Global Chefs Challenge

Results Are In for the Worldchefs European Grand Prix 2025: Global Chefs Challenge European Regional Semi-Finals!

Italy, 18th February 2025 – After three intense days of competition at the European Grand Prix 2025 / Global Chefs Challenge European Regional Semi-Final, the results are in! The event took place from February 16-18, 2025, during the Beer&Food Attraction in Rimini, Italy, bringing together some of Europe’s most talented culinary professionals.

Throughout the competition, top chefs showcased their expertise across four categories: Global Chefs Challenge, Global Young Chefs Challenge, Global Pastry Chefs Challenge, and Global Vegan Chefs Challenge. Competitors battled for a prestigious opportunity to advance to the Global Chefs Challenge Finals, set to take place at the 2026 Worldchefs Congress & Expo in Wales.

Results are listed below by category: Global Chefs Challenge, Global Young Chefs Challenge, Global Pastry Chefs Challenge and Global Vegan Chefs Challenge.

Worldchefs European Grand Prix: Global Chefs Challenge Results
  • Winner: Giuseppe De Vincenzo, Italy
  • 2nd Place: Hinrik Orn Larusson, Iceland
  • 3rd Place: Tommy Jespersen, Denmark
Global Chefs Challenge Final Qualifying Teams
  • Europe Central:
    • Ruben van Zanten, Netherlands
    • Andreo Roth, Slovakia
  • Europe North:
    • Hinrik Orn Larusson, Iceland
    • Tommy Jespersen, Denmark
  • Europe South: 
    • Giuseppe De Vincenzo, Italy
    • André Serra, Portugal

See the official rankings below:

Worldchefs European Grand Prix: Global Young Chefs Challenge Results
  • Winner: Trym Karlsen, Norway
  • 2nd Place: Papaioannou Konstantina, Cyprus
  • 3rd Place: Benjamin Hellström, Sweden
Global Young Chefs Challenge Final Qualifying Teams
  • Europe Central: Antohi Paul, Romania
  • Europe North: Trym Karlsen, Norway
  • Europe South: Papaioannou Konstantina, Cyprus

See the official rankings below:

Worldchefs European Grand Prix: Global Pastry Chefs Challenge Results
  • Winner: Martine Espeland, Norway
  • 2nd Place: Milan Lukovic, Serbia
  • 3rd Place: Marios Karagiorgis, Cyprus
Global Pastry Chefs Challenge Final Qualifying Teams
  • Europe Central: Karolína Hávová, Czech Republic
  • Europe North: Martine Espeland, Norway
  • Europe South: Milan Lukovic, Serbia

See the official rankings below:

Worldchefs European Grand Prix: Global Vegan Chefs Challenge Results
  • Winner: Luigi D’Antonio, Italy
  • 2nd Place: Bjarke Jeppesen, Denmark
  • 3rd Place: Valerija Cudova, Latvia
Global Vegan Chefs Challenge Final Qualifying Teams
  • Europe Central: Alin Vadean, Romania
  • Europe North: Bjarke Jeppesen, Denmark
  • Europe South: Luigi D’Antonio, Italy

See the official rankings below:

Congratulations to each participant, and to the qualifying teams that will move on to compete in Wales at the Global Chefs Challenge Finals in 2026.

The Global Chefs Challenge – Pacific Rim Semi-Finals will be held in Nikao, Cook Islands from 21-25 April, 2025.

The Global Chefs Challenge – Africa & Middle East Semi-Finals will be held in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates from 21-23 May, 2025.

The Global Chefs Challenge – Americas Semi-Finals will be held in Las Vegas, USA from 27-31 July, 2025.

The Global Chefs Challenge – Asia Semi-Finals will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 23-26 September, 2025.

To learn more about the Global Chefs Challenge and the road to Wales 2026, visit

Want to Compete in Global Chefs Challenge?

If you wish to put your talent to the test, contact your National Chefs Association for opportunities to participate. Visit for a list of member nations.

Global Chefs Challenge Finals at Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2026

Worldchefs Congress & Expo is a hallmark tradition of Worldchefs, and has been organized in cities around the world throughout its illustrious 96-year history. The forum brings together delegates from across the five continents to network and expand their professional bonds. The unique program delivers presentations and workshops from leading experts in the hospitality industry, impactful educational programs including the Worldchefs Educators’ Forum, specialized events designed to uplift the next generation of chefs such as the Bill Gallagher Young Chefs Forum, an international trade exhibition, the Global Chefs Challenge competition, and diverse activities to enhance both personal and professional networks.

The 2026 Worldchefs Congress & Expo and Global Chefs Challenge Finals will be held in Wales, hosted by the Culinary Association of Wales.

Visit for more information.

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About Worldchefs

The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a federation made up of 110 national chef associations. A leading voice in the hospitality industry, Worldchefs carries years of history since its founding in 1928 at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier.

Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.

Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through these core focus areas:

Humanitarianism & Sustainability – Worldchefs Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.

Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, a diverse network of Worldchefs Education Partners and curriculum, and the world’s first Global Culinary Certification recognizing on-the-job skillsin hospitality;

Networking – Worldchefs connects culinary professionals around the world through their online community platform and provides a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events and the biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;

Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and operates the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge.

Education FeedThePlanet Worldchefs Academy

Worldchefs Launches Arabic Edition of Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals

See the Arabic version below / انظر أدناه للاطلاع على النسخة العربية.

  • Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals, created by Worldchefs’ Feed the Planet initiative, is now available in Arabic on Worldchefs Academy. This course offers a free 8-course curriculum for learners to deepen their knowledge of sustainable culinary methods and key topics in food systems.
  • With the expansion of this course to its second language on Worldchefs Academy, it becomes more accessible, now able to reach tens of thousands of Arabic-speaking chefs around the world.
  • Learn more about Feed the Planet programs including Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals at

Paris, 1 February 2025 – Worldchefs Academy is proud to announce the launch of Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals course now in Arabic— a significant step in making this valuable education even more inclusive and accessible.

This launch marks a significant milestone for Worldchefs, as the course becomes a resource available for the tens of thousands of Arabic-speaking chefs worldwide.

A Global Initiative with Local Impact

Recognizing the growing demand for sustainability education from Arabic-speaking chefs, Worldchefs took a major step forward in 2023 by launching the Arabic version of the Sustainability Education trainers’ program, made possible by the expert translation of Ms. Shourouk Mohamed and Chef Haitham H. Hassoon.

This year, Chef Majed Al Sabagh, a highly respected culinary educator and Director of the Chef International Center (Chef Training And Consultancy) (CIC) in the UAE, along with his team, volunteered to adapt all of the Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals curriculum into Arabic on Worldchefs Academy, ensuring the program resonated with Arabic-speaking learners. Thanks to the help and support of these key contributors, Worldchefs deepens its commitment to providing accessible learning opportunities for chefs around the world, inspiring positive environmental and social impact in kitchens and communities.

Celebrating Graduates from Arabic-Speaking Countries

The response to the Arabic version of the course has been overwhelmingly positive, empowering 12 newly-approved trainers from Arabic-speaking countries to lead the way in sustainability education. Already, over 3,600 students have graduated from the program including:

  • Egypt: 2,262 graduates
  • Saudi Arabia: 361 graduates
  • Iraq: 662 graduates
  • Jordan: 314 graduates
  • Algeria: 60 graduates

“Translating and recording this course into the Arabic version alongside my family and colleagues proved to be real teamwork. It’s not simply a matter of changing the words, but we worked to find new examples to place throughout the curriculum that align with Arabic culture and are meaningful to the Arabs who enroll. I’m looking forward to not only study it, but also implement it in our lifestyle,” said Chef Majed.

To hear more about this important project, click here.

“We now have a remarkable opportunity to more deeply connect with Arab-speaking chefs through education. On behalf of the entire Worldchefs Board of Directors, we’d like to thank everyone whose dedication and expertise made this possible. We are extremely proud of this achievement and we look forward to furthering Worldchefs’ commitment to providing sustainability education in as many languages as possible,” said Worldchefs President, Andy Cuthbert.

Get started today by enrolling in Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals, in Arabic or English at

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About Worldchefs 

The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a federation made up of 110 national chef associations. A leading voice in the hospitality industry, Worldchefs carries years of history since its founding in 1928 at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier.

Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.

Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through these core focus areas:

Humanitarianism & Sustainability – Worldchefs Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.

Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, a diverse network of Worldchefs Education Partners and curriculum, and the world’s first Global Culinary Certification recognizing on-the-job skillsin hospitality;

Networking – Worldchefs connects culinary professionals around the world through their online community platform and provides a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events and the biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;

Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and operates the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge.

Worldchefs  تطلق النسخة العربية من دورة تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي

تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي، الذي تم إنشاؤه من خلال مبادرة “إطعام كوكب الأرض” التابعة لـ Worldchefs، أصبح الآن متاحًا باللغة العربية على أكاديمية Worldchefs . يقدم هذا المقرر الدراسي منهجًا مجانيًا من 8 دورات لتوسيع معرفة المتعلمين بأساليب الطهي المستدامة والموضوعات الرئيسية في نظم الغذاء

مع توسيع هذا المقرر ليصبح متاحًا بلغة ثانية على أكاديمية  Worldchefs ، أصبح الوصول إليه أكثر سهولة، حيث أصبح قادرًا الآن على الوصول إلى عشرات الآلاف من الطهاة الناطقين بالعربية في جميع أنحاء العالم

للتعرف على المزيد حول برنامج “إطعام كوكب الأرض” بما في ذلك تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي، يمكنك زيارة الرابط

باريس، 1 فبراير 2025 – أكاديمية Worldchefs تفخر بالإعلان عن إطلاق دورة “ تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي” الآن باللغة العربية — خطوة هامة في جعل هذا التعليم القيم أكثر شمولاً وقابلية للوصول

يُعد هذا الإطلاق علامة فارقة لـ Worldchefs، حيث أصبح المقرر الآن موردًا متاحًا لعشرات الآلاف من الطهاة الناطقين بالعربية في جميع أنحاء العالم

مبادرة عالمية بأثر محلي

مع تزايد الطلب على تعليم الاستدامة من الطهاة الناطقين بالعربية، اتخذت Worldchefs خطوة كبيرة إلى الأمام في عام 2023 بإطلاق النسخة العربية من برنامج تدريب “تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي”، الذي تحقق بفضل المترجمة الخبيرة للسيدة شروق محمد والشيف هيثم حسن حسون.

هذا العام، تطوع الشيف ماجد الصباغ، وهو معلم طهي محترم ومدير مركز الشيف للتدريب والاستشارات (CIC) في الإمارات، وفريقه لتكييف جميع مقررات برنامج “تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي” إلى اللغة العربية على أكاديمية  Worldchefs، لضمان أن البرنامج يتناسب مع المتعلمين الناطقين بالعربية. بفضل المساعدة والدعم من هؤلاء المساهمين الرئيسيين، تعمق  Worldchefs  التزامها بتوفير فرص تعلم متاحة للطهاة في جميع أنحاء العالم، مما يلهم تأثيرًا بيئيًا واجتماعيًا إيجابيًا في المطابخ والمجتمعات.

الاحتفال بتخريج المتعلمين من الدول الناطقة بالعربية

كانت الاستجابة للنسخة العربية من الدورة إيجابية للغاية، مما أتاح لـ 12 مدربًا جديدًا معتمدًا من الدول الناطقة بالعربية قيادة الطريق في تعليم الاستدامة. حتى الآن، تخرج أكثر من 3,600 طالب من البرنامج بما في ذلك:

  • مصر: 2,262 خريجًا
  • السعودية: 361 خريجًا
  • العراق: 662 خريجًا
  • الأردن: 314 خريجًا
  • الجزائر: 60 خريجًا

قال الشيف ماجد: “ترجمة وتسجيل هذه الدورة إلى النسخة العربية جنبًا إلى جنب مع عائلتي وزملائي كان عملًا جماعيًا حقيقيًا. لم يكن الأمر مجرد تغيير الكلمات، بل عملنا على إيجاد أمثلة جديدة لتضمينها في المنهج تتماشى مع الثقافة العربية وتكون ذات معنى للعرب الذين يلتحقون بالدورة. أتطلع إلى  تنفيذ هذه الدورة في نمط حياتنا أيضًا.”

للاستماع إلى المزيد حول هذا المشروع المهم، يمكنك الضغط هنا:

رابط الفيديو

قال رئيس  Worldchefs ، آندي كاثبيرت: “نحن الآن أمام فرصة رائعة للتواصل بشكل أعمق مع الطهاة الناطقين بالعربية من خلال التعليم. نيابةً عن مجلس إدارة  Worldchefs، نود أن نشكر كل من ساهم بخبراته واهتمامه لتحقيق ذلك. نحن فخورون جدًا بهذا الإنجاز ونتطلع إلى تعزيز التزام       Worldchefs  بتوفير تعليم الاستدامة بأكبر عدد ممكن من اللغات.”

ابدأ اليوم بالتسجيل في برناج “تعليم الاستدامة للمحترفين في فنون الطهي”، باللغة العربية أو الإنجليزية على الرابط:


عن  Worldchefs

جمعية الطهاة العالمية، والمعروفة باسم  Worldchefs، هي اتحاد مكون من 110 جمعيات طهاة وطنية. باعتبارها صوتًا رائدًا في صناعة الضيافة، فإن Worldchefs تحمل تاريخًا طويلاً منذ تأسيسها في عام 1928 في السوربون على يد الطاهي الشهير أوغست إسكوفية.

تمثل Worldchefs أعضاء دوليين نشطين من المهنيين في فنون الطهي، وهي ملتزمة بتطوير المهنة واستخدام تأثير سترة الطاهي لتحسين صناعة الضيافة وإنسانية العالم.

تعمل Worldchefs على رفع معايير الطهي وزيادة الوعي الاجتماعي من خلال مجالات التركيز الأساسية التالية:

  • الإنسانية والاستدامة – برنامج “إطعام كوكب الأرض” و”طهاة بلا حدود” تخفف من فقر الغذاء، وتقدم الدعم في الأزمات، وتعزز الاستدامة في جميع أنحاء العالم.
  • التعليم – تقدم Worldchefs دعمًا للتعليم والتطوير المهني من خلال برامج أكاديمية Worldchefs  التدريبية عبر الإنترنت، وشبكة متنوعة من شركاء التعليم التابعين لـ Worldchefs  والمناهج الدراسية، وأول شهادة طهي عالمية معترف بها عالميًا للاعتراف بالمهارات المكتسبة في مجال الضيافة.
  • التواصل الشبكي – تقوم Worldchefs بربط المهنيين في مجال الطهي في جميع أنحاء العالم من خلال منصتها المجتمعية عبر الإنترنت وتوفر بوابة لفرص التواصل الصناعي من خلال الفعاليات المعتمدة ومؤتمر ومعرض  Worldchefs biennial .
  • المسابقات – تحدد Worldchefs معايير عالمية لقواعد المسابقات، وتوفر ندوات حول المسابقات وضمان القضاة المعتمدين من  Worldchefs، وتدير تحدي الطهاة العالمي المرموق.
Global Chefs Challenge Member News Worldchefs Congress & Expo

Welsh Chefs Selected for Next Year’s Global Chefs Challenge Finals in Wales

January 31, 2025 – Three chefs were selected at last week’s Welsh International Culinary Championships (WICC) to represent Wales in the Global Chefs Challenge finals next year.

The finals will be held at the Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2026 which will take place at the International Convention Centre Wales (ICC Wales) in Newport and hosted by the Culinary Association of Wales (CAW) – the first time this prestigious global event will have been held in the UK in its 98-year history.

As host, Wales gets free passes into the finals of four competitions. Representing the country in the Global Chefs Challenge is Sam Everton, lecturer at Coleg Ceredigion, Cardigan who works weekends at the Michelin accredited Yr Hen Printworks, Cardigan.

Sam won the National Chef of Wales final last week, having previously won the Junior Chef of Wales final in 2024 – the first chef to win back-to-back finals since Danny Burke’s achievement 25 years ago.

“It’s a big year ahead with a lot of planning and I’m excited to see what the future holds,” said Sam. “Hopefully, I can win a medal at the Global Chef Challenge finals on home soil next year.”

Flying the flag for Wales in the Global Young Chefs Challenge will be Calum Smith, who works for Independents by Sodexo at Shrewsbury School, Shrewsbury. Captain of the Junior Culinary Team Wales, Calum won the Junior Chef of Wales final last week.

“It’s a massive achievement to be the winner in my age bracket and in my craft,” he said after winning the Junior Chef of Wales title. “It will be a real honour to represent Wales at the Global Chefs Challenge finals.”

Wales’ representative in the Global Vegan Chefs Challenge is Ryan Jones, head chef at The Principality Stadium, Cardiff and National Chef of Wales winner in 2014. He won a closely contested Welsh Vegan Chef of the Year final at the WICC.

“It’s great to still be competing after 13 years and winning this competition is just as exciting as it was in 2014,” he said. “I love competing because it’s exciting and keeps you on your toes. I think it’s something that every chef should experience.”

Selected as the country’s Global Pastry Chef Challenge finalist is Andrew Minto, owner of Minto’s Patisserie, Cardiff who won Channel 4’s Bake Off: The Professionals in 2021.

Arwyn Watkins, OBE, CAW president, said: “We are delighted that the winners of the three showcase competitions at the WICC are enthusiastic about representing Wales at the Global Chefs Challenge finals here in Wales next year.

“They are three very talented and experienced chefs who have all competed internationally for Wales and I’m certain will represent their country with great passion and pride.

“I can’t wait to see them competing on home turf next May when the Global Chefs Challenge finals will be integral to the Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2026.”

Arwyn Watkins, OBE, Culinary Association of Wales president (second from left), with Welsh Vegan Chef of the Year winner Ryan Jones, National Chef of Wales winner Sam Everton and Junior Chef of Wales winner Calum Smith.

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For more information, please contact Arwyn Watkins, OBE, on Tel: 07831 697494, Alison Collingridge, marketing manager, on Tel: 01938 555 893 or Duncan Foulkes, public relations consultant, on Tel: 01686 650818.


Efficiency in the Kitchen: How to Save Without Compromising on Quality

Restaurants come in different shapes and sizes, and their needs can vary greatly depending on the type of food they offer. However, there is one cooking solution that can meet all these different needs: the combi oven. The best kitchens are highly efficient, saving space, time, labor, and energy by using the most efficient tools to their fullest potential. Regardless of the type of kitchen, a combi oven is one of the best pieces of equipment a kitchen can acquire. It ensures that the kitchen achieves the desired level of efficiency while reducing costs. In this article, we will examine the many benefits of a combi oven, including its ability to save space and time, as well as its versatility and range of functions. 

The combi oven: a life saver 

The combi oven offers several benefits that make it an essential piece of equipment in any commercial kitchen. 

1.     Space saver 

First, the combi oven is a space saver, as it can perform various cooking modes and tasks with one single piece of equipment, thus saving valuable kitchen space. 

2.     Time saver 

Secondly, the combi oven is a time saver, as it can heat and cook food much quicker than a traditional oven, allowing restaurant staff to maintain a fast-paced environment and save valuable time. 

3.     Labor saver 

Additionally, a good combi oven can cover multiple cooking functions, freeing up a chef’s time to work on other tasks. This way, the combi oven proves to be a labor saver, equipped with a multi-timer function that allows operators to manage multiple cooking cycles simultaneously, freeing them up to attend to other kitchen tasks. 

The combi oven is an efficient and versatile piece of equipment that can save time, labor, and space, and is therefore essential in any commercial kitchen. 

Are combi ovens energy efficient? 

When it comes to energy efficiency, Electrolux Professional’s Combi Oven, SkyLine PremiumS, is designed to minimize heat loss and reduce energy consumption.

The new OptiFlowfunction included in the line guarantees uniform heat distribution and constant humidity and temperature within the cooking chamber. The Lambda sensor provides ultra-precise, real-time humidity control across 101 different settings, ensuring excellent cookingevenness throughout the whole oven chamber and preserving the food’s quality and flavor. 

In addition, the SkyLine Combi Oven features the new Plan-n-Save feature, which applies artificial intelligence to optimize the cooking order and minimize energy usage. This feature helps save energy by reducing the time required to preheat the oven and by optimizing cooking times for multiple dishes. The combi oven’s energy-saving capabilities make it an eco-friendly option that can help reduce energy consumption in commercial kitchens

The price you pay 

The cost of equipment is a crucial factor in deciding whether to acquire a combi oven for a professional kitchen. However, the initial investment does not necessarily reflect the full cycle cost of the oven. A high-quality combi oven, such as the SkyLine PremiumS, can really help reduce energy and cleaning costs. With state-of-the-art technology, such as the OptiFlow function, the oven minimizes heat loss and ensures even cooking, reducing the amount of energy needed. Additionally, the flexible cleaning technology of the SkyLine PremiumS reduces cleaning time and costs. In the long run, investing in a great combi oven can be a cost-effective solution for kitchens looking to minimize their expenditure

Blog Career Tips Company / Partner Education Industry Trends News Partnership Press Releases

Future Menus 2024: Unilever Food Solutions Introduces New Global Report – Future Menus to Worldchefs

Worldchefs partner, Unilever Food Solutions, released the Future Menus report, providing a comprehensive look into the future of food service and evidence-based insights to help chefs stay ahead of the curve.

  • Unilever Food Solutions (UFS) Future Menus 2024 report highlights eight pivotal trends including waste reduction, nostalgic comfort foods, and plant-based innovations, designed to future-proof menus and inspire innovation.
  • The UFS Future Menus Trend Report findings are translated into practical, action-driven solutions for foodservice operators globally, including recipe inspiration, preparation techniques and ingredient suggestions to help chefs create menu items that are delicious, nutritious, on-trend, profitable, and efficient.
  • With a Global UFS launch in March 2024, it was specially introduced to Worldchefs’ audience at Congress 2024 in Singapore, where the UFS breakout session on the report’s findings showcased the trends, capturing the imagination of culinary professionals worldwide.

Paris, 13 December 2024 – Worldchefs (the World Association of Chefs’ Societies) is proud to announce the continuation of its strategic partnership with Unilever Food Solutions (UFS), highlighting UFS’s latest innovation: the Future Menus 2024 report. This collaboration underscores both organizations’ dedication to shaping the future of the culinary industry and empowering chefs worldwide with the resources and training on the latest trends, techniques, and sustainable solutions.

A Vision for Tomorrow’s Kitchens

The Future Menus 2024 report by Unilever Food Solutions offers a comprehensive look into the future of food service, providing key insights to help chefs stay ahead of the curve. The report identifies eight influential trends, including Low-Waste Menus, Modernized Comfort Food, and vegetable-forward culinary innovations.

Designed to inspire, it equips food service professionals with actionable strategies to navigate and thrive in a rapidly evolving industry. The report includes UFS’ Global Menu Trends​, 16 recipes developed by UFS chefs around the world, and tips, tools and techniques to help chefs create on-trend, profitable menus​, including professional insights on topics such as Gen Z & Millennial diners, menu streamlining, and AI in restaurants.

Rigorously researched, Future Menus 2024 draws on data from over 21 countries, including social media analytics with 77,000 keywords and feedback from more than 1,600 chef professionals via the UFS Online Operators panel. It also integrates insights from UFS’s 250 professional chefs and third-party industry reports.

Among the standout trends is Flavor Shock, reflecting Gen Z’s appetite for bold, fusion-driven dining experiences, and Plant-Powered Protein, which prioritizes plant-rich ingredients such as beans and legumes to meet the growing demand for sustainable, flexitarian diets. Additional highlights include Local Abundance, emphasizing locally sourced ingredients, and Low Waste Menus, offering strategies to optimize resources while maximizing sustainability and profitability.

Empowering Chefs Through Information and Education

UFS joined as a Worldchefs’ partner in November 2022, bringing together Worldchefs’ network of chefs in over 105 countries with UFS’s industry-leading creation and discussion of food trends, chef training, and product solutions. The collaboration united UFS’s online chef training portal, UFS Academy, with Worldchefs Approved Courses platform. Through this initiative, hospitality professionals gain unlimited free access to a selection of high-definition training videos, all filmed and created with expert chefs. The suite of training courses includes videos that are under two minutes to help learners achieve actionable skills in an accessible format, covering topics such as menu design, plant-based recipes, and mental health in the kitchen.

“Our partnership with Unilever Food Solutions exemplifies our shared dedication to culinary excellence and building a better future, providing chefs with the tools to innovate and lead in a dynamic industry,” said Ragnar Fridriksson, Worldchefs Managing Director. “Access to key consumer insights, coupled with skills training and education, is key to this process. The Future Menus 2024 report is an incredible resource for chefs aiming to future-proof their offerings and create meaningful impact, and we are proud to continue working with UFS to empower chefs everywhere with new information, resources, and opportunities.”

Shaping the Culinary Landscape

During the Worldchefs Congress 2024 in Singapore, Unilever Food Solutions introduced the Future Menus 2024 report with a breakout session, inviting attendees for an exclusive glimpse into the report’s findings. Garnering significant media attention, the session emphasized the importance of sustainability and innovation. Key themes included minimizing food waste, embracing nostalgia with a modern twist, and leveraging plant-based technologies to meet the growing demand for sustainable dining options.

Worldchefs invites chefs, educators, and culinary innovators to explore the Future Menus 2024 report and engage with key insights set to shape the future of the industry.

About Unilever Food Solutions

Unilever Food Solutions (UFS) is a business of chefs for chefs. Accounting for 20% of Unilever’s Foods Business Group, UFS operates in over 75 countries as a dedicated supplier to the food service industry. Drawing on the expertise of over 250 professional in-house chefs, UFS offers food service professionals high-quality products, industry inspiration and best-in-class services. Our highly regarded portfolio of key products and solutions features power brands like Knorr Professional and Hellmann’s that perform exceptionally well in the professional kitchen.

The UFS Positive Kitchens initiative helps to foster a positive culture in the professional kitchen by addressing the key challenges commonly encountered and providing tools, training and advice to promote well being. Our culinary training programmes provide chefs and food service professionals with best-in-class services and tools.

For details, visit

About Worldchefs

The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a federation made up of 110 national chef associations. A leading voice in the hospitality industry, Worldchefs carries years of history since its founding in 1928 at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier.

Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.

Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through these core focus areas:

  • Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, a diverse network of Worldchefs Education Partners and curriculum, and the world’s first Global Culinary Certification recognizing on-the-job skillsin hospitality;
  • Networking – Worldchefs connects culinary professionals around the world through their online community platform and provides a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events and the biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;
  • Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and operates the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge;
  • Humanitarianism & Sustainability – Worldchefs Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.

Media contact: 

Olivia Ruszczyk [email protected]

Education FeedThePlanet

Celebrating 14,000 Graduates and Counting: Discover How Our Sustainability Trainers Are Driving Positive Change

Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals has now reached 14,000 graduates, marking another milestone for the program.

Worldchefs’ Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals is a free course designed to help chefs think and act sustainably in their kitchens. Part of Worldchefs’ Feed the Planet initiatives, this course empowers culinary professionals to engage with key sustainability topics and promotes positive industry change.

The course is available in both English and Arabic, and can be accessed online through Worldchefs Academy or completed in-person led by a Worldchefs’ certified sustainability education trainer.

With 157 registered Sustainability Education trainers across the globe, Worldchefs continues to expand its global network of students and trainers, advancing in our mission to upskill chefs on sustainability.

Read below to hear from some of our dedicated sustainability education trainers who are making a significant impact in their communities.

Training Supermarket Chefs with Dr. Wafaa Hassanein in Egypt

Dr. Wafaa Hassanein’s idea to teach sustainability education to supermarket staff came from a simple observation. During one of her visits to a large market, Hyper 1, she noticed that several sections, including prepared meals, bakery, and fresh food counters, were staffed by chefs actively involved in food preparation. Recognizing an opportunity, she proposed offering the sustainability course specifically tailored for these chefs. After sharing the course content and explaining its value to the training manager, the course was soon put in place across various sections of the market.

Dr. Hassanein was well-aware of the significant environmental impact of large supermarkets and hypermarkets, which are often overlooked as venues for sustainability training. By equipping chefs in these areas with practical knowledge, she saw the potential for a widespread positive change, suggesting sustainable practices in their day-to-day operations, not only in professional kitchens but also in sections like bakery, prepared meals, and fresh food counters.

The response from the supermarket staff was overwhelmingly positive. Chefs were eager to learn and expressed gratitude for receiving insightful information, highlighting how the course had opened their eyes to sustainability practices they could immediately implement. The success of this initiative led the supermarket to request an additional course focused specifically on sustainability within kitchen operations.

Hands-On Sustainability Education with Viktorija Baltutyte-Bacheva at HRC Academy in Bulgaria

In Bulgaria, Viktorija Baltutyte-Bacheva has brought sustainability education to life at the HRC Culinary Academy in Sofia. Her inspiration for offering students a hands-on experience in sustainable education stemmed from her deep passion for supporting their growth and her desire to provide students with the bigger picture of sustainability in hospitality and foodservice.

Twice a year, as part of the academy’s curriculum, students engage in sustainable practices such as gardening and responsible recipe creation. The academy collaborates with a local garden to give students a real-world understanding of how food production and sustainability are connected.

By instilling sustainable practices in her students early on, Victorija helps them develop into leaders who will inspire broader change as they advance in their careers. She regularly reminds her students, “Remember that the power to make changes is within you and the white chef jackets you are wearing. Being a bit more responsible can change way more than just the image of what kind of a chef you are.”

The HRC academy students are adopting responsible habits, such as recycling and developing no-waste recipes. For some, the realization of environmental challenges can be overwhelming, yet it motivates them to consider how their individual practices can directly have both positive and negative impacts on the future.

At the HRC Culinary Academy, about 30-50 students participate in sustainability education each year. Viktorija encourages active participation with hands-on training and discussions.

These trainers serve as just two examples of how Worldchefs’ Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals is making an impact around the world. Whether in a hypermarket in Egypt or a culinary academy in Bulgaria, sustainability education is empowering chefs to make a difference in their kitchens and beyond. We look forward to the continued growth of this training and discovering more sustainability champions across the globe

Thank you to Dr. Wafaa Hassanein and Viktorija Baltutyte-Bacheva for sharing these inspiring stories with us and supporting your students while driving innovative, positive change.

To learn more about becoming a sustainability education trainer, click here.

Take Action

Start the Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals course for free at, and receive a digital badge to show your achievement.

The Worldchefs Academy mobile app can be downloaded on both the App Store and Google Play, and at

Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals is made possible with the support of Feed the Planet partners and the tireless contributions of Worldchefs’ members around the globe. Worldchefs extends the utmost gratitude to all course participants, program trainers, and educational institutions who bring their time, expertise, and vision to all Feed the Planet initiatives.

To learn more about Feed the Planet, visit


How Sustainability is Influencing the Way Restaurants Do Business

Gone are the days when dining out was solely about convenience and flavor. Today’s environmentally conscious consumers are looking for more: they’re interested in knowing where their food comes from, how it’s produced, and the impact their choices have on the planet. This shift in consumer behavior translates to a growing willingness to pay a premium for meals that boast eco-friendly credentials. If a restaurant can demonstrate that its ingredients are sourced responsibly and sustainably, diners are happy to open their wallets a little wider, knowing their meal contributes to a healthier planet. This green wave is transforming the restaurant industry, with eateries across the culinary spectrum embracing sustainable practices to cater to this discerning clientele.

Far from a flash-in-the-pan trend, sustainability is becoming an integral part of restaurant operations. From investing in energy-efficient restaurant cooking equipment to finding innovative ways to reduce food waste, the best restaurants are increasingly looking for ways to bring eco-conscious dining to the fore.

Not only is it the right thing to do from an ethical perspective, but a move to greener operations also has a positive impact on business. So, what can you do to align your business with the shifting landscape of restaurant sustainability?

Quick and easy ways to run a kitchen more sustainably

There are many ways you can create a more sustainable commercial kitchen and steer your restaurant towards a greener future. With increasing advancements in innovation and technology, purchasing energy-efficient kitchen appliances can have a massive impact on your kitchen’s overall environmental footprint.

From energy-smart ovens and stovetops to efficient refrigerators, the right kitchen equipment can help restaurants save money and keep up in a fast-paced industry. Energy-efficient restaurant kitchen equipment can also help boost productivity, with streamlined cooking times and reduced waste.

Many restaurants are choosing to swap plastic for sustainable packaging and takeaway containers, made from biodegradable materials like bamboo, and are also shifting to reusable options, all in order to reduce the amount of waste generated. The prevalence of takeaway culture can pose a severe threat to our environment if we don’t work towards making packaging as sustainable as possible.

Finally, using locally sourced produce and cheaper, more environmentally friendly cuts of meat are simple ways to help run a more sustainable commercial kitchen. This approach can inspire creativity in chefs; it is something you can add to your menus to educate customers and can lead to tastier ingredients, too.

How sustainability can increase profitability for a restaurant

Embracing a more eco-conscious mindset can lead to an uptick in profits. Switching your focus towards plant-based dishes in favor of expensive meat or fish can have an immediate impact on your bottom line. Collaborating with local food distributors and focusing your menus on locally sourced ingredients reduces transportation costs, and integrating cost-effective ingredients into a well-run menu management system can help deliver excellent cuisine at lower price points.

All of which are linked to the customer experience. If your clientele understands that you’re dedicated to using local ingredients, sustainably sourcing meat and fish, and shifting towards eco-friendly materials in the kitchen, they will be more likely to be repeat customers and recommend your restaurant to friends and family.

The importance of reducing food waste

Reducing food waste in restaurants is a huge part of modern sustainability. As consumers, we’ve become more health-conscious and eco-aware than ever before. More and more people are interested in making the most out of ingredients to create delicious, nutritious meals.  

That’s why Electrolux Professional has launched their “zero waste, all taste” initiative to demonstrate how it’s possible to make use of ingredients that are so often thrown away, not only for the sake of being sustainable, but to create delicious gourmet food. 

This full-service concept includes equipment, pre-sale services, maintenance contracts, staff training, recipe development, payback calculation and food cost analysis, designed to demonstrate how simple, inexpensive ingredients can be used to create something special. 

Kitchen management is also key. Restaurants need a better understanding of their pre- and post-consumer waste. From better portion control to implementing leftover donation programs, a modern kitchen needs to be forward-thinking when it comes to tackling food waste. 

Updating the equipment can play a critical role 

Energy-efficient kitchen equipment is central to ensuring kitchens operate in a streamlined way, with reduced food waste, energy use, and costs. And emerging technologies can help kitchens stay ahead of the curve, with appliances that blend smart features with intuitive design for a more efficient, productive back-of-house. 

Food waste, in particular, is impacted by your refrigerator’s performance in terms of humidity and temperature. Therefore, a well-functioning refrigerator is able to strongly prolong the life of the food it contains. 

Electrolux Professional’s range of kitchen solutions is geared towards creating a more sustainable restaurant and can save up to 20% on energy costs. The SkyLine Combi Oven, for instance, utilizes state-of-the-art AI technology with the “Plan-n-Save” function to optimize your cooking and minimize your spending; it features an integrated automatic cleaning system that reduces water and energy costs while guaranteeing your appliance’s long-term efficiency and performance. The SkyLine Blast Chiller grants lower running costs, elimination of food waste, and reduction of time to serve, while maintaining food quality and safety. 

Cleaning up is greener and more streamlined than ever before. Electrolux Professional’s dishwashers use less energy, water, detergent and rinse aid, which can save up to $1,125 per year. 

By replacing an old professional refrigerator in class G with a new one in class A from the Electrolux Professional High Performing and Efficiency line (their best in class for energy consumption and real usable capacity), you can potentially cut your electricity bill by up to 80%*. 


With emerging technologies and shifting customer expectations, modern commercial kitchens need to ride the green wave and embrace sustainability. When it comes to eco-conscious kitchens, Electrolux Professional is leading the charge. As an industry leader with expertise in helping restaurants operate at high levels of efficiency and excellence, Electrolux Professional can elevate your kitchen and take your performance to the next level.  

To discover how, click here.

*Calculated on a 503lt (net volume) full-door refrigerated cabinet, replacing a class G appliance with a class A one. 


How to Get Creative With Waste with Chef Brandon Collins

Unilever Food Solutions (UFS) is home to some of the world’s best-loved food brands, from Hellmann’s to Knorr Professional. For over 100 years, they’ve been supporting chefs and food service professionals by providing high-quality recipes and superior product solutions.

Their free annual food report, Future Menus, helps chefs stay ahead of the game with the hottest trends, recipes and techniques, while the UFS Training Platform offers best-in-class culinary masterclasses, leadership training and wellbeing resources to drive positive kitchens.

The 2024 Food Menus report explores the major trends dominating the industry, from the rise of Plant-Powered Protein to Local Abundance, or the increased demand for locally sourced produce.

Within the context of soaring ingredient prices and business costs, one trend has emerged as particularly relevant to the changing needs of the industry: Low-Waste Menus. Research tells us increasing profitability is the main reason why chefs embrace this trend, while 54% do so to be more sustainable.

In the report, the rise of Low-Waste Menus is explored through two main avenues – Less Is More: The Benefits Of A Smaller Menu and How To Get Creative With Waste. While the former focuses on crafting more selective and data-driven menu options, the latter is brimming with solutions to help you reimagine your approach and make the most of your ingredients.

As we explain, “waste” has always been a dirty word when it comes to food. Specifically, it conjures up images of rotting vegetable offcuts piled up at the bottom of the bin. In recent years, buzzwords like “upcycled” and “ugly foods” have helped to shift the negative narrative surrounding food waste, and chefs are embracing the idea of getting creative with would-be waste.

With the cost of produce rising year-on-year, it’s never been more important to make use of every last edible part of the ingredients we use. This is something Brandon Collins, Executive Chef for UFS North America, is passionate about. “Anything that you don’t throw into the bin is going to translate to dollars on the plate,” he explains. “Utilizing would-be waste provides excitement for customers and also forces us chefs to be more creative and adventurous.”

“One of the very first ways that I got into utilizing waste was thinking about the things that I knew were edible,” Brandon shares.

“Cores of cauliflower, broccoli stems, mundane things that we often throw out can be turned into soups. Or perhaps take those stems and slice and pickle them.”

Brandon adds, “One of the things that I’ve done with banana peels is dice them really small, mix them with vinegar, sugar and a little bit of jalapeño and then use it over oysters. It became a cool mignonette sauce. Super simple, but it brought that beautiful fruitiness of the banana out.”

Chef Brandon Collins offers five tips on how to start your food upcycling journey.

1 Find the Perfect Pickle Brine

My top tip is to find a pickle brine that you love. Once you have a universal brine, you can pickle anything. You can ferment or pickle garlic, you can pickle cabbage, eggs, whatever you want!

2 Do Your Research

One of my go-to books is Surplus: The Food Waste Guide for Chefs by Vojtech Végh. It’s amazing and full of useful information.

3 Eat Global

There are so many cuisines that are based on fermented food, preserved food or the utilization of waste. So start exploring!

4 Look to the Past

If you look at historic recipes, they utilize everything. Looking back into the past can help propel us into the future and inspire us.

5 Rethink Waste

Look at what you throw in the bin, or what you traditionally remove from an item and ask yourself if you actually have to remove it. Do I have to peel that carrot? Do I have to peel that banana? Are these things necessary for creating the dish or the flavor profile that I’m looking for? Nine times out of ten, leaving it on actually creates a better dish.

Stay prepped for tomorrow by downloading the free report here.


Are you #PreppedForTomorrow?

With rising costs and evolving diner expectations, chefs today are battling with the question of how to serve more with less. But, chefs are under more stress than ever due to the increasingly steep price of ingredients and rising business costs. The answer? Finding new, efficient methods of delivering dishes that excite while showcasing chefs’ creative skills.

This is where the Future Menus 2024 Trend Report by Unilever Food Solutions comes in. It has been compiled from hours of detailed research, including industry reports by leading third-party sources, social media analytics, perspectives from UFS’ 250 professional chefs, and in-depth feedback of more than 1,600 chef professionals.

As well as identifying the biggest menu trends in the food service world, these insights have been translated into practical, action-driven solutions, including recipe ideas, techniques, and ingredient solutions.

Among the trends identified is Flavor Shock: a trend which dives into the rising Gen Z demand for unforgettable dining experiences and which entails a no-holds-barred approach including wild fusion and chaos cooking.

There’s also Plant-Powered Protein: a trend which delves into the rising demand for plant-rich proteins, such as beans, pulses, legumes and vegetables. It prioritizes innovation in this space and opens up opportunities to get creative.

Elsewhere, Local Abundance is an ingredients-focused trend about celebrating local produce and staying close to nature – encouraging chefs to look to their local farm and providing recipe suggestions.

Meanwhile, in today’s high-cost environment, Low Waste Menus involves advice on how to get creative with waste and crafting smaller menus to increase profitability and sustainability.

The Irresistible Vegetables trend provides inspiration for chefs to offer new and interesting dishes which center vegetables and can help to attract new diners and stand out from the competition.

Modernized Comfort Food looks at the continuing demand for classics with a twist and provides insights on how to deliver authentic dishes while providing something new for diners.

Feel-Good Food, on the other hand, encourages chefs to explore new cuisines to satisfy the appetite for nutritious and tasty dining as well as advice for building better eating habits.

Finally, The New Sharing provides insights – including the benefits of AI – on attracting more guests to enjoy bonding over food that’s good for the soul.

For more insight and solutions, click here.

Company / Partner Congress International Chefs Day News Press Releases World World News

International Chefs Day: Celebrating 20 Years of Advocacy

Celebrating two decades of advocacy and community engagement through International Chefs Day, we reflect on its history, the achievements and memorable moments of this year’s events, and its global impact.

  • International Chefs Day 2024 marked its 20th anniversary, uniting chefs in over 100 countries for a day of advocacy under the theme “Growing Great Chefs”.
  • The celebrations featured impactful activations and events large and small, including workshops, events at the Worldchefs Congress in Singapore, and widespread community engagement.
  • Learn more about International Chefs Day and its legacy here.
Vanessa Marquis, CEC, AAC
Chairman of Worldchefs International Chefs Day Committee
“Preparing Children for a Healthy Life”

Paris, 28 November 2024 – As the World Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs) commemorates the 20th anniversary of International Chefs Day, we are thrilled to share the incredible outcomes of this year’s celebrations.

Launched in 2004 by the late Dr Bill Gallagher, International Chefs Day has become a pivotal platform for chefs worldwide to unite in fostering education, sustainability, and the love of cooking among future generations.

This year, International Chefs Day adopted the theme “Growing Great Chefs,” reflecting a dedication to inspiring curiosity, creativity, and sustainable practices in the culinary arts. Activities spanned across the globe, uniting chefs and communities to celebrate the art of cooking while promoting the importance of healthy eating and environmental responsibility.

The 20th anniversary was marked with vibrant celebrations and impactful initiatives. Chefs in over 100 countries organized workshops, demonstrations, and interactive events to engage children and communities. These initiatives highlighted the power of culinary arts to shape healthier and more sustainable futures.

Remarkable Results from a Global Effort

This year’s campaign connected with nearly 150 thousand participants globally, a testament to the enduring power of International Chefs Day. From large-scale events in culinary hubs to smaller community gatherings, each activation contributed to a shared mission of building a healthier, more sustainable future through food.

  • 279 events
  • 5,865 chefs and young chefs
  • 149,220 children reached

Vanessa Marquis, Chairperson of the Worldchefs International Chefs Day Committee, shared her thoughts: “For 20 years, International Chefs Day has brought together chefs from every corner of the globe to engage with children for a better future, using their craft to educate and empower. It’s inspiring to see how they’ve prioritized this initiative, finding creative ways to participate, even beyond the official date of October 20th, to make a positive impact on children’s health.”

Worldchefs President Andy Cuthburt added, “International Chefs Day is a celebration of our profession and its potential to influence the world for good. This anniversary reminds us of the incredible unity and creativity within our community and the bright future we are building together.”

Growing Great Chefs at Worldchefs Congress 2024

During the 40th Worldchefs Congress & Expo in Singapore, an International Chefs Day workshop on October 19th and a special speaker session on October 20th celebrated this landmark year. Attendees explored practical approaches to culinary education and sustainability, with engaging discussions captured in our YouTube recap.

Community Highlights from Around the World

A diverse range of activities showcased the creativity and passion of the global culinary community. From hands-on cooking classes for children to educational sessions on urban farming, the reach and impact of this year’s initiatives continue to inspire.

Explore our community gallery here.


Nestlé Professional: A Dedicated Partner

For over a decade, Nestlé Professional has partnered with Worldchefs to bring International Chefs Day to life. This collaboration began in 2014, with a shared mission to inspire and educate children about healthy eating habits while promoting sustainable food practices. Through their dedicated efforts, Nestlé Professional has helped to expand the reach and impact of International Chefs Day, ensuring that its message resonates across global communities.

Nestlé Professional also provides a toolkit to support chefs in hosting their International Chefs Day events. This resource includes detailed instructions, educational materials, recipes, and social media tips, ensuring that participants have everything needed to create impactful and engaging activities. The complete 2024 toolkit is available for download and can be used as an educational resource long after the 20th of October.

The late Dr. Billy Gallagher, affectionately known as the “Father of International Chefs Day,” was instrumental in shaping this global celebration. As a former president of the Worldchefs, his vision extended beyond the kitchen, aiming to unite chefs worldwide in a shared mission of education, mentorship, and sustainability. Dr. Gallagher’s passion for the culinary arts was matched by his belief in its power to bring about meaningful change. International Chefs Day stands as a tribute to his legacy, fostering a global movement that champions healthier, more sustainable practices and inspires future generations to carry forward his remarkable vision.

As we close this year’s chapter, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to every chef, partner, and participant who brought International Chefs Day 2024 to life. Together, we are growing great chefs and shaping a brighter future.

Watch our 20th Anniversary Video to see the highlights and celebrate this milestone achievement.

As we move forward, chefs everywhere can leverage Worldchefs’ resources to continue making a difference for the next 20 years and beyond.

  • Explore educational materials, podcasts, webcasts and more available on Worldchefs website.
  • Take the free sustainability course with the Worldchefs Academy for training and professional development opportunities to strengthen your impact.
  • Stay connected with a free Worldchefs account on Hosco for the latest industry updates and stories from our global chef community.

About Worldchefs

The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a federation made up of 110 national chef associations. A leading voice in the hospitality industry, Worldchefs carries years of history since its founding in 1928 at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier.

Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.

Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through these core focus areas:

  • Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, a diverse network of Worldchefs Education Partners and curriculum, and the world’s first Global Culinary Certification recognizing on-the-job skillsin hospitality;
  • Networking – Worldchefs connects culinary professionals around the world through their online community platform and provides a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events and the biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;
  • Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and operates the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge;
  • Humanitarianism & Sustainability – Worldchefs Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.

– END –

Media contact: 

Olivia Ruszczyk [email protected]


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