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Dear Young Chefs from around the world,
May I take this opportunity to invite you to participate in the Bill Galllagher Young Chefs Forum which will take place in conjunction with the World Association of Chefs Societies Congress in the beautiful city of Stavanger, Norway from 2-6 July 2014.
Indian Culinary Forum hosted 10th Annual Metro Chef Awards 2013
Glitterati from the culinary fraternity once again came together for the 10th Annual Metro Chef Awards 2013, hosted by Indian Culinary Forum. The chefs who showcased their culinary art skills at the challenge were bestowed with awards on 23rd November 2013 at Hotel Ashok, New Delhi, on the occasion ofInternational Chefs Day. The awards ceremony was graced by who’s who of the hospitality fraternity and the chief guest, Mr. Shashi Tharoor, Hon’ble Minister for HRD. Amongst other guests were known names such as Chef Vikas Khanna, Chef Kunal Kapur, Ms. Sunanda Pushkar, to name a few.
The festivities kicked-off on 23rd November 2013 with the seasoned chefs competing with each other in different categories each day. A four day long -Trade Test for Chef Awards’13 was judged by esteemed jury comprising of Chef Virender S Datta, Chairperson, Jury and other ICF committee members, Chef Gill, Chef Jitender Uppal, Chef Davinder Kumar, Chef Vivek Saggar, Chef Shaju Zacharia to name a few. The competition brings Indian chefs at par with their counter parts in the developed western world & makes them eligible to be part of international culinary competitions worldwide.
Mr. Shashi Tharoor, Hon’ble Minister for HRD, said,” Cuisine has always been an important part of the hospitality sector. It plays an important role in promoting and cultivating the Tourism sector in India. An inherent soft power rests in the hands of Indian Cuisine and its time we realize the immense need to propagate and enhance the power of chef as a profession.”
Chef Suman Sharma, General Secretary, Indian Culinary Forum, said,” I feel delighted to have been a part of ICF for so many years now. I feel immense pleasure to present these awards to the deserving chefs who have proved their culinary skills and have made a remarkable place in this industry. The book of Culinary Excellence has been launched to provide signature recipes of Master Chefs of India.”
Chef Vivek Saggar, Chairman, Organizing Committee of Chef Awards said “We are celebrating International Chef’s Day and Chef Awards since 2004 and this is the 10th year in the running. We believe Chef’s are not only the ambassadors of our country, but they also form an integral part of the hospitality industry. During these celebrations chefs presented the best of their skills in categories of cooking, garnishing and serving in the platter.”
Awards Categories:
Indian Culinary Forum:-
The Indian Culinary Forum is the India’s association of Professional chefs of Northern India. It was formed in New Delhi in 1987 as an exclusive non-profit-making organization, Dedicated solely to the advancement of the culinary art of India. The Forum’s objective is to act as a link, platform, useful and necessary instrument for the national community of chefs.
Unveling Book of Incredible Chefs
Winners of 10th Annual Chef Awards 2013
L-R, Winner of Student Chef of the year, – Ms. Megha Agarwal, Mr. Anil Bhandari, Chairperson, ICF & Mr. Shashi Tharoor
Winner of Lifetime Achievement Award- Chef Satish Arora.
Winner of Silver Hat Award- Chef Sabyasachi Gorai
Inspired by the last years WORLDCHEFS slogan “Show Your Culinary Ability”, World Chefs Without Borders Myanmar showcased their skills and brought great joy and many sweet delights to the unfortunate ones in Yangon.
Furthermore, Young Chefs of Yangon in Myanmar brought the hats together for two rounds of Charity Bakery of cookies and Swiss carrot cakes. Guided by Chef Dominic, over 20 young Chefs and other young people came together to take part in a 2-day charity event.
Chefs from Traders Hotel Yangon, Park Royal Hotel, Summit Parkview Hotel, Le Planteur, Café`s Di Bar, Intl. Baking & Pastry Training Centre, The Myanmar Hospitality Training Centre, Chef of Savoy Hotel and Laguna Lodge – Lilli’s Bar and Costa Rica Chef Gunter H. Othero fixed the dates and split the teams into two, according to the free time of each Chef. However, thanks to the great support from Yangon Head Chefs, F&B Managers and owners, the Young Chefs had enough spare time to take part in the event.
Not only a good deed was done, but also all the participants experienced great times throughout two happy days of mixing, rolling, forming, cutting and baking, without the usual revenue and cost pressure as at the home hotels.
Joining sweet forces
Mrs. Wang Li Jun from Premium Food Distribution was quick to support the charity event and provide their Show Kitchen with all the facilities and utensils, as well as sponsored most of the ingredients needed. Additionally, Mr Bryan gave out Anchor Butter sponsored products, while eggs came from City Mart Yangon. Pastry Chefs Zaw Ghee and Aung Myo Lwin took the lead together with a help of several young students and some very young students of 8 and 12 years. Furthermore, Ko Thet and Mg Soe Thuta made faboulos sweet treats, while Chef Thurein was as usually the first at the spot to kick start with Chef Ghee on the first day of the session.
Sweet Dream Components:
Flour – 60 kg
Butter – 40 kg
Icing Sugar – 32 kg
Butter Unsalted – 40 kg
Salt – 200 g
Egg White – 500 no
Milk Powder – 6 kg
Vanilla Essence – 200 ml
MCA Sweet Delivery
Liaison Secretary & Co founder U Than Lwin and Lecturer Chef Than Win Chef Thurein together with Mrs Monar from Premium Food Distribution, Mrs Saw Myat from MCA Office and Chef Dominic arranged the delivery locations and brought the dishes at Little Sister Home for elder people and some orphanages at the outskirts of Yangon. MCA office arranged the delivery cars.
Well done young Chefs of Myanmar at this second joint Cooking, Baking & Charity and greetings from MCA and Myanmar Chefs !
Despite the unfavorable weather conditions that occurred last November in the Philippines, members of the World Chefs Without Borders assured us there were no limitations for them to act. Additionally, the recent event caused a great solidarity among chefs worldwide, who were decisive to help their fellow colleagues in the Philippines.
In the light of this global humanitarian action, Penang Chefs Association together with LTB Philippines Chefs Association organized a memorable charity dinner. Moreover, Young Chefs of Penang, who won the Silver Medal at the International Young Chefs Challenge 2013, gathered their talents and prepared a spectacular menu.
The total amount of 3,444$ collected that night went straight to the hands of LTB Philippines Chefs Association and will be distributed to those affected by the typhoon Haiyan.
Undoubtedly, once again chefs have shown their outstanding devotion and readiness to help as well as their greatness and power once united!
Dear members, friends and partners,
On the 19th of December 2013 the Cyprus Chefs Association had the annual general assembly where members, partners and honoured
guests have been invited from the president and the board of directors.
The general manager of the Cyprus Tourism organization Mr Marios Hanidis thanked the C.C.A. once more for the work that is offering in culinary and
mentioned that on behalf of the government of the Cyprus republic the C.T.O. is very keen to continue to support the association in all levels.
The president of the Cyprus Chefs Association Mr Panikos Hadjitofis thanked members and special guests for their presence and referred to the action of
the association during the last two years.
After the first part and the departure of the guests, the members of the C.C.A. had voted and changed the statute of the association and
Cyprus “Young Chefs Club” is now a part of the C.C.A.
Then the members of the association had elected the new board of directors that will lead the Association for the next two years.
The new board of directors is as follows:
President: Panikos Hadjtofis
Depute President: Petros Gavriel
Vice President of press and foreign affairs: George Kadis
Vice president of Education: Yiannis Katsis
Secretary: Charalambos Constantinou
Treasurer: Louis Papageorgiou
Limassol representative: Stephanos Chrysanthou
Larnaka representative: Antonis Charalambous
Nicosia/ Kerynia representative: Omiros Eliades
Famagousta representative: Nicos Stylianou
Pafos representative: Charis Philipou
With respect
The president
Panicos Hadjtofis
Ullvigymnasiet i Köping hälsar välkommen till presskonferens den 20 januari 2014 kl 12.00 i Restaurang- och Livsmedels-programmets lokal, sal 112.
Föranmälan sker till [email protected], skriv 20/1 i ämnesraden
Närvarande: Arne Larsson (rektor), Marcus Hallgren (kulinarisk ledare och ansvarig lärare), Lena Ryberg-Ericsson (Västmanlands matlandetsambassadör), Louise Guldbrandsson (programrektor),
representant för Riksstyrelsen i Svenska Kockars Förening samt Fredrik Hedlund landslagskock och OS-guldmedaljör 2012 (och f.d. elev vid och Culinary Advisor för Ullvigymnasiet)
Ullvigymnasiets Restaurang- och Livsmedelsprogram internationellt erkänt som första WACS-certifierade gymnasieutbildning i Sverige!
Som första skola i Sverige har Ullvigymnasiet erhållit certifiering från världssamfundet för kockföreningar, WACS, (World Association of Chefs Societies) med c
a 11 miljoner medlemmar och säte i Paris ( Certifieringen är som lärosäte för kockutbildning: ”Recognition of Quality Culinary Education Award”
Ullvigymnasiet har under 6 månader översatt och skapat unik dokumentation för att presentera den svenska gymnasiala yrkesutbildningen och vår utbildning
i synnerhet för att kunna få kvalitetsstämpeln från WACS. Vi har även dokumenterat och översatt hur vi jobbar med kvalitet och pedagogik för att våra elever skall
nå den nivå som WACS kräver för ett godkännande samt beskrivit vår utveckling av utbildningen nationellt och internationellt.
Ullvigymnasiets programansvarige för Restaurang- och Livsmedelsprogrammet, Marcus Hallgren, har varit ansvarig för processen och har jobbat över 150 timmar
med denna certifiering och har med hjälp av rektor Arne Larsson och en student från Chalmers, Michael Mavromatis, skapat denna dokumentation.
Erkännandet gör att Ullvigymnasiet som första och hittills enda skola i Sverige kan ge sina bästa elever titeln ”International Chef ” (Kock), en titel som ger eleven
stora fördelar då man söker jobb, inte minst internationellt.
Certifikatet påminner om ett klassiskt gesällbrev och visar på mycket goda grund-kunskaper i yrket och är en kvalitetsstämpel som öppnar många dörrar för eleven.
Vid pressträffen kommer Marcus att berätta hur certifieringen av elever går till och varför vi anser att detta är ett mycket viktigt steg i utvecklingen av vår RL-utbildning .
Ullvigymnasiet kommer även att presentera Fredrik Hedlund, f.d. landslagskock med OS-guld 2012 i Erfurt som främsta merit, och tidigare elev på Ullvi, som Culinary
Advisor för Ullvigymnasiet.
Vi bjuder självklart på certifierad förtäring!
Kontakt och frågor:
Programansvarig Ordf. Svenska kockars förening Mälardalen
Marcus Hallgren Calle Rosenstam
[email protected] [email protected]
070/792 11 98 070/697 29 00
The natural disaster that hit the Philippines last November did not leave anybody indifferent. Moreover, the World Association of Chefs Societies (WORLDCHEFS) has put all its efforts to collect funds for the endangered households, engage Young Chefs to organize charity events and to inspire other member countries to make their contribution.
A significant helping hand came from the World Chefs Without Borders that went the extra mile and achieved tremendous results in their latest humanitarian action. World Chefs Without Borders, which represents Chefs Associations from 17 countries around the globe and is the official humanitarian department of WORLDCHEFS, donated charity funds to help rebuilding the communities affected by Yolanda wake in the Philippines. The humanitarian action was named “Roof For Relief” and engaged 5.020 households in 11 Barangays in Northern Cebu in the Philippines.
The total amount of money that was collected was 14.619,77 Euros + 7.969,60 USD and 250.000 Peso, which came from the Philippine Chefs Association.
An additional donation made by Singapore Young Chefs Club, who sold charity cookies for 5.800 USD, and Penang Chefs charity gala dinner, which collected 3.444 USD, will be as well used as humanitarian aid for the Philippines typhoon recovery.
WORLDCHEFS congratulate World Chefs Without Borders for such a noble act and thank Willment Leong, the Committee Chairman for World Chefs Without Borders, for putting his heart and soul into this project and inviting others to join this momentous trip!
1st picture attachment
Chef James Antolin / Director of LTB Chefs Association Philippine
Chef J. Jose Leonardo A. Gamboa Jr. / Director of LTB Chefs Association Philippine
Chef Fernando Aracama / Director of LTB Chefs Association Philippine
Chef Willment Leong / Chairman – World Chefs without Borders
Ms. Leslie Marie Fuentes / Roof Program Representative
Chef Raki Urbina – Cebu Chefs Contact
2nd picture attachment
Chef Fernando Aracama / Director of LTB Chefs Association Philippine
Ms. Leslie Marie Fuentes / Roof Program Representative
Chef James Antolin / Director of LTB Chefs Association Philippine
Chef J. Jose Leonardo A. Gamboa Jr. / Director of LTB Chefs Association Philippine
Chef Raki Urbina – Cebu Chefs Contact
For more info on the action follow the post by Willment Leong.
You can also download the document that details the funding right here.
The Emirates Culinary Guild (ECG) is inviting all professional chefs to participate in the upcoming biggest culinary competition in the Middle East: The Emirates Salon Culinaire 2014. Endorsed by the World Association of Chefs Societies (WORLDCHEFS), the event will be held in conjunction with Gulfood from 23 – 27 February 2014. Closing date for entries is February 6. However, many are often fully subscribed and closed well before the closing date.
The Emirates Salon Culinaire (ESC) is a series of practical and display-based culinary competitions; entry to which is open to professional chefs, pastry chefs, cooks and bakers. Some of the competitions are designed for entry by a single competitor; others are designed as team events. Each competition is called a ‘class’. The competitors at the Salon are judged by a panel of 20 international adjudicators, each one of whom is an approved international judge of the World Association of Chefs Societies.
Attached are copies of the details of the event and the forms for entering for best trophy classes and individual classes. For more information, please go on the following link:
Rules Regulations ECG Competitions 2014
ESC2014 Briefs of the Classes for Entry
ESC All Entry Forms
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