Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals: Online Webinar Series
Chefs are experts at making every crisis an opportunity. During these times of challenge caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is no different. While it is a time of great uncertainty, our industry is one of resilience and grit. Worldchefs encourages chefs to take this time to focus on what can be done to build a better future.
Worldchefs has developed a free introductory webinar to help our community bolster their resumes and bring sustainable practices to foodservice. The Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals teaches chefs how to think and act sustainably, to lead positive change for the planet – and for the improved profitability in the kitchen. The curriculum was developed by Worldchefs as a Feed the Planet initiative, powered by our partners Electrolux Food Foundation and AIESEC.
This 7 day introductory webinar series is hosted by Chef Chris Koetke, Chairman of the Feed The Planet Committee, and covers 7 important topics:
- Day 1 (2PM – 3PM CET, 15 April 2020) – Introduction to Sustainability
- Day 2 (2 PM – 2:45 PM CET, 16 April 2020) – Agriculture
- Day 3 (2 PM – 2:45 PM CET, 17 April 2020) – Animal Husbandry
- Day 4 (2 PM – 2:45 PM CET, 20 April 2020) – Seafood
- Day 5 (2 PM – 2:45 PM CET, 21 April 2020) – Energy
- Day 6 (2 PM – 2:45 PM CET, 22 April 2020) – Water
- Day 7 (2 PM – 2:45 PM CET, 23 April 2020)- Waste Management
A Feed The Planet certificate will only be issued to participants who complete all 7 seminars.
If you missed a lesson, you can re-watch the recording and take the daily quiz to validate your attendance and claim your certificate at the end of the series.
This webinar is the introductory version of Worldchefs Sustainability Education for Culinary Professional. You can apply to deliver the full version of our curriculum at your schools/workplaces/culinary institutions here.
As President Gugler said, “When the quarantine restrictions are over, it will be time once again to help those less fortunate and share our goodwill and consideration for others through a combination of passion, dedication, and culinary skills.” Join us for this webinar and learn strategies to help take on climate change.
Key Information
Format: 7-day webinar series (60 min for Day 1 and 45 min for Day 2-7)
Platform: Zoom
Time: 2PM CET (14:00 CET)
Dates: 15 April to 17 April and 20 April to 23 April (7 days, excluding weekends)
Register: CLICK HERE to complete the registration form. Once completed, we will be in touch with access information.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Date and time of the webinar series:
The series comprises of 7 webinars of approximately 1 hour each for 7 days. The first webinar starts at 2 PM (CET) on Wednesday, 15 April 2020 and the last webinar starts at 2 PM (CET) on Thursday, 23 April 2020. We don’t organize webinars during the weekend (Saturday 18 April 2020 and Sunday 19 April 2020).
You can convert the seminar time into your own time zone on the webinar registration page.
Please click on “Paris” and change it into your location.
2. Access to the webinar:
Please refer to this step by step guideline developed by Zoom.
The Zoom link provided is the same for all webinars in the series. However, please make sure you choose all the seminar dates when registering on our website to gain daily access. It is recommended that you add the webinar series to your calendar to keep track.
3. Zoom and security concern:
We understand your concern about the emerging security issues of Zoom. After reviewing alternatives, we believe Zoom is still a reliable solution for this webinar series.
Should you have a suggestion on the platform we can use for our next webinar, feel free to reach out to us.
Please see below articles regarding Zoom’s efforts to ensure your cybersecurity:
Zoom privacy and security issues: Here’s everything that’s wrong (so far)
Zoom’s Security: Here is what Zoom is doing to make its service safer
4. Webinar capacity :
As Zoom has limited capacity to host webinar participants, the session will also be live-streamed on Worldchefs’ official Facebook Page. If you can’t join the webinar because the session is full, visit our Facebook/Youtube channel and fill in the on-site attendance form and daily test. A digital badge and certificate will be issued to participants joining all 7 webinars on whichever platform once we have your attendance verified.
5. Attendance & Certificate:
- If you joined us via Zoom, your attendance is verified automatically.
- If you joined us via Facebook live, please make sure you fill in the attendance form: DAY 1– DAY 2 – DAY 3 – DAY 4 – DAY 5 – DAY 6 – DAY 7
- No certificate will be issued before 4 May 2020.