International Chefs Day

Growing Great Chefs: Celebrating International Chefs Day 2023

A message from Vanessa Marquis, CEC AAC, Chairman of Worldchefs International Chefs Day Committee

It warms my heart to hear about International Chefs Day and how chefs worldwide come together to inspire and engage children. It’s truly wonderful to know that Chef Dr. Bill Gallagher’s vision for the day was a great success. I am thankful to everyone who shared his passion with the students, children, and young chefs in their communities. Together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of these children and help them achieve their dreams for a brighter and better future.

The collaboration with Chef Emmanuel Lorieux and Nestlé Professional was instrumental in the success of this year’s campaign, which focused on educating children about sustainability and healthy eating habits. The campaign theme, “Growing Great Chefs,” was well-received by all, and witnessing the joy on everyone’s faces during the events was uplifting.

International Chefs Day is dedicated to Chefs spending time with children, students, and young chefs, teaching them about healthy eating habits, and involving them in cooking and gardening. I am proud to acknowledge my fellow members of Worldchefs for their active participation in these activities. I would like to extend a special thanks to all the chefs and young chefs who contributed to the success of the events.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the esteemed Chef Thomas Gugler, President of Worldchefs, the International Chefs Day Committee (Vice Chair-Chef Mathew Shropshall, Chef Ann Brown, Chef Venessa Barnes, and Chef Coo Pillay), and the national office of Worldchefs for their consistent and invaluable support towards this campaign. I share in the excitement for the future and eagerly await the opportunity to witness the true essence of International Chefs Day in October 2024, as captured through the lens of the pictures and videos that will be taken.

Be sure to scroll down to see the results of this year’s participation.

Warm culinary regards,

Vanessa Marquis, CEC AAC
Chairman, International Chefs Day Committee
“Worldchefs, Preparing Children for a Healthy Life”

Photos from Around the Globe

And now what you have all been waiting for…
just look at our final counts for 2023!

Children Reached: 140,750      Chef Participation: 3,680

Thanks to everyone who helped in making this year another success!

International Chefs Day

Mark Your Calendars for International Chefs Day 2023!

Mark Your Calendars: International Chefs Day is October 20th!

Nestlé Professional and Worldchefs are delighted to unveil the theme for this year’s International Chefs Day campaign, titled “Growing Great Chefs.” In memory of the Late Chef Dr. Bill Galagher, a visionary in the culinary world, this campaign aims to share our noble profession with children around the globe, inspiring little ones and the new generation of aspiring chefs.
International Chefs Day, celebrated on October 20th each year, brings together culinary professionals worldwide to promote the art and science of cooking. This year’s theme, “Growing Great Chefs,” provides a passion for mentoring young minds and nurturing culinary talent.
The campaign’s focus is to introduce children to the joys of cooking and the world of gastronomy through an array of engaging activities and educational resources. Nestlé Professional and Worldchefs have collaborated to create a comprehensive toolkit packed with innovative recipes, an interactive game, and a fun-filled approach to starting a garden.
The key to fostering culinary excellence lies in providing children with early exposure to the art of cooking. Through ‘Growing Great Chefs,’ we aim to ignite the imaginations of children, encouraging them to explore the wonderful world of flavors, textures, and cultures found in culinary arts.

The toolkit provided by Nestlé Professional and Worldchefs offers accessible and enjoyable ways to help children understand the intricacies of cooking. It includes recipes tailored for children, highlighting simple yet delicious dishes from various cultures. The matching game is designed to make learning about ingredients an exciting adventure.
Furthermore, the campaign emphasizes sustainability and responsible food practices by incorporating a gardening component. Children will learn about growing their ingredients, understanding the value of fresh produce, and connecting with nature through planting and nurturing their very own gardens.
Nurturing the culinary passions of young minds is a truly rewarding experience. We are proud to honor the legacy of the Late Dr. Chef Bill Galagher through this campaign, bringing joy and knowledge to children worldwide and fostering the development of future great chefs.
The “Growing Great Chefs” campaign promises to inspire curiosity, creativity, and a love for cooking among children from all walks of life. By sharing the joys of the culinary profession, Nestlé Professional and Worldchefs hope to leave a lasting impact on young hearts, nurturing the potential of future culinary leaders. 

Being a chef can be a hectic life. However, even spending just 5 minutes or 2 hours with your child, a student, or another child in your community can make a positive impact. If you are busy on October 20th, consider taking some time on any other day in October to connect with them. 
Please share with us your fun moments, workshop experiences, or the beginning of your garden by sending us your pictures and/or videos via email. Don’t forget to use the hashtags below. Join me and thousands of chefs in October by Preparing Children for a Healthy Life!

For more information about International Chefs Day and the “Growing Great Chefs” campaign, please visit
Our committee is here to help. Email us at [email protected] for any assistance you need.

#GrowingGreatChefs #InternationalChefsDay #ThisIsWorldchefs #NestleProfessional #PreparingChildrenForAHealthyLife

International Chefs Day 2023
Vanessa Marquis, Chairman
Worldchefs International Chefs Day Committee
“Preparing Children for a Healthy Life” 
[email protected]

International Chefs Day 2023
Nestle professional
International Chefs Day

Growing a Healthy Future: Celebrating International Chefs Day 2022

A message from Vanessa Marquis, CEC AAC, Chairman of Worldchefs International Chefs Day Committee

With a brighter future ahead of us, many chefs went out and shared some time with children this year for International Chefs Day.  Chef Dr. Bill Gallagher’s vision for this day was a success.  I want to thank everyone who took a moment to share his vision with students and children in your community in October.  

With the support of Chef Emmanuel Lorieux and Nestlé Professional, the theme ‘Growing a Healthy Future’ was a continued effort to teach children about sustainability and eating plant-based forward ingredients.  It was so amazing to finally see the smiles on the faces of everyone at the events this year.   

International Chefs Day is simply about spending time with children by cooking, gardening, and teaching them about healthy eating habits. I am proud of my fellow members of Worldchefs for getting out there and doing so.  I want to thank all the chefs and young chefs who participated in the events. Thank you, Worldchefs President Thomas Gugler, the International Chefs Day Committee, and the Worldchefs head office for your continued support of this campaign. I look forward to seeing all your pictures and videos of International Chefs Day in October 2023!

Warm culinary regards,

Vanessa Marquis, CEC AAC
Chairman, International Chefs Day Committee
“Worldchefs, Preparing Children for a Healthy Life”

Photos from Around the Globe

Words from Chefs

chef ann brown
international chefs day 
20 october 2022
healthier kids
growing a healthy future
Chef Ann Brown of Scotland

What does International Chefs Day mean to you?

International Chefs Day personally means an opportunity to take forward Bill Gallagher’s innovative message regarding children and the life-lasting benefits of a healthy diet. Following this concept into adulthood can only be a good thing and I feel proud to be part of an ever-growing worthwhile event and which to me is also extremely rewarding. 

Children laughing and having good fun cooking healthy dishes while in the company of others they may not have met before is another aspect of International Chefs Day which I feel is a real positive.

International Chefs Day gives chefs the platform to encourage the younger generation to become aware and have knowledge of the choices they make with regard to what they eat and why.

What was the best part of your event and why?

Perhaps the most enjoyable thing for me was when the children while standing in the middle of the vegetable garden were informed that the plants they were looking at were alive. The expressions on their faces really were something to behold. Most of them were looking at something they had previously only seen on a supermarket shelf or in a freezer bag.

Storing the vegetables gathered from the garden and then using them as the ingredients for what they created in the kitchen was something the children could connect and identify with.

Another aspect that I feel has real relevance is the supportive attitude of the parents who always seem appreciative of the learning process concerning the children not forgetting the fun aspects of

Chef Mathew Shropshall of England
Chef matthew shropshall 
international chefs day 
20 october 2022
healthier kids
growing a healthy future

What does International Chefs Day mean to you?

The day highlights people’s love for food, the hospitality industry, and bringing everyone together. Worldchefs have developed a truly inspiring platform for everyone around the world to come together for a good cause! It continues to be a real honor to be involved and I wish International Chefs Day a long and successful future!!

What was the best part of your event and why?

In England, we enjoyed developing a YouTube video for the rest of the world to watch. Following COVID-19 and all the mental health issues that young people face, bringing some fun and cooking exciting dishes really made the day!

And now what you have all been waiting for…
just look at our final counts for 2022!

Children Reached: 95,601       Chef Participation: 3,788

Thanks to everyone who helped in making this year another success!

international chefs day 
20 october 2022
healthier kids
growing a healthy future

International Chefs Day

Mark Your Calendars for International Chefs Day 2022!

Mark Your Calendars: International Chefs Day is October 20th!

I am delighted to share with you the 2022 International Chefs Day theme.  

We continue to be safe with our health and will maintain the option of holding a fun workshop in-person or by creating a fun video or cooking demonstration to be shown on social media.  

Let us keep moving forward on positivity and good health, the Worldchefs way, by Preparing Children for a Healthy Life!

Over the past years, Worldchefs has partnered with Nestlé Professional to teach children around the globe about the importance of healthy eating by hosting fun-filled workshops worldwide.

This year’s International Chefs Day campaign will be Growing a Healthy Future!

To ensure a healthy life & planet for future generations, it is vital that we start teaching our children about the impact that production and consumption of food has on the environment.  It is for this reason that our theme for International Chefs Day will remain focused around sustainability, the environment, growing gardens, and healthy eating habits.

How we can make a difference!

Children have endured so much over the last couple of years.  Let us give them something to celebrate and enjoy with friends.  

Join me and Chefs from around the globe on or around October 20th and host a fun and exciting event or create a short video to post on social media.  Every child can benefit from this experience, and it is important now more than  ever to share the opportunity to learn and enjoy eating healthy food! 

To get started, go to and download the toolkit and recipes.  These will help you to organize and launch your International Chefs Day 2022 Workshop.   The toolkit will have everything you need to run an International Chefs Day workshop from instructions to materials to recipes to social media to games , and to tips to growing a garden.

In 2004, the Late Dr. Bill Gallagher implemented International Chefs Day to celebrate our profession, to share and pass on our knowledge and culinary skills to our children. It is our legacy to help children get excited about healthy food and our industry.  

If you are planning to host a Growing a Healthy Future workshop, the entire International Chefs Day Committee members are standing by to help and guide you.  Just ask, we are here for you.  Email us at [email protected].

Vanessa Marquis, Chairman
International Chefs Day Committee
“Worldchefs, Preparing Children for a Healthy Life!”
[email protected]

healthy future
Nestle professional
International Chefs Day

International Chefs Day 2021 Results Are In!

International Chefs Day 2021 Results Are In!

A message from Vanessa Marquis, CEC AAC, Chairman of Worldchefs International Chefs Day Committee

The new norm has brought us hesitancy to be around others. Many families in parts of the world have chosen to keep their children homeschooled. Our connection to one another seems to be through social media and technology. But I am very proud to say that many of you still made efforts to continue Chef Dr. Bill Gallagher’s vision for International Chefs Day. I want to thank everyone who took a moment in October to share his vision with your child, your students, and your community while still being unsure of our health safety. 

Vanessa Marquis, CEC AAC, Chairman of Worldchefs International Chefs Day Committee

It has been heartwarming to see your pictures and videos during the last few weeks. The smiles on your faces and the smiles on the children’s faces are priceless. Chef Emmanuel Lorieux and Nestlé Professional did a fantastic job revising the toolkit to gear this year’s campaign, Healthy Food for the Future, towards online classes, and provided great ingredients to focus on our well-needed healthy immune system. Children had a chance to cook with you and taste delicious recipes that were all plant-based and sustainable.

This International Chefs Day was another successful year. We still had many challenges, but chefs came through to make events possible if their cities allowed it. So I want to thank all the chefs who participated in events, got creative to find a way to reach children with fun videos, sent prepared samples to schools, and held live Zoom calls to reach as many children as possible! One last thank you to Worldchefs President Thomas Gugler, the International Chefs Day Committee, and the Worldchefs Office.

Results of International Chefs Day 2022

Words from Chefs Worldwide

Jolanta Gervienė
Lithuanian Chefs and Confectioners Association

“This project indirectly is a dream of my childhood: to become a primary school teacher. During classes with children, I have fun combining a dream with a beloved (and favorite) job. I enjoy talking about a healthy diet and cooking at the same time. I believe dreams can come true. It is very heartwarming to look at children’s sincere emotions, questions and funny answers during this project. After each lesson I receive positive feedback and feel that I’m doing something purposeful. I can see that in the eyes of every child and hear it in the honest word THANK YOU, followed by the question: When can you come again?”

Philippe Frydman
South African Chefs Association

“International Chefs Day allows us to reflect on what we have done and what still needs to be done in our industry, whatever part of it we are involved. It also gives recognition to our chosen careers.

Just to see the joy on all those young faces, and sometime we get extra lucky and manage to find a pearl amongst them that finds their true calling and realizes that this is what he or she wants to do for the rest of their life! There is nothing better and that is why we should be doing this.”


Emmanuel Lorieux
Nestlé Professional

“This project indirectly is a dream of my childhood: to become a primary school teacher. During I think that for us, Worldchefs and Nestlé Professional, International Chefs Day is very important in many ways. First, I would say that it’s our duty to educate the future generations on healthy and sustainable eating and that also we use our power of the white jacket and professionalism to bring credibility and relevancy to the content of the campaign. Also we are not only educating children, but also their parents as well through the virtual materials shared with them!”

Robin Austin
Scottish Chefs

“What can I say! What a fantastic day we had with the pupils from Castle Brae High School in Edinburgh. They made Tropical Green Smoothies and a plant-based wholemeal pasta bolognaise. The pupils had a great time and enjoyed using fresh, healthy ingredients. They invited the Head of School along to taste the food and she was delighted with the flavor, color and texture. We were privileged to be working with such a fantastic school. They have amazing pupils that cook from their heart.”

Thanks to everyone who helped in making this year another success!

International Chefs Day

Le Cordon Bleu Australia Donates 1,000 Three-Course Meals for International Chefs Day

For many Australians, this year has been even tougher than the last to put meals on the table for ourselves and our loved ones.

On October 20 for International Chefs Day, Le Cordon Bleu Australia teamed up with Our Big Kitchen and former Masterchef contestant Courtney Roulston to prepare and donate 1,000 healthy, gourmet three-course meals to those in need.

The healthy three-course menu was curated based on the International Chefs Day 2021 theme of Healthy Food for the Future, with a touch of Le Cordon Bleu culinary flair:

  • Entree: Pomegranate Glazed Pumpkin, Organic Quinoa Tabouli, Radicchio & Heirloom Tomato Salad, Hummus, Sumac Flatbread
  • Main: Pistachio-Crusted Barramundi, Beetroot Relish, Rosemary Roasted Potatoes, Crispy Sprouts, Confit Tomato
  • Dessert: Sour Apple cake, Coconut Walnut Crumble, Lime Coconut Custard 

The 1,000 three-course meals were prepared and packaged by a team of over 20 volunteers from Le Cordon Bleu Sydney and Our Big Kitchen, led by Le Cordon Bleu Sydney Program Manager Karen Doyle. The meals were given to five charities in Sydney including The Salvation ArmyBear CottageWagec Women’s RefugeTribal Warrior and Newtown Greek Community Centre.

“Every year, Le Cordon Bleu celebrates International Chefs Day across the 20 countries we operate in around the world. After a challenging 18 months for many Aussies, being able to use our culinary skills and experience for a good cause on International Chefs Day seemed like the perfect opportunity to give back to those who have been doing it tough,” says Alan Bowen-James, Executive Dean, Le Cordon Bleu Australia.

“It’s amazing to see such a fantastic group of chefs spending their International Chefs Day giving back and helping others. It really is in the spirit of what it means to be a chef – the happiness that comes from cooking delicious food and seeing the smiles on the faces of the people who get to enjoy it.”

For Courtney Roulston, the chance to spend her day cooking and giving back is an opportunity she is thrilled to be part of, “When I was asked to be involved in this amazing initiative, I jumped at the chance to lend a hand.”

“As a chef, I can’t think of a better way to spend International Chefs Day than by giving back to our community.”

Our Big Kitchen has had a long-standing partnership with Le Cordon Bleu Australia having taken on several student placements over the years, so it was the ideal fit as a charity partner.

Among the team of Le Cordon Bleu Australia chefs and Our Big Kitchen head chef and volunteers, students from Le Cordon Bleu Sydney were able to get some valuable hands-on catering experience which includes learning to cook dietary specialty dishes as part of their study while contributing to a great cause.

The Le Cordon Bleu Sydney students had the opportunity to work alongside Courtney Roulston and learn a few tricks of the trade from her throughout the day.

Danny Salsbury, Community Outreach Coordinator with the Salvation Army stopped by Our Big Kitchen to collect 200 meals which were handed out to those in need across Sydney CBD.

“We’re very thankful to Our Big Kitchen who has been supplying the Salvation Army with meals for five years. To provide a little Le Cordon Bleu culinary flair in the meals we give to Aussies in need certainly brightened their day,” said Danny.

Cook up a storm with Le Cordon Bleu Australia’s recipe for Chefs Day: Couscous and Chickpea Salad with Roasted Heirloom Carrots and Yoghurt Dressing.

You can hear more from Australia on World on a Plate. Tune in to Epsiode 45: Uniting a Nation with Karen Doyle, President of the Australian Culinary Federation and Le Cordon Bleu Sydney Program Manager.

Article feature photo: From left to right – Courtney Roulston, Karen Doyle, Alan Bowen-James, John Daly

International Chefs Day News Press Releases Blog Company / Partner National Country

Mark Your Calendars for International Chefs Day 2021!

Mark Your Calendars: International Chefs Day is October 20th!

Each year on October 20th, we celebrate International Chefs Day.  Since its creation, by the Late Chef Dr. Bill Gallagher in 2004, Worldchefs has committed to using International Chefs Day to celebrate our noble profession, always remembering that it is our duty to pass on our knowledge and culinary skills to the next generation of chefs with a sense of pride and commitment to the future.

Over the past years, Worldchefs has partnered with Nestlé Professional to teach children around the globe about the importance of healthy eating by hosting fun-filled workshops worldwide.

In 2020, many Chefs around the globe did not have the opportunity to have events due to COVID-19 and created short videos to share with children on social media, which became a big hit. The videos allowed us to reach approx.112,000 children. Unfortunately, uncertainty is still around many of us, but we will continue to reach as many children as possible either in-person at a workshop or through online learning and social media. To help, Nestlé Professional has made fantastic adaptions to the toolkit to make online learning easy and accessible.

As Chefs, we are all paying closer attention towards keeping ourselves and others healthy. Having a strong immune system and eating “stress-busting” foods will help us through these challenging times.

We can also help our children, the Worldchefs way by working together in Preparing Children for a Healthy Life. International Chefs Day will once again promote the theme: Healthy Food for the Future.

In 2021, International Chefs Day will also emphasize sustainability and the environment to ensure a healthy planet for future generations. It is vital for us to teach children about the impact that production and consumption of food has on the environment.

We will use this opportunity to teach children about healthy eating by letting them be creative with food. With the Chef’s input, education and help, children will be able to create recipes out of healthy foods and support Healthy Food for the Future.


All Chefs from around the globe are invited to host their very own Healthy Food for the Future workshop in their region. It can be a workshop for your own children, or a workshop for 300 children, every child can benefit from this experience, and it is important to share this opportunity and message for them to learn and enjoy eating something new!

A toolkit with everything you need to run an event, from instructions to materials to recipes to social media tips, has been prepared for you. Thanks to the Chefs who contributed to the 2021 campaign by submitting recipes! The complete toolkit can be downloaded below. International Chefs Day Committee members and Nestlé Professional regional managers in selected areas are standing by to help you find a venue, connect with schools and more. Just ask, we are always here for you.
Get started by downloading the toolkit

To host a  Healthy Food for the Future workshop on or around October 20, 2021, please contact Vanessa Marquis, Chairman, International Chefs Day Committee at [email protected].

Download your toolkit today and join Chefs from around the world by sharing and making a big impact with the children in your community.

Vanessa Marquis, CEC
Chairman, International Chefs Day Committee
“Worldchefs, Preparing Children for a Healthy Life”
[email protected]

News Press Releases Blog National Country International Chefs Day

International Chefs Day 2020 Results Are In!

PARIS November 12, 2020

Many of us have had an uncertain year. Globally, we were all on the same page. COVID 19 had an impact on every one of us.  Despite the circumstances, many Chefs tried to share a moment with children around the world this year on and around October 20th to celebrate International Chefs Day 2020. 

Many of us were on lock down for months and many never stopped working since this pandemic started.  I am sure it gave us all a sense of normalcy to give back to our communities. Seeing the emails pour in from all of you, truly made my heart melt.  You made me feel grateful for your participation in this year’s campaign and made me proud to be part of Worldchefs. We did not know what to expect this year, but as Chefs know how to do daily, we adapt to any situation given to us at a moment’s notice. 

Our sponsor, Nestle Professional, not only provided and developed the theme “Healthy Food for the Future,” but also stepped in at the end of the summer to make adaptations to the International Chefs Day Online Toolkit.  This adaptation allowed Chefs to download a Virtual Toolkit ready for your online platform event.  Thank you Nestle Professional for being such a huge support and fan of this campaign!

Chef Emmanuel Lorieux, Nestle Professional Global Executive Chef, shared his kind words, “I wanted to just say thank you to those who participated and organized real and virtual events and managed to reach so many kids for this truly special International Chefs Day event, even if it has been a very challenging year so far for all of us! At Nestlé Professional, we are proud of all of you and we will keep on supporting Chefs from all around the globe for the years to come by supporting and developing great and useful material for International Chefs Day and the Worldchefs association.”

Worldchefs President Thomas A. Gugler also  expressed his thanks to  all the participants, the team in front and behind the activities, the International Chefs Day Committee and Chairman Vanessa Marquis  for their hard work and dedication. Reminding everyone  “Always believe on the Power of the White Jacket and think positive. May you all stay safe and healthy and a big THANK YOU to all of you!”

Chef Dr. Bill Gallagher, founder of International Chefs Day in 2004, would be so proud of all of you!  Although we are having a tough year globally, you continued his vision of celebrating our noble profession and passing on our knowledge and culinary skills to the next generation with a sense of pride and commitment to the future. 

I am also very proud of the International Chefs Day Committee who volunteered their time this year to get the word out and answer any questions you had about the 2020 campaign.  Everyone played a big role in making this a great year. Thank you to the Team, Chef Cornelia Volino, Worldchefs Secretary General, and the Worldchefs Office for all their support and dedication to this amazing global initiative.


And now what you have all been waiting for…

Just look at our final counts for 2020!


Children Reached

Chef Participation





Creativity and Social Media played a huge part in this campaign with just over 25,000 reached by your demonstrations, Zoom meetings, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.  If you missed sharing with children this October, you can participate in 2021 by joining even more Chefs around the world for next year’s International Chefs Day campaign.


I leave you with this final thought, by Chef Dr. Bill Gallagher:


“Progress is incremental so concentrate on what you can do today that you couldn’t do yesterday.”

Source: Food & Home/Michael Meyersfeld


Now look at just some of the many International Chefs Day 2020 Events from around the world:

Company / Partner National FeedThePlanet International Chefs Day Certification News Blog

Worldchefs News: October 2020

Dear Chef,

What a month! Whether you’re welcoming summer or enjoying the autumn foliage, this is usually a pretty exciting season. But for us chefs, there’s even more reasons to embrace October.

We’ve got some new developments to share that we’re sure you’ll celebrate. And more on the way! Find out more below.

Until next time, 
The Worldchefs team


Healthy Food for the Future — World on a Plate

Tomorrow is International Chefs Day! Tune in to get inspired and find out how you can get involved!

listen here >>

Spanish Pre-Commis Chef Course — Worldchefs Academy

Si Chef! Worldchefs Academy is excited to announce the launch of its online Pre-Commis Chef Course and mobile app in Spanish!
learn more >>

Get Certified — Free Webinar Series

Find out how you can showcase your culinary teaching skills and expertise with a Worldchefs Certified Culinary Educator Digital Badge.
register now >>


Meet the Chefs Who Are Championing Healthy Food for the Future on International Chefs Day

Certification Adapts to Help Unemployed Chefs and Hospitality Professionals

Nestlé Professional is Launching Planetpro to Help Customers Navigate the Sustainability Business Challenge

Le Nouveau Chef the Official Worldchefs Clothing Partner

Certification Webinar Series: 101 and Certified Executive Chef
watch now >>

Modern Kalbi Recipe from Chef Wook Kang
see the recipe >>


International Chefs Day 2020 is tomorrow, October 20th! It’s not too late to get involved! 

Chef Vanessa Marquis has a video for you to share with your children, students, and friends on social media. Check it out below and be sure to share it with your community!

Want to do even more? Host a Facebook Live, a Zoom meeting, or make your own 5-minute video recording demonstration from the comfort of your home or at work! We’ve got everything ready for you! Find the updated digital toolkit here.


Worldchefs is seeking contributors for and our next magazine edition.

Do you have a story, recipe, or article you want to share with us? Let’s hear it! Get in touch via this link.


To get featured in this space, upload an image of you at work or share your favorite recipe on social and tag Worldchefs with the hashtag #ThisIsWorldchefs.
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News Blog Company / Partner National Country International Chefs Day

Meet the Chefs Who Are Championing Healthy Food for the Future on International Chefs Day

This year’s theme for the October 20th International Chefs Day is Healthy Food for the Future, which focuses on ensuring a healthy planet for future generations, while aiming to teach children about what impact food production and consumption has on the environment.

“During these uncertain times, we must boost our immune systems and teach both children and adults of the benefits of healthy food, which will help in the long run to fight off any future illnesses,” said Vanessa Marquis, Chairman of the International Chefs Day Committee.

“We have a duty to prepare chefs worldwide to educate and prepare children for a healthier life through other means if they can’t in person – not even letting a pandemic get in the way,” she added.

This call to action comes as Nestlé Professional and the World Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs), who teamed up in 2014, join forces again on October 20, 2020 for International Chefs Day to teach children across the globe about the importance of healthy eating through organized fun-filled workshops worldwide.

Healthy Food for the Future 

This year’s theme is Healthy Food for the Future, which focuses on ensuring a healthy planet for future generations, while aiming to teach children about what impact food production and consumption has on the environment.

As part of the workshops, a toolkit has been prepared to encourage children to turn everyday recipes into appetizing food that is enjoyable to make and nutritious. It contains instructions, materials, social media tips and healthy recipes created by professional chefs.

In 2019, over 69 000 children and more than 1800 chefs took part in the annual event, doubling from the year before.

Impact of good food

With plant-based diets on the rise, Vanessa explained why now is the time to encourage children to eat and cook more plant-based foods and recipes, giving them easy access to fruits and vegetables they may not have tried before.

“Their immune systems are still developing and getting the right nutrients and vitamins through a proper diet will help them in the future,” she explained. “This year’s International Chefs Day will help children see and taste delicious recipes that are more geared towards plant-based diets.”

Growing up in a family which worked for large produce companies, fresh vegetables were always on hand at her childhood home, with her mother regularly cooking homemade meals.

Good food made a significant impact on Vanessa and she joined culinary school after leaving a career in banking, working her way up the ranks to become an Executive Chef. She said: “As a female chef, there were many times I felt I must work harder than others to get there, but I simply worked with my head down knowing I am equal to anyone else in the kitchen.

“I continue to give it my all for Worldchefs and ‘Prepare Children for a Healthy Life’,” she added.

Value of bringing knowledge to children

Emmanuel Lorieux, Executive Chef for Nestlé Professional, also stresses the value in teaching children to eat well, choose good products and instill healthy eating habits.

Having grown up next to a restaurant in Normandy, France, he was surrounded by the sights and smells of nutritious, homemade meals. With his aspiration to travel, this also steered his career and he completed his apprenticeship at a 1-star Michelin restaurant before working as a chef in the French Army, and with Le Méridien Hotels in Paris, Abu Dhabi, Tokyo, Bora Bora, and San Diego.

“When I was younger, my mother bought fresh food in the market and cooked it at home. But these days, parents don’t have much time as they are both working, so it’s quite often easier to cook frozen meals,” said Emmanuel.

“It’s very important to bring knowledge to youngsters in the classroom, focusing on ingredients that are good for the planet and sustainability. For this year’s event, we have recipes that are full of fresh vegetables and homegrown ingredients.

“We work well with Worldchefs to develop materials and collaborate with member chefs to create these healthy recipes – we believe we can all make a difference to children from all backgrounds,” he added.

For information about International Chef Day and if you are planning to host a Healthy Food for the Future workshop, please contact Vanessa Marquis at [email protected]. To download the Virtual Event Toolkit, visit

About Nestlé Professional

Nestlé Professional is passionate about serving the out-of-home industry, using its global experience and know-how to help accelerate the businesses of its foodservice and hospitality industry partners. Via its leading brands and products, Nestlé Professional shares its solutions and innovations to help customers and operators make more possible as they serve and delight their clients and consumers.

This article was originally published here.

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