News World

Chef Joseph Oseli from Slovenia organized a heartbreaking workshop for children without parents

On April Fools’ Day chef Joseph Oseli from Slovenia didn’t make fun of anyone, but rather did a very good job. In collaboration with the Centre for culinary training Horeca in the middle of Belgrade he organized a workshop for children without parents. Young people from state-run institutional care aged 14 to 16 are in the right age to decide which high school to enroll. Joseph wanted to show them how great and also hard the culinary field is. Their aspirations are very different – from player and singer to painter and hairdresser.

Of course, among them we also found chefs and waiters. Chef Joseph told them he always knew what he wanted to do, even though back then the cooking wasn’t the most modern and desirable profession. He also showed various photos from different events related to cooking – from fashion shows and weddings to presidential meetings and festivals. He explained that cooking is a very nice profession, which leads you to different parts of the world and you can learn a lot about different cultures and people. He also told them that it is a hard work and it is essential for young people that do not remain within the borders of their own country, but also go to study abroad.

The emotional lecture was followed by a workshop. First Joseph showed them how to prepare a tiramisu. Kids were excited, because they ate tiramisu for the first time. At the same time they had endless fun with pouring tiramisu in the cups. Then it was a pizza time and a great euphoria and competition for the best pizza began. Although they were all great at it, we were most impressed by little Tamara, who made a pizza in the shape of a heart just for chef Oseli.

Despite her sad story from home, she has a strong and positive spirit. Her boyfriend Alexander said he is really excited over this workshop, because he already attends secondary culinary school. 14-year-old Marko told us he came to institution for children without parents when he was 7 years old, because his parents were drug addicts. And even though he missed them is now happy here and he wants to become a painter. He showed us his talent for drawing and we were impressed. Sasha, who was abused by her mother, said they spend a really nice time within their institution, because they organize a lot of different events for them and she even got a surprise party for her birthday a month ago.

When the children ate their pizza, they also learned how to prepare gnocchi. In the end, they said it was the first time they were allowed to cook by themselves and they spent a wonderful day with Joseph and his team. They were so grateful they didn’t know how to thank him. When there was a time to say goodbye they couldn’t stop hugging him and crying.

News World

El Príncipe de Asturias recibe la chaquetilla “roja” de la Selección Española de Cocina Profesional

Don Felipe agradeció el obsequio al chef Alberto Moreno, que entregó al Príncipe la chaquetilla oficial en nombre del Equipo Nacional, “La Roja de la Cocina” en el marco de la inauguración de “Alimentaria”, el mayor encuentro gastronómico y agroalimentario de España.

Sus Altezas Reales los Príncipes de Asturias, Don Felipe y Doña Letizia, inauguraron la vigésima edición del Salón Internacional de la Alimentación y Bebidas “Alimentaria 2014” en Barcelona, haciendo posteriormente un recorrido por el recinto ferial al que fueron acompañados por el Ministro de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Miguel Arias Cañete, el Presidente de la Generalitat de Cataluña, Artur Mas, y otras autoridade Tal y como se había previsto, Don Felipe hizo una parada en el estand de INTERPORC -la Interprofesional del Porcino de Capa Blanca, que agrupa al 90 % del sector en España- donde la Selección Española de Cocina apoya la difusión de este producto elemental con actividades tales como Showcooking, exhibición y clases magistrales durante la feria.

El Príncipe Felipe tuvo a bien aceptar -manifestando su ilusión- el simbólico regalo de la Selección, entregado por Alberto Moreno, Subcapitán del Equipo y candidato español al próximo Bocuse d´Or, el concurso culinario más célebre del mundo, que hizo entrega del uniforme en compañía de Alberto Herranz, Director de INTERPORC.

Moreno tuvo ocasión de explicar al Príncipe la labor de difusión de la gastronomía española que realiza la Selección y el heredero de la Corona le emplazó a un próximo encuentro. La Selección Española de Cocina Profesional, conocida como “La Roja de la Cocina” es la actual campeona de Europa en el circuito de WACS (World Association of Chefs Societies, organización con 93 países miembros y más de diez millones de asociados), Mejor tercer equipo Junior del mundo y representante oficial de España en el Bocuse d´Or. La Organización está certificada por el Mº del Interior y cuenta con el beneplácito de la Marca España del Mº de Asuntos Exteriores, teniendo el apoyo expreso de una veintena de asociaciones y organizaciones sectoriales.

News World

Farm to Fork Conference

A sustainable food conference will be taking place in Egypt on the 12th of May.

It will be dealing with sustainable food and farming practices in the region.

For more information visit their facebook page. Or email right here.

News World

Congress Spotlight – Chef Da Dong, Master of Chinese Cuisine

Another outstanding Chef will be showcasing his master skills at the upcoming Worldchefs Congress 2014 in Stavanger, Norway, from 2-5 July.

A world-renowned icon of Chinese contemporary cuisine and an absolute leader in Chinese Catering industry Chef Da Dong, namely Dong Zhenxiang, will be sharing his knowledge, skills and philosophy at this year’s Worldchefs Congress!

The doors will be open to everyone who attends the Worldchefs Congress, so be sure we see you in Norway, as it promises to be a memorable event!

To register, follow the link:
News World

Special room rates and extended Early Bird offer for Juniors!

Thanks to the Young Chefs Development team’s tremendous effort to gather as much Juniors as possible and secure them a place at the Worldchefs Congress 2014, we bring you fantastic news fellow Young Chefs.

All of you who intend to participate in the upcoming Worldchefs Congress 2014, 2-5 July in Stavanger (Norway) be sure you don’t miss out on this great opportunity.

If you are 25 or younger, you can BOOK NOW an exclusive room rate, near Worldchefs Congress area, for just around 35 Euros per person per night.

Now when the Early Bird discount is extended until the beginning of the Worldchefs Congress 2014, you can be sure we SEE YOU IN NORWAY!

To download registration form please look at the document below.

P.S. The number of rooms is limited, so hurry up with your bookings!

News World

Get ready for the Worldchefs Congress 2014

Worldchefs Congress 2014 is just around the corner!

Take a glance at what to expect from 2-5 July in Stavanger at the world culinary meeting point!

If you want to obtain an early bird discount, make sure to secure your seat by March 31st

See you in Norway!


News World

Oliver Esser kocht mit Grundschülern in Schepsdorf

Suppe aus Myanmar alma Lingen. Meist nur einmal im Jahr kommt der deutsche Koch Oliver Esser in sein Heimatland zurück.

Dieses Mal teilt er die Zeit mit knapp 30 kleinen Köpfen, die unter weißen Kochmützen stecken. Zusammen wirbeln sie in der Küche der Grundschule Schepsdorf in Lingen herum und versuchen, eine Mohenga, eine Frühstückssuppe aus Myanmar, zuzubereiten.

In Myanmar, das auch als Birma bekannt ist, besitzt Esser ein Hotel. Dort sowie in weiten Teilen des Landes ist die traditionelle Suppe fester Bestandteil des Frühstücks. Für die Grundschüler nimmt Esser leichte Veränderungen am Rezept vor, damit es auch den Kleineren schmeckt: Fisch wird durch Hühnchen ersetzt und Eiweißnudeln durch Spaghetti.

Mit Feuereifer sind die Schüler dabei, und am Herd wird darum gekämpft, wer die Suppe am längsten umrühren darf. Günther Sondermann, der Esser beim Kochen mit den Schülern unterstützt, ist begeistert vom Einsatz der Schüler.

„Die Kinder im Emsland wissen einfach, wie man Eier kocht und Gemüse schneidet“, sagt Sondermann mit einem Lachen. Ganz nach myanmarischem Rezept können die Schüler ihre Mohenga mit Koriander und Chili würzen. Nach dem Schnippeln und während das Hühnchen im Kochtopf langsam gar wird, gibt Elke Feldmann, Essers Ehefrau, den Schülern einen Einblick in das Leben in Myanmar.

Mit Bildern, die sie und ihr Mann dort aufgenommen haben, erklärt sie den Schülern, wie unterschiedlich Südostasien im Vergleich zu Deutschland ist. Hier kommt auch der eigentliche Grund für den Besuch im Emsland heraus: Esser, seine Frau und viele weitere Helfer, darunter Oliver Essers Bruder René Esser aus Lohne, sammelten mehr als 1000 alte Brillen, um diese in Myanmar an die Einwohner zu verteilen.

Neben der Leitung ihres Hotels „Laguna Lodge“ hilft das Ehepaar viel beim Aufbau des Landes, das durch Armut geprägt ist. Esser, der zudem Mitbegründer und Präsident der Köche-Vereinigung „Myanmar Chef Association“ ist, liebt trotz dieser Schwierigkeiten seine zweite Heimat in Südostasien: „Die innere Ruhe gefällt mir am meisten. Wenn in Myanmar ein Problem auftaucht, dann wird gewartet, bis es vorüberzieht.“

Mit dieser Gelassenheit geht Esser auch das Kochen mit den Zweit- und Drittklässlern an. Egal, ob die Hälfte der hart gekochten Eier schon beim Schälen vernascht wird oder ob die Suppe beim Balancieren auf den Boden tropft, Esser lobt die kleinen Köche für ihren Einsatz: „Ein Sternekoch bekommt dafür 5000 Euro im Monat, und ihr habt die Mohenga in weniger als einer Stunde zubereitet!“ Am Ende probieren alle ihr selbst gekochtes Gericht: Den meisten schmeckt es, nur für manche ist die deftige Suppe zum Frühstück doch ein bisschen ungewohnt.

Starkes Team in der Küche: Benjamin Bojer, 8, und Koch Oliver Esser. Foto: Antonia Mayer


Art&Science News

Worldchefs and Electrolux Professional seal a milestone partnership

Worldchefs and Electrolux Professional have announced a milestone partnership, aimed at sharing their knowledge and increasing awareness of specific topics related to sustainable cooking.

Combining culinary creativity, talent and experience of the Worldchefs members with the knowledge, technology and proficiency offered by Electrolux Professional, the joint project titled “Art & Science Come Together”, will provide chefs with an essential hands-on experience.

The first project in the pipeline is “Chef2Chef” – a series of seminars created to bring chefs together at the Electrolux Professional Innovation Centers. The Electrolux Professional showrooms are designed and equipped to enable a vast of educational opportunities through different cooking sessions, trainings and demos. The “Chef2Chef” educational training sessions will be focusing on the core themes, such as sustainable cooking, all stages of utilizing locally sourced ingredients, along with premium technology solutions provided by Electrolux Professional, such as the Cook&Chill system. In its first stages, the partnership will focus on four key areas: Dubai, Russia, UK and US, and will feature several annual events in each Innovation Center. Worldchefs looks forward to this partnership and in bringing the beauty of ‘art & science’ in the kitchen to all our chef members globally.

For more information, visit Electrolux Professional website.

News World

Worldchefs Appoints Chef Charles M. Carroll CEC AAC as Vice-President

Our very own Mr. Carroll12 March 2013 – President of the WORLDCHEFS Gissur Gudmundsson, the global authority of chefs, has appointed Chef Charles Carroll from the United States as its new Vice President.

 Chef Carroll has taken the baton from Chef Hilmar B. Jonsson from Iceland, who stepped down recently for personal reasons. The executive committee, together with the Icelandic Chefs Association made the unanimous decision to appoint Chef Charles Carroll as his successor. This is yet another landmark moment for WORLDCHEFS, for this is the first time that the Vice President is of a different nationality from the President.

 Says Charles Carroll, “It is an honour for me to be part of this team and I am very humbled by this appointment. I promise to do more than my best in contributing to the elevation and promotion of the chef profession.”

 Chef Carroll is an award winning author of Leadership Lessons From A Chef: Finding Time To Be Great, Chef Carroll is currently the Executive Chef of River Oaks Country Club, in Houston Texas. He is the recipient of over seventy national and international awards, including Chef of the Year, Chef’s Good Taste Award, Sharing Culinary Traditions Award, Chef’s Professionalism Award, the James Beard Foundation Great Country Inn Chefs Award and Educator of the Year Award among numerous others.

 Chef Carroll has served the United States on seven of its Culinary Olympic Teams over the last 20 years, competing all over the world with the ultimate prize being number one in the world in 2000.

 He has also spent the past two years traveling around the United States mentoring, sharing and presenting, his messages to culinary students, chefs, industry professionals and executives. His influence and inspiration has helped thousands of individuals reach their full potential and strive to be the best they can be.

 Chef Gissur Gudmundsson, President of WORLDCHEFS shared, “I am very pleased to have Charles Carroll on board. We started working closely when he was appointed Chairman for the WACS Congress 2012 in Daejeon, and his commitment to the culinary profession and chef community is exemplary. It is an honour to have someone I respect and admire greatly on this team.”

Art&Science News

Worldchefs Seals Global Partnership with Electrolux Professional “Art & Science Come Together”

WORLDCHEFS is proud to announce an international alliance with Electrolux Professional, the world-renowned leader of professional kitchen solutions, aimed at sharing the common knowledge and increasing awareness on specific topics related to sustainable cooking.

This partnership will launch a number of dedicated exciting activities which will unite the beauty of the culinary arts with the breakthroughs in culinary technology, more specifically, the “Art & Science Come Together” program will combine the culinary creativity and talent of the Worldchefs chefs with the knowledge, technology and specialized experience of the solutions offered by Electrolux Professional.

For decades Electrolux has been present in one of the most demanding workplaces, the professional kitchen, gaining exclusive insight from working among top-ranked and talented chefs worldwide, which has led to the development of innovative and thoughtful solutions that improve the business of restaurants around the world and help consumers experience culinary enjoyment. Sharing this knowledge is at the very foundation of this exclusive partnership.

The first initiative in the pipeline within the “Art & Science Come Together” program is Chef2Chef, a series of seminars created to bring Chefs together at the Electrolux Professional Innovation Centers, extensive showrooms equipped with training kitchens designed for equipment demonstration, cooking sessions and educational trainings, spread across the world.

These educational training sessions will be focused around core themes, such as sustainable cooking utilizing locally sourced ingredients, with details on how chefs can plan, source, and prepare, using the technology and science behind the Electrolux Professional solutions, such as the Cook&Chill system. The partnership will focus initially on four key areas – Dubai, Russia, United Kingdom and United States – and will be featuring several annual events in each local Innovation Center, but more activities will follow, involving even more countries.

Says Gissur Gudmundsson, President of Worldchefs, “Electrolux has always been a preferred professional brand for chefs. We are pleased and excited about this partnership, which opens up numerous opportunities for chefs around the world to improve their skills and benefit from the vast knowledge and experience Electrolux Professional brings to the table.

“What makes Electrolux unique is that we are always focused on the solution for the foodservice players,” says Alberto Zanata, President of Electrolux Professional. “We offer a complete system that starts with the preparation, then the preservation and refrigeration, then the cooking process. When designing a product we talk about the complete process. You need product specialisation but at the same time we are also systems integrators: combining technology, sustainability and training is precisely what we aim to achieve with the “Art & Science Come Together” seminars.”

About Electrolux Professional

Electrolux Professional is the only supplier worldwide offering a complete range of high-performance products for professional kitchens and laundry under the same brand. Electrolux Professional provides best-in-class solutions and innovative products with excellent features and services to meet the needs of even the most demanding customers and which are frequently used under the same roof, working ‘hand in hand’ in businesses such as hotels and in hospitals. One professional brand with unique expertise within each business, Electrolux Professional supplies more than one third of the star-winning restaurants on the continent and remains a strong market leader in the professional laundry business. Our 2,000 service partners in 140 countries ensure that our resource-efficient equipment, leading in innovation and design, improve our customer’s everyday business. In 2013, Electrolux Professional had sales of EUR 640 million, 2.600 employees, 7 factories and over 1.000 dealers.

For more information visit the Electrolux Professional website 


WORLDCHEFS is a global network of chefs associations first founded in October 1928 at the Sorbonne in Paris. At that first congress there  were 65 delegates from 17 countries, representing 36 national and international associations, and the venerable August Escoffier was named the first Honourary President. Today, this global body consists of 100 chefs associations as members that represent over 10 million professional chefs worldwide. The biennial Worldchefs congress is a hallmark tradition of the World Association of Chefs Societies and has been organised in over 20 cities across the world throughout its illustrious 86-year history. WORLDCHEFS is managed by an elected presidential body consisting of the WORLDCHEFS President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary General, as well as the board consisting of Honourary President, Past President and seven Continental Directors from Asia, Europe South, Central and North, Africa, Pacific and the Americas. Three separate committees, the Culinary Competitions Committee, the Education Committee and the Marketing and Communication committee, as well as several sub-committees, managing WORLDCHEFS programs and different activities.


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