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A Decade of Sustainable Change: Final Thoughts from Feed the Planet’s Former Chairman Chris Koetke

Read time: 3 Min
26th December 2024

In 2014, I was invited to go to Leipzig, Germany for a meeting to discuss the Feed the Planet Committee. As I had already been working to grow sustainability education in culinary schools globally, it made sense for me to attend. Little did I know that it would result in a 10-year commitment to Feed the Planet as the chair of the committee. Little did I know at the time what this committee would grow into, the reach that it would have, and the many lives that it would change. I also had no idea at the time that I would work with so many dedicated and gifted people within Worldchefs, as well as external partners like the Electrolux Food Foundation, AIESEC international, and Custom Culinary. 

What Feed the Planet accomplished in the last decade has been admirable. We started by developing a 7-part sustainability curriculum for culinary schools that launched in 2018. This evolved into a shortened 8-part curriculum designed for culinary professionals around the world. This was originally (and still continues) to be taught by chef trainers throughout the world. Taking it one step further, we launched the curriculum completely online as part of the Chefs Academy. This, along with a growing set of translations allows this pivotable curriculum to reach more people. The good news is that to date, 14,000 culinary professionals have completed the sustainability training. Imagine what each of these graduates will do in their corner of the world!

As Feed the Planet moved from a uniquely Worldchefs’ initiative to a global consortium that included the Electrolux Food Foundation and AIESEC International, we were able to expand our mission. We launched the initial “Like A Chef” program in Curitiba, Brazil. This program serves an economically challenged population by providing basic foodservice training which then leads to employment opportunities. Today, this initial program has been expanded to 8 countries and has over 1400 graduates. Talk about changing lives for the better! 

Through our partnerships, we launched another program designed to reach school-aged children around the globe and teach them about sustainability.  This initiative, called Food Heroes, was developed with the United Nation’s World’s Largest Lesson. The good news here is that we have reached over 178,000 kids today. We also know what the children learn is often shared with their families—which only expands our impact.   

As I reflect on my time as chair, I think of the inspirational and caring people with whom I worked so closely. I have learned from their passion, commitment, and intelligence. They helped shape my thoughts and reeled me in when my ideas were “too far out there.”  The progress we made would not have been possible without each one of them. It has been and continues to be a team effort!

After 10 amazing and impactful years, it was time to step down this last October. I am extremely proud of what we have accomplished and proud of how Worldchefs prioritizes sustainability. The decision was difficult for me but was made easier by the amazing next generation of leadership that is in place and ready to roll up their sleeves and make a bigger impact around the world. There is plenty of work still to be done as the problems of a warming planet, social inequalities, dwindling resources, and an impending water crisis are at our doorstep. I am confident that Chef Shonah Chalmers, the Worldchefs office, the many dedicated chefs within Worldchefs, and our external partners, alongside the new chair, will continue to grow Feed the Planet in ways we can’t imagine now. 

One last thought. Please consider getting involved. We need as many people as possible to change the world through the power of the white jacket.

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