La Chandeleur is a religious holiday in France that nowadays sees a lot of people eating a lot of crêpes. Now let us ask ourselves the following questions:
Why Crêpes?
Well it is very interesting to know that it was a good way to use up the extra wheat ahead of the new harvest. And symbolically, it looks like a sun, so it was a reason to rejoice as the days started to get longer.
Why February 2nd?
The date actually marks when Jesus was presented at the temple in Jerusalem. Before becoming a religious holiday, Chandeleur stemmed from several pagan traditions celebrating the fertility of the earth and the beginning of the end of winter.
It's said that in the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I started the Festival des Chandelles on this date, a candlelit procession through the streets of Rome that culminated in placing the blessed candles in the churches. Gelasius linked this custom to crêpes by handing out galettes (a type of salty crêpe) to poor pilgrims who arrived in Rome that day.
Recipe (For 30 Crêpes)
Preparation: 2 hours
500 g flour
2 tablespoons of sugar
100 g butter
2 g salt
1 l milk
5 big eggs or 6 medium size eggs
Sunflower oil for the fryingpan
1 apple for 2 crepes
20 g butter for 2 crepes
15 g brown sugar for 2 crepes
Melt gently the butter in a pan.
In a large bowl or in your food processor bowl, pour the flour, salt and sugar.
Add the eggs and whip until you get an homogeneous mixture.
Add slowly the milk while still whipping. Be carefull not to make any lumps at this stage!
Add the melted butter and whip.
You can pour the batter through a strainer to make sure there's no lumps.
Set aside in the fridge for 1 hour.
Meanwhile, adjust the apple, butter and brown sugar quantities according to the number of caramelized apple crepes you want to bake.
Peel and cut the apples in cubes.
Melt the butter in a frying pan and stir fry the apples at high heat
When the apples start to golden, add the brown sugar and cook some more. Set aside.
After one hour, heat the frying pan with some oil, pour a ladle of batter. Once golden underneath, flip the crepes over and cook some more.
When the whole batter is cooked, enjoy!!