News World


The globetrotting Welsh National Culinary Team will be flying the flag for Wales at a major new international gastronomic contest in the Middle East in November. Wales is one of only 12 national teams invited to compete in the Dubai World Hospitality Championship from November 17-19.


The talented Welsh chefs will be competing against the world’s best teams at the high profile event.

Four teams per day over three days will each create an international themed edible buffet for 54 people, which will include one hot dish, a selection of other food items and four showpieces made from chocolate, bread, savory and ingredients of the chefs’ choice. Sixteen respected culinary judges from the World Association of Chefs Societies will run the rule over the entries, with prizes at stake for the top three teams and medals awarded to all competing teams.


Welsh team manager Graham Tinsley, executive chef at De Vere Carden Park near Chester and director of the Castle Hotel, Conwy, said it will be the first time the team has competed in Dubai and the contest presents a completely new challenge. At previous international competitions, the chefs have presented a buffet table with only a few edible items. This time, all the food items, including carved fruit and vegetables, must be edible, halal and must not contain alcohol.


“It’s a great honor that Wales is the only one UK nation to be invited to compete in Dubai and the Welsh chefs are really looking forward to the new challenge,” said Tinsley. “Everything is being laid on by the competition organisers, including the transport, accommodation, food, equipment and a kitchen at the famous Meydan Horse Racing Stadium, where we will prepare our buffet pieces. We are going to incorporate dragons and harps in the showpieces so that people are able to tell that our buffet has a strong Welsh influence. Some of the pieces, such as carved fruit and vegetables, will require a new set of skills. It’s a great opportunity for the Welsh chefs to compete against the best in the world.”


The team, selected for a blend of youth and experience, will be captained for the first time by Sally Owens, a lecturer at Coleg Llandrillo, Rhos on Sea, who will prepare a cake showpiece for the buffet.

 Barry-born Lee Jeynes, now the executive chef at the RACV Noosa Resort in Queensland, Australia, is jetting in for the competition and will bring with him another of the showpieces. The other team members are: Danny Burke, owner Shared Olive, Hawarden, near Chester, Gennaro Adaggio, head chef at La Dolce Vita, Shrewsbury, Harri Williams, of the Ellenborough Park Hotel, Cheltenham, Welsh Junior Chef of Wales champion Chris Tull from the Castle Hotel, Conwy and Etienne Lasalle from De Vere Carden Park near Chester. Toby Beevers, operations manager at Purchasing Systems Limited, Chester, and Mike Evans, from Coleg Llandrillo, will also help the team prior to the competition, but will not be travelling to Dubai.


The Welsh team, which has this year been invited by the Welsh Government to cook at major overseas VIP receptions in Barcelona and Russia, is building for the Culinary World Cup in Luxembourg in 2014. Next up, after Dubai, will be of the Battle for the Dragon contest at the Welsh International Culinary Championships at Coleg Llandrillo next February. The team is sponsored by the Welsh Government, Hybu Cig Cymru (Meat Promotion Wales), C&C Catering Equipment Ltd, Brakes, Unilever Food Solutions UK, Villeroy and Boch and Friedr. Dick, Germany.

News World

Deutschlands Köche haben gewählt

Die 19. Generalversammlung des Verbandes der Köche Deutschlands e.V. (VKD), ging am 14. September in Karlsruhe zu Ende. Die Neuwahlen des Präsidenten, des Präsidiums und des Vorstandes sowie Satzungsänderungen und Berichte zu Verbandsaktivitäten standen auf der Tagesordnung. Rund 200 Köche und Köchinnen nahmen an der zweitägigen Veranstaltung teil, die vom Verein der Köche Karlsruhe 1898 e.V. unter der Regie von Klaus Müller bestens vorbereitet wurde.


Der Verband der Köche Deutschlands hat einen neuen Präsidenten: Andreas Becker, Küchenleiter Vereinigte Hospitien Trier wird für die nächsten vier Jahre die Geschicke des größten Berufsfachverbandes der weißen Zunft lenken. Robert Oppeneder, der nach einer erfolgreichen Legislaturperiode nicht mehr kandidierte, wünschte seinem Nachfolger Kraft und Besonnenheit für seine neuen Aufgaben. Andreas Becker setzte sich gegen seine beiden Mitbewerber Andreas Rohde, Eventorganisation Landgut Gühlen, Küchenleiter Rehaklinik Hohenelse, Rheinsberg und Ralf Meneghini, Schulungsleiter und Anwendungscoach bei Palux AG, Bad Mergentheim um das höchste Amt der deutschen Köche durch. Mit 856 Stimmen wurde er von den Mitgliedern zum neuen Präsidenten gewählt.


Das Präsidium wurde ebenfalls durch Briefwahl im Vorfeld der Generalversammlung bestimmt. Karl Haaf aus Calw sicherte sich als einziger Kandidat von Block Süd wieder seine Position als Vizepräsident. Detlef Richter, Ausbildungsleiter Akademie Berlin-Schmöckwitz, Berlin, einziger Kandidat von Block Ost, wechselte seine Aufgaben als Vorstandsmitglied zum Vizepräsidenten. In Block Nord behauptete sich Johann Grassmugg, Betriebsleiter Restaurant Marina im Yachtclub Travemünde. Block West steht im Moment noch ohne Vizepräsident da und wird einen Kandidaten nachmelden. Andreas Becker hatte sich in seiner Region West sowohl als Präsident wie auch als Vize  aufstellen lassen.


In seiner ersten Antrittsrede appellierte Andreas Becker unter großem Beifall der Delegiertenversammlung an den Teamgeist: „Es geht nicht ohne Euch und Euer Wissen“. Gleichzeitig bedankte er sich bei seinem Vorgänger, der in den letzten Jahren „mit viel Herzblut“ den VKD geleitet hat. In Zukunft wird der Berufsverband noch stärker mit Fachthemen und seinen Koch-Mannschaften in der Öffentlichkeit auftreten. Nachwuchsförderung ist immer noch oberstes Ziel des Vorstandes.


Andreas Becker  versteht sich als Teamplayer und legt großen Wert auf enge Kooperation zwischen seinen Präsidiums- und Vorstandskollegen. Für die Amtsperiode 2013-1017 steht ihm dabei eine Mannschaft zur Seite, die sich aus einer Reihe neuer sowie alter Mitglieder im Vorstand zusammensetzt.


Den VKD-Gesamtvorstand vervollständigen die sechs Leiter der VKD-Fachausschüsse. Gewählten wurden sie direkt in offener Wahl von den Delegierten in Karlsruhe.


Rainer Werchner, Geschäftsführer Hela Gewürzwerk Hermann Laue in Österreich als FA-Vorsitz Jugend-Ausstellungen-Wettbewerbe -Kochkunst (JAK)


Karl Nafz, Produkt und Qualitätsmanager beim Universitätsklinikum Tübingen übernimmt wieder sein Amt als FA-Vorsitz Groß- und Betriebsverpflegung, Catering, Systemgastronomie (GVS)

Bernd Malter, Produktentwicklung und Qualitätssicherung sowie Schulungen bei Enchilada Franchise GmbH Gräfelfing und Geschäftsleitung Kochstudio Malter, Mertingen übernimmt wieder sein Amt als FA-Vorsitz Gastronomie-Messen-Verbände-Firmen/Partner (GMF)

Siegfried Wintgen, Inhaber von „Gesundheitsbewusstes Kochen“, Salzburg für den FA-Vorsitz Ernährung und Gesundheit (EuG)

Prof. Dr. Gerald Wetzel, Leiter des internationalen Institutes für Hospitality am Baltic College in Schwerin übernimmt wieder sein Amt als FA-Vorsitz für Berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung, Prüfungs- und Seminarwesen (BAP)

Andreas Buss, Marburg für den FA-Vorsitz für Mitgliederbetreuung, Medien, Kommunikation, Marketing, EDV (MEK).


Zum Sprecher der Landesverbände wurde von den Landesverbandsvorsitzenden Franz Naß, Inhaber Ferienpark Fichtenweg/Winterberg bestätigt.


Die 19. Generalversammlung des VKD stand unter Schirmherrschaft des Oberbürgermeisters Dr. Frank Mentrup, der in seiner Rede das Engagement der Karlsruher Köche in seiner Stadt würdigte. An der Versammlung nahmen auch Vertreter der Industrie teil, wie Katrin Moos-Achenbach von Delikatessen-Manufaktur Rudolf Achenbach,  Walter Seubert von Feinkost Seubert erhielt für 50 Jahre Mitgliedschaft während der Tagung die Ehrennadel. Grüße aus der Schweiz überbrachten Georges Knecht, Präsident von der Hotel und Gastro Union und Andreas Bader. Wieland Kniffka. Geschäftsführer der Messe Erfurt und Bereichsleiterin Anke Fischer waren ebenso erste Gratulanten des VKD-Vorstandes.



Deborah Schumann

Freie Journalistin

PR-und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit VKD

im Auftrag des Verbandes der Köche Deutschlands 

Tel.: 0049 611 7239 239

Mobil: 0049 171 316 4178,

E-Mail: [email protected]


Foto honorarfrei: VKD/Schumann

v.l.n.r.: Johann Grassmugg, Detlef Richter, Karl Haaf, Andreas Becker

News World

The “Young Chefs Club” under the umbrella of the Cyprus chefs Association

The Cyprus Chefs association would like to announce the establishment of the “Young Chefs Club” under the umbrella of the Cyprus chefs Association.

The first meeting of the Young Chefs Club has taken place on the 30th of July 2013 and a temporary committee was set, in order to prepare the grounds for the first official elections to take place during the first quarter of 2014.

In an attempt to assist the temporary committee fulfil its mission the Cyprus Chef’s Association has appointed Mr. Marios Hadjiosiph as mentor of the Young Chefs Club.

The Cyprus Chef’s Association encourages Young Cypriot Chefs to become members of the C.C.A. as this will give them the opportunity to be involved in all the activities of the association, including the initiatives of the new club. 

News World

The International Big Cooking Contest & the Big International Carving Contest

The International Big Cooking Contest & the Big International Carving Contest will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from the 16th to the 19th of September 2013 for Young Chefs, follow this link to their live-stream event:

The live-stream will be up form the 16th September to the 19th September from 9.30 to 18.00.

News World


This August, six South African chefs summited Mt Kilimanjaro, 5 895 meters altitude, to raise funds to feed hungry children and celebrate the 20th anniversary of the World Chefs Tour Against Hunger (WCTAH). At this stage more than R 200 000 has been raised which will go a long way to feeding needy children in disadvantaged communities and will add significantly to the already 7 000 children that WCTAH feeds every day in South Africa

The six fearless SA chefs, that included Heinz Brunner, Martin Kobald, Glynn Sinclair, Manfred Reinhart, Jeff Schueremans and Fritz Flatscher, were probably the first chefs who climbed Mt Kilimanjaro. In spite of many challenges they were facing, the victorious chefs conquered the mountain top. Not only they reached the summit but they achieved to raise funds for children in need.

More interesting details about this noble and brave venture, read in the next issue of the magazine WORLDCHEFS that is coming out in January 2014.

News World

Culinary competition organized by Chefs Association of Pakistan and COTHM

 Culinary competition organized by Chefs Association of Pakistan and COTHM

News World

World Congress of Chefs

World Congress of Chefs, WACS 2014, will gather over 800 chefs for three days of conferences and competitions in Stavanger, Norway. July 2th -5th chefs will discuss food, gastronomy and sustainable food production at Stavanger Forum.

News World

Igeho Salon Culinaire Mondial 2013

The Salon culinaire mondial 2013 will take place in Basel on the 23rd to 27th of November 2013

For further information please follow this link

The Salon Culinaire Mondial stands for culinary art at the topmost level. This prestigious event ranks as one of the three most important international team-cooking competitions, alongside the “Culinary Olympics” and the Culinary World Cup. The ten best national teams plus further participants from more than 30 countries will be cooking in different categories for fame, glory and awards – as well as for points in the world rankings (You will find an overview of the participants here). More than 80,000 visitors are expected at the 2013 competition, which is being held at Igeho (International exhibition for hotels, catering and extra-domestic consumption) in Basel and is organised by the World Association of Chefs Societies (WACS) and the Swiss chefs’ association (SKV). 

The Salon Culinaire Mondial, which is only held every six years, aims to measure the special skills and performance of culinary art teams and individual culinary art exhibitors. A further objective is to showcase developments and progress in culinary arts as well as to motivate and encourage next-generation chefs. An internationally asembled,  top-class jury assesses the achievements of the teams. The jury attaches great importance to attractive presentation of the dishes and to careful, balanced and creative preparation. Furthermore, the reciprocal relation between effort and result will be evaluated.

The new  infrastructure of MCH Messe Basel Ltd. offers the Salon Culinaire Mondial an exclusive location in the new event hall directly at the exhibition-square. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Basel at the Salon Culinaire Mondial – where culinary and architectural top-class merge to a perfectly matched piece of art!

News World

37th World Chaine des Rotisseurs Young Chefs Competition

MSA have been proud to host the 37th World Chaine des Rotisseurs Young Chefs Competition this year in Istanbul. You can watch the second part of the competiton live from 12.15 (GMT + 2) on September 6th.
You can catch up on all the latest details on
To watch it in live stream follow this link

News World

1st Yangon Culinary Young Chefs Challenge 2013, Myanmar


1st Yangon Culinary Young Chefs Challenge 2013, Myanmar

Great news for Young Myanmar Chefs! In the cooperation of the Myanmar Chefs Association and its partners: Singapore Myanmar Exchange, Dick Knives, Myanmar Chefs Art, Premium Food Service, Nestle Professional and Fonterra, the 1st Yangon Culinary Young Chefs Challenge 2013 will be held at Yangon on the 26th September 2013, based on WACS Rules and Regulations. On the first day of the event, September 25th, participants will have the opportunity to take part in valuable educational seminars, provided by the sponsors of this event. The primary goal of the event is to have both culinary education and culinary challenge.

Besides the competition, participants will have the opportunity to take part in educational seminars on Nutrition, Hygiene and Food trends open for all age Chefs. Also, the three overall winners of the Junior Chefs Competition will get a chance to compete in the 2014 FHA – Singapore and represent Myanmar at the Food Hotel Asia in Singapore.

Being a member of the World Association of Chefs Societies (WACS) and in order to assist and improve standards of the culinary fare in Myanmar, the Myanmar Chefs Associations invited WACS certified judges to judge the competition for Myanmar Junior Chefs and Junior Pastry Chefs.

We are inviting all candidates under 25 to present their best skills and professional abilities and give their important contribution, especially in and for Myanmar’s young Hospitality Industry!

How to apply and to obtain further details, please follow the links below:

Event Schedule

Competition Rule Book



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