News World

The 5th Vietnam Culinary Challenge

Within the framework of the exhibition activities Food & Hotel Vietnam takes place every 2 years, Vietnam Culinary Challenge is a large scale with the jury’s team of prestigious chefs, experiences from different countries.

Over 4 times organization with international qualifications recognized, the contest has become a prestigious competition, have great appeal in the industry, creating opportunities for career progression for the talented young chefs.

2013, with the aim of paving the way for raising qualification of processed Vietnam food as well as opportunities for chefs develop their creativity, the Saigon Professional Chefs Guild continue to organize the 5th Vietnam Culinary Challenge with 12 classes, the competition drew nearly 140 contestants from 50 different businesses in the areas of food industry, restaurants and hotels in Ho Chi Minh City and provinces. After 3 days of the competition, the organizing committee has awarded 10 gold medals, 23 silver medals, 47 bronze medals, 42 diplomas and 11 certificates award winner on food hygiene and safety, Vietnamese cuisine, Hot cooking, …. for the excellence individual and collective.

The result of the 5th Vietnam Culinary Challenge: 

* Grand Champion                                       Mr. Nguyen Van Truong Giang – Equatorial Hotel

(Gold medal with highest points in Class 1a – Vietnamese Cuisine Display

 Silver medal in Class 1 – Vietnamese Cuisine

 Bronze medal in Class 8 – Hot cooking US Potato)

* Vietnamese Cuisine Champion        Mrs. Tran Thi Lan Anh – First Hotel

(Gold medal with highest points in Class 1 – Vietnamese Cuisine)

* Hot Cooking Champion                   Mr. Vo Sang – Equatorial Hotel

(Gold medal with the highest point in hot cooking Class 3 – Hot cooking US Chicken)

* Food Safety & Hygient                    Mr. Le Nguyen Minh Tan – Equatorial Hotel (1st day)

Mr. Vo Sang – Equatorial Hotel (2nd day)

                                                           Mr. Nguyen Thanh Cuong – Song Be Golf (3rd day)

* Class Live Desert Making               

                              First prize              Mr. Nguyen Huu Thieu – Kinh Do Bakery (The North)       

                              Second prize         Ms. Nguyen Thi Bich Van – Tiny World

                              Third prize            Ms. Tran Thao Doan Phuong – Equatorial Hotel

* Best Culinary Establishment            Equatorial Hotel

The Saigon Professional Chefs Guild give big thanks to the sponsors: US Meat Federation, US Poultry & Eggs Export Council, US Potato Board, MLA Company, Fonterra, Equatorial Hotel and many other sponsors to support us make a successful competition.


News World


Immediate: June 21,

2013 Award winning Welsh chefs plan to take ‘caviar’ from Wales to serve at a VIP reception in to Russia linked to the Rugby World Cup Sevens Tournament. Four members of the Welsh National Culinary Team will fly to Moscow to prepare food for 150 invited guests at the reception on June 28, which is hosted by the British Ambassador to Russian and attended by Edwina Hart, Wales’ Minister for Economy, Science and Transport.

Wales are the defending champions of the Rugby World Cup Sevens Tournament The chefs will prepare canapés and a buffet comprising main dishes, desserts and cheese, which showcase Wales the True Taste award winning food and drink ingredients.

One of the dishes that will be served up is ‘Welsh caviar’, which is produced by injecting pureed lavabread into a solution that creates caviar-like droplets that burst with flavour when eaten.

“A lot of chefs use the same method to create fruit drops, but we thought it would be a nice twist use lavabread and to take Welsh caviar to Russia,” explained team manager Graham Tinsley, executive chef at De Vere Carden Park near Chester.

“It will be the first time that our chefs have been to Russia and we are really looking forward to the new experience. It’s an honour to represent Wales and the Welsh Government and a great opportunity to promote quality Welsh food and drinks and the nation’s culinary skills.”

Joining him on the flight to Moscow will be Colin Gray, director of Capital Cuisine, Cardiff, Kurt Fleming, executive chef at ffresh Restaurant, Cardiff and Mike Evans, tutor at Coleg Llandrillo, Rhos on Sea. The Welsh Government is arranging a series of activities to help Welsh businesses to capitalise on trade opportunities for a range of Welsh products and services in Russia. Representatives of Welsh food and drink companies will also attend the reception as part of the Welsh Government’s trade mission.

The Welsh National Culinary Team is sponsored by the Welsh Government, Hybu Cig Cymru (Meat Promotion Wales), C&C Catering Equipment Ltd, Brakes, Unilever Food Solutions UK, Villeroy and Boch and Friedr. Dick, Germany.

For more information please contact Graham Tinsley, Welsh National Culinary Team manager, on 07765 404950 or Duncan Foulkes, public relations consultant, on 01686 650818

News World

Thailand Ultimate Chefs Challenge 2014 results

The 3rd Thailand Ultimate Chef Challenge had doubled the entries to 775 consisting 29 teams from Mekong River Culinary Challenge and 18 different classes were highlighted in the event which some participants had proved their culinary skills by walking away well-deserved awards of 66 Gold, 141 Silver and 303 Bronze medals at the Impact Muang Thong Thani Convention Bangkok, Thailand. The certified judges from WACS witnessed the 3rd WACS endorsed National Competition where all the rules and regulations were endorsed by WACS, and approved by Chef Rick Stephen (WACS Continental Director Asia). With the massive support from Koelnmesse (The Organizer), Thailand Chef Association managed to invite 60 Thai chefs from 20 different provinces of whom they participated in this very event with all travelling expenses, accommodation costs and daily transportation borne by Koelnmesse which also extended the invitation to national culinary teams from Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam.

Please read more in the document attached

News World


Press release, 11 June 2013

The first workshop of its kind in South Africa, on 1 June 2013 a group of experienced South African chefs attended a WACS Judges Workshop led by renowned Australian chef Rick Stephen at the South African Chefs Association’s Centre for Culinary Excellence in Johannesburg. A successful workshop that accredited 17 new WACS Level B Judges, this was an exciting milestone for the South African Chefs Association (SACA) as well as a fantastic way to up-skill more judges to WACS level to further improve the standards of chef competitions and judging in South Africa. Chef Rick Stephen, WACS Continental Director for Asia and Certified WACS and Certified WACS Trainer, is also the Executive Chef for Singapore’s SATS Food Solutions. 

Chef Stephen conducted the one-day workshop that included both theoretical and practical judging training, which was also a platform for the chefs to ask questions and discuss the various trends and challenges involved in global culinary competition judging. Very experienced in his role as a judge and mentor, Chef Stephen has been very involved in many competitions held across the globe, from Chile, Egypt, Germany, to Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore. Stephen has also visited many regions in Asia to mentor large brigades of chefs in Singapore, Fiji, Indonesia, Malaysia and Australia; contributing to the success of a number of these chefs in competitions and in general kitchen work.

 “ The South African Chefs Association’s headquarters was a great venue with a kitchen right next door to it. The group was very enthusiastic, with many questions, and as the day went on, the dialogue was good and at times exciting as there were some good characters in the group who had up-to-date practical questions. The practical session was taken very seriously between all and the results were quite good ”

said Chef Stephen about his experience hosting the WACS Judges Workshop at SACA.

A very valuable course for the 17 chefs, we are sure that this judging workshop will have many positive effects to come – as the chefs mentor their own staff, judge competitions with excellence and mentor young chefs to compete both in South African and across the globe. 

The South African Chefs Association congratulates the following attendees on successfully becoming WACS Level B Judges: 

Nicholas Froneman 

Keiron Reynolds 

George Georgiou 

Stuart Cason 

Richard Pearce 

Stuart McClarty 

Leon Hatton Jones 

Craig Elliot 

Jodi-Ann Pearton 

Henrik Jonsson 

James Khoza



Bruce Burns 

Nadin Pospech-Demmler 

Jerome Norton

Charl Gyzen

Neil Olverman


 For more information please contact SACA’s Communications Manager, Lauren Hills at [email protected], or on (011) 482 7250

News World

Les Chefs Canadiens Se Rassemblent À Windsor 18-06-2010

WINDSOR, ON: Le congrès national annuel de la Fédération Culinaire Canadienne (CCFCC) a eu lieu à Windsor, en Ontario, du 31 mai au 4 juin. Le congrès d’une semaine était rempli de séminaires éducatifs, de compétitions et de célébrations d’excellence culinaire. Y compris parmi les moments les plus marquants –

Réception d’accueil organisée par les Chefs Juniors. Un groupe de plus de trente chefs juniors se sont rassemblés au « Essex Golf & Country Club » pour marquer le début officiel du congrès en préparant des mets régionaux, y compris les huîtres de l’ÎPÉ, le caribou du Québec, la truite fumée de l’Ontario sur des craquelins de chanvre, des mini-hamburgers de boeuf de l’Alberta et des fromages de toutes les régions du pays. Afin d’accentuer l’esprit de camaraderie dans les arts culinaires, un groupe de chefs juniors et de mentors du chapitre du Michigan de la Fédération Culinaire Américaine a participé à la célébration en préparant du doré jaune.

Société des Membres d’Honneur. Un groupe de chefs membres distingués fut présenté comme Membres Fondateurs de la Société des Membres d’Honneur pendant le congrès. Cette société fut établie afin d’honorer et de reconnaître le leadership, l’excellence professionnelle, l’attachement à vie et les contributions considérables à notre profession et à la CCFCC. Pour célébrer cette occasion, un dîner très soigné de sept services fut préparé sous la direction de Bruno Marti de Vancouver, Président du Comité de la Société des Membres d’Honneur.

Séminaires Éducatifs. Une série dynamique de présentations éducatives fut offerte, y compris l’éducation sur le fromage, caféiculture, enseignement sur le riz par la fédération « USA Rice », design pour restaurants, viabilité écologique des océans, gastronomie moderne, cocktails pour gourmets et un discours spécial prononcé par le conférencier de marque Jon Taffer de « Taffer Dynamics ».

De plus, pour essayer d’être écologique, un changement remarquable s’est produit pendant ce congrès vis-à-vis la méthode de distribution des informations aux membres. Tous les rapports furent présentés électroniquement. Chaque délégué était muni d’un disque à mémoire flash contenant tous les rapports et tout autre matériel autrement imprimé.

Compétitions et Prix. Plusieurs compétitions culinaires ont eu lieu au Collège St. Clair, y compris;

  • Sélection de l’Équipe Culinaire Junior du Canada. Cette compétition choisissait l’équipe junior qui représenterait le Canada à l’IKA (Jeux Olympiques Culinaires) à Erfurt, en Allemagne en 2012. Quatre collèges y ont participé (Culinary Institute of Canada – Holland College à l’ÎPÉ, Nova Scotia Community College – Akerley Campus à Halifax, CFP Jacques-Rousseau à Montréal et Vancouver Community College à Vancouver) et l’équipe gagnante était celle du Vancouver Community College.
  • Défi National des Chefs. Les chefs régionaux (Clement Chan, Vancouver; Philip Leach, Muskoka; Mark Steele, Ottawa et Todd Smith, St. John’s) ont participé à cette finale nationale et le chef gagnant était Clement Chan de Vancouver.
  • Défi Culinaire Junior. Neuf finalistes provinciaux (Steve Kuan, C-B; Matthew Parker, ON; Taszia Fenton, ÎPÉ; Brenan Madill, N-É; Chantel Vance, SK; Martine Donaghy, QC; Tara Nicholls, T-N; Joseph Rainer Cruz Regalado, MB; et Colleen Erker, AB) et le junior gagnant était Steve Kuan de Vancouver.
  • Chef de l’Année. Pas une compétition mais un prix qui reconnaît les contributions exceptionnelles à la CCFCC. Les finalistes régionaux étaient Allan Williams, ÎPÉ; Luc Boissy, Montréal; Roary Golden, Muskoka et John-Carlo Felicella, Vancouver. On a décerné le prix du Chef de l’Année 2010 à John-Carlo Felicella de Vancouver.

Plusieurs invités renommés et internationaux ont participé activement au congrès et aux activités prévues. Y compris parmi les invités –

  • Gissur Gudmundsson – Président, World Association of Chefs Societies (WACS)
  • Michael Ty – Président, American Culinary Federation (ACF)
  • Louis Perrotte – Directeur Continental, WACS – Amériques
  • Chef Michael Smith – Vedette du Food Network

À la fin du congrès, on ressentait un niveau accru d’enthousiasme et d’engagement. L’an prochain les membres de la CCFCC se réuniront à Vancouver pour leur congrès national du 14 au 19 juin.

La Fédération Culinaire Canadienne (CCFCC) réunit les chefs et cuisiniers à travers le Canada par un commun dévouement à l’excellence professionnelle et par l’intermédiaire d’expériences en éducation, en échange et en compétition. L’adhésion à la Fédération Culinaire Canadienne est mise à la disposition de toutes personnes qui cherchent à acheminer leurs carrières comme cuisinier apprenti, compagnon, chef/cuisinier professionnel ou professionnel culinaire.

Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez contacter Judson Simpson, Président National de la CCFCC au 613.733.5678 ou[email protected].

World News

La CCI de région Paris Ile-de-France et la CCI de La Rochelle, ensemble pour un partenariat-formation d’excellence


La CCI de région Paris Ile-de-France et la CCI de La Rochelle, ensemble pour un partenariat-formation d’excellence

Le vendredi 14 décembre, Robert Butel Président du Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle, Président de la CCI La Rochelle et Pierre-Antoine Gailly, Président de la Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de région Paris Ile-de-France ont signé un accord académique de double diplôme FERRANDI Paris / Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle dans les locaux de l’école parisienne.

Cet accord de double diplôme permettra aux étudiants du Bachelor Manager de restaurant de FERRANDI d’effectuer leur 3ème année sur le campus de la Rochelle pour y suivre les enseignements du Bachelor en Management du Tourisme Business School of Tourism. En regard, des étudiants du Bachelor de la Rochelle pourront venir suivre les cours à FERRANDI Paris.

Ils obtiendront à l’issue de leurs parcours respectifs, sous réserve de satisfaire aux conditions d’examens, les diplômes Bachelor des deux institutions. Ce double diplôme constitue une réelle opportunité de diversification des compétences pour les étudiants, validée par les diplômes de deux grandes écoles reconnues. 

De gauche à droite : 

– Victor Gervasoni, Directeur de La Rochelle Business School of Tourism, Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle 
– Daniel Peyron, Directeur Général, Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle 
– Pierre-Antoine Gailly, Président de la CCI de Paris Ile-de-France 
– Robert Butel, Président du Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle, Président de la CCI de La Rochelle 
– Georges Nectoux, Président du Conseil d’Etablissement FERRANDI Paris 
– Bruno de Monte, Directeur de FERRANDI Paris

Bachelor FERRANDI, né sous de bonnes étoiles :
Créé en 1983 par FERRANDI, école de la CCI Paris Ile-de-France, le programme du Bachelor a été conçu avec l’aide des grands noms de la gastronomie française (tels Robuchon, Dutournier, Rostang, Savoy, Troisgros…). Fidèle au principe pédagogique de sa création, les plus grands chefs et directeurs de restaurants interviennent chaque semaine aux côtés du corps professoral permanent de FERRANDI en qualité de professeurs associés et animent des ateliers. Plusieurs partenaires académiques dispensent également des enseignements : l’Ecole supérieure des arts et du design de Reims, l’Université François Rabelais de Tours par exemple. En trois ans, le cursus se partage entre l’acquisition du grand art de la cuisine classique, mais également des nouvelles tendances du monde de la gastronomie, et le management d’exploitation avec une majeure entrepreneuriale forte (reprise ou/et création d’entreprise). A partir de septembre 2013, une spécialisation à la haute pâtisserie sera proposée à Paris afin de compléter le cursus.

Implanté dans un territoire aux multiples facettes touristiques, le Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle a su puiser au cœur de ses ressources pour développer une expertise forte dans le secteur du tourisme. Le groupe a créé en 2002 La Rochelle Business School of Tourism, une école dédiée qui propose des cycles de formation à bac + 3 (Bachelor Management du Tourisme) ou à bac +5 (MBA Management du Tourisme et des Services), spécialisés dans le secteur du tourisme, des loisirs, de l’hébergement et de l’événementiel. Ces programmes visent à former des managers polyvalents et opérationnels à un niveau de management intermédiaire (bac+3) ou de management stratégique grâce au MBA Tourisme (BAC+5).
FERRANDI Paris, l’école française de gastronomie, forme tous les ans 1200 apprentis et étudiants du CAP à Bac + 5, français et étrangers, et plus de 2000 professionnels en formation continue. La mission principale de l’école est de transmettre une formation technique solide, qui allie l’excellence, la tradition et l’inventivité.  Les aspects managériaux et la démarche entrepreunariale sont favorisés. La reconnaissance du milieu de la gastronomie s’illustre notamment par la composition du conseil d’orientation présidé par Joël Robuchon. Aujourd’hui, FERRANDI Paris s’impose comme l’école de référence en restauration, en France comme à l’étranger.

Contact presse
Audrey Janet
Chargée de communication
Tel : 01 49 54 28 23
E-mail : [email protected]

News National

Les jeunes chefs français s’engagent pour la préservation des ressources de la mer

Des élèves d’écoles hôtelières ont participé aujourd’hui aux épreuves du concours culinaire national Olivier Roellinger – Pour la préservation des ressources de la mer. Co-fondé par Ferrandi et SeaWeb, la deuxième édition de ce concours est organisée en partenariat avec le lycée hôtelier de Dinard et l’association Relais et Châteaux et est soutenue par Prorestel, MSC, OSO, VLIZ, le CIPA et l’association Pêcheurs de Bretagne. Cette initiative vise à concilier gastronomie et sensibilisation de la jeune génération de chefs cuisiniers à la préservation des ressources de la mer et de l’environnement.

Des recettes durables et un message qui marque les esprits pour longtemps Venus de toute la France, neuf candidats ont présenté deux recettes de leur composition devant un jury de professionnels présidé par Olivier Roellinger, chef étoilé des Maisons de Bricourt à Cancale et vice-président de l’association Relais & Châteaux. Ils ont ensuite expliqué aux membres du jury le choix des espèces qu’ils ont travaillées pour ce concours et sur quels critères de durabilité ils se sont approvisionnés. Ce challenge leur a demandé créativité et compétences techniques en cuisine mais également une réflexion importante quant au choix de produits de la mer. Face au succès de la journée, l’objectif est atteint pour Olivier Roellinger, parrain du concours et président de son jury : “Pour ces futurs chefs, passer une commande de poisson n’est plus seulement une question de prix ou de fraîcheur mais aussi une réflexion sur la préservation de certaines espèces menacées et la mise en valeur d’autres espèces dont les stocks sont en bon état et qui méritent d’être mieux connues”.

D’autant plus que le message porté par le concours s’inscrit dans les esprits et dans les pratiques des participants au concours de façon… durable ! “Les lauréats de la première édition du concours sont devenus de véritables ambassadeurs de la cause auprès de leur établissement, leurs collègues ou leurs clients. Ils nous écrivent pour rester informés sur l’état des ressources halieutiques et diffusent ces informations autour d’eux. Nous sommes ravis de voir que cette initiative contribue à sensibiliser la jeune génération de cuisiniers, qui sont des prescripteurs clés”, rapporte Elisabeth Vallet, Directrice Europe de SeaWeb.

News World


On 7 May 2013, the World Association of Chefs Societies (WACS) is going to launch one of the most exciting developments in the culinary industry this year:  the WACS global culinary certification scheme.

The scheme, developed in partnership with City & Guilds, is the first global culinary certification scheme in the world.   It has nine different levels which are aimed at cooks, chefs and culinary educators who wish to gain recognition for the skills, experience and knowledge they have gained while working in the industry.

‘It has been a lifelong ambition for WACS to give something back to the culinary community’, says Gissur Gudmundsson, President of WACS.  ‘There is hardly anything available for chefs and cooks who may not have had the opportunity to obtain a qualification or were just too busy building their careers and did not manage to find the time to go back to formal education’, Gudmundsson continues. 

WACS is a global network of 93 national chefs associations founded in 1928, representing over 10 million professional chefs.  WACS dedicates all of its activities to maintaining and improving the culinary standards of cuisines around the world.

‘We want to celebrate success’, adds Gissur Gudmundsson, President of WACS.  ‘We want to encourage cooks, chefs and culinary educators to continue learning as this is the only way in which we can help to raise standards within the industry.‘

As well as targeting cooks and chefs, the scheme also recognises the role culinary educators play in the training and education of the next generation of chefs.

‘The work of teachers and trainers is often overlooked in the industry’, says John Clancy, Chairman of the WACS Education Committee. ‘The scheme brings to the forefront the invaluable contribution of educators around the world and allows us to formally acknowledge the positive difference they make in the professional and personal development of young cooks as they are starting out in the industry.’

WACS joined forces with City & Guilds, one of the world’s leading certification bodies, to develop the scheme.    ‘We only work with the best and are delighted to have City & Guilds as our certification partner’, notes Gudmundsson.  City & Guilds has led the work around setting the standards and defining a suitable quality assurance mechanism which will provide sufficient flexibility to operate the scheme at a global level without compromising on quality.

The two organisations have spent two years planning all the details of the scheme to ensure that it is relevant to employers and reflects the typical career progression within the industry.  

One of the key features of the certification scheme is the innovative use of technology so that it can reach out to as many individuals as possible around the world.  The application and the assessment processes are done electronically which makes the scheme affordable and accessible.  Applicants can take the time they need to prepare their evidence which will then be submitted to WACS using an electronic portal called Learning Assistant.

‘The scheme complements qualifications and certification schemes available around the world’, notes Clancy.  ‘It is all about recognising industry experience and re-engaging professionals in learning in a way which is not always possible through formal qualifications.   We have made a conscious effort to incorporate existing certification schemes and competitions into the requirements where it was appropriate to do so.  For example, we will accept Master Chef and Master Pastry Chef certificates from around the world as part of the entry requirements for applications at the WACS Certified Master Chef and Master Pastry Chef levels.’

The scheme has been unashamedly designed in a way that it can bring value to employers as part of their recruitment, training and staff retention programmes.   WACS has undertaken extensive consultation with the industry and found that the most important qualities that employers are looking for include attitude, passion and motivation as well as having the right skills.  The scheme allows chefs and cooks to demonstrate to an existing or potential employer as well as their own customers that they are willing to go the extra mile and have met an international benchmark while doing so.

‘It is going to be a very exciting time for chefs’, commented in Gudmundsson.  ‘The future is beautiful’.

And who could argue with that?


About WACS

WACS is the leading authority in global cuisine, dedicated to defining and promoting standards within professional cooking and hospitality around the world.

Through educational programmes, international culinary competitions and congresses and assemblies, WACS has been leading the way in shaping the role of the professional chef since it was established in 1928.

WACS membership includes cooks, chefs and culinary educators from over 93 countries; representing over 10 million professionals.

About City & Guilds

City & Guilds is one of the world’s leading vocational education businesses, offering over 500 qualifications across 28 industries.   The organisation operates in 80 countries with a network of over 20 regional offices around the world.

City & Guilds has over 130 years of experience in designing qualifications and assessment and its qualifications are considered by employers to be the benchmark for workplace excellence around the world.  Last year alone, nearly two million people studied towards City & Guilds qualification.

The City & Guilds Group comprises City & Guilds, the Institute of Leadership & Management (management and leadership qualifications), Learning Assistant, the Centre for Skills Development (research arm) and City & Guilds’ latest acquisition, Kineo, an awarding winning e-solutions company.

City & Guilds, unlike many other certification bodies, is a charity and therefore a not-for-profit organisation.  Any surpluses made through its work is reinvested into education or used to support educational programmes.

News Generic

Message from WACS President

The world is changing and so must we. Monday, 18 March 2013 The world is changing and so must we. It is amazing to see the speed at which our world is change day after day. We may want to resist these changes but they will happen with or without us. The question is: Are we ready to be part of this change and try to have influence on it for the better of our future? One thing I have learned is that we need to be open-minded and think outside of the box. If we don’t, we soon become a cranky old person who sees only the negative side of things when all the new things are happening. We must be open not only to different ideas and opinions and things happening around us but also in the small things that happen in our daily life. I try to apply this idea when I deal with the daily tasks of WACS. We are proud to have set up one of the most important programs in WACS history – the Recognition of Culinary Schools worldwide, as well as the International Certification for Individuals in our profession, which covers all levels. As chefs we know that this is something the chef profession really needs and that this step will serve both the chefs and the industry worldwide. Although we have encountered resistance and challenges on our right to certify chefs, these only reinforce our resolve to make this happen. Along with City and Guilds, one the biggest names in vocational education, with 2 million learners working towards one of their qualifications every year, is working along with us to accomplish this huge task. It has been a long journey but we are very proud that WACS can now offer any chef from nations around the world the opportunity to become certified by the World Association of Chefs Societies. Are you ready to be part of this change? Do you have constructive comments and opinions and want to have an influence for the future of WACS? I am ready and I hope to have your support to make the changes for the betterment of our profession and future. I am especially ready to listen to your opinions and comments. After all, this organization belongs to you, the members, so take the opportunity to take part! Don’t get left behind.

News Train the Trainer

WACS Train the Trainer, Explores New Territories

The WACS Train the Trainer program, which continues to be sponsored by Custom Culinary™, has extended its services to four new countries in 2012, with plans currently being made for two more. WACS expert chefs have volunteered their time and talents to share their knowledge and passion for cuisine to others around the world. Dozens of chefs and hundreds of culinary faculty and students have already participated. 

Here are some highlights of visits made in 2012. Thank you to the expert chefs who participated in these events: Chef Baranidharan P from Bangalore, India; Chef Davagi Sanmugam from Singapore; and Chef Soundararajan P.  from Chennai, India.

Malaysia: On September 19, 2011 students of the Berjaya University College of Hospitality in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia were treated by a special lesson and demonstrations by Chef Baranidharan P, Corporate Executive Chef for Griffith Laboratories, from Bangalore India. 
Chef Barani, as he kindly allows us to call him, is an expert chef in Indian cuisine, and has broad international connections through his position with Griffiths Laboratories and Custom Culinary™. He is a member of the Indian Federation of Culinary Associations (IFCA) and an active participant at WACS events and Congresses. 
Berjaya University College of Hospitality is one of the growing numbers of WACS recognized programs under the WACS Recognition of Quality Culinary Education program. Located in the Golden Triangle area of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia the university was well suited to receive Chef Barani on one of his recent visits to the island nation. 
Chef Barani spent a whole day talking and demonstrating his passion for Indian cuisine to a captive audience of young culinary students, faculty and staff. The lessons were coordinated by Culinary Director Chef Jochen Kern, GMC who was eager to help provide this learning opportunity to his students. A Power Point presentation detailing his lessons is included in the Train the Trainer section of the WACS web site; along with additional photos and recipes. 
Chef Barani first lectured on the diversity of cuisines you find in modern day India addressing the different cultures that influenced Indian cuisine over the centuries. On his list were the influences of the Mongolians in the northwest region; the Persians on the west coast; the Chinese and Arabs thanks to the development of early spice trade routes; the Portuguese who landed and colonized in Goa; the French in Pondicherry, and the English thanks to their large Indian holdings.  These people easily adapted their native cuisines to India’s great agricultural diversity which includes a great amount of millet, rice, wheat, beans, green vegetables, eggplant, pineapple, sugar cane, chilies, chicken and game that was readily available. 
Among the recipes demonstrated included: Korma Gravy; Tandoori Chicken; Chicken Dum Biriyani; Vermicelli Kheer and a popular form of roti. Roti is a common word that describes a variety of Indian flat breads. Some roti are flattened quite large and cooked on the inside of a hot tandoor; called tandoori roti.

Asia goes to Montenegro: From 10 March through 19 March 2012 the chefs of Montenegro were treated to a world class series of Asian cooking lessons, demonstrations and kitchen work experiences thanks to the WACS Train the Trainer program and Custom Culinary™. Lessons included the cuisines of Vietnam, Thailand, China, India, Korea, Japan, and Indonesia with some added recipes from Malaysia, Philippines, and Bali. 
The lessons were performed by one of Asia’s premiere chefs Davagi Sanmugam, a member of the Emirates Culinary Guild who travels the culinary world from her home base in Singapore. Chef Sanmugam is a talented chef, consultant, award winning cook book author and educator with world class experiences stemming from her Indian birthplace and extending to various locations around the globe including Europe, the Middle East, Asia and UAE. Author of more than twenty culinary books her latest title, Indian Heritage Cooking, won the 1st runner up at the Best in the World, Gourmand World Cookbook Award 2012 under the Woman Chef Category during a recent event in Paris, France. 
Vuksan Vuko Mitrovic, the Chairman of the Montenegro Chefs Association and owner of Hotel Education Center (HEC) where the lessons were delivered, was the host and organizer of the event. Zlatibor Milic, President of the Association of Hotels in Montenegro, was also heavily involved in coordinating the various events for Chef Sanmugam who was able to present her lessons to various groups of chefs and culinary students in two different areas of Montenegro. 
Many of the lessons and demonstrations were held at the Hotel Education Center (HEC College); a local culinary arts and management school located near the fishing village of Przno off the coast of the Adriatic Sea.  There faculty, students and professional chefs were able to take part in the lessons. Classes of 20 to 40 chefs quickly filled up the rooms. 
Chef Sanmugam presented a different style of Asian cuisine each of the eight days of lessons, presentations and hands-on kitchen experiences. On day 1 she focused on traditional Chinese foods; on day two students were introduced to Thai and Vietnamese cuisine. On day 3 Chef Sanmugam turned her attention to Indian cuisine showing students a variety of traditional dishes from various regions of the large and diverse country. On day 4 and 5 Korean and Japanese cuisine were the main topics. On day 6 Pilipino cooking was showcased allowing Chef Sanmugam to further expand on the similarities and differences between South Pacific cooking styles and flavors. On days 7 and 8 the demonstrations and work shops were concentrated on Indonesian, Malaysian and Balinese cuisines. It was a two day whirlwind of spices, flavors, plate presentations and cooking techniques that intrigued both the imagination and taste buds of the room full of participants.

India goes to Singapore:  On April 18 Chef Baranidharan P. was able to perform more Indian cuisine demonstrations for his very friendly hosts at the ICAS Training & Education College in Singapore. Chef Barani had the occasion to be there attending an international trade show (FHA) on behalf of his employer Griffith’s Laboratories. During his visit he was able to perform these demonstrations for rooms full of teachers, students and practicing chefs. 
First he repeated his popular report on Indian Cuisine; in the form of a Power Point Presentation followed by 1 hour question and answer period. Everyone was amazed at the diversity of India’s culture and cuisine. 
Then Chef Barani was able to demonstrate a six course Indian menu which included:  Mango Lassi; Tandoori Chicken Tikka; Murgh Zafrani Korma; Mutter Paneer; Aloo Gobi; Dal Palak Tadka; Romali Roti, Lacchedar Tawa Paratha; Vegetable Dum Biryani; Cucumber Mint Raita; and for dessert: Vermicelli Kheer. These dishes were chosen specifically to show the great diversity of Indian foods, and the simple pleasure one could have recreating them in their own kitchens.

India travels to the United States: Chef P. Soundararajan, Corporate Executive Chef Mahindra Holidays & Resorts, General Secretary of the Indian Federation of Culinary Associations (IFCA), and WACS Certified Chef took time out of his busy schedule to visit the United States for 4 days of learning and teaching as guest of The Chefs Academy in Indianapolis. 
From May 14th thorough May 18th Chef Soundararajan demonstrated dozens of Indian recipes both savory and sweet. Brandon Hamilton, CEC, CCE chef instructor at The Chefs Academy made all of the arrangements, and was a most gracious host. 
Demonstrations and workshops were conducted for professional chefs, students and teaching faculty from both secondary (High School) and post-secondary institutes in Indianapolis. Chef Soundararajan easily accommodated these diverse groups with interesting discussions and tasty presentations. 
The grand finale came on the last day when Chef Soundarajana and eight instructors from The Chefs Academy worked together to reproduce over twenty authentic Indian dishes. Not only did the chefs get to watch, but they also got to produce these tasty dishes under the watchful eye of the chef. 
WACS Train the Trainer program brings expert chefs from one country to another for the purpose of sharing knowledge, skills and passion for world cuisine. For more information on the program, or how to get involved, visit the WACS web site and look under Education Programmes. You will find all the information and applications there for your convenience.

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