Blog Company / Partner Country National News Press Releases

Na’am Chef! Arabic Pre-Commis Chef Course Now Available!

(Arabic translation included / الترجمة للغة العربية متاحة )


Na’am Chef! Arabic Pre-Commis Chef Course Now Available!

It’s World Arabic Language Day and Worldchefs Academy is excited to announce the launch of its online Pre-Commis Chef Course and mobile app in Arabic! Adding to the line-up of free courses available for our global community, the Arabic Pre-commis Chef Course is now added to the English, Spanish and Portuguese Library!

“On behalf of the Worldchefs Board of Directors, I would like to congratulate all the Arabic Chefs Volunteers who helped to bring this educational opportunity to aspiring Chefs in Arabic-speaking communities all around the world. We are proud to provide the Pre-Commis Chef Course in Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish and English with many more languages to come!” stated, Worldchefs President Thomas Gugler.

With curriculum covering the basics of culinary professionalism, food service operations, culinary theory, food hygiene and sanitation, basic cooking and culinary nutrition, the Pre-Commis Chef Course can be followed as a complete curriculum and individual lessons can be used to compliment other existing courses or provide theoretical components to culinary apprenticeship.

Participants can learn through the web-based platform or via the mobile app offering an offline study mode. By connecting to the Internet when it is available they can download the course via the mobile app and study at any time, with or without Internet. Then they simply go back online when ready to complete the final assessment. The Pre-Commis Chef Course also links to Worldchefs Certification opportunities and is intended to be the first step on the culinary career pathway.

Worldchefs Academy would like extend its sincere gratitude and recognition to our Arabic Advisors and Chef Volunteers for their time and contributions during the development of the Arabic Pre-Commis Chef Course over the past 2 years:

  • Amro Fahed Al Yassin, Vice President, Emirates Culinary Guild (Dubai) and General Secretary, Syrian Culinary Guild
  • Jihan Sahawaneh, Culinary Facilitator, Royal Academy Of Culinary Arts, Jordan, Worldchefs Education Network Member
  • Majed Al Sabagh, President, Syrian Culinary Guild and Vice President, Emirates Culinary Guild
  • Adel Gabr, Past President, Canadian Culinary Federation Windsor Branch

Currently Worldchefs Academy is also developing the Pre-Commis Chef Course in Italian and German to launch in 2021.

About Worldchefs Academy

Worldchefs Academy developed the Pre-Commis Chef online course and mobile app in conjunction with Nestlé Professional and the Pro Gastronomia Foundation to offer culinary education for aspiring chefs that may not have the means, mobility or flexibility to attend full-time culinary school. The Worldchefs Academy mobile app can be downloaded on both the App Store and Google Play, and is available at

For more information on Worldchefs Academy, contact: [email protected].

Yes Chef! دورة  Pre-Commis Chef العربي متاحة الآن!

إنه اليوم العالمي للغة العربية حيث يسر  Academy Worldchefs أن تعلن عن إطلاق دورة الطهاة عبر الإنترنت وتطبيق الهاتف المحمول باللغة العربية ! إضافة إلى مجموعة الدورات المجانية المتاحة لمجتمعنا العالمي ، تمت إضافة دورةchef  Pre-commis العربية الآن إلى مكتبة اللغة الإنجليزية والإسبانية والبرتغالية!

“بالنيابة عن مجلس إدارة منظمة Worldchefs ، أود أن أهنئ جميع المتطوعين من الطهاة العرب الذين ساعدوا في توفير هذه الفرصة التعليمية للطهاة الطموحين في المجتمعات الناطقة باللغة العربية في جميع أنحاء العالم. نحن فخورون بتقديم دورة Pre-Commis Chef باللغات العربية والبرتغالية والإسبانية والإنجليزية مع العديد من اللغات القادمة ! ” صرح بذلك ، رئيس Worldchefs توماس جوجلر.

من خلال المناهج الدراسية التي تغطي أساسيات احتراف الطهي ، وعمليات خدمة الطعام ، ونظرية الطهي ، ونظافة الأغذية والتعقيم الصحي ، والطهي الأساسي والتغذية الطهوية ، يمكن اتباع دورة Pre-Commis Chef كمنهج كامل ويمكن إستخدام الدروس الفردية لتكملة دورات أخرى موجودة أو توفير مكونات نظرية للتدريب المهني في الطهي.

يمكن للمشاركين التعلم من خلال النظام الأساسي المستند إلى صفحة الإنترنت أو عبر تطبيق الهاتف المحمول الذي يوفر الدراسة في وضع عدم الإتصال. من خلال الإتصال بالإنترنت عند توفرها ، يمكنهم تنزيل الدورة التدريبية عبر تطبيق الهاتف المحمول والدراسة في أي وقت ، سواء باستخدام الإنترنت أو بدونه. ثم يعودون ببساطة إلى الإنترنت عندما يكونون جاهزين لإكمال التقييم النهائي. ترتبط دورة Pre-Commis Chef أيضًا بفرص إعتماد Worldchefs وتهدف إلى أن تكون الخطوة الأولى في المسار الوظيفي للطهي.

تود أكاديمية Worldchefs أن تعرب عن خالص امتنانها وتقديرها لمستشارينا العرب ومتطوعينا من الطهاة العرب على وقتهم ومساهماتهم خلال تطوير دورة Pre-Commis Chef  على مدار العامين الماضيين:

  • عمرو فهد الياسين ، نائب رئيس جمعية الإمارات للطهي (دبي) والسكرتير العام للجمعية السورية للطهي

  • جيهان سهاونة ، معلمة فنون الطهي ، الأكاديمية الملكية لفنون الطهي ، الأردن ، عضو شبكة التعليم في Worldchefs

  • ماجد الصباغ ، رئيس الجمعية السورية للطهي  ونائب رئيس جمعية الإمارات للطهي ( الشارقة, عجمان , أم القيوين )

  • عادل جبر ، الرئيس السابق لإتحاد الطهي الكندي فرع وندسور

تقوم أكاديمية Worldchefs حاليًا أيضًا بتطوير دورة Pre-Commis Chef باللغة الإيطالية والألمانية لإطلاقها في عام 2021.

حول Worldchefs Academy

قامت  Worldchefs Academy ، وهي قسم من الإتحاد العالمي لجمعيات الطهاة (Worldchefs) بتطوير دورة Pre-Commis Chef عبر الإنترنت وتطبيق الهاتف المحمول بالتعاون مع Nestlé Professional ومؤسسة Pro Gastronomia لتقديم تعليم الطهي للطهاة الطموحين الذين قد لا يملكون الوسائل والقدرة على التنقل أو المرونة لحضور مدرسة الطهي بدوام كامل. يمكن تنزيل تطبيق Worldchefs Academy للجوال على كل من App Store و Google Play ، وهو متاح على

حول Worldchefs

تعتبر الرابطة العالمية لجمعيات الطهاة ، المعروفة بإسم Worldchefs ، شبكة عالمية ديناميكية تضم أكثر من 110 جمعية طهاة في جميع أنحاء العالم. صوت رائد في مجال الضيافة ، تحمل Worldchefs   92 عاماً من التاريخ منذ تأسيسها في جامعة السوربون من قبل الموقر أوغست إسكوفير .  تمثل منظمة Worldchefs عضوية دولية حشدت من متخصصي الطهي ، وهي ملتزمة بالنهوض بالمهنة والإستفادة من تأثير سترة الشيف لتحسين الصناعة والإنسانية بشكل عام .

لمزيد من المعلومات حول Worldchefs Academy ، إتصل بـ: [email protected].

Blog Country News Worldchefs Without Borders

WCWB Cooks for Doctors and Nurses of 5 Intensive Care Units in Greece

PARIS, 17th of December 2020 – WCWB Cooks for Doctors and Nurses of 5 Intensive Care Units in Greece


The symbolic action of gratitude to the Intensive Care Units (ICU) staff of 4 hospitals in Thessaloniki and 1 hospital in Volos City was successfully completed, offering a complete menu for doctors and nurses. The meals were prepared by a team from World Chefs Without Borders and the Chefs Association of Northern Greece.

Through this action, which lasted about a month, the Chefs wanted to show their support to these peoplewho daily give a “superhuman” fight to help citizens who have been affected by the global pandemic caused by COVID-19.

Hospitals in Thessaloniki, Greece

(Chefs prepared 300 portions each)

G. Genimmatas      1/12/2020

Saint Dimitrios         8/12/2020

G.Papanikolaou     10/12/2020

Papageorgiou         15/12/2020

Hospital in Volos City, Greece

General Hospital of Volos (Chefs prepared 50 portions) 15/12/2020


WCWB Chairman Willment Leong would like to personally recognize and thank the WCWB Members and the Chefs Association of Northern Greece for demonstrating such respect and consideration by preparing meals for the “frontline staff” of these 5 Intensive Care Units (ICU) in Thessaloniki and Volos City.

Blog Company / Partner Country FeedThePlanet FeedThePlanet - Blog Food Heroes Challenge - Blog National News

Feed the Planet December: The latest in food, planet & health

Hello Chef,

The world is changing, and so are menus.

Plant-based alternatives are booming. This is more than a trend, it’s a social shift. The next generation is adapting to safeguard the future more than any other consumer, with more than 40% of millennials adopting plant-based diets.

It’s so important that chefs stay up-to-date with both consumer demands and how to satisfy them, and perhaps even more important to understand a key root cause for the shift: the climate crisis.

Chef – we’re here to help you take action. Get started by reading this email!


Planetary Health Diet – Sustainability Around the World

We’re kicking of 2021 with Brent Loken, Global Food Lead Scientist at WWF Global Science. Together with the world’s leading scientists, Brent is helping to feed a future population of 10 billion people a healthy diet, while preserving our planet.
sign up free >>

Sustainable Nutrition – Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals

The Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals Webinar Series is back with a new lesson on Sustainable Nutrition! Developed by Torribera Mediterranean Center, this lesson shows how foods that are good for us are better for the planet, too.

learn more >>

Sim Chef – Worldchefs Academy

Worldchefs Academy just launched in Portuguese! The online Pre-Commis Chef Course and mobile app is now available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Free for everyone, no matter the education or skills level.
learn more >>


Sustainability Around the World Episode 7: Food Service Energy Efficiency
watch now >>

Issue 26 of Worldchefs Magazine is out now!
read for free >>

Become a Feed The Planet Champion
apply now >>

Tomorrow Tastes Mediterranean: Virtual Conference
tune in >>

The Future of Plant-Based Meal Solutions Is Sensational


Rhythm of Nature Ravioli
see the recipe >>

Vegetarian Christmas Wreath
see the recipe >>

Easiest Ever Chocolate Mousse
see the recipe >>



Worldchefs is seeking contributors for our new blog space at

Do you have a story, recipe, or article you want to share with us? Let’s hear it! Get in touch via this link.

get involved
visit our blog


Changing what we grow, cook, and eat is more imperative than ever if we want to have a chance to save the planet from the effects of climate change. 
Your choices have real impact.
Help use your power to ensure a sustainable future.
#thisisworldchefs #feedtheplanet #electroluxfoodfoundation

Feed the Planet is an initiative to inspire sustainable food consumption among communities and culinary professionals. Founded by Worldchefs, it is run in partnership with Electrolux Food Foundation and AIESEC.

Country National News Press Releases

Celebrating the Life of Monk Epiphanios

PARIS, 11th of December 2020 – Celebrating the Life of Monk Epiphanios

The Mount Athos monk Epiphanius Mylopotaminos was born in Paggaio, Kavala Prefecture in 1956, where he lived until he finished high school. In 1973 he went to Mount Athos. In 1990 he decided to continue his monastic life in the Holy Mountain of Agios Efstathios (Mylopotamos), part of the Holy Monastery of Megisti Lavra, whose history begins in the 10th century.

Monk Epiphanios said, “Cooking is passion.”

We usually cook for ourselves, which is very easy, while for our friends, our beloved, our family in festivals and social events, we are trying to reach perfection. We are searching in cookbooks and magazines, we are surfing the internet, we turn to the contribution of great chefs and we are going back to our roots and traditions.

This is modern gastronomy – rich, totally idealized, ornate, delicious, tempting – which in combination with a good wine defines our civilization and tradition. Cooking can be passion and love. Cooking unites us regardless of nationality, origin, religion, and race.

After many years of together, we are in the very sad and difficult position of saying goodbye to a great teacher and valued member of our Club, Elder Epiphanios the Mylotaminos.

He was sweet, generous, and authentic, and endowed Greek gastronomy with numerous Athorite recipes, spreading the wealth of Greek cuisine and winemaking worldwide.

He has been our mentor, opening us to new horizons through his technical knowledge and passion for cooking, but also life.

In each of our actions, he was present, supporting us, always giving us his valuable advice, inspiring us with his unmatched spirit and unparalleled love of cooking art.

With tears in our eyes, we say goodbye to the chief cook of Mount Athos, our chosen teacher and friend.

May you rest in peace, Old Epiphani!

Special thanks to Christos Gkotsis, Vice-President Chefs Association Northern Greece, for providing this beautiful message of tribute.



The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a dynamic global network of 110 chef associations worldwide. A leading voice in the hospitality industry, Worldchefs carries 91 years of history since its founding at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier. Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.


Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through these core focus areas:

Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, a diverse network of Worldchefs Education Partners and curriculums, and the world’s first Global Hospitality Certification recognizing on-the-job skills in hospitality; 


Networking – Worldchefs connects culinary professionals around the world through their online community platform and provides a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events and the biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;


Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and operates the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge;


Humanitarianism & Sustainability – Worldchefs Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.


For more information about Worldchefs, visit us at

Blog Country National News Press Releases

Sim Chef! Worldchefs Academy launches Portuguese Pre-Commis Chef Course!

Sim Chef! Worldchefs Academy launches Portuguese Pre-Commis Chef Course! 

(Portuguese translation included/Tradução portugesa incluída) 

PARIS December 10, 2020

Worldchefs Academy is excited to announce the launch of its online Pre-Commis Chef Course and mobile app in Portuguese! Adding to its repertoire of English and Spanish courses, this free online course and mobile app is now available in Portuguese for everyone, no matter the education or skills level.

With curriculum covering the basics of culinary professionalism, food service operations, culinary theory, food hygiene and sanitation, basic cooking and culinary nutrition, the Pre-Commis Chef Course can be followed as a complete curriculum and individual lessons can be used to compliment other existing courses or provide theoretical components to an in-service, kitchen apprenticeship. 


“For the entire Worldchefs Board of Directors, it is important to expand this opportunity for aspiring chefs all around the world in as many languages as possible. We are proud to be offering the Pre-Commis Chef Course now in Portuguese, Spanish and English with many more languages to come!” stated, Worldchefs President Thomas Gugler.

Participants can learn through the web-based platform or via the mobile app offering an offline study mode. By connecting to the Internet when it is available they can download the course via the mobile app and study at any time, with or without Internet. Then they simply go back online when ready to complete the final assessment. The Pre-Commis Chef Course also links to Worldchefs Certification opportunities and is intended to be the first step on the culinary career pathway.

“In times when the foodservice industry is undergoing a significant transformation, it is even more important to support young talent to help them prepare for a professional career. As part of the global Nestlé Needs YOUth initiative, which aims to help 10 million young people to access economic opportunities around the world, Nestlé Professional’s YOCUTA program is designed to develop Young Culinary Talents, strengthening their theoretical and practical skills and preparing them for the workforce”, said Rodrigo Camacho, Nestlé Professional Business Head for the Americas.  

Worldchefs Academy would like to say “OBRIGADO!!!” to our Portuguese language partner Nestlé Professional Americas and the YOCUTA program for all their support in making the course available to the Portuguese-speaking communities worldwide. 

Worldchefs Academy would like to also thank and recognize our Portuguese Advisor and Chef Volunteer Tomás Pereira, Member of Associação de Cozinheiros Profissionais de Portugal for helping with the development of the Portuguese Pre-Commis Chef Course and content review.

About Worldchefs Academy

Worldchefs Academy, a division of World Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs) developed the Pre-Commis Chef online course and mobile app in conjunction with Nestlé Professional and the Pro Gastronomia Foundation to offer culinary education for aspiring chefs that may not have the means, mobility or flexibility to attend full-time culinary school. The Worldchefs Academy mobile app can be downloaded on both the App Store and Google Play, and is available at  


Launched in 2015 in Latin America by Nestlé Professional, the YOCUTA (Young Culinary Talents) has already helped over 3,000 young people, entering the culinary or foodservice industry. As part of Nestlé’s broader Nestlé Needs YOUth Initiative, whose ambition is to help ten million young people worldwide access economic opportunities by 2030, YOCUTA aims to develop young professionals building a wide range of theoretical and practical skills required to pursue a successful career in the culinary industry. The Worldchefs Academy is part of the YOCUTA Program, complementing the technical and operational culinary skills education for future foodservice professionals.

About Nestlé Professional  

Nestlé Professional is the global leader in branded hot and cold beverage and food solutions.  The team of Nestlé Professional is passionate about serving the out of home industry and “Making More Possible” for their foodservice partners by leveraging a unique global reach, bringing knowledge and customized solutions to help customers, delight their consumers. 

About Worldchefs

The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a dynamic global network with over 110 chef associations worldwide. A leading voice in hospitality, Worldchefs carries 91 years of history since its founding at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier. Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large. 

For more information on Worldchefs Academy, contact: [email protected] 





Em Português

Yes Chef! Worldchefs Academy lança o Curso Pré-Commis Chef em Portugues!

PARIS  Dezembro 10,  2020  

A Worldchefs Academy está entusiasmada por anunciar o lançamento do seu Curso de Cozinha Pré-Commis Chef on-line e da sua aplicação móvel em português! Acrescentando ao seu repertório de cursos de inglês e espanhol, este curso online gratuito e a aplicação móvel está agora disponível em português para todos, independentemente do nível de educação ou competências.

Com um currículo que abrange as bases do profissionalismo culinário, operações de serviço alimentar, teoria culinária, higiene e segurança alimentar, bases de cozinha e nutrição culinária, o Curso Pré-Commis Chef pode ser seguido como um currículo completo e aulas individuais que podem ser usadas para complementar outros cursos existentes ou fornecer componentes teóricas para um estágio de aprendizagem em cozinha. 


“Para todo o Conselho de Administração da Worldchefs, é importante expandir esta oportunidade para aspirantes a chefs em todo o mundo, no maior número de línguas possível. Estamos orgulhosos de oferecer agora o Curso de Pré-Commis Chef em português, espanhol e inglês com muitas mais línguas por vir” declarou, o Presidente da Worldchefs Thomas Gugler.

Os participantes podem aprender através da plataforma baseada na web ou através da aplicação móvel que oferece um modo de estudo offline. Ao ligarem-se à Internet quando esta estiver disponível podem descarregar o curso através da aplicação móvel e estudar em qualquer altura, com ou sem Internet. Depois voltam simplesmente a estar online quando estiverem prontos para completar a avaliação final. O Curso Pré-Commis Chef também se liga a oportunidades de Certificação Worldchefs e pretende ser o primeiro passo no caminho da carreira culinária.

“Em tempos em que a indústria dos serviços alimentares está a sofrer uma transformação significativa, é ainda mais importante apoiar jovens talentos para os ajudar a prepararem-se para uma carreira profissional. Como parte da iniciativa global, Nestlé Precisa de Ti, que visa ajudar 10 milhões de jovens a aceder a oportunidades económicas em todo o mundo, o programa YOCUTA da Nestlé Professional foi concebido para desenvolver Jovens Talentos Culinários, reforçando as suas competências teóricas e práticas e preparando-os para a força de trabalho”, disse Rodrigo Camacho, Responsável Empresarial da Nestlé Professional para as Américas.  

A Academia Worldchefs gostaria de dizer “OBRIGADO!!!” ao nosso parceiro de língua portuguesa, Nestlé Professional Américas e ao programa YOCUTA por todo o seu apoio na disponibilização do curso às comunidades de língua portuguesa de todo o mundo. 

A Academia Worldchefs gostaria também de agradecer e reconhecer o nosso Conselheiro Português e Chef Voluntário Tomás Pereira, Membro da Associação de Cozinheiros Profissionais de Portugal por ajudar no desenvolvimento do Curso Português Pré-Commis Chef e na revisão de conteúdos.

Sobre a Academia Worldchefs

Worldchefs Academy, uma divisão da World Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs) desenvolveu o curso em linha Pre-Commis Chef e a aplicação móvel em conjunto com a Nestlé Professional e a Fundação Pro Gastronomia para oferecer educação culinária aos aspirantes a chefs que podem não ter os meios, mobilidade ou flexibilidade para frequentar a tempo inteiro a escola culinária. A aplicação móvel Worldchefs Academy pode ser descarregada tanto na App Store como no Google Play, e está disponível em 

Sobre a YOCUTA

Lançado em 2015 na América Latina pela Nestlé Professional, o YOCUTA (Jovens Talentos Culinários) já ajudou mais de 3.000 jovens, entrando na indústria culinária ou de serviços alimentares. Como parte da iniciativa mais ampla da Nestlé “A Nestlé precisa de Ti”, cuja ambição é ajudar dez milhões de jovens em todo o mundo a aceder a oportunidades económicas até 2030, a YOCUTA tem como objectivo desenvolver jovens profissionais construindo uma vasta gama de competências teóricas e práticas necessárias para prosseguir uma carreira de sucesso na indústria culinária. A Academia Worldchefs faz parte do Programa YOCUTA, complementando a formação técnica e operacional de competências culinárias para futuros profissionais da indústria alimentar.

Sobre a Nestlé Professional   

Nestlé Professional é o líder mundial em soluções alimentares e de bebidas quentes e frias de marca.  A equipa da Nestlé Professional é apaixonada por servir a indústria fora de casa e “Making More Possible” para os seus parceiros de serviços alimentares, alavancando um alcance global único, trazendo conhecimento e soluções personalizadas para ajudar os clientes, deliciar os seus consumidores. 

Sobre a Worldchefs

A World Association of Chefs’ Societies, conhecida como Worldchefs, é uma rede global dinâmica com mais de 110 associações de chefes de cozinha de todo o mundo. Uma voz líder em hospitalidade, Worldchefs carrega 91 anos de história desde a sua fundação na Sorbonne pelo venerável Auguste Escoffier. Representando uma mobilizada adesão internacional de profissionais da culinária, Worldchefs está empenhada em fazer avançar a profissão e alavancar a influência do casaco de cozinheiro para a melhoria da indústria e da humanidade em geral. 

Para mais informações sobre a Academia Worldchefs, contactar: [email protected] 



The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a dynamic global network of 110 chef associations worldwide. A leading voice in the hospitality industry, Worldchefs carries 91 years of history since its founding at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier. Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.

Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through these core focus areas:

Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, a diverse network of Worldchefs Education Partners and curriculums, and the world’s first Global Hospitality Certification recognizing on-the-job skills in hospitality; 

Networking – Worldchefs connects culinary professionals around the world through their online community platform and provides a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events and the biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;

Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and operates the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge;

Humanitarianism & Sustainability – Worldchefs Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.

For more information about Worldchefs, visit us at


Tomorrow Tastes Mediterranean

Tomorrow Tastes Mediterranean: Virtual Conference

Changing what we grow, cook, and eat is more imperative than ever if we want to have a chance to save the planet from the effects of climate change. Thankfully, we need to look no further than to the health, sustainability, and flavor principles of the Mediterranean Diet to adopt a road map to a better future. Join the Torribera Mediterranean Center — a project of The Culinary Institute of America and the University of Barcelona — for Tomorrow Tastes Mediterranean: Virtual Conference. In roundtables and presentations, leading chefs and scientists from around the world will discuss health, nutrition, sustainability, and flavor strategies to help chefs and foodservice operators operationalize the Mediterranean Diet into menus and products suited to the demands of 21st century consumers, in a Covid-19 era. You’ll get plenty of time for questions and conversations with these experts in this virtual program.

Inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and in recognition of the 10th anniversary of the designation by UNESCO of the Mediterranean Diet as an Intangible Cultural Heritage, and at a time of great uncertainty in our industry worldwide, how can scientists, chefs, business and government leaders, and food systems change-makers collaborate to significantly increase the presence of the heart of the traditional Mediterranean Diet — principally, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, legumes, nuts and seeds — on the menus of restaurants and foodservice operations across the Mediterranean and worldwide? And to that end, how can this same collaboration inspire next-generation culinary strategy, food product innovation, and consumer engagement building on the genius of the centuries-old food cultures of the Mediterranean basin? These questions drive the work behind Tomorrow Tastes Mediterranean.

The Torribera Mediterranean Center (TMC) is a joint initiative of the University of Barcelona and The Culinary Institute of America. It leverages the strengths of two leading educational institutions to address vital public health and sustainability issues through expanded academic, professional, and business collaboration. As the only academic center focused on preserving and broadly advancing the Mediterranean Diet and the wide application of its principles, TMC connects cutting-edge food and nutrition research with world-class culinary insight, food and agricultural business innovation, and translational strategies across multiple sectors of society—all within a pan-Mediterranean cultural reference framework. 

In a partnership initiated by Custom Culinary® and Worldchefs, The Torribera Mediterranean Center developed an additional, 8th module on Sustainable Nutrition for the Feed the Planet Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals program.

To sign-up for the free 8th module debuting on December 1st, click below!

Haven’t joined for the full online webinar series yet? Interested in earning a digital badge in sustainability? You can take part in the first 7 module’s of the Sustainability for Culinary Professionals webinar here.

Want to get involved in sustainability projects at home and around the world? Feed the Planet can help connect you with fun, easy, and impactful initiatives designed for especially for chefs. Visit now.  

Have an earth-friendly recipe to share? Click here to submit it! And don’t forget to become a part of the Feed the Planet community. Join now.

For more on sustainability, tune in to Worldchefs Podcast: World on a Plate, and be sure to check out our episodes with UN Advocate Chef Arthur Potts Dawson, influencer Max LaManna, and The Vegetable Chef, Frank Fol.

Sustainability for Culinary Professionals is part of our Feed the Planet initiative. Find out how you can get involved at

Feed the Planet is run in partnership with founding partners Electrolux Food Foundation and AIESEC, and counts on the support of the Electrolux Food Foundation. Learn more about the Foundation here.

#feedtheplanet #ThisIsWorldchefs #electroluxfoodfoundation

Blog Country National News Press Releases

Issue 26 of Worldchefs Magazine is out now!

Paris · 17 November 2020 · Issue 26 of Worldchefs Magazine is out now! 

In this edition, we hear news from Worldchefs members around the globe, explore trends and innovations defining the future of our industry and learn how career development has adapted amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Discover recipes, advice and more in this issue of Worldchefs Magazine: the Official Magazine of the World Association of Chefs’ Societies.

Read more, click here


The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a dynamic global network of 110 chef associations worldwide. A leading voice in hospitality, Worldchefs carries 91 years of history since its founding at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier. Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.

Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through four core focus areas:

Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, a diverse network of Worldchefs Education Partners and curriculums, and the world’s first Global Hospitality Certification recognizing on-the-job skills in hospitality; 

Networking – Worldchefs connects culinary professionals around the globe through their online community platform and provides a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events, Worldchefs Village, and the biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;

Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules and endorsement of key culinary competitions worldwide, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and operates the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge;

Humanitarianism & Sustainability – Worldchefs Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.

For more information about Worldchefs, visit us at

Company / Partner Country News Press Releases

The World’s First Carbon Neutral School of Tea by Dilmah

Sri Lanka · 15 November 2020 · The World’s First Carbon Neutral School of Tea by Dilmah

The Dilmah School of Tea is a tea programme that seeks to inspire passion in tea through knowledge of the artisanal aspects of tea amongst hospitality professionals, tea aficionados and consumers. The emphasis is on the importance of Real Tea and the versatility of this natural herb in Tea Gastronomy, Food Pairing and Tea Mixology. The 70th Dilmah School of Tea in Sri Lanka celebrated 10 years of stirring tea inspiration in February 2020. Initiated in 2009, at the Institut Paul Bocuse in France, Dilmah’s dissemination of knowledge knows no borders, inspiring tea aficionados in Europe, East Asia and more. With up to 5200 participants in total so far, this year 112 participants took part in the only educational course in tea that is accredited by the World Association of Chefs’ Societies. 

In conjunction with these milestones, the 70th session also marks the first ever Carbon Neutral School of Tea. This was made possible because of the philosophy, ‘business a matter of human service’, that is at the heart of the Dilmah Tea brand; every sip of Dilmah enjoyed by the world has contributed to the fulfilment of this philosophy, generating over 40 million USD to humanity. In order to achieve carbon neutrality, supporting conservation projects included the planting of 1 million Cashew Trees in rural Sri Lanka, re-wilding tea gardens and restoring wetlands. Additionally, the Dilmah sustainability team calculated international air mileages, emissions from internal transporting, power and water usage, analyzed waste records and reviewed food plans from the conference, so that it may be offset to ensure the first Carbon Neutral event for Dilmah. 

Further, a paperless learning experience was introduced; participants were required to download the ‘Dilmah Tea inspired App’ for learning material instead of using printed paper textbooks. Examinations this year were also held online. Experiencing the relevance of tea for the 21st Century, all participants experienced a modern Sri Lankan Afternoon Tea that consisted of sweet and savoury items made using local ingredients.

To catch a glimpse of the inspiration that was brewed earlier this year, watch: 


The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a dynamic global network of 110 chef associations worldwide. A leading voice in hospitality, Worldchefs carries 91 years of history since its founding at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier. Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.

Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through four core focus areas:

Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, a diverse network of Worldchefs Education Partners and curriculums, and the world’s first Global Hospitality Certification recognizing on-the-job skills in hospitality; 

Networking – Worldchefs connects culinary professionals around the globe through their online community platform and provides a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events, Worldchefs Village, and the biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;

Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules and endorsement of key culinary competitions worldwide, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and operates the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge;

Humanitarianism & Sustainability – Worldchefs Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.

For more information about Worldchefs, visit us at

Blog Country International Chefs Day National News Press Releases

International Chefs Day 2020 Results Are In!

PARIS November 12, 2020

Many of us have had an uncertain year. Globally, we were all on the same page. COVID 19 had an impact on every one of us.  Despite the circumstances, many Chefs tried to share a moment with children around the world this year on and around October 20th to celebrate International Chefs Day 2020. 

Many of us were on lock down for months and many never stopped working since this pandemic started.  I am sure it gave us all a sense of normalcy to give back to our communities. Seeing the emails pour in from all of you, truly made my heart melt.  You made me feel grateful for your participation in this year’s campaign and made me proud to be part of Worldchefs. We did not know what to expect this year, but as Chefs know how to do daily, we adapt to any situation given to us at a moment’s notice. 

Our sponsor, Nestle Professional, not only provided and developed the theme “Healthy Food for the Future,” but also stepped in at the end of the summer to make adaptations to the International Chefs Day Online Toolkit.  This adaptation allowed Chefs to download a Virtual Toolkit ready for your online platform event.  Thank you Nestle Professional for being such a huge support and fan of this campaign!

Chef Emmanuel Lorieux, Nestle Professional Global Executive Chef, shared his kind words, “I wanted to just say thank you to those who participated and organized real and virtual events and managed to reach so many kids for this truly special International Chefs Day event, even if it has been a very challenging year so far for all of us! At Nestlé Professional, we are proud of all of you and we will keep on supporting Chefs from all around the globe for the years to come by supporting and developing great and useful material for International Chefs Day and the Worldchefs association.”

Worldchefs President Thomas A. Gugler also  expressed his thanks to  all the participants, the team in front and behind the activities, the International Chefs Day Committee and Chairman Vanessa Marquis  for their hard work and dedication. Reminding everyone  “Always believe on the Power of the White Jacket and think positive. May you all stay safe and healthy and a big THANK YOU to all of you!”

Chef Dr. Bill Gallagher, founder of International Chefs Day in 2004, would be so proud of all of you!  Although we are having a tough year globally, you continued his vision of celebrating our noble profession and passing on our knowledge and culinary skills to the next generation with a sense of pride and commitment to the future. 

I am also very proud of the International Chefs Day Committee who volunteered their time this year to get the word out and answer any questions you had about the 2020 campaign.  Everyone played a big role in making this a great year. Thank you to the Team, Chef Cornelia Volino, Worldchefs Secretary General, and the Worldchefs Office for all their support and dedication to this amazing global initiative.


And now what you have all been waiting for…

Just look at our final counts for 2020!


Children Reached

Chef Participation





Creativity and Social Media played a huge part in this campaign with just over 25,000 reached by your demonstrations, Zoom meetings, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.  If you missed sharing with children this October, you can participate in 2021 by joining even more Chefs around the world for next year’s International Chefs Day campaign.


I leave you with this final thought, by Chef Dr. Bill Gallagher:


“Progress is incremental so concentrate on what you can do today that you couldn’t do yesterday.”

Source: Food & Home/Michael Meyersfeld


Now look at just some of the many International Chefs Day 2020 Events from around the world:


La Crise Sanitaire Doit Être l’occasion de Reconstruire Notre Souveraineté Alimentaire

La Crise Sanitaire Doit Être l’occasion de Reconstruire Notre Souveraineté Alimentaire

FIGAROVOX/TRIBUNE Mercredi 13 mai 2020- La crise du coronavirus ne va faire qu’aggraver la situation déjà difficile de la filière agricole française. Pour sauver notre agriculture, ainsi que notre restauration, la France doit adopter une stratégie nationale alimentaire cohérente, plaident Christine et Patrice van Ackere.

Christine van Ackere est biochimiste et ex-cheffe. Patrice van Ackere, ancien élève de l’ENA, a été membre de jurys culinaires. lls sont les auteurs de Passion gastronomique (Balland, 2018), un ouvrage préfacé par Bernard Pacaud, chef trois étoiles de l’Ambroisie.

Combien d’activités humaines répondent à un besoin essentiel, tout en étant une source de plaisir, une occasion de rassembler des femmes et des hommes autour d’une confrontation d’idées, de souvenirs ou de projets, en pérennisant des traditions, en étant porteuses d’une identité (dans le meilleur sens du terme), en contribuant à l’aménagement du territoire et à la création d’emplois, en mettant en relation des professions très diverses? Il n’y en a qu’une: la gastronomie. Et en France, l’expression crise ne correspond pas à la réalité actuelle (car une crise se conclut normalement par un retour à un état initial, éventuellement modifié): en 2020, la restauration de France est en situation catastrophique et ce de manière probablement durable.

La destruction de valeur subie par la restauration, avec sa dimension patrimoniale, n’est pas rattrapable.

La fermeture imposée ne génère pas qu’une simple crise de trésorerie: la destruction de valeur subie, avec sa dimension patrimoniale, n’est pas rattrapable, contrairement à ce qu’on observe dans nombre d’industries d’équipement.

La gastronomie française est blessée, impactant directement l’économie dans son ensemble puisque c’est toute l’agriculture et l’industrie agroalimentaire qui bénéficient, dans son sillage, d’une image de marque positive dans le monde.

Aujourd’hui, l’enjeu va au-delà, car il s’agit de la souveraineté alimentaire de la France. Le président de la République a, mieux que quiconque, souligné l’enjeu de la crise sanitaire de 2020 dans son allocution du 13 avril, en déclarant: «Déléguer notre alimentation, notre protection, notre capacité à soigner notre cadre de vie au fond à d’autres est une folie.» La valeur ajoutée dans la filière agricole française diminue d’un milliard d’euros chaque année depuis cinq ans. Stopper cette dégradation est devenu un impératif national. Depuis une dizaine d’années, Allemagne, Espagne et Pays-Bas accroissent leurs exportations, les coûts salariaux et sociaux ne constituent donc pas à eux seuls un frein au succès.

Adoptons une stratégie nationale alimentaire pour bâtir une chaîne agroalimentaire complète et cohérente.

Dès lors, il nous faut reconstruire et garantir la souveraineté alimentaire de la France, en relocalisant les forces productives ; il n’est pas normal que la moitié des fruits, de légumes et de certaines viandes soient importée, de surcroît sur la base de normes techniques souvent moins exigeantes que celles qui sont imposées aux producteurs français. Adoptons une stratégie nationale alimentaire, à partir d’une approche globale pour bâtir une
chaîne agroalimentaire complète et cohérente, incluant agriculture, viticulture, transformation, restauration, innovation technologique et soutien à l’exportation. La food tech française (agtech et foodscience) risque d’être prise de vitesse par celle des pays anglo-saxons, de l’Europe du Nord et d’Israël. Au vu des problèmes de santé et d’environnement qui appellent des innovations, ces entreprises bénéficient d’un atout exceptionnel. Partout dans le monde, les trois ressources nécessaires à la production alimentaire que sont la terre, l’eau et l’énergie se raréfient, ouvrant des débouchés pour des technologies qui permettent de les préserver en appui à une nouvelle compétitivité française.

Le monde entier admire, envie et copie notre gastronomie.

La gastronomie est devenue un puissant ciment de l’unité nationale depuis la suspension du service national obligatoire. Le monde entier l’admire, l’envie et la copie. L’UNESCO a reconnu le repas gastronomique français comme élément du patrimoine immatériel de l’humanité, la France se doit de le soutenir dans la durée.

Discutons d’une loi de programmation agroalimentaire quinquennale, avec des engagements budgétaires couvrant l’ensemble des secteurs de la filière, de manière compatible avec les engagements pris au titre de la politique agricole commune (PAC). Le transfert prévu d’une grande partie des choix d’application de la PAC aux États membres offre d’ailleurs l’opportunité d’une mise en œuvre adaptée au contexte local. L’un des débouchés de l’agriculture étant les restaurants, l’État pourrait envisager le rachat de la dette de ceux qui ont subi la catastrophe sanitaire de 2020 et qui seraient prêts à prendre des engagements progressifs d’alimentation saine, en contrepartie d’une prise de participation à leur capital, qu’ils pourront racheter au fur et à mesure de la remontée de leur chiffre d’affaires, sur cinq ans par exemple, allégeant d’autant la charge budgétaire de l’État.

La préservation de la gastronomie française appelle le développement de la justice alimentaire en France.

Par ailleurs, à partir du moment où, comme l’a répété le président de la République le 13 avril, «il est des biens et des services qui doivent être placés en dehors des lois du marché», la France doit pouvoir négocier des adaptations à ses engagements en matière d’ouverture commerciale dans le cadre de l’UE et l’OMC.

Enfin, la préservation dans la durée de la gastronomie française appelle le développement de la justice alimentaire en France: la cohésion nationale suppose de réduire la fracture alimentaire. L’insécurité alimentaire, telle que définie par la FAO, touche en France un adulte sur dix, paradoxe dans un pays qui a une des meilleures agricultures du monde! Certes, l’État n’est pas resté inactif: il a initié en 2010 un Programme National pour l’Alimentation plaçant le plaisir et le goût au centre des actions, articulé avec un Plan National Nutrition Santé pour offrir à tous l’accès à une alimentation de bonne qualité et produite dans des conditions durables. Par ailleurs, la loi dite EGalim de 2018 place la lutte contre la précarité alimentaire dans le champ de la lutte contre la pauvreté et les exclusions.

Il faudrait calculer ce que coûte à la collectivité une agriculture en crise avec les drames humains qu’elle génère.

Certes toute politique a un coût, mais il faudrait calculer le retour sur investissement d’une politique d’alimentation saine (le R.O.I. des investisseurs), alors que le seul coût social de l’obésité et du surpoids est évalué entre 20 et 25 milliards d’euros par an. Dans ce calcul, il faudrait aussi intégrer ce que coûte à la collectivité une agriculture en crise avec les drames humains qu’elle génère. Les solutions ne sont pas nécessairement très coûteuses, elles commencent par le développement des actions éducatives. Ce qui serait dans la nature des
choses pour un pays qui est reconnu dans le monde entier pour sa gastronomie.


French readers: you can find Menaces sur la Gastronomie Française at your local bookstore and online here, as well as their 1st book, Passion Gastronomique.

To read their article in Le Figaro, visit our blog or click here.

You can hone your skills AND help keep French gastronomy alive! Get your own copy of the English translation to the famous La Cuisine de Référence – the book that trained over 800,000 chefs in French cooking techniques. Translated into English for the 25th anniversary, The French Chef Handbook is now available to the Worldchefs members with an exclusive discount. The next best thing to a stage in a kitchen, take a study trip to France without the plane ticket with the most complete book of key technical tips in the kitchen with more than 500 step-by-step techniques, 3000 photos, 118 videos, and 1000 recipes worksheets. Visit Worldchefs store at to learn more and save with the discount code WORLDCHEFS.

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