Blog International Chefs Day National News

the new International Chefs Day is coming soon! On October 20, 2018, we'll all celebrate the Healthy Foods for Growing Up!

The new International Chefs Day is on the way!

On October, 20th, we will all celebrate the day where Chefs get together to teach kids the right way to cook.

We thank Chef Emmanuel Lorieux to be part of it!


#InternationalChefsDay #NestleProfessional

Blog International Chefs Day News

International Chefs Day is coming soon: October 20, 2018 – Sign up here to be a Hero!

The new International Chefs day is coming soon!

We are pleased to invite all Chefs from the World to participate to our annual celebration of the International Chefs Day!

Last year’s event was a true success. We reached over 37 000 children in 55 countries. This was in a great part thanks to the commitment of 4,728 chefs who generously donated their time and energy, doubling the scope of the 2016 campaign!

Each year, on October 20th, Worldchefs and its members celebrate International Chefs Day. This important date goes hand in hand with an annual theme, aimed at giving pride and honour to the profession, while using the opportunity to make a positive change for chefs, their local communities and to make a difference in a young person’s life. Since 2015, in co-operation with Nestlé Professional, we have created and realized campaigns that foster healthy eating habits among children. 

The time has come to reveal the International Chefs Day 2018 theme: “Healthy Foods for Growing Up”

Our theme for 2018 will encourage kids to think about what they would like to be when they’re grown up, and how eating healthy foods today can help them get there.

With your input, education and help, the kids will be able to prepare recipes of healthy foods, which will help turn them into the healthiest grown-ups they can be.  

Worldchefs & Nestle Professional counts on YOU to make the world a better place for our kids!

Sign up for free HERE

#ThisIsWorldchefs #NestleProfessional #InternationalChefsDay

Blog FeedThePlanet FeedThePlanet - Blog National News

Feed the Planet made the World a better place for another day!

Feed the Planet made the World a better place on the 7th of September! 

Worldchefs, together with Electrolux Food Foundation and AIESEC, organized a Zero Waste Market in St Mariatorget, Stockholm Sweden.

What happened there? 

  • We served vegan soups made from 100% rescued ingredients with the help of the Waste Kitchen!
  • Secondhand clothes had a booth with clothes swooping where visitors could change one of their own garments to a “new” one in the booth!
  • Free books were also available!

Two lectures were delivered that day:

  • “How can we create a sustainable wardrobe and a sustainable relation to fashion?”

by Maria Lagerman, Operations Manager Remake Stockholms Stadsmission

  • “How can we reduce our food waste together?”

by Filip Lundin, Founder of Sopkoket (The Waste Kitchen)

What a lovely concept to help and make the world a better place where we also offered free coffee and sweets from the Food Bank! We had approximately 300 visitors, 300 happy people! It was a success!   


Blog FeedThePlanet FeedThePlanet - Blog National News

Feed the Planet backs culinary training for teenagers from orphanages in Moscow

Feed the Planet backs culinary training for teenagers from orphanages in Moscow


The first graduates of the Feed the Planet culinary training on sustainable cooking for youth leaving orphanages in Moscow, are now ready to pursue a career in the professional culinary world.

 This initiative builds on the ongoing Feed the Planet Culinary Training for the Unemployed program in Curitiba, Brazil launched last year by Worldchefs, together with Electrolux & AIESEC


Transitioning to independent life can be an ordeal for orphans in Russia. Every year 6,000 teenagers leave their orphanages behind, and only 10% of them are able to provide for themselves or find a job. The “I’m a chef” (Ya’Shef)project is helping some of them with culinary training on sustainable cooking, and valuable life skills, such as learning how to work in a team, start a business or pursue an education in a culinary college.


The project is a collaboration between Worldchefs, the Electrolux Food Foundation, AIESEC & the National Association of Culinary Specialists of Russia and the local “Big Brothers, Big Sisters” organization.

 Over two months, and ending on August 31, 20 applicants have received 36 lessons from gastronomy gurus at a culinary studio in Moscow. They also have had the opportunity to meet with influential food bloggers and food stylists. 


We are delighted to see how we are replicating the successful culinary training program to help people enter the labor market. We started this project in Brazil last year and we’re now implementing it in different parts of the world” said Malin Ekefalk, Director of Social Responsibility.


Some of the students in Moscow will start working in restaurants after the training, whereas others will take part in the prestigious Russian chef competition – Chef a la Russe. Also, two students have been accepted into a culinary college in Russia.


Worldchefs, the Electrolux Food Foundation & AIESEC will implement similar training culinary programs for the unemployed in other parts of the world during this and next year.


#ThisIsWorldchefs #FeedthePlanet #MovetheDate

Blog FeedThePlanet FeedThePlanet - Blog News

In Curitiba, Brazil, Worldchefs, in partnership with Electrolux and AIESEC have graduated 17 students!

Outstanding news of Brazil! 

Worldchefs, in partnership with Electrolux & AIESEC have graduated 17 students in Curitiba Brazil! 

Curitiba project provides education for young underprivileged people in Curitiba, to enable them to get a job in a professional kitchen. The education took place in a specifically designed educational kitchen in an Electrolux facility, and the curriculum has been voluntary delivered by 10 different chefs and coordinated by Electrolux.

We are so proud to confirm that now 51 students get literally get a job as a chef from Curitiba!

Are you ready for the 4th wave of graduation to come on the 1st of October? 


Blog Congress FeedThePlanet FeedThePlanet - Blog News

Feed the Planet is an empowering Worldchefs Initiative in partnership with Electrolux Professional & AIESEC!


On Friday the 13th of July was the Feed the Planet day at Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Friday the 13th is not the bad luck day but the day when Worldchefs, in partnership with Electrolux Professional and AIESEC, have decided to educate YOU to eat & live in a better world because the planet is not expandable and we need to act now to eat & live in a better world!  Chris Koetke, its Chairman, Rochelle Schaetzl from Nestlé Professional, Frances Simpson Allen from the World Food Program, Rick Chee, from the Food Air Foundation, Ruth Osborne & Christopher Ekman, Holly Elmore from Elemental Impact, Ingrid Yllmark and Ekaterina Trofimova from Electrolux, have joined forces to teach you a lesson!

The planet is not expandable and we need to react and act now to eat & live in a better world! 


The only thing to remember though is: WE CAN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOU!


But Feed the Planet, What is it & What are we proposing?

Feed the Planet is a Worldchefs initiative designed to inspire sustainable food consumption among communities and professionals. In addition, Feed the Planet supports people in need through emergency relief, food poverty alleviation, and education. Founded in 2012, Feed the Planet is powered in partnership with Electrolux and AIESEC, an international, apolitical, independent and not-for-profit organization, run by students and recent graduates eager to build positive social change.


The Worldchefs Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals course is a Feed the Planet initiative that teaches chefs how to think and act sustainably, to lead positive change for the planet, and improve profitability in the kitchen; the course is a cost-free Worldchefs member benefit.


We had the pleasure to welcome Holly Elmore, from Elemental Impact (Ei)at the Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2018 who actively participated with Chris Koetke, its Chairman to provide YOU the sustainability course’s waste & recycling curriculum.The RiA Blog article, Sustainability: a matter of thinking critically & solving problems in an adaptive manner, gives an overview of the course during its development stage.


After he opened the Feed the Planet session with a brief initiative overview, Chef Koetke introduced Paul Newnham with the SDG2 Advocacy Hub and Feed the Planet Day Host. The SDG2 Advocacy Hub coordinates global campaigning and advocacy to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2: To end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture by 2030, or simply zero hunger.


In his opening remarks, Paul introduced The Chefs’ Manifesto, a written declaration co-created by over 130 chefs from 38 countries through online outreach and a series of workshops. The Global Goals for Sustainable Development (also referred to as SDG), the seventeen goals decided upon in 2015 by world leaders for a better world, was the foundation for developing a manifesto action plan.

The Chefs’ Manifesto Action Plan includes the following eight areas the chefs were passionate about tackling:

1.          Ingredients grown with respect for the earth and its oceans.

2.          Protection of biodiversity & improved animal welfare.

3.          Investment in livelihoods.

4.          Value natural resources & reduce waste.

5.          Celebration of local & seasonal food.

6.          A focus on plant-based ingredients.

7.          Education on food safety& healthy diets.

8.          Nutritious food that is accessible & affordable for all.




Once complete with his The Chefs’ Manifesto presentation, Paul moved into his Feed the Planet Host role with an introduction to Rochelle Schaetzl, Nestle Professional Business Capability Development Manager, for her Ensuring a Sustainable Future for the Culinary Profession segment. Rochelle opened with challenges facing the hospitality industry ranging from the lowest paid workers to the highest employee turnover to recent chef suicides.

Within her presentation, Rochelle shared integrated Worldchefs programs designed to build a sustainable future for the culinary profession. The various programs attract | recruit future chefs and develop | retain existing chefs. In 2017, the International Chefs Days was a tremendous success with over 4,700 chefs from 55 countries educating 37,800 children globally on the culinary profession. Other successful programs include the Worldchefs Academy, YoGuTa, Nutripro and Worldchefs Partnership.


Global Food Waste & Hunger Crisis

Following Rochelle, United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Digital Engagement and Partnerships Lead Frances Simpson Allen gave an empowering presentation on The UN World Food Programme: Saving Lives, Changing Lives.  Frances grounded the crisis with the following global facts:

We produce enough food to feed approximately 9 billion people each year.

Of the 4 billion metric tons of food we produce each year, one third is wasted, costing the global economy nearly $750 billion annually.

1 in 9 people goes to bed hungry every night.

Aligning with their “feed hungry people” mission and zero hunger goal, the WFP deploys 5,000 chartered trucks on roads, 92 chartered planes in the air, and 20 chartered ships at sea DAILY for providing food to hungry populations. With more than 80% of their resources dedicated to conflict environments, in 2017 WFP fed over 91 million people in 83 countries. In 2018 WFP intends to feed 124 million people.
To engage consumers and chefs, WFP launched the four-step Recipe for Disaster social media campaign:

  1. Open your fridge and grab any ingredients that are close to their “use by date.” 
  2. Create a meal using those ingredients (and any others you may need to create your dish.)
  3. Share your video or pictures using #RecipeForDisaster and nominate three friends to create their own by tagging them.
  4. Make a donation to WFP and help us reach our target of Zero Hunger by 2030.
Frances ended her thought-provoking presentation with a call-to-action for chefs to reduce waste in their own kitchens, use their influence to change expectations, behavior, and tastes, to train the next generation, and push the boundaries of what’s acceptable or desirable or profitable.
Bringing a local flavor to a global challenge, Food Aid Foundation (FAF) Founder & CEO Rick Chee educated on Connecting the World of Waste to the World of Wants. FAF is a Malaysian-based tax-exempt non-profit organization that serves as a food bank and provides food to charitable homes and the underprivileged population. As a seasoned entrepreneur and business owner with a strong background in foodservice facility planning and logistics, Rick is well connected within the hospitality community. Rick uses his connections to educate on waste and secure donations for the FAF food bank.
The global dire food waste facts support Rick’s statement:
We are running a rotten food system.

Rick’s presentation was filled with a plethora of images documenting the tremendous impact FAF has on the local population. A strong team player, Rick provided donated wasted food from local sources for the Retaste – Reimagining the Flavour of Waste demonstration and presentation by Ruth Osborne and Christopher (Chris) Ekman of Pauls Kok + Retired Hen up next on the agenda.
Addressing Food Waste, one kitchen at a time
In her opening slides, Ruth gave an astonishing global fact:

If it was a country, food waste would be the third largest greenhouse gas emitter after China (#1) and the United States (#2).

According to Ruth, Retaste is a movement; Retaste is a verb; Retaste challenges the public and chefs to view waste as an opportunity to shift perceptions and reimagine what is flavorful, what can cook well, and what we SHOULD use; Retaste is a temporary restaurant owned and operated by Ruth and Chris that receives donated food waste from local retail stores for their menu preparation. Since it is permitted restaurant, Retaste must abide by local health safety regulations related to food preparation and service.
While Ruth presented, Chris prepared impromptu, amazing dishes from the donated food provided by Rick. Chris’ on-stage culinary ingenuity was impressive.
Ruth ended her presentation with a profound quote by Douglas McMaster: “Food waste is the failure of the imagination.”
Following Ruth and Chris, Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore presented on The Profitability of Waste: the business case for food waste reduction. After a quick overview of the successful Zero Waste Zones 2009 launch in Atlanta, GA, Holly shared a recipe for food waste reduction success. In addition, Holly outlined the basics of where and why back-of-the-house food waste is generated.
Through four powerful case studies, Holly emphasized key ingredients for success: zero waste is a team sport, keep it simple, keen awareness is a necessity, and take baby steps, lots & lots of baby steps. Holly’s overall message: 
A well-run kitchen generates minimal waste!

The RiA Blog article, The Profitability of Waste: the business case for food waste reductiongives an overview of Holly’s presentation with an emphasis on the case studies.


Take the Challenge” says Holly Elmore!

Rounding out the formal presentations, Electrolux Vice-President Corporate Communications Ingrid Yllmark and Social Investment Junior Project Manager, Electrolux Social Responsibility Ekaterina Trofimova shared how You can Make Difference. With each meal, an individual gets a vote on how to make a difference and change the world.

Ingrid showcased the World’s Largest Lesson (WLL) that introduces the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to children and young people everywhere and unites them in action. Within the WLL, toolkits for educating children about each of the seventeen SDG are provided. Toolkits include lesson plans for a 70-minute workshop along with other creative educational resources.
For SDG #12, Responsible Consumption and Production, the lesson objective is to educate children on how to minimize food waste and become the advocates for sustainable food consumption. Ingrid invited chefs in the audience to make a difference by joining the WLL as an instructor and educating on responsible consumption and production.
Chef Koetke returned to the stage and announced the Worldchefs Food Waste Challenge, the culmination of the impressive Feed the Planet session. The Challenge tagline is:
Love Food. Hate Waste. … Save Money

The Worldchefs Food Waste Challenge consists of two sub-challenges: 1> educational introduced by Ingrid and 2> operational introduced by Chef Koetke. Within the operational Challenge are seven initial steps:

  1. Sign up for the Challenge on the Worldchefs websitec
  2. Kick-off day for BOH (back-of-the-house) Food Waste Challenge – marks the beginning of the operational Challenge with a webinar that explains the steps within the Challenge along with pointers on how to accomplish the steps.
  3. Measurement with the toolkit – participants commit to weighing the kitchen (BOH) food waste for three months and develop a baseline of food waste generated in kitchen operations. Worldchefs will provide a tracking tool for creating the food waste baseline. 
  4. Submissions commitment – sign-up for the operational Challenge on the Worldchefs website.
  5. Webinar check-in with an inspirational presentation – the food waste reduction portion of the Challenge begins. Each participant commits to reducing BOH food waste by a chosen percentage over a six-month period. Worldchefs will provide guidance on percentages and tools to help address BOH food waste.
  6. Submission of BOH food waste reduction results – at the midway point (three months) Worldchefs will host a webinar check-in with an inspirational and educational presentation.
  7. FOH (front-of-the-house) Food Waste Challenge kick-off – participants renew their BOH food waste reduction commitment for another six-month challenge and embark on a FOH challenge, following similar parameters to the BOH challenge.
Within his closing remarks, Chef Koetke invited the attending chefs to participate in the Worldchefs Operational Food Waste Challenge; twelve country delegations verbally agreed to participate in the Challenge!
As a finale to the Feeding the Planet session, the presenters returned to the stage for a question and answer session moderated by Paul. Questions came directly from the audience and the live FB stream.
A comprehensive Feed the Planet PPT presentation, as well as Holly’s solo The Profitability of Waste: the business case for food waste reduction presentation, are available for download on the Ei Speaking Engagement page.
The Holly Elmore Images FB album, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia July 2018 Visit, includes a section on the 2018 Worldchefs Congress & Expo along with sections on Holly’s guided and self-guided KL tours.

Power of Chefs
EMPOWERING: Worldchefs dedicated an entire day of educational sessions to Feed the Planet and launched the Worldchefs Food Waste Challenge at their 2018 World Chefs Congress & Expo! 
When the world’s premier chefs association teams with the UN Food Waste Programme, supports The Chefs Manifesto, and encourages participation in the World’s Largest Lesson on SDG #12, Responsible Consumption and Production, the power of global chefs is invoked! 
At the top of the food industry hierarchy, global chefs are in the position reduce food waste within the entire food system, ranging from their operations to the distribution channels and to the farms. … and as humanitarians, chefs will ensure excess food is redirected to hungry populations! 
Knowing global chefs are staged for action in the food waste reduction arena, the Earth is a brighter planet to call home.

Blog Certification National News

1st group of students to be receiving Worldchefs Certification in Bangalore, India!

ASKIHMCA Bangalore Culinary Arts & Pastry Arts

Students conferred with Worldchefs Commis Chef Certification

Chef John J Clancy, Worldchefs Education Director and Senior Lecturer, Culinary Arts of Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland conferred the Commis Chef certificates to the students of ASK Institute of Hospitality and Culinary Arts, Bangalore, India on 18th of August 2018.

Students from the Master Diploma in Culinary Arts and Patisserie programme, Master Diploma in Bakery and Patisserie Pastry Arts program of ASKIHMCA Bangalore were awarded the Diploma Certificates and Commis Chef Certificates on 18th August at The Sahar Pavilion Hotel, Hosur Road, Bangalore. Apart from the Culinary and Bakery Students, Students of International Diploma in Hotel & Hospitality Management and BSc in Catering Science and Hotel Management too received their certificates.

Chef John J Clancy was the Chief Guest and Mr.Kiran Harshan, Senior Manager, Revenue Optimization, South Asia of Radisson Group of Hotels was the Guest of Honour. The event commenced with the welcome address by Prof.Antony Mahendran, Director of ASKIHMCA Bangalore followed by convocation address by the Guests. More than one hundred students and their parents attended in the convocation ceremony. After taking the convocation oath, students were awarded the Diploma and Degree certificates by the Guests.

Numerous students and parents shared their experience and thanked the management of ASK IHMCA for having provided Industrial Exposure Training, Campus Placement in reputed five star hotels in India and Abroad. 


Blog FeedThePlanet FeedThePlanet - Blog News

Let’s teach how to reduce food waste!

Have you ever heard of the World’s Largest Lesson?

By AIESEC, in collaboration with Worldchefs & Electrolux Food Foundation


Have you ever taught anyone about the Sustainable Development Goals?

Well if you have, you know the hardships that you had to go through. If not, let me tell you. Teaching is Hard. Preparing to teach is even harder. It involves researching, learning and preparing materials.  Also picking up a Goal to teach is a hard task itself! All of the above questions arise when events like the World’s Largest Lessons happen.



Wait, Do you know the World’s Largest Lesson? 

World’s Largest Lesson introduces the Sustainable Development Goals to children and young people everywhere and unites them in action. The World’s Largest Lesson is an initiative of Project Everyone in partnership with UNICEF. 

AIESEC, in collaboration with Worldchefs, Electrolux Food Foundation and Project Everyone has created a universal workshop kit for SDG 12 – RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION & PRODUCTION named: Food Heroes.

The objective of making the Food Heroes Workshop Toolkit is to help educate kids from 9 to 14 on how to minimize food waste and become advocates for sustainable food consumption.

It has outlined the learning outcomes:

  •  Understand that their actions can affect The Global Goals: specifically, with food waste 

  •  Use creative literacy to engage action on reducing food waste 

  •  Create a plan to reduce food waste in their own lives 


Also, the kit helps you to prepare for the lesson, has a number of activities to do, video materials, a self-assessment and a template of certificate! It will make your job much easier. We will start piloting the workshop kit with several countries in winter as a part of Feed the Planet initiative.

You can access the Lesson plan for SDG 12: Food Heroes below


Let’s spread the word about Responsible Consumption together!



#AIESEC #ElectroluxFoodFoundation

Blog News Worldchefs Without Borders

MCA – World Chefs Without Borders – Direct Flood Aid Myanmar! Mobile Aid Kitchen 4500 Portion Meals for aid

We went to Myanmar again to help! We served 4 500 portions meals for aid!

A story from Oliver E Soe Thet, President Myanmar Chefs Association

Oliver and his team went to Myanmar with 2 goals in mind: 

  • Our number 1 target was to do what chefs can best provide hot – nutritious – fresh food

Add healthy based on a Single Main Ingredient,- thick rich soups which can be a whole meal alone

  • Our number 2 target was to arrange a ZERO Plastic – NO Waste

Help at one side and destroy much of the nature at the other side… “. Absolutely not needed we worked with 20 & 50 L drums ( 70 to 200 portion of meals ) which would come back after donations, cleaned and then used again for the next donation.

Sent to the requesting villages through the logistics of RESCUE with arrangements and planning by local authorities and the Social Welfare Ministry. We got the orders how many portion which village and what time pick up, than we produced – cooking rich Myanmar Cuisine. At the villages by boats and followed by MCA – WCWB members with loudspeaker & small boats the villages were already informed and came with small boats and their tiffan Food Container and requested the portions as their family members plus got an extra part from MCA chefs .. 


The system worked so well that all fresh – healthy cooked Myanmar food was delivered even hot when scoped and donated to the villagers living a live since 10 days on top of the flood water. 


Chef Nanda as main Flood Aid Mobile Kitchen Head Chef, supported after 3 days by Chef Zwel Pye Paing which came with his friend and had already the days before sent two of his staff. Food Artists & Chocolate specialists Ye Naing and Ye Myo Minn next to MCA Office Ma Khet Khet, Saw Sandy, Naing Oo and his top friend – Aung Kyaw Hein ( Mr. Mexico or the ever ready man when MCA has an aid project running ). Ma Titsa & Giacomo took care the store and the ready packed ingredient boxes,- for the chefs just cook through. 


The system as with World Chefs Without Borders in June at Shwedagon and Delta – power gas stoves and big pot cooking each 50 ltrs and 6 stations a good 300 L and good 1200 portion food per one round – we cooked 2 to 3 rounds a day. 


Mandalay RESCUE would always tell us how many hundreds of portion are needed,— next to big donations we opened also a small ” Soup Kitchen Counter “, where mainly children and some elder came daily and took a Hot & Healthy meal, always at 11:00 and 16:00 ready to eat.

The at disaster side on duty Fire Brigade troupe was also regular guest at the MCA – WCWB mobile field kitchen. 


Safety First at MCA – WCWB Food Aid:

– with Ma Thuzar Myint the menu was discussed on the healthy & nutritious questions 

– only with Live Jackets we allowed MCA members on the boats for food delivery 

– much Mosquito Coils and cream against Malaria and Dengue were taken care. 


Not to forget the many volunteers and magic hands – best people of Madauk the ladies which quick joined the MCA / WCWB team and so we had sometimes 15 to 20 more people great as there were a 350 kg Onions & Potatos to peel ( donated by Tin Tin & Hlaing Family suppliers ). Chili and Radish to peel, cut and wash – all bought at a 3:00 am night stop at Thirimingalar Market on 3.8.18 Bulk Purchase to extreme low rates. We still hired three day labor for 5000 K for the daily handy work to be done quick and easy and good to have one stand by for the carry jobs.  


The highlight was arranged by Chef Ye Nanda, – with the great donation of IKON Market ( Electrolux – Myanmar agent ) the 50 kg Australia beef and 50 kg of Norway Salmon, next to 600 port of Shwe Sein noodle and the by Pastry alliance over 150 kg donated dry beans, chick peas and lentils, tamarind. Thank you Ko Aung and Amy for these wonderful – nutritious food. All at best also for the Beef as Madauk and Shwegyin are a multi religious region and everyone got his best cooked to perfect high class taste by Chef Nanda. Thanks to convenient products as Knorr Caterplan s ( Fish & Chicken ) items – cooking times were much reduced and basic taste at best – Knorr here with great food production in high numbers as 1200 to 1800 daily.     


Menus Created & cooked as: ” Single Main Item – High Nutrition rich Soup ” 

– Radish Soup with Marsalla powder & Chili paste

– Noodle Soup with chick peas – Tom Yam flavor

– Rick Lentil Curry with Dry Chili and fresh Coriander

– Japan Flavored Beef Curry – slow cooked 

– Pumpkin Soup with Ginger 

– Chick Pea curry with Curry Leaves  

– Salmon Nga San Hine – Curry 

– Dry Bean Soup 


Also independent village groups came along which were overlooked or to early send into OK

status,- here we could with two villages easy with two drums each sent off 120 portion fresh cooked

for all village people and children. 

Here we also could hand over the many cloth and other items donations as the over 1000 T shirts from Wave Ph7 water or the many Malta Fresh donated by Dagon Beverages. These people came next days again,– an always 1,5 hours walk though water to reach their villages. 


MCA Team was best taken care by the RESCUE Mandalay team with a big hall at a Monastery s 2nd floor and every morning good Myanmar Breakfast at the Flood Coordination center near the Hospital and direct at the with many sand bags secured Dam with much water behind. 


The transport back was with some luck well received a good double story truck which fit all of the MCA team and all equipment – all food items were left behind to villages same as the 20 L drums ( just 4000 K ) and the big banner – good rain cover for a whole family s broken house.

90.000 kyat only for the truck Madauk – Yangon…. 

Much less luck on the way to the flooded area we had several issues with cars as the first ( to small ) light truck cost 70.000 K – the driver raised the prize last moment to 150.000 K as there as the danger of much water and no return – Of course there was all OK at the roads – no water the car did not stay the first agreed 2 days and the more money of course not paid back to MCA by the driver, a lucky one make double money on Donations,- in Myanmar often the case .. The bus we had was due to the to small high ace overloaded and in his final years engine did not wanted us shortly before Bago…. – Chef Myo Min Soe quickly arranged a new bus within 20 min that happened and the load was quick transferred – so this bus also could not stay the planned 2 days until Sunday evening and some team members had to take on top of the charges the high way bus and MCA pay another near lag kyat for additional transport. Here more networking with face book is urgent needed to improve as we did great with Chef Thurein in the 2015 flooding and had several times even a free 10 wheeler truck to Hinthadar Delta with tens of thousands of L Ph7  water, hundreds of bags of rice etc….      


Many thanks to all the chefs and private person which donated – where every 10.000 Kyat helped to create a 12.000.000 K ( 120 Lag K ) donation fund ( food, cash and high quality medical drugs ). The whole aid mission was planned and took off in less than 2 days – ready to go, thanks to face book, and thanks to so many chefs and friends – helped – as far as Singapore with Chef Than Naing Tun & Chef Eric Wong. Or Chef Kyaw Kyaw which arranged 300 kg onion free of charge. 


Last not least MCA could donate a 4000 Euro ” Tamiflu ” against H1 virus to the Bago Superintendent on the night of returning to Yangon – he and our best Bago 1969 Student & medical charity group & MCA partner since many days. We handed over the medicine donated by German Interplast & Stiftung Life to support the Myanmar health system in times of floods, monsoon and potential Virus infection times of the year,– a 96 times live saving donation, if needed. 


Now some days further boxes were up at the MCA Office and today again,– to Bagan for the Traditional Food Festival along the Lawkananda Pagoda festival 15. to 20.8.18 on the cooking road this time for Myanmar Tourism Promotion and Myanmar Cuisine awareness to International Tourism on the invitation of the Union Minister of Hotels & Tourism. Arranged by MRA and MTF.

Pastry Alliance with Aghee and Chef Aung Myo Lwin, Chef Ye Nanda, Chocolate and Marzipan artists are at Bagan again,- followed by Daw Thuzar Myint of Shwe Yin Mar for Educational talks on 

Myanmar Cuisine, food safety, hygiene and very special for Nutrition talks to Myanmar Tourists and show owners at the Lawkananda Pagoda Festival & Myanmar Food Fair Bagan 2018. 



Blog Country National News

Very Sad Day for the Culinary Industry! Worldchefs Mourns the Death of Joel Robuchon!

Worldchefs mourns the death of Joel Robuchon, the Chef of Century.

French celebrity chef Joël Robuchon will be remembered for many reasons: earning more than 30 Michelin stars and creating the world’s best mashed potatoJoel Robuchon who has died aged 73, later revealed it was the only plate he had ever thrown during a decades-long career that saw him open restaurants across the world. The funny part of it: Joel Robuchon wanted to be initially to be a priest…

Lucky for us, Joel Robuchon discovered a passion for cooking while working alongside the nuns as a student at a seminary, and at the age of 15 entered his first kitchen as an apprentice.

Robuchon died from cancer in Switzerland on Monday, according to Le Figaro newspaper, more than a year after being treated for a pancreatic tumour. He was born in Poitiers in 1945, the son of a mason and a stay-at-home mother.

His dedication to creating the world’s best mashed potato is perhaps not surprising. Joel Robuchon was renowned for his perfectionism and for using few ingredients, keeping preparation simple and moving away from the excesses of French nouvelle cuisine – a healthier form of cooking. 

“The older I get the more I realise the truth is: the simpler the food, the more exceptional it can be,” he told Business Insider in 2014.

“I never try to marry more than three flavours in one dish. I like walking into a kitchen and knowing that the dishes are identifiable and the ingredients within them easy to detect.”

    Joel Robuchon made his name in the early 1980s after opening his restaurant Jamin at the age of 36. Within a year it had won a Michelin star. Over his career, Joel Robuchon would amass 31 such stars – the most of any chef, ever.

    Less than a decade later, in 1989, he was named “Chef of the Century” by Michelin’s rival restaurant guide, Gault Millau. 

    “When an old man dies, a library burns down” Joel Robuchon said


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