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Mark Your Calendars for International Chefs Day 2021!

Mark Your Calendars: International Chefs Day is October 20th!

Each year on October 20th, we celebrate International Chefs Day.  Since its creation, by the Late Chef Dr. Bill Gallagher in 2004, Worldchefs has committed to using International Chefs Day to celebrate our noble profession, always remembering that it is our duty to pass on our knowledge and culinary skills to the next generation of chefs with a sense of pride and commitment to the future.

Over the past years, Worldchefs has partnered with Nestlé Professional to teach children around the globe about the importance of healthy eating by hosting fun-filled workshops worldwide.

In 2020, many Chefs around the globe did not have the opportunity to have events due to COVID-19 and created short videos to share with children on social media, which became a big hit. The videos allowed us to reach approx.112,000 children. Unfortunately, uncertainty is still around many of us, but we will continue to reach as many children as possible either in-person at a workshop or through online learning and social media. To help, Nestlé Professional has made fantastic adaptions to the toolkit to make online learning easy and accessible.

As Chefs, we are all paying closer attention towards keeping ourselves and others healthy. Having a strong immune system and eating “stress-busting” foods will help us through these challenging times.

We can also help our children, the Worldchefs way by working together in Preparing Children for a Healthy Life. International Chefs Day will once again promote the theme: Healthy Food for the Future.

In 2021, International Chefs Day will also emphasize sustainability and the environment to ensure a healthy planet for future generations. It is vital for us to teach children about the impact that production and consumption of food has on the environment.

We will use this opportunity to teach children about healthy eating by letting them be creative with food. With the Chef’s input, education and help, children will be able to create recipes out of healthy foods and support Healthy Food for the Future.


All Chefs from around the globe are invited to host their very own Healthy Food for the Future workshop in their region. It can be a workshop for your own children, or a workshop for 300 children, every child can benefit from this experience, and it is important to share this opportunity and message for them to learn and enjoy eating something new!

A toolkit with everything you need to run an event, from instructions to materials to recipes to social media tips, has been prepared for you. Thanks to the Chefs who contributed to the 2021 campaign by submitting recipes! The complete toolkit can be downloaded below. International Chefs Day Committee members and Nestlé Professional regional managers in selected areas are standing by to help you find a venue, connect with schools and more. Just ask, we are always here for you.
Get started by downloading the toolkit

To host a  Healthy Food for the Future workshop on or around October 20, 2021, please contact Vanessa Marquis, Chairman, International Chefs Day Committee at

Download your toolkit today and join Chefs from around the world by sharing and making a big impact with the children in your community.

Vanessa Marquis, CEC
Chairman, International Chefs Day Committee
“Worldchefs, Preparing Children for a Healthy Life”

Blog Country International Chefs Day National News Press Releases

International Chefs Day 2020 Results Are In!

PARIS November 12, 2020

Many of us have had an uncertain year. Globally, we were all on the same page. COVID 19 had an impact on every one of us.  Despite the circumstances, many Chefs tried to share a moment with children around the world this year on and around October 20th to celebrate International Chefs Day 2020. 

Many of us were on lock down for months and many never stopped working since this pandemic started.  I am sure it gave us all a sense of normalcy to give back to our communities. Seeing the emails pour in from all of you, truly made my heart melt.  You made me feel grateful for your participation in this year’s campaign and made me proud to be part of Worldchefs. We did not know what to expect this year, but as Chefs know how to do daily, we adapt to any situation given to us at a moment’s notice. 

Our sponsor, Nestle Professional, not only provided and developed the theme “Healthy Food for the Future,” but also stepped in at the end of the summer to make adaptations to the International Chefs Day Online Toolkit.  This adaptation allowed Chefs to download a Virtual Toolkit ready for your online platform event.  Thank you Nestle Professional for being such a huge support and fan of this campaign!

Chef Emmanuel Lorieux, Nestle Professional Global Executive Chef, shared his kind words, “I wanted to just say thank you to those who participated and organized real and virtual events and managed to reach so many kids for this truly special International Chefs Day event, even if it has been a very challenging year so far for all of us! At Nestlé Professional, we are proud of all of you and we will keep on supporting Chefs from all around the globe for the years to come by supporting and developing great and useful material for International Chefs Day and the Worldchefs association.”

Worldchefs President Thomas A. Gugler also  expressed his thanks to  all the participants, the team in front and behind the activities, the International Chefs Day Committee and Chairman Vanessa Marquis  for their hard work and dedication. Reminding everyone  “Always believe on the Power of the White Jacket and think positive. May you all stay safe and healthy and a big THANK YOU to all of you!”

Chef Dr. Bill Gallagher, founder of International Chefs Day in 2004, would be so proud of all of you!  Although we are having a tough year globally, you continued his vision of celebrating our noble profession and passing on our knowledge and culinary skills to the next generation with a sense of pride and commitment to the future. 

I am also very proud of the International Chefs Day Committee who volunteered their time this year to get the word out and answer any questions you had about the 2020 campaign.  Everyone played a big role in making this a great year. Thank you to the Team, Chef Cornelia Volino, Worldchefs Secretary General, and the Worldchefs Office for all their support and dedication to this amazing global initiative.


And now what you have all been waiting for…

Just look at our final counts for 2020!


Children Reached

Chef Participation





Creativity and Social Media played a huge part in this campaign with just over 25,000 reached by your demonstrations, Zoom meetings, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.  If you missed sharing with children this October, you can participate in 2021 by joining even more Chefs around the world for next year’s International Chefs Day campaign.


I leave you with this final thought, by Chef Dr. Bill Gallagher:


“Progress is incremental so concentrate on what you can do today that you couldn’t do yesterday.”

Source: Food & Home/Michael Meyersfeld


Now look at just some of the many International Chefs Day 2020 Events from around the world:

Blog Certification Company / Partner FeedThePlanet International Chefs Day National News

Worldchefs News: October 2020

Dear Chef,

What a month! Whether you’re welcoming summer or enjoying the autumn foliage, this is usually a pretty exciting season. But for us chefs, there’s even more reasons to embrace October.

We’ve got some new developments to share that we’re sure you’ll celebrate. And more on the way! Find out more below.

Until next time, 
The Worldchefs team


Healthy Food for the Future — World on a Plate

Tomorrow is International Chefs Day! Tune in to get inspired and find out how you can get involved!

listen here >>

Spanish Pre-Commis Chef Course — Worldchefs Academy

Si Chef! Worldchefs Academy is excited to announce the launch of its online Pre-Commis Chef Course and mobile app in Spanish!
learn more >>

Get Certified — Free Webinar Series

Find out how you can showcase your culinary teaching skills and expertise with a Worldchefs Certified Culinary Educator Digital Badge.
register now >>


Meet the Chefs Who Are Championing Healthy Food for the Future on International Chefs Day

Certification Adapts to Help Unemployed Chefs and Hospitality Professionals

Nestlé Professional is Launching Planetpro to Help Customers Navigate the Sustainability Business Challenge

Le Nouveau Chef the Official Worldchefs Clothing Partner

Certification Webinar Series: 101 and Certified Executive Chef
watch now >>

Modern Kalbi Recipe from Chef Wook Kang
see the recipe >>


International Chefs Day 2020 is tomorrow, October 20th! It’s not too late to get involved! 

Chef Vanessa Marquis has a video for you to share with your children, students, and friends on social media. Check it out below and be sure to share it with your community!

Want to do even more? Host a Facebook Live, a Zoom meeting, or make your own 5-minute video recording demonstration from the comfort of your home or at work! We’ve got everything ready for you! Find the updated digital toolkit here.


Worldchefs is seeking contributors for and our next magazine edition.

Do you have a story, recipe, or article you want to share with us? Let’s hear it! Get in touch via this link.


To get featured in this space, upload an image of you at work or share your favorite recipe on social and tag Worldchefs with the hashtag #ThisIsWorldchefs.
get involved
visit our blog
Blog Company / Partner Country International Chefs Day National News

Meet the Chefs Who Are Championing Healthy Food for the Future on International Chefs Day

This year’s theme for the October 20th International Chefs Day is Healthy Food for the Future, which focuses on ensuring a healthy planet for future generations, while aiming to teach children about what impact food production and consumption has on the environment.

“During these uncertain times, we must boost our immune systems and teach both children and adults of the benefits of healthy food, which will help in the long run to fight off any future illnesses,” said Vanessa Marquis, Chairman of the International Chefs Day Committee.

“We have a duty to prepare chefs worldwide to educate and prepare children for a healthier life through other means if they can’t in person – not even letting a pandemic get in the way,” she added.

This call to action comes as Nestlé Professional and the World Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs), who teamed up in 2014, join forces again on October 20, 2020 for International Chefs Day to teach children across the globe about the importance of healthy eating through organized fun-filled workshops worldwide.

Healthy Food for the Future 

This year’s theme is Healthy Food for the Future, which focuses on ensuring a healthy planet for future generations, while aiming to teach children about what impact food production and consumption has on the environment.

As part of the workshops, a toolkit has been prepared to encourage children to turn everyday recipes into appetizing food that is enjoyable to make and nutritious. It contains instructions, materials, social media tips and healthy recipes created by professional chefs.

In 2019, over 69 000 children and more than 1800 chefs took part in the annual event, doubling from the year before.

Impact of good food

With plant-based diets on the rise, Vanessa explained why now is the time to encourage children to eat and cook more plant-based foods and recipes, giving them easy access to fruits and vegetables they may not have tried before.

“Their immune systems are still developing and getting the right nutrients and vitamins through a proper diet will help them in the future,” she explained. “This year’s International Chefs Day will help children see and taste delicious recipes that are more geared towards plant-based diets.”

Growing up in a family which worked for large produce companies, fresh vegetables were always on hand at her childhood home, with her mother regularly cooking homemade meals.

Good food made a significant impact on Vanessa and she joined culinary school after leaving a career in banking, working her way up the ranks to become an Executive Chef. She said: “As a female chef, there were many times I felt I must work harder than others to get there, but I simply worked with my head down knowing I am equal to anyone else in the kitchen.

“I continue to give it my all for Worldchefs and ‘Prepare Children for a Healthy Life’,” she added.

Value of bringing knowledge to children

Emmanuel Lorieux, Executive Chef for Nestlé Professional, also stresses the value in teaching children to eat well, choose good products and instill healthy eating habits.

Having grown up next to a restaurant in Normandy, France, he was surrounded by the sights and smells of nutritious, homemade meals. With his aspiration to travel, this also steered his career and he completed his apprenticeship at a 1-star Michelin restaurant before working as a chef in the French Army, and with Le Méridien Hotels in Paris, Abu Dhabi, Tokyo, Bora Bora, and San Diego.

“When I was younger, my mother bought fresh food in the market and cooked it at home. But these days, parents don’t have much time as they are both working, so it’s quite often easier to cook frozen meals,” said Emmanuel.

“It’s very important to bring knowledge to youngsters in the classroom, focusing on ingredients that are good for the planet and sustainability. For this year’s event, we have recipes that are full of fresh vegetables and homegrown ingredients.

“We work well with Worldchefs to develop materials and collaborate with member chefs to create these healthy recipes – we believe we can all make a difference to children from all backgrounds,” he added.

For information about International Chef Day and if you are planning to host a Healthy Food for the Future workshop, please contact Vanessa Marquis at To download the Virtual Event Toolkit, visit

About Nestlé Professional

Nestlé Professional is passionate about serving the out-of-home industry, using its global experience and know-how to help accelerate the businesses of its foodservice and hospitality industry partners. Via its leading brands and products, Nestlé Professional shares its solutions and innovations to help customers and operators make more possible as they serve and delight their clients and consumers.

This article was originally published here.

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Company / Partner Country International Chefs Day National News Press Releases

The Results Are In! Check Out the Final Counts for International Chefs Day 2019

Paris, France · 13 December 2019 · The Results Are In! Check Out the Final Counts for International Chefs Day 2019

Greetings Chefs and Colleagues!

Children around the world had a chance to spend time with Worldchefs members, like yourself, this year on and around October 20th to celebrate International Chefs Day 2019.  With the theme “How Healthy Food Works,” provided by our sponsor Nestlé Professional, all were able to print materials from the toolkit including recipes, badges, certificates, games, and even placemats to make your event complete and with ease.

Chef Dr. Bill Gallagher, founder of International Chefs Day in 2004, would be so proud of this year’s efforts as you continued his vision of celebrating our noble profession and passing on our knowledge and culinary skills to the next generation with a sense of pride and commitment to the future.  

I am also very proud of the International Chefs Day Committee who volunteered their time this year to get the word out and answer any questions you had about the 2019 campaign. Everyone played a big role in making this a great year.

Thank you to my Team!!! 

Adelina Sisti-DeBlasis, Canada

Joanna Ochniak, Poland

Mathew Shropshall, England

Ann Brown, Scotland

Kim-Håvard Larsen, Norway

Venessa Barnes, Australia

David Keir, South Africa

Ines Maria D’Amico, Ecuador

Tony Chang, Taiwan

And now what you have all been waiting for… Just look at our final counts for 2019!

Children Reached: 72,957       Chef Participation: 1,849

Congratulations! This is a great stride and everyone should be proud of what you have accomplished, and that is, sharing with children healthy eating habits and of course, our profession.  If you missed sharing with children this October, perhaps you can participate in 2020 by joining more chefs around the world for next year’s International Chefs Day campaign.

I leave you with this final thought, by Chef Dr. Bill Gallagher: 

“Progress is incremental so concentrate on what you can do today that you couldn’t do yesterday.” 

Source: Food & Home/Michael Meyersfeld 

Now take a look at just some of the many events around the world:   

      Vanessa Marquis, Chairman

International Chefs Day Committee

“Preparing Children for a Healthy Life!”

#InternationalChefsDay #NestleProfessional #ThisIsWorldchefs

Blog Country International Chefs Day National News Press Releases Worldchefs Without Borders

Chefs Social Responsibility Ho Chi Minh – Vietnam Report 18-21 Oct 2019




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France · 21 October 2019 
· Chefs Social Responsibility Ho Chi Minh – 
Report 18-21 Oct 2019

For the original version of this report and for photos of the event, download the pdf below.


Passionate Chefs,


World Chefs
Without Borders (WCWB) Chefs Social Responsibility for Vietnam program, WCWB
and Saigon Professional Chefs Guilds and 20 international chefs including WCWB
Committee members traveled at their own expense to Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam to work
on this meaningful CSR project from 18-21 October 2019. Chefs shared their “money,
knowledge and time” with 600 Vietnamese children and 280 kind, passionate diners
at the gala dinner.


World Chefs
Without Borders is proud to announce that our 3rd Chefs Social Responsibility
(CSR) for Vietnam event was held in Ho Chi Minh City from 18-20 October 2019 in
conjunction with International Chefs Day. This charity event was supported by
Saigon Professional Chefs Guilds. The event included a VIP Gala Fundraising
Dinner for 280 guests, and cooking 600 meals for 600 students.


We would
like to extend our sincere appreciation to New World Saigon Hotel for hosting
our entire event, especially Chef Alexander Chong, Executive Chef of New World
Saigon Hotel, who coordinated the entire CSR tour – a Malaysian chef but with a
kind heart and passion towards Vietnamese people, truly representing the spirit
of World Chefs Without Borders. Not forgetting all the lovely sponsors and
guests that purchased gala dinner tickets, as all fund raises make a difference
towards our CSR project.


The combined
efforts of WCWB, SPC and sponsors contributed to (refer to pictures)

1. 600
meals served to 600 children in conjunction with Worldchefs International Chefs

2. Renovated library, books on shelves and upgraded school kitchen to meet the
demand of cooking more food

Repainted and touched up the building

4. Purchased 5 desktop computers for the school library

5. Cooked gala dinner for our 280 guests

6. Funding 10 female students one-year program with the “Room to Read”
organization with the New World Saigon Hotel


conjunction with this WCWB & SPC’s CSR event, we also significantly promoted
(refer to pictures)

Worldchefs International Chef Day

2. Celebrate Vietnamese Women Day (100 roses were presented to the women at the
gala by WCWB chefs)

3. Vietnamese
Young Chef Development Programme – prepared the main course of the gala dinner

4. Education on recycling by using biodegradable boxes and recycled buttons for
table showpieces at the gala dinner


WCWB has
always believed in sharing money if you can, sharing knowledge if not money, and
spending time doing charity if you do not have either of the two. We strongly
discourage you from criticizing those that perform their CSR. Instead, give
support and encouragement!


We, as chefs, may not be able to change lives but we can make a difference.

We are
chefs, we have no borders, and together let’s perform our Chefs Social


We heartfully extend our thanks to the Vietnamese for allowing World Chefs Without Borders to
perform our Chefs Social Responsibility.



Chairman, World Chefs without Borders

Learn more about World Chefs Without Borders at and on the WCWB Facebook page.


World Chefs Without Borders (WCWB) is a global humanitarian aid initiative by Worldchefs. Our mission is to support and mobilize our global network of volunteer chefs to undertake initiatives providing education and resources to those in need and afflicted by natural disasters. 


The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a dynamic global network of 110 chef associations worldwide. A leading voice in the hospitality industry, Worldchefs carries 91 years of history since its founding at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier. Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.

Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through these core focus areas:

Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, our expansive network of Worldchefs Certified Schools and curriculums, and the world’s first Global Hospitality Certification recognizing on-the-job skills in hospitality; 

Networking – Worldchefs provides a platform for connection to chefs around the world, and a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events and the preeminent biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;

Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and runs the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge;

Humanitarian & Sustainability – our Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.

For more information about Worldchefs, visit us at

Company / Partner Country International Chefs Day National News Press Releases

How Healthy Food Works: International Chefs Day

How Healthy Food Works


Greetings Chefs and Colleagues!

As we continue to prepare for International Chefs Day on October 20, it is important to take a moment and think about how our profession can have an impact on children everywhere.  Teaching and sharing our skills are the most important things we can do to help children in our communities.  Cooking and establishing healthy eating habits can positively affect their entire lives. So how will you make a difference in a child’s life this International Chefs Day?

Let’s hear from two Chefs who have had an impact in their communities. 

Thomas Gugler, Worldchefs President

“For me as the Worldchefs President, it is always very important to support children and promote healthy eating habits in my region and all around the world.

I personally involve myself in the education and alertness about healthy eating habits to make children aware why it is so important to have healthy and fresh food in their daily diet. Especially in Saudi Arabia where the wrong eating habits (including fast foods) have caused severe health problems for children, teenagers and even adults.

Children in Saudi Arabia have been very keen about International Chefs Day events. They always enjoy trying healthy dishes they cook and prepare together with members from the local chef’s society. It has also been a common practice for chefs to go to local schools in KSA to provide tutorial and practical lessons, resulting in a great and positive outcome for all.

I urge all chefs from around the world to be part of this fantastic initiative from Worldchefs and Nestle Professional. We must all ensure that our children and the children of our children find a healthy food environment and share their knowledge with generations to come.

After all, healthy food is the key for a long, happy and healthy life.”

Emmanuel Lorieux, Global Food Executive Chef, Nestlé Professional

“At Nestlé there are several events at the Alimentarium to educate children on how to choose the best fresh products and how to recognize the different kinds of fresh products. There is a real educational garden around the Alimentarium. They can also pick up the ingredients and cook them with the chefs and eat the meals that they prepared.

Chefs are now highly concerned about healthy eating and about teaching kids how to eat better, so as a chef and as a parent, I encourage all the chef communities to make that a mission to educate kids for better and sustainable eating as often as they have the opportunity.”

More Tips for International Chefs Day from your Chairman Venessa Marquis:

  • Use social media & hashtags below to show the world this fun day.
  • Don’t use a flash for pictures, use natural lighting.
  • Be sure to leave branded items out of your pictures.
  • Only take photos of children with permission badges. Print from toolkit.
  • Use the colorful place mats in the toolkit or food pictures and to brighten up the room.
  • NEW: Return the Tracking Form to Worldchefs at immediately after your event (by October 25) so we may share how many children and Chefs joined us to teach How Healthy Food Works.
  • And lastly, HAVE FUN!

It’s not too late to participate. Take a moment to share with your children at home too!

How Healthy Food Works on October 20, 2019 

Vanessa Marquis, Chairman

International Chefs Day Committee

“Preparing Children for a Healthy Life!”

#InternationalChefsDay #NestleProfessional #ThisIsWorldchefs

Download the toolkit now to get started now!

Blog Company / Partner Country International Chefs Day National News Press Releases

October 20th is coming up: Help teach kids How Healthy Food Works!

Did you know there are over 600 varieties of oranges worldwide?

This fruit is enjoyed by children much more than any other fruits & vegetables. Oranges not only contain Vitamin C to support a healthy immune system, but they also have fiber that will prevent digestive issues and help keep children’s appetites satisfied longer.

So, be sure to download the toolkit to get the adorable character and recipe below. And for many more recipes provided by our partner, Nestlé Professional, to help you have a successful and fun International Chefs Day event!

Fun Fact #1: Brazil produces one-third of the orange production in the world

Fun Fact #2: Sweet orange is a hybrid of Pomelo 25% and Mandarin 75%

Vanessa Marquis, Chairman

International Chefs Day Committee

“Preparing Children for a Healthy Life!”





Blog Company / Partner International Chefs Day News Press Releases

International Chefs Day: Help teach kids How Healthy Food Works!

Not only is the cucumber high in water content, it also…

– contains antioxidants

– lowers blood pressure

– good source of potassium

– supports healthy skin

– boosts bone health

So at your International Chefs Day event, try adding cucumbers and honeydew to your water dispenser for children to drink. This will help them stay hydrated during your fun-filled event.

And you can add this cute character above by printing it from the toolkit on and placing it next to your infused water dispenser.

Fun fact: The biggest cucumber, grown in southern China, was 67 inches long and weighed 154 pounds.

Vanessa Marquis, Chairman

International Chefs Day Committee

“Preparing Children for a Healthy Life!”





Company / Partner International Chefs Day National News Press Releases

International Chefs Day is Almost Here!


Can it be true? Yes, International Chefs Day 2019 is soon to come! It is almost time once again to support the children around the world on this special day. 

On October 20th we invite you to make a difference in your communities by making healthy eating fun and exciting for children.  

This year’s campaign theme is, “How Healthy Food Works!” Once again, made possible by our partner Nestlé Professional.  

How can you participate? It’s so easy!  Since last 2018, Nestlé Professional has prepared and tested recipes to make it easier for you. Just go to and download the recipes, along with the toolkit provided. This will help you to organize and launch your International Chefs Day 2019 Super Workshop, or to make this even more fun for the children, why not call it a party?

With only a few months left, it is time to start thinking of where you will have your International Chefs Day 2019 Party.  For example:

  • Contact a local culinary school kitchen and get their students involved to help you.
  • Reach out to your local public or private schools.  Get the cafeteria supervisor involved and do this together with students.
  • Reach out to your local chef’s association for other suggestions or venues they can give you access to without having to pay rental fees, or for basic utensils and equipment.
  • Or, simply share your knowledge and cook with your children in your very own kitchen and invite their neighborhood friends.

And please keep be sure to read in your toolkit about the Health & Safety considerations.

Who’s got your back? We do! The International Chefs Day Committee Members and the Nestlé Managers are here to help you.

Every year we have more chefs participating, so let’s get bigger and better!  But, if October 20 is too busy for you, then pick another day that week. And who’s to say you can’t do more than 1 workshop/party that week? Why not? I am!  

It’s very humbling to share with children a new fruit or vegetable they have never tried. To see their expression when they try it for the first time or with a combination of flavors!

In 2004, Dr. Bill Gallagher implemented International Chefs Day to celebrate our profession, to share and pass on our knowledge and culinary skills to our children. It’s our legacy to help children get excited about healthy food and our industry.  

I like to say, we are “Preparing Children for a Healthy Life!” Food is something we need every day, so let’s all join together and teach the children, “How Healthy Food Works.”

For questions and support, please don’t hesitate to email us at

Culinary Regards,

Marquis, Chairman

Chefs Day Committee




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“Preparing Children for a Healthy Life!”

Download the toolkit now to get started now!


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