade Mountain, one of the world’s top hotels. Her journey from unemployment to securing such a prestigious position is truly inspirational.
Jordann Norbert, Like a Chef St. Lucia founder
As Like a Chef in St. Lucia prepares to launch the second cohort in June, we look forward to following the success stories of more inspiring graduates as they shape the future of the culinary industry.
Impacting Communities
Like a Chef was launched in late 2017 with a goal to educate and train 3000 people worldwide by 2030. Founded and driven by Worldchefs together with Electrolux Food Foundation, the Like a Chef program is an employment training initiative that provides professional culinary skills to underprivileged individuals. The program emphasizes sustainable cooking methods with a zero-waste approach.
Adapted to each community it serves, the program empowers various groups in need, including refugees, single parents, cancer survivors, and orphaned teenagers, to provide for themselves and their families. With over 1000 graduates, there have been eight training centers around the world in Brazil, Poland, Egypt, Sweden, St. Lucia, Russia, and Ukraine.
“This project is really tailored to the needs of local communities. Together with our partner Worldchefs, Electrolux Food Foundation really wanted to give back to local communities and that’s the purpose and the secret of the success of this initiative,” said Cosimo Scarano, Head of Electrolux Food Foundation. “We are very honored to see the recognition coming for this program and are every day more and more convinced of its potential in changing people’s lives. Thanks to my team and to everyone who contributes daily to Like a Chef implementation and success.”
Take Action
The Like a Chef program is made possible with the support of Feed the Planet partners and the tireless contributions of Worldchefs’ members around the globe. Worldchefs extends the utmost gratitude to all program participants, local partners, sponsors, and volunteer chefs who contribute to the life-changing success of Like a Chef and all Feed the Planet initiatives. It is the dedication of Worldchefs’ global community that fosters resilience and solidarity in the industry and beyond.
“It’s an incredible honor to have been able to help change the lives of over 1000 people through the Like a Chef program, and the only way this is possible is through the diverse partnership of Worldchefs, Electrolux Food Foundation, and AIESEC, which together forms the backbone of Feed the Planet,” says Feed the Planet Chairman, Chris Koetke. “We look forward to expanding our program and reaching more lives in the years to come.”
Young Chefs Are Taking the Industry Back to School: In Conversation with Rebecca van Bommel, Worldchefs Young Chefs Ambassador
What do the next generation of industry leaders have to say about key challenges for the future? We hear from Rebecca van Bommel, an up-and-coming culinary voice and one to watch. Her early career already has an impressive résumé: Worldchefs Global Development of Young Chefs Committee member, Culinary Federation Canada’s Young Chef Liaison, Red Seal Certified Young Chef, and competitor with Culinary Team Canada. She shares her insights to help pave the way for young people in hospitality.
How did you wind up in this profession? What was your pathway?
I knew from the start that I wanted to pursue something in the culinary field. I’ve always loved baking, making different desserts for my family and friends, cooking. As soon as I finished high school, I went straight into a two-year culinary school program and that just solidified the passion I had for the industry and how much I loved it. From there, I did some apprenticeships in Ireland and really enjoyed that as well, and just kept cooking. I did a few different avenues—hotels, local pubs, a Michelin star—and then COVID hit and the industry slowed down a bit. Some chefs I had been working with previously on a contract basis at food shows reached out to me and had a food sales position open. And that’s how I transitioned over into that avenue. I’ve been enjoying it.
What do you love about being in the food broker world?
The food broker world I love because you get to see behind-the-scenes. I get to interact and talk with different chefs every single day, talk to them about what products they’re using and why, and get a little insight into their restaurant or their business and how they run things and what they prefer. It’s really cool for me, coming from a chef background, to get a behind-the-scenes look into different chefs’ lives, so that’s been enjoyable for me.
You also cook at a retirement home. What is unique about serving that market?
Working in the retirement community, that opportunity also presented itself during COVID. I got into that world and realized—wow—they make really good food. We serve steak, we serve lamb, we serve lobster tails to our residents.
Depending on the restaurant, you often don’t get to talk to the people who are eating your food. Retirement is completely different because it’s the same people every single day, and you can actually build a relationship with them, find out their likes and dislikes. There’s a lot of creativity allowed in retirement. You’re not making the same dishes every day like you would often in a restaurant. Every day is different. And you can take what the residents are telling you, what they love, what they don’t love, and take that into account and create amazing food for them.
Competition—it’s something you do a lot at a very high level. Any lessons learned from the competition world?
I did my first competition while I was still in culinary school. It was a small, local one. I said, ‘I’ll do this just for fun. See where it goes. Just have fun with it.’ I got 1st place. And then I was kind of like, oh, this is fun.
It’s a good stress. It’s a stress, but it’s a stress that motivates you to want to try better. Segueing from that competition, I was invited to compete at the Culinary Olympics on a regional team. And that was probably the most stressful summer of my life—the practicing and preparing—and I said, ‘I will never do this again. This is not worth it.’ But then we got to IKA. Just to see all the other competitors and how big it is, and how proud you feel. Now I’m on my third Culinary Olympics team, and I don’t think that’s over any time soon.
Let’s jump into the world of sustainability. Where are our young people in this equation?
I think young chefs especially are extremely aware about sustainability in the industry and in their careers. I know it was something we talked about when I was in culinary school and how important it is to prevent food waste. Food waste is a huge part of it, and I think young chefs for the most part are very much aware and try to do their best about that. Another big factor is plastic waste, which again resurfaced with the pandemic because there was a lot of single-use plastics that were necessary at the time.
Young chefs are definitely aware of it and know that in order to have a bright future it’s something that they need to be mindful of on a daily basis. The issue with young chefs is sometimes they don’t have the support in their jobs to be able to do those types of things.
Are they empowered to make that change?
I would say it largely depends on what type of restaurant they’re in. For example, I’ve worked in a small local pub that got a lot of their ingredients from local farmers, and we used everything we could. We’d use carrot tops to make pesto and if we were to get fresh meat in, we’d use every part of the animal.
But then on the other hand, you have things like fine dining and Michelin stars, where they’ll make a square pan of something and cut out circles, and then you have all this waste. Or they’ll only pick the most perfect-looking carrots to put on the plate because of course we eat with their eyes first, and that’s important for that level of dining.
I think it depends on where they’re working. Young chefs in a smaller, independent restaurant would feel more empowered than say, a Michelin-starred restaurant where there’s that level, that standard that they have to keep up. And it’s so much harder to do that sustainably.
How about in competition?
With competitions it’s very hard to keep it sustainable, especially with the number of practice runs you have to go through to get to the competition. But I know even in the rules and the judging criteria, they’re becoming a lot more mindful of that.
In the past, where you might have used plastic tasting spoons, now the standard is to use wood or bamboo, something compostable. Same with sorting waste. They really focus on that. If you have trim from vegetables that you could use in a soup or use in another dish—save that, set it aside, put that to use. It’s a big focus, but it’s hard to do.
Another thing we try to do on our team—one of our competitions is cooking for 110 people. If we’re going to do a practice run, we want to find either 110 people we can feed so that food is not going to waste, or somewhere we can donate the food.
What would your advice be to a young person who wants to do things sustainably at a workplace where that’s not a priority?
I would say to start with a small change, because even the small things make a difference. You’re not going to change the chef’s mindset overnight and suddenly everything’s going to be sustainable. But if there’s one little thing, one little practice in the restaurant where you could suggest a more sustainable alternative, start with that. And that might open the doors for future conversations. That might get the chef thinking as well, ‘What else could I do? That was an easy change that didn’t affect the quality of my food at all. What else could I do to be more sustainable?’
Is sustainability something that is top of mind for young chefs looking for a place to work?
It’s hard to speak on behalf of all young chefs, but I would say sustainability isn’t necessarily top top. It’s definitely cuisine, style, food, and skill. But there is a niche in restaurants that are nose-to-tail or farm-to-table. In that sense, a lot of young chefs look for those types of establishments and want to work there, and those are more sustainable establishments naturally.
I don’t think they go in looking for sustainable businesses, but they might go looking for something that operates in that sense, where they’re very mindful of using local fresh ingredients and using every part of the ingredient.
What do you want to see from employers today?
Young people, we’re kind of driven by low risk, high reward. Going back to the pandemic as well, when a lot of chefs didn’t have work because restaurants were closed, it gave them a chance to breathe and a lot of them realized, ‘Why am I doing this to myself? Why am I working crazy, long hours, no days off? Really tough work environments, stressful work environments, no breaks. Why, when I could have better work-life balance?’ I think the pandemic brought that into focus. The working conditions that are typical of our industry, I’m not saying everywhere is like that but it’s kind of classically how it’s been.
There’s a big lack of workers because young chefs have realized ‘I don’t want this life anymore and if you can’t give me a more balanced schedule, some benefits, health benefits or otherwise, and better pay, I’m going to go to another industry.’
Do you think the foodservice community is doing enough to support young people as they grow into this profession?
A resounding no. What young chefs are looking for, and I hate to say it this way—money is a huge driver because at the end of the day, if you can’t put food on your own plate, why are you going to spend your time putting food on other people’s plates?
There are a lot of supports in place, like from Worldchefs, but when it comes to the actual work side of things, the typical environment, especially in restaurants, in the culinary industry, it’s not supportive of young chefs.
Can you give us one piece of advice for young chefs, and one piece of advice for those of us who have been in the industry for quite a while longer?
The piece of advice I have for young chefs I’m borrowing from one of my instructors in culinary school who told me this and it hit home and enhanced by experience as a young chef.
Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. Volunteer for everything. If you’re in school and there’s an event happening and they need two volunteers, put your hand up and join. If they’re having an amazing guest speaker but you have to give up your Saturday afternoon, go to that guest speaker. It’s going to enhance your experience and enhance your education. You can go to culinary school and pass all the courses and get the diploma, but if you haven’t gone above and beyond and done all the extras and joined competitions, you’re not getting the same experience as someone who has.
Go online, go to Worldchefs, take part in these webinars, take part in these free courses, especially the sustainability ones because that’s where the future’s going. And do all these extra things and you will have so much more knowledge and so many more tools to empower you going out into the workforce.
And for the more established generation of chefs?
Listen to the young chefs. While more accomplished chefs, of course they have a world of experience. They’ve been here, they’ve been there, they’ve done this and that in many competitions and cooked in many different places and have tons of knowledge and experience from that.
But still, keep in mind to listen to the younger generation of people who aren’t so established, people just starting out. They also have very valuable ideas and valuable knowledge themselves and can teach you things that you may not have even thought of. Sustainability would be a huge one of those because it’s something we think about a lot more and we grew up with and know more about that we could teach to you.
Young Chefs get a discounted rate to Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2024, in Singapore this October! Don’t miss the Bill Gallagher Young Chefs Forum and your chance to connect with industry leaders!
Looking for more ways to get involved with an international community of motivated Young Chefs? Learn more about Worldchefs’ Young Chefs Club here.
Start your journey towards a more conscious kitchen with Worldchefs’ FREE online Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals course on Worldchefs Academy! Learn about key topics in food systems at your own pace, and give your career a boost with a valuable digital badge to show you’ve completed the training program.
Feed the Planet is powered by our friends at Electrolux Food Foundation. Visit the Electrolux Food Foundation website here and explore Replate at
Worldchefs Sustainability Food Heroes Workshop at ICS Paris
Partnership for a better future
In a bid to foster sustainability and culinary excellence, ICS Paris International School proudly collaborated with Worldchefs as part of its Eco-Week celebrations. The workshop, conducted by Worldchefs, immersed students in the world of culinary artistry while emphasizing the importance of sustainability and responsible consumption.
During the interactive sessions, students from Grades 1 to 5 were encouraged to embrace their roles as “Food Heroes,” championing locally sourced produce and advocating against food waste. This partnership between ICS Paris International School and Worldchefs exemplifies a shared commitment to building a more sustainable future through education and practical engagement.
Through this collaboration, ICS Paris International School aims to empower students to become conscientious global citizens, equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to address pressing environmental challenges. By fostering partnerships with organizations like Worldchefs, the school is dedicated to cultivating a culture of sustainability and innovation, paving the way for a brighter, greener tomorrow.
Afin d’encourager la durabilité et l’excellence culinaire, ICS Paris International School a fièrement collaboré avec Worldchefs dans le cadre de ses célébrations de l’Eco-Week. L’atelier, dirigé par Worldchefs, a plongé les élèves dans le monde de l’art culinaire tout en soulignant l’importance de la durabilité et de la consommation responsable.
Au cours des sessions interactives, les élèves du CP au CM2 ont été encouragés à assumer leur rôle de “héros de l’alimentation”, en défendant les produits d’origine locale et en luttant contre le gaspillage alimentaire. Ce partenariat entre l’école internationale ICS Paris et Worldchefs témoigne d’un engagement commun à construire un avenir plus durable par l’éducation et l’engagement pratique.
Grâce à cette collaboration, l’école internationale ICS Paris vise à donner aux élèves les moyens de devenir des citoyens du monde consciencieux, dotés des connaissances et des compétences nécessaires pour relever les défis environnementaux les plus pressants. En favorisant les partenariats avec des organisations telles que Worldchefs, l’école s’attache à cultiver une culture de la durabilité et de l’innovation, ouvrant ainsi la voie à un avenir plus brillant et plus vert.
Start your journey towards a more conscious kitchen with Worldchefs’ FREE online Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals course on Worldchefs Academy! Learn about key topics in food systems at your own pace, and give your career a boost with a valuable digital badge to show you’ve completed the training program.
Feed the Planet is powered by our friends at Electrolux Food Foundation. Visit the Electrolux Food Foundation website here and explore Replate at
Sustainability education is becoming increasingly important as we face new challenges due to the climate crisis. At Lyceum of the Philippines University (LPU) in Laguna, students are not only learning about sustainable practices—they’re also putting their knowledge into action through their participation in Worldchefs’ Feed the Planet programs.
from principles to practice
As part of the Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals initiative, LPU Laguna students undergo training in sustainable cooking techniques and work with local farmers to source seasonal, organic ingredients. The program has had a significant impact on the students, who have gained a deeper understanding of the importance of sustainable practices in the food industry. They have also developed new culinary skills and techniques that allow them to create delicious and nutritious meals using locally sourced ingredients.
Beyond the students, the benefits are far-reaching. A positive impact on the environment and the local community is clear, too. By sourcing ingredients locally, the program reduces the carbon footprint of the industry and supports local farmers, who are often small-scale and face challenges in accessing markets.
The success of Feed the Planet programs at LPU Laguna is a testament to the power of sustainability education. By providing students with the knowledge and skills to create sustainable food practices, they are not only making a positive impact on the environment, but they are also preparing for careers in the food industry that are increasingly focused on sustainability.
a feed the Planet champion
Chef John Carlo Palacol, a faculty member of LPU, is making waves as a sustainability educator, inspiring students to be responsible stewards of the environment through their love of food. Palacol, a graduate of Culinary Arts and Hotel and Restaurant Management, has been teaching at LPU Laguna since 2015. With his extensive background in the food industry, he has been able to incorporate sustainability principles into his culinary classes, making sure that his and other chef instructors’ students understand the impact of their food choices on the environment.
Chef John Carlo Palacol
He’s created a waste management program that teaches aspiring culinarians to sort waste and create nutrient-rich compost, spearheaded LPU Laguna’s Eye for the Green Kitchen program that teaches students how to cook from root-to-stem using locally sourced, seasonal, and organic ingredients and reduces the carbon footprint of the school’s kitchen, and mobilizing the culinary department to develop a sustainable farm, and soon a hyperlocal menus.
Palacol’s efforts in promoting sustainability have not gone unnoticed. This year he was awarded the Worldchefs’ Feed the Planet Champion Level 3 digital badge for his commitment to sustainable culinary practices.
As a sustainability educator, Palacol hopes to inspire his students to become responsible citizens and leaders in their communities. By instilling in them the values of sustainability, he believes that they can make a positive impact on the environment and create a better future for all. Chef John Carlo Palacol is a shining example of how educators can integrate sustainability principles into their teaching, inspiring students to become responsible stewards of the environment. He is a true champion of sustainability and a role model for students and educators alike.
Start your journey towards a more conscious kitchen with Worldchefs’ FREE online Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals course on Worldchefs Academy! Learn about key topics in food systems at your own pace, and give your career a boost with a valuable digital badge to show you’ve completed the training program.
Feed the Planet is powered by our friends at Electrolux Food Foundation. Visit the Electrolux Food Foundation website here and explore Replate at
On October 16th, 2023 we celebrated World Food Day! Chefs from all around the world came together to celebrate our industry and reflect on ways to take action and shape a more sustainable future for the culinary world.
This year, we asked you to reflect on our impact on the planet, take action, and #ShowUsYourPlate. Over 196,963 chefs from around the world engaged in our campaign! We’re thankful to all of our chefs from around the world who shared their delicious, sustainable plates with us!
Here are just some of your creations!
World Food Day is yearly reminder of the importance of shaping a more sustainable and equitable food system. And it can be as easy as wasting less food, trying new things, and eating more plants but it will take all of us to take action every day! To find more information about how we can all create a more sustainable food future, check out our Feed the Planet projects.
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