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Italy: Families receive food assistance from Worldchefs members amid deadly floods

Amid catastrophic flooding in Northern Italy, Worldchefs’ member Federazione Italiana Cuochi (FIC) and World Chefs Without Borders provide thousands of displaced people with food and comfort.
Catastrophic flooding in Northern Italy has displaced thousands and upended livelihoods. Worldchefs member FIC is on the ground providing emergency food relief to flood-stricken communities.
Catastrophic flooding in Northern Italy has displaced thousands and upended livelihoods. Worldchefs member FIC is on the ground providing emergency food relief to flood-stricken communities.

Flooding in Northern Italy has killed 15 people and displaced more than 36,000. Worldchefs’ member FIC has responded with emergency food relief, delivering solidarity and food assistance to those in need.

In Emilia-Romagna, dozens of chefs from the FIC Solidarity and Emergency Department (DSEFIC) have worked around the clock to provide hot meals to those whose lives have been upended by the deadly floods.

In Emilia-Romagna, dozens of chefs from the FIC Solidarity and Emergency Department (DSEFIC) have worked around the clock to provide hot meals to those whose lives have been upended by the deadly floods. Image: FIC volunteer chefs prepare hot meals in emergency kitchens in Imola and Riolo Terme.
FIC volunteer chefs prepare hot meals in emergency kitchens in Italy’s Emilia-Romagna region.

“Since May 19, our teams of emergency cooks have been on the field in the cities of Imola and Riolo Terme to prepare meals for the population and rescuers,” says Roberto Rosati, DSE President and World Chefs Without Borders Committee Member. “To date we have produced almost 12,000 complete meals.” Worldchefs Without Borders provided 4,000 euro to help fund the food relief effort.

On the frontlines of the climate crisis

DSEFIC’s work on the ground is helping flood-hit families get back on their feet by providing immediate food assistance.

The Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy is one of the country’s agricultural hubs. The flooding has inundated farmlands and destroyed produce, decimating a region known as the “Fruit Valley”. Greenhouses and stables have also been affected, resulting in the loss of animals. More than 5,000 farms have been submerged, including fields of corn and grain, compounding on record inflation and soaring food prices.

Livelihoods, croplands, and homes have been devastated by the catastrophic flooding, a region where researchers warn will see more violent and frequent storms due to the accelerating climate crisis.

The floods followed years of severe drought, which compacted the soil and reduced its ability to absorb rainfall. Rising temperatures have intensified droughts, leading to soil dryness and changes in permeability. With extreme amounts of rainfall in a short period, runoff is exacerbated, causing rivers to overflow and alter their course. Over 20 rivers in the region have burst their banks, triggering numerous landslides.

Emilia Romagna’s President, Stefano Bonaccini, likened the devastation to a “new earthquake,” just days before the anniversary of a deadly earthquake that struck the region in 2012.

Experts warn that flood-battered Northern Italy will see more violent and frequent storms, linking the disaster to the accelerating climate crisis.
The Worldchefs community stands in solidarity

DSEFIC has been working tirelessly to provide meals for the affected population. To ensure that their disaster response program can effectively assist affected communities, DSEFIC is seeking donations to enhance their kitchen operations in Riolo and Imola.

The support and contributions of individuals and organizations will play a crucial role in helping the affected regions recover from this tragic event.

Donations can be made via bank transfer using the following bank details:

Bank: Monte dei Paschi di Siena Account
Name: C/C in the name of the FIC Solidarity and Emergencies Department
IBAN: IT64Z0103003213000063363833

For more information, contact: [email protected]

Read more about DSEFIC in the latest issue of Worldchefs Magazine.

Visit for more information on Worldchefs’ global humanitarian aid initiatives.

To find out how chefs can and must respond to the climate emergency we face today, visit

Food Heroes Challenge - Blog News FeedThePlanet - Blog National FeedThePlanet Country Without Borders

Donate to Chefs with Compassion

Donate to Chefs with Compassion

South Africa needs your support. Help the SA Chefs Association, together with Chefs with Compassion and the help of dozens of chefs from around South Africa, to feed the hunger. Read their open letter below and please donate if you can.

Dear Chef,

Over the last week, you may have seen or heard on the news of the unprecedented widespread riots in parts of South Africa. The reasons are complex but are certainly grounded in the vast socio-economic challenges that are present in South Africa. The destruction is immense and affects many of the more vulnerable sectors of our country. Coupled with the ongoing COVID pandemic, these riots will have a devasting long-lasting effect on regional economies, supply chains, and subsequent hunger within South Africa.

Last year, on the initiative of one Che, Phillipe Frydman, a feeding scheme was formed as a response to the hard lockdown. A registered charity was created with the primary mission of feeding the less fortunate within our society. Food was rescued from locked down hotels and restaurants, unsold fresh produce saved from the incinerator at the fresh produce market and donated almost expired dry goods were turned into nutritious meals. To date Chefs with Compassion has cooked approximately 1,8 million meals, largely from rescued produce that otherwise would have gone to waste.

We are certainly not the only organisation who is tackling the problem of food waste and the vast issue of hunger in South Africa, however, two large organisations have temporarily stopped their operations due to the current unrest. Something which I understand.

We at Chefs with Compassion have resolved to continue, our volunteers on ground (some of them operating in the unrest areas) have convinced us that that the need is greater than the intimidation factor.

It is for this reason I am writing asking your assistance. We need funds to continue. I am aware that the pandemic is global and all of us have been affected financially, emotionally, and on a very personal level. here exists within all societies across the globe donor apathy and fatigue- we all want to move on with our lives. However, for many people here, that is just not possible. Hunger is real, food waste is real – we can change that if we try. Chefs with Compassion has proven that we can alter someone’s day by feeding them.

Even though the organisation is run by volunteers we still have costs – from the rental of our Sharehouse ( it where all the produce comes in before it is shared out to all the wonderful chefs and cooks ), to the rental of trucks, the utilities, and more.

I humbly ask you to help us raise funds in your country with your chefs Association. Your Dollar, Euro, and Pounds stretch far in this beautiful country. Literally, every cent counts in these troubled times. For less than a dollar, we can produce and deliver a nutritious meal.

Sadly, our resources are currently stretched – with supply chains been halted from the coast- many communities are being forgotten – the news and support are mainly focusing on the larger cities of Durban and Johannesburg – between them lies many small towns some of them have no fuel, food, medicine or water. In addition to our committed network of kitchen hubs across the country, we leave on Monday with some 4 tons of essentials from Johannesburg. A small first step

The South African people and particularly the culinary community fondly and thankfully remembers the various Cooks Tours against Hunger which was hosted by the Chefs Association- unfortunately, we cannot do these activities at this time. Humbly, we ask you to send what you can in terms of financial aid – every dollar, euro, pound, and yen will make a difference to fellow humans, and it will all be accounted for – the charity is run by volunteer chefs.

Without your support, many will go to bed hungry, food waste will continue and the key philosophy– Good Clean and Fair food for all, will undoubtedly take a back seat as community poverty increases in these uncertain times.
If you have any questions, I would be happy to provide you with more information about how you can help support our work at Chefs with Compassion. Email: [email protected].

We greatly appreciate your donation, and it will be used to continue to rescue produce, cook nutritious meals and feed the vulnerable.

Please join us! Please share with other organisations and institutions who you feel may be able to help. With your donation, we’re one step closer to achieving our goal of raising $100 thousand dollars from chefs, cooks, and producers across the globe.

With culinary regards,

Arnold Tanzer

Donate via EFT

Bank Name: First National Bank Account Holder: Chefs with Compassion
Account Type: Cheque Account Number: 62852995269 Branch Code:250655 Swift: FIRNZAJJ.

Donate via Payfast:

To learn more about Chefs with Compassion and their great work, you can watch Episode 4 of Sustainability Around the World.

You can also read more about them in the latest issue of Worldchefs Magazine.

To find out how you can get involved at Chefs with Compassion visit their website and their Facebook page Chefs with Compassion.

For more on the South African Chefs Association, visit

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Announcing the World Chefs Without Borders Committee for 2020-2024

Dear Worldchefs Members,
We are pleased to announce the World Chefs Without Borders (WCWB) Committee for 2020-2024. Please see below for details.
Your support of WCWB and the Chef Social Responsibility (CSR) tours, events and initiatives are always greatly appreciated.
Stay Safe and Stay Well.
With Culinary Regards,
Willment Leong
WCWB Committee Chairman


Thomas Gugler
Worldchefs President

National Country Without Borders News Press Releases



PARIS February 8,  2021

World Chefs Without Borders (WCWB) is pleased to announce WCWB CSR Siem Reap, Cambodia has been rescheduled for March 16-20, 2022.

Though this humanitarian event has been postponed on several occasions due to the global impact of COVID-19, WCWB is determined to fulfill its commitment to the communities in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Willment Leong, WCWB Chairman stated “We would like to once again thank the 105 Chefs from 32 countries previously registered to participate in WCWB CSR Siem Reap, Cambodia 2020. We invite those Chefs that are still able to join us in 2022 and new Chef participants as well.”

President Thomas Gugler stated, “We hope you will be able to join us in Cambodia as we share our global humanitarian efforts through cooking and caring for those in need.”

WCWB would like to extend its heartfelt appreciation and respect to all Chefs worldwide for their compassion and support to local communities and national initiatives during these extremely challenging times.


FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Willment Leong, WCWB Chairman [email protected] 



News Country Without Borders

A Plea from the Croatian Culinary Federation and WCWB

Dear Worldchefs Members,

You have probably heard about another Croatian earthquake, the third this year. On December 29th, half of the town of Petrinja was destroyed in a 6,3 magnitude earthquake. The very next morning, another struck with a magnitude of 4,1.

We are doing our best to organize chefs from all over Croatia to come and feed the victims and workers. We especially appreciate the help of Slovenian chefs who managed to get the documentation to cross the border and help.  

Currently, the town of Petrinja is closed by the police because a lot of people came to help. We are waiting for the officials to coordinate us Chefs on where the best place is to help with food preparation.

We are getting a lot of support and Croatia is united to help the victims in these difficult times. 

Please share and call for donations through your channels and show the “Power of the White Jackets”. People can donate financial support for the victims through the Croatian Red Cross on this link:
Thank you for your consideration,

Aleksandar Aki Vucković
Croatian Culinary Federation



Photo credit: Hrvatski Crvenikriz/Croatian Red Cross

Country Without Borders News Blog

WCWB Cooks for Doctors and Nurses of 5 Intensive Care Units in Greece

PARIS, 17th of December 2020 – WCWB Cooks for Doctors and Nurses of 5 Intensive Care Units in Greece


The symbolic action of gratitude to the Intensive Care Units (ICU) staff of 4 hospitals in Thessaloniki and 1 hospital in Volos City was successfully completed, offering a complete menu for doctors and nurses. The meals were prepared by a team from World Chefs Without Borders and the Chefs Association of Northern Greece.

Through this action, which lasted about a month, the Chefs wanted to show their support to these peoplewho daily give a “superhuman” fight to help citizens who have been affected by the global pandemic caused by COVID-19.

Hospitals in Thessaloniki, Greece

(Chefs prepared 300 portions each)

G. Genimmatas      1/12/2020

Saint Dimitrios         8/12/2020

G.Papanikolaou     10/12/2020

Papageorgiou         15/12/2020

Hospital in Volos City, Greece

General Hospital of Volos (Chefs prepared 50 portions) 15/12/2020


WCWB Chairman Willment Leong would like to personally recognize and thank the WCWB Members and the Chefs Association of Northern Greece for demonstrating such respect and consideration by preparing meals for the “frontline staff” of these 5 Intensive Care Units (ICU) in Thessaloniki and Volos City.

News Press Releases Country Without Borders

WCWB CSR Siem Reap, Cambodia moved to 2021

July 15, 2020

Dear Passionate Chefs, 

World Chefs Without Borders (WCWB) would like to extend its sincere apologies that WCWB CSR Siem Reap, Cambodia previously rescheduled for October 20-24, 2020, must again be postponed due to the global pandemic and current international travel restrictions caused by COVID-19. 


The objective of the Chefs Social Responsibility (CSR) is to share our happiness, goodwill and what we have with others, however, the safety of our participating chefs and their families is our first priority. By postponing the tour once again, we may prevent being exposed to or carrying the virus during our travelling.

 After careful review with our WCWB Committee, Worldchefs President Thomas Gugler and the Cambodia Authorities, the new date has been set and confirmed for June 13-17, 2021. 


A Message from Worldchefs President Thomas Gugler,

Here we are, a new date, same location for WCWB CSR Siem Reap, Cambodia where we can show the world that “The Power of the White Jacket” can make a change with the unified spirit “together, we are strong”. Hopefully, you can all be part of this mind-blowing humanitarian activity. See you soon in Siem Reap, Cambodia!

Thank you for the patience of those 105 Chefs from 32 countries previously registered as participants and those still wishing to join us. We look forward to seeing you in Siem Reap, Cambodia next year.

Stay Safe during this difficult time, 


Willment Leong, Chairman 

World Chefs Without Borders 

[email protected] 


The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a dynamic global network of 110 chef associations worldwide. A leading voice in hospitality, Worldchefs carries 91 years of history since its founding at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier. Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.

Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through four core focus areas:

Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, a diverse network of Worldchefs Education Partners and curriculums, and the world’s first Global Hospitality Certification recognizing on-the-job skills in hospitality; 

Networking – Worldchefs connects culinary professionals around the globe through their online community platform and provides a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events, Worldchefs Village, and the biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;

Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules and endorsement of key culinary competitions worldwide, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and operates the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge;

Humanitarianism & Sustainability – Worldchefs Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.

For more information about Worldchefs, visit us at

News Press Releases Without Borders

WCWB Thailand launches CHEFHUG Project as CSR COVID-19 Recovery Relief Effort





WCWB Thailand launches CHEFHUG Project as CSR COVID-19 Recovery Relief Effort



DATE: 11 MAY – 20 MAY 2020




CHEFHUG hired packing team who lost their jobs or income to pack 4000 rice boxes per day / 800 boxes per hour / for total of 5 rounds.


PARIS: May 12, 2020


With months of lockdown in Thailand due to the global pandemic caused by COVID-19, many people suffered loss of income and some do not even have enough money to purchase milk powder or even a meal during the lockdown. The foodservice industry has been severely affected, causing many cooks and chefs to lose their jobs, which for many of them is the main life support for their family.


To be able to recover quickly and assist those fellow colleagues seeking short term income and serve short term hot meals to those affected during or after the lockdown, the Thailand Chefs Association and Thailand Culinary Academy have organized a Chef Social Responsibility (CSR) Project called CHEFHUG under the endorsement of World Chefs without Borders (WCWB).


CHEFHUG is a cook off event being held from 11 May 2020 to 20 May 2020, when 40,000 meals will be prepared in the period of 10 days and delivered to 50 districts in Bangkok. Each day 4,000 portions of Rice box will be delivered to 5 districts/communities. The goal of CHEFHUG is to provide hot meals and create short term income for people that were affected causing low or no income due to the COVID-19 lockdown. By hiring the cooks, packing team, distribution team, and taxi drivers, temporary income is created and will support the small wet market seller and small foodservice suppliers. Each day 20 cooks, 20 packing staff, 20 taxi driver and 20 distribution staff will be hired by CHEFHUG to perform the entire operation with the supervision from both organizations. 


Proper social distance guidelines will be enforced during the 10-day CHEFHUG cookoff operation from cooking, packing, deliver and distribution team. Although free hot meals will be distributed, the fundamental rule as cooks or chefs will not be ignored, food safety. All serving meal boxes will be recyclable and proper managing of ingredients and zero waste will be maintained.


To kick start this meaningful event, Thailand Chefs Association and Thailand Culinary Academy have contributed 200,000-baht or 6300 Euros each and together with the support from some passionate companies and individuals, the entire cost of the project is estimated at 1,600,000 baht or 50,000 Euros. The funds contributed from both organizations are funds previously reserved for an international culinary competition. They both strongly believe that with the current COVID-19 global pandemic, many livelihoods have suffered, and helping their fellow colleagues and communities to recover and survive is their 1st priority rather than enhancing their culinary skills.


Although the entire CHEFHUG project is only scheduled for 10 days, should additional donations be provided, cook off operations will be extended based on the amount received.


WCWB Chairman Willment Leong stated, “On behalf of WCWB, I would like to thank you for recognizing CHEFHUG and the WCWB CSR efforts in Thailand. We are willing to share our entire operation manual to those National Chef Associations that are willing to perform the same concept as CHEFHUG”.


He further stated, “Sincerely on behalf of World Chefs without Borders, I would like to encourage your Chef Association to create some kind of COVID-19 recovery relief effort to assist those that are wearing the same chefs jacket like us and/or at the same time prepare and serve meals to those that are in need,  or plan any activity to aid in COVID-19 relief recovery. Let us all share: #wcwbcovid19recovery






Contact: CHEF WILLMENT LEONG, WCWB Chairman [email protected]

ChefHug Thailand Project, Overall operation team leader

Thailand Culinary Academy, Chairman

Thailand Chefs Association, Vice President


For more information on World Chefs Without Borders,  please visit:

About Worldchefs

The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a dynamic global network of 110 chef associations worldwide. A leading voice in hospitality, Worldchefs carries 91 years of history since its founding at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier. Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.

Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through four core focus areas:

Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, a diverse network of Worldchefs Education Partners and curriculums, and the world’s first Global Hospitality Certification recognizing on-the-job skills in hospitality; 

Networking – Worldchefs connects culinary professionals around the globe through their online community platform and provides a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events, Worldchefs Village, and the biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;

Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules and endorsemetn of key culinary competitions worldwide, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and operates the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge;

Humanitarianism & Sustainability – Worldchefs Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.

For more information about Worldchefs, visit us at

News National Country Without Borders

Chefs Social Responsibility Cook for 350 Patients in Myanmar

Paris, France ·  22 January 2020 · Chefs Social Responsibility Cook for 350 Patients in Myanmar

A letter from Oliver E Soe Thet, MCA chairman:

“Thank YOU METRO Myanmar, all Volunteers the Chefs of Monywa, Nay Pyi Taw & Rakhine for this wonderful CSR cooking in much ancient setting, on a wonderful day in deep central Myanmar.

WCWB – MCA Myanmar Chefs from Nay Pyi Taw, Monywa & Rakhine gathered at Monywa fresh market at 6:00 am then to the Monastery and added the fresh Items as well chicken from Monywa Social Volunteer Group and Mother & Child Association with Sagain State Social Minister’s wife hands on supporting at side and supporting the World Chefs Without Borders – Myanmar to create a well Myanmar Traditional Menu. METRO Myanmar sponsored with chili powder & flakes, cashew Nuts, chili Sauce and tapioca flour for this morning. The program was to feed 350 plastic surgery patients and family members – meals to all supporting Hospital OPT and Ward staff and Drs,– for lunch as well dinner (as daily arranged between 18.1. and 31.1.2020 through WCWB & German Interplast free operation arrangements ). METRO also provided best Myanmar Rice for 2400 portion been implemented.

Nay Pyi Taw MCA Chairman Chef Romeo Thu leading the initiative for deep central Myanmar charity cooking with his member Chefs Soe Thet & Zaw Myo Aung, Monywa MCA Cooperation partner Chef Naung Oo Lwin of Galaxy Restaurant,- Oliver E Soe Thet from Sweet Ngapali Beach & R-MCA with many quick hands peeling onions, potatoes and made a roasted capsicum mash by hand (only ancient cooking tools were available ),- same from much onions and Monywa region tomatoes cooked at same time as the Ginger & Curcuma marinated chicken on hot wood fires as the time available was a challenge. The METRO sponsored cashew nuts added in for sweetness and rich body. The extra fresh green chili Chef Romeo added reminded me more on a great hot rakhine cuisine curry – well done well cooked and in time 10:30 am many volunteer hands packed the rich meal decorated with fresh coriander.

The Nay Pyi Taw chefs took the liberty and drive all way, over 7 hours from Nay Pyi Taw to Monywa for this CSR World Chef Without Borders mission and after serving the nutrition rich meal, ZERO Food Waste – taken what was available only and than back 7 hours for duty at Parkroyal Hotel Nay Pyi Taw.

Ma Khet Khet, MCA secretary arranged than with all volunteer groups and all rescue teams & cars the distribution. To the happiness of all with over 1200 soft drink tins as Mirinda, strawberry& lemon drinks also sponsored by METRO Myanmar which contributed to this special Chefs CSR lunch alone with over 787.000 Kyat food and beverages. Helped best to make 350 to 400 people happy with a great taste meal and further more with some cooking lessons on modern, healthy and nutrition rich way of cooking, with quality food products Myanmar sourced by METRO Myanmar.

Thank YOU to METRO Myanmar, all Volunteers and the Chefs of Monywa, Nay Pyi Taw & Rakhine for this wonderful CSR cooking in a much ancient setting, on a wonderful day in deep central Myanmar.”


Oliver E Soe Thet, MCA chairman

World Chefs Without Borders, Global Board, Monywa 22.1.2020  

News Press Releases National Country Without Borders

Rakhine Cuisine for Smiles Donate in Myanmar

Paris, France · 9 December 2019 ·  Rakhine Cuisine for Smiles Donate in Myanmar

Rakhine Cuisine for Smiles

Sandoway Hotels Group CSR & Rakhine Chefs SR 9.12.2019

Daw Ohnmar, owner of some of the best and top culinary standard hotels at Rakhine’s Ngapali Beach Front, The Best in Myanmar (Sandoway Resport, Art of Sands, Residence Ngapali Beach) offered WorldChefs Without Borders, Myanmar’s support with free meals to all patients, Drs, OPT, and ward nurses from the charity free of charge, and medical operations by German & Myanmar Interplast specialist Drs (cleft lips, pallets, mobilizing old burn scars & soft tumors).

CSR Daw Ohmar and her Myanmar head Chef Aung Chit Oo provided, with the help of all their Hotel staff, the healthiest three course Rakhine Cuisine menu, composed of chicken curry, veggie-potato, rice, and soup. There was enough for over 100 patients and family members at Thandwe District Hospital and because it was soon to be Christmas and the third Advent, delicious cakes and cookies were given to everyone.

Rakhine – Myanmar Chefs Association members joined the happy donation as Chefs Social Responsibilities for Rakhine people at the Thandwe hospital. Over 50 Rakhine Chefs next to the all Sandoway Hotel groups chefs and staff helped to portion and deliver the food in paper cups – ZERO Plastic due to Sandoway’s & Rakhine Chefs daily policy. Thank you Chef Mya Win and members.

All patients were happy of the very rich Rakhine Cuisine donation, many patients do not usually have a full meal a day and came from as far as North Rakhines: Rathetaung, Ponnakyune, Kyaukphyu, Ann Cities, traveling through war zones, in order to not miss the once in a life time chance of “normal eating.” “I used my hands, fingers and arms for the first time again after 20 years,” trapped with burn scars I got as baby, and the Myanmar medical system still overlooks such people and until the past weeks no one followed up to help to cure me and get back to a normal life.

Here in an outstanding effort, the Union of Myanmar’s Health Minister & Ministry reached out to all the past year’s burn cases in the villages in Rakhine as well Magway State with Magway, reaching over 90 old burn patients for Dr Peter Sieg,– in Rakhine this time over 20 burn cases for the Dr Heinz Schoeneich – both German Interplast & Myanmar specialist Drs teams. A great effort and success which need to be followed up and become a priority standard procedure and task. :” .. a disabled by burns COST Money livelong,- and operated and remobilized patient MAKES Money livelong …. ” – That should be motivation enough to put more energy in “Re Mobilization of all old Burn Scare patients as well Myanmar’s many, so,  daily War Victims… “

Thank you to Daw Ohnmar and all her Sandoway, Residence, Art of Sand Hotels highly motivating CSR & Rakhine Cuisine donation and ease the lives of most patients and boost happiness and UNITY between Myanmar & German medical teams at Thandwe Hospital. Thanks to all Rakhine – MCA members for the great efforts again and again as strong Chefs Team with a great sense of CSR!

Chefs Social Responsible, yours

Oliver E Soe Thet

Chairman Myanmar Chefs Association

Global board,- World Chefs Without Borders, Myanmar

Ngapali Beach – Sweet Rakhine, Myanmar 9.12.2019

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