News Worldchefs Without Borders

Worldchefs Without Borders unites for Vanuatu

“After all the developments that has taken place, all this has been wiped out. So it means that we will have to start anew again”
Baldwin Lonsdale, Vanuatu President

A powerful category of 5 has hit the pacific nation of Vanuatu on Friday, 6th Match 2015, demolishing villages on its path, Cyclone Pam strike that is worst to the tiny island nation in decades.

By far Cyclone struck on 13th March 2015

13 people are confirming dead in Vanuatu after that massive cyclone tore through the island. So far it has not completely assessed how severe of the damage of some hard hit area. Aids is in Vanuatu and transportation is most difficult on outer islands is reported extreme challenging, World Chefs Without Borders (WCWB) has Paul Wilson, Pacific Rim ambassador and Murray Dick – Oceania Continental Director has already done so much on emergency support and pooling resources there to help Vanuatu People. World Chefs without Borders (WCWB) would like to appeal to member of the World Association of Chefs Societies, Directors and Presidents to support the campaign to raise fund for good course.

You can channels you donation of New Zealand Chefs Association, scan your bank in slip or MoneyGram receipt to Chef Paul Wilson (WCWB main contact), Copy Chef Murray Dick, Chef Willment Leong on detail below.

Bank Account Name                                                 New Zealand Chefs Association

Account Number                                                        03-1506-0015925-00

Branch                                                                            Manukau City Mall

Swift                                                                             WPACNZ2W

Reference                                                                  VANUATU

 Another way of donating is by going directly on the Australian Culinary Association’s website by clicking here.

Paul Wilson                                                          (pacific Rim WCWB ambassador)

Murray Dick                                                         (Pacific Rim/ WACS Continental Director)

Willment Leong                                                  (WCWB Chairman)

Starting out the global donation, World Chefs without Borders had donated 4000 USD from it Natural Disaster Fund together with 4 Chefs from India 1000 USD, Dr Chef Rick Stephen contributed NZD 525, Chef Otto Weibel NZD 225.00, Myanmar Chefs Association through Oliver Esser Soe Thet 1000 Euro and Chef Willment Leong NZD 560. The above fund will keep snow balling till we reach our goal. These fund collected will sent immediately through Red Cross from World Chefs without Borders (WCWB) or used by Chefs Association of Vanuatu to help build infrastructure, schools or whatever needed. This is the time we can help Vanuatu people in bring back their shattered lives. We thank you for the concerted efforts.


On behalf of World Chefs without Borders and prepare by KK Yau / WCWB PR Relation

26 March 2015                              

Willment Leong

Committee Chairman – World Chefs without Borders

Founder Chairman – Thailand Culinary Academy

Vice President – Thailand Chefs Association

Email –

Mobile: +66817355800

News Worldchefs Without Borders

Pancake competition for kids – Slovakian WCWB

Children as a „Chefs“ World Chefs without Borders (WCWB) and Aregala Slovakia organized the „The Stupava pancake “ competition at the end of February 2015 at the Elementary school in Stupava, Slovakia.
The main idea was to bring children together with their parents in the kitchen and also show the beauties of our work. Children and their parents could became a real Chefs for a while and I can definitely say, that they really enjoyed this. Wearing Chefs hats and aprons they looked really cute. I think, that the motto „as dirty as possible“ describes this event best. 🙂
Children showed us their creativity and brought a lot of traditional recepies from their grandmothers.
Tradition in gastronomy is a piece of national culture – a treasure of the nation and we need to share it with the others. The Chefs introduced WCWB organization´s activities and mission and they also spoke about other ways of helping people in need. We are working on a workshop for children and we would like to speak about school meals, healthy food, food waste, famine hunger in the world and all this with the cooperation of Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of Slovak Republic. We would like to thank people who are going to support us in the future: Mrs. Bohdana Cibuľová as a Principal of Elementary shool in Stupava, Mr. Roman Maroš as a Mayor of Stupava and Mrs. Silvia Tokárová as a deputy of Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of Slovak Republic. Our thoughts and dreams came true and we truly appreciate their help. We would like to thank to all who support us, and we promise, that our passion for help is still going further and further, because it is our pleasure. Kids are our future and that is why the competition was created especially for them.
Big thanks to all participants.

Thank you for the article and action to:

Miloš Lachkovič
President of Aregala Hellas in Slovakia Executive Chef
Ambassador of World Chefs without Borders in Slovakia

Paulína Lachkovičová

Ambassador for Women in World Chefs in Slovakia

News Worldchefs Without Borders

Worldchefs Without Borders raised almost 1744 euros at the FHC Competition

Worldchefs Without Borders and Worldchefs Young Chef Development raised almost 1744 euros at the Food and Hotel China in Shanghai charity lunch. The food was provided by four national young chef teams that cooked up their regional dishes from Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea and China.

Celebrity Chef Tony Khoo signed off his book as a donation to the charity event. Worldchefs President Gissur Gudmundson praised the event and urged members of the Worldchefs family around the world to support the humanitarian division of Worldchefs.

The FHC China International Culinary Arts Competition is China’s largest Western style cooking competition and forms an important training and motivation opportunity for all participating chefs and the many visitors that attend to support their colleagues from every level of the hospitality industry. The competition has been staged successfully for 16 consecutive years. It has attracted some 300 chefs from China and overseas competing over 14 categories in 2011 including live cooking of meats and seafood; bakery displays; vegetable and ice carving; buffet displays and more. Competitors were judged by a panel of leading chefs from the World Association of Chefs Societies.  

The FHC China International Culinary Arts Competition is held alongside FHC China show which one is the China’s top food & hospitality trade exhibition every year.

News Worldchefs Without Borders

Blind professional Pastry Training Center opens in Myanmar


1. Blind professional Pastry Training Center opens 6.11.2014, for Blind students as well other disabled Children

An Initiative of Young Myanmar Chefs Association, Y-MCA & World Chefs Without Borders – Myanmar

Come and Visit — opens at 6.11.2014 Thursday:

Venue:  Myanmar Blind School Yangon 

              Yangon Education Centre for the Blind ( Khaweichan )

Date   :  Thursday 6th November

Time  :  15:00 pm

With  : Annual Fun Fair of the Myanmar Blind School 2014

Address: No 165, Baho Road ( near Yangon – Insein Rd / Thamine Junction) Ward 2

                Mayangone Tshp // Phone 01 651073 / 09 661689 / 662034

Selling: First Production of Top Class Cookies
Order : You can set your Order for your Christmas Cookies, – for Home Delivery

Recipes: From best Pastry Chefs in Town

Supported BY Chefs of:

( Belmond Governors Hotel, Parkroyal Hotel, International Pastry & Baking Training Center, Season Bakery, Laguna Lodge ECO Hotel Ngapali, Fonterra Brands, Anchor, Aureum Beach Hotels, Perfect Pastry Supply Company,  )

Special Thanks to Pastry Chef Aghee for his tiredless support and many time provided for the set up of the two pastry training centers.

Special thanks also to Mrs. Verna Mitura and the Canadian Trade Council in Singapore which at the Food & Hotel Asia in Singapore in April 2014 had handed over the Kick Starting very first fund collected by her colleges and Canadian Trade Council in Singapore, to WCWB Jozef Oseli and Oliver E Soe Thet at the Canadian Trade Councils FHA Reception together with Allworld s Mr Paul March.

Possible: Through your many kind donation and participation of the “ Tony Khoo Charity Dinner 17.6.2014 “ of World Chefs Without Borders,- profits. Thanks to the community and business community of Yangon s Hospitality Industry which made this project possible.

2. Pastry Training Center set up – next one in pipeline:

Certified Pastry Training at International Standard

1st Project to open here the Myanmar Blind Schools Pastry Training & professional Pastry baking Center

– Young Blind People get a 2 years training in pastry for their own job choice afterwards as well be than a good choice for the man power hungry & growing Tourism Industry of Myanmar….. which grants them good monthly income.


2nd Project to start next week at the Htauk Kyan Girls Vocational training Center in cooperation with the Union Ministry of Social Welfare

– Former Yangon street girls are at an excellent vocational training center managed by the Social Welfare Union Ministry,- these young girls will start next week with the same project of “ Professional Vocational Pastry Training “. Also here the pastry training not only gives the student a great job opportunity after 2 years of pastry training ( an international minimum ).

3rd Project, we like to follow the request of Union Minister of Social Welfare at Girls Prison Yangon

– and set up a Pastry Training center at the Yangon s – Girls Prison under 21 years, in the mid of 2015 after the next MCA / Y-MCA / WCWB

  Next charity Dinner Myanmar on Tuesday 2nd June 2015 in Yangon….as new funds are needed – counting on all your support again.


Our Quality Training aims are:

The target is to produce only “ Hand Made and at Best Quality Ingredients Pastry – Cookies “, so good Anchor Butter and ingredients are ensured to give not the consumer only but much more the young pastry trainees only the best as the most minimum standard to get used to.

To change Myanmar s often conception of low price – low quality products.   We like that the students only learn about international quality level, no side way – no short cuts, no artificial and no harmful ingredients – organic grown ingredients preferred.   

Foreign Pastry Experts for special trainings to Myanmar Y-MCA projects:

– Young Myanmar Chefs Association arranged already foreign Pastry Trainer to Yangon for the next 12 month s, which teach as volunteers in special classes of 3 to 4 weeks starting in January. ( support to the project is welcome contact MCA Office or )   

Top support in Partnership:

– Already twice this year Y-MCA & MCA joined with the Yangon Education Centre of the Blind – Myanmar Blind School,- at the 1. ever Blind Chefs Cooking competition

  in May 2014 with 11 teams of Blind Chefs co judged by Chef Ricardo, Oliver & Than Win,- than the participation of the Blind Chefs at the Myanmar Culinary Arts

  Challenge in June 2014 where with 6 “ World Chefs – WACS “ standard medals the Myanmar Blind School was the most successful establishment among all schools and

  Hotels with 5 Bronze and 1 Silver medals..

– So also now from a small pastry training room the General Secretary of M.C.F.B – Rev U Thein Lwin and the Vice Chairwoman of the Yangon Blind School

  Daw Mya Thida change to a wider room,- had a full renovation with new ceiling and hygienic water sanitation , basin and work area arranged in advance of young chefs

  Pastry equipment set up on 1.11.2014. See pictures.

– On 3.11.2014 Pastry Alliance head Chef Aghee and all his people started the theory training and food safety – hygiene with the blind students as well some of the partly

  mental disabled students in an excellent lesson,—from today 4.11. all other Young Chefs of Myanmar under the lead of Chef Thang Yawn Maung for Y-MCA and Chef Thurein Htun

  for World Chefs Without Borders – Ambassador Myanmar. Three days training & production for new fundraising and “ Self Funding Training “ by the Blind school.

Young Chefs are committed to the Future of Myanmar s next generation & modern mind set:

– With the pastry training projects at special places as former street kids and young people s prison,- we believe that we not have only a chance to teach these people a good and salary earning profession which can grant them an independent good live in modern Myanmar.

– It is more that we believe specially with pastry and bakery where you work with live products as yeast and others,- where you need to follow recipes, time given and follow strictly all given procedures – if one like to have success otherwise the whole product will not work at all.

– This “ follow and succeed “ training over two years we believe has a positive effect on the up to recently very loose and without any usual discipline living girls on the streets on Yangon. The pride of success while follow a given recipe, which awards them with a legal and much by others liked product has much more than only a chance to guide these girls into a good future and hopefully independent entrepreneurship at a fast growing industry and demand in Myanmar.

– Working only with top quality ingredients, while using as much as local and regional products to enhance the Myanmar food supply industry and farmers – at same time pushing their borders and demand strong an always increase in quality and Organic Products from Myanmar to create a “ Unique Myanmar Best & Healthy Products “ image to foreign and domestic consumers, as well as an export slogan for the future.

– Sure a very long way to go when we want to chan ge the mind set of many elder generations in Myanmar – so an easy task while starting with the innocent and young generations of Myanmar,—“ They are in charge for their Future alone and no one else … “        

Partners to join Hands, while keeping each others full independence and full strength:

– Young Myanmar Chefs Association with Myanmar Pastry Alliance, with Myanmar Chefs Association and World Chefs Without Borders is working together with Consumer minded associations as the Organic Farmers Association, the Myanmar Food Producer Association, the Myanmar Food Safety Association, in close cooperation with the Union Ministry of Health, Union Ministry of Social Welfare and the Union Ministry of Hotels & Tourism. 

More Details at: / 01 532278 ( Mrs Aye Nanda ),



your own culinary message on Myanmar Chefs to MCA Global Media: Than Naing Tun –;

News Worldchefs Without Borders

Paving the way for future progress

As a recently elected Continental Director for Europe South, Domenico Maggi was pleased to visit Serbia and as a Head Judge take part in the culinary competition “Balkan Culinary Cup”, regulated by Worldchefs rules and held in Belgrade on 17-19 October 2014.

The overall event named “Belgrade Gastro Fest”, which was organised by a Worldchefs member – Serbian Culinary Federation in partnership with Diplomatic Association of Serbia, encompassed various happenings such as: Balkan Culinary Cup; Balkan Chilli Festival; educational culinary workshops, and an international tradeshow – focused mainly on food industry and Serbian national products.

Not only was the Balkan Culinary Cup organized for the 3rd time, and gathered some of renowned national and international Professional and Pastry Chefs, it as well ended with an important announcement: Serbian Culinary Federation proclaimed a formation of its National Culinary Team, which will be presenting the country on next international culinary competitions. Guided by the Team Captain Chef Jovica Jovicic, Chefs and the winners of the Balkan Cup 2014: Nebojsa Veselinovic, Aleksandar Djordjevic among others are only a few to form the Serbian National team. While Junior Chefs Slobodan Peic, Milan Lilic, Stefan Todorovic and others were elected as team members for the Young Chefs category.

As the Woorldchefs Continental Director for Serbia and Europe South in general, Domenico Maggi was very pleased to have an opportunity to meet both – Serbian Chefs and other renowned professionals from the region, and start his regional tour as the newly elected CD right there during such an importnat manifestation. Not only Chef Domenico and Serbian Chefs Federation's highest representatives had time to discuss different regional and national issues, they as well shared valuable experiences and used this occasion to set up goals for the future.

 “Meeting Serbian Chefs, exchanging thoughts, discussing issues, jointly seeking for solutions, have not only made me feel very happy, it as well encouraged me to think we should expect many improvements and a strengthen region in the foreseeable future. Of course, hospitality, open-mindedness, eagerness to listen to my advice on several matters, was another positive feedback I brought back from this competition”, said Domenico Maggi.

Nevertheless, an event that preceded the one in Belgrade was the official hand out of flood relief charity funds collected by the members of Worldchefs Without Borders (WCWB), and given to Serbian Chefs by one of WCWB member Chef Jozef Oseli.

Feeling grateful for the help received from WCWB Committee, Serbian Culinary Federation members used the opportunity to publicly express their thanks during “Belgrade Gastro Fest”, as well as give out an official recognition to Christos Gkotsis, Vice President for the Northern Greek Chefs Association and a WCWB Ambassador, whose Association as well gave a significant contribution to the global charity mission initiated by Worldchefs Without Borders.

News Worldchefs Without Borders

Worldchefs Without Borders Celebrates International Chefs Day 2014

In collaboration with Food Bank Worldchefs Without Borders has organised some amazing things for International Chefs Day 2014:

Food Bank is a non-profit organisation & is a place where companies or people can come to deposit / donate their unused or unwanted foods which will then be collected and allocated to the Needy via various channels through VWOS, Charities, Soup Kitchens etc…
As price of foods continue to increase, many middle to low income families have problems putting food on the table as salaries aren't increasing as quickly. Moreover, based on our observation, we do know that there are pockets of unused food within the food industry that can most certainly be put to better use.


News Worldchefs Without Borders


International World Chefs Day – Myanmar October 2014,- was a great opportunity to call all together senior and junior chefs, chefs and pastry alliance of Myanmar,- celebrate a day and pass it on. The Young Chefs of Myanmar ( Y-MCA ) lead through the program of the evening which was also a Thank YOU party for all chefs and sponsors, organizer of Myanmar Culinary Arts Challenge ( MCAC ) 2014. With certificate and cash awards to all young Chefs and MCAC committee members,- the ” young chefs ” patrons as Chefs Dominic Mang, Aung Myo Lwin, Thurein Htun and Pastry Aghee took the stage for the program.

Special Thanks were awarded to our sponsors Premium Food Service, Nestle Professional & MAGGI, Fonterra & Anchor, Grandwynn Brothers, Shwe Yin Mar Organic Coffee, IKON Mart, Dagon Beer & Breweries, and organizer Allworld – BES.

The young chefs honored the active senior Chefs of Yangon: Michel Mecca, Istvan Madai, Madhu Pillai, Taing Kyaw, Andrew Vogt, Herman Feigl, Jan Moeller, Ricardo Lujan, Somchai, U Than Lwin, Chris Parsons.

Next to great Myanmar Cuisine from ” MY Garden ” restaurant, all past years activities and documentaries of MCA & Y-MCA charity and culinary work was presented by DVD movies,– So also the future was presented through Hermann Feigl and Fraser Hawkes, they asked and coordinated already commitments and support,- from all Chefs for the 2015 Food & Hotel Myanmar, Myanmar Culinary Arts Challenge 2015 at Myanmar Event Park 3rd to 5th June 2015 in Yangon.

Pass it on also here with more Myanmar chefs taking the lead,– more young Myanmar chefs taking positions and duties,– more Myanmar Chefs are involved in World Chefs Without Borders activities through Chef and WCWB Myanmar Ambassador Thurein Htun 

Pastry Alliance Chef Aghee explained progress on setting up the Pastry Training centers at – Myanmar Blind School

– Street Girls Vocational Training Center/

Financed through the World Chefs Without Borders Charity Dinner 17.6.2014 in Yangon, income, the full equipment is delivered and set up with training starts soon,— Pass It On from professionals to young non professionals to ensure good income and an independent live for the young girls and the blind of Myanmar after a 2 years training.

Thank you to Nestle Professional, MAGGI, Fonterra & Anchor for their presents handed out to each chef on the evening, a further step for best cooperation in the growing Myanmar hospitality industry.

A big thank you to Professional Knifes from Friedrich Dick GmbH & Co. KG, for their past weeks commitment to further support with professional knifes to Myanmar young chefs. Young Chefs patron Than Naing Tun will coordinate as past time for the new sponsorship a really great support to ” PASS IT ON ” the next generation in Myanmar.

Fonterra, Anchor and Myanmar Chefs Association & Young Myanmar Chefs Association agreed to start in January a series of ” Pastry & Bakery Master Classes ” – Pass it on, in Yangon which will than with mini competitions lead to a final the ” Fonterra Pastry CUP 2015 at the Food & Hotel Myanmar, Myanmar Culinary Arts Competition 3rd to 5th June 2015 at Myanmar Event Park (MEP) in the center of Yangon near Shwedagon Pagoda.

Thanks you very much for all attendance, support and further activities in Culinary Myanmar, yours


Oliver E Soe Thet, Hermann Feigl, Dominic Mang, Aghee, Thurein Htun

Myanmar Chefs Association * Young Myanmar Chefs Association, Yangon 20.10.2014

World Chefs Without Borders – Myanmar

News Worldchefs Without Borders

Pass it on – Myanmar World Chefs Day 2014 – Yangon Fried. Dick Professional Knifes & Myanmar Young Chefs

International World Chefs Day – Myanmar 20.10.2014 supported by Fried. Dick Professional Chef Knifes from Germany. Young Chef & one of the 4 Myanmar TV Chefs – Kyaw Kyaw was awarded with a full set of Professional Knifes from Friedrich Dick GmbH & Co. KG for his ” Over all Best Chef ” in Hot Cooking at the Myanmar Culinary Arts Challenge 2014.

” Pass it on ” as the this years theme of WACS – World Chefs by President Gissur, we are happy to see Chef Kyaw Kyaw s spirit to reach for higher level of culinary skills as YOUNG CHEF, pass tools on to him & congratulate Chef Kyaw Kyaw 2014 International World Chefs Day.

The hand over team with BES – ALLWORLD Mr. Fraser Hawkes , U Than Lwin MCA Liaison Secretary, Chef Than Win, Belmond Governors Residence Chef Ricardo Lujan, Chef Kyaw Ho, Chef Aghee & Zaw Oo Lwin from Myanmar Pastry Alliance, Dominic Mang ( Myanmar Young – Y-MCA, Chefs patron ), and junior chef Giacomo at front  Chef Kyaw Kyaw in middle under the MCA Logo.

Looking forward for the coming Food & Hotel Myanmar 3rd June to 5th June 2015 and the 2nd Myanmar Culinary Arts Challenge 2015,- time runs fast and committee work starts today.

Special thanks to Professional Knifes from Friedrich Dick GmbH & Co. KG, for their endless & high valuable support to Myanmar young chefs.


Oliver E Soe Thet

Myanmar Chefs Association * Young Myanmar Chefs Association, Yangon 20.10.2014

World Chefs Without Borders – Myanmar

News Worldchefs Without Borders

Worldchefs without Borders Slovenia Charity Event Report of september 2014

World Chefs without Borders proudly organized the WCWB Gala Dinner on 16th September 2014 at Grand Hotel Toplice, Bled Slovenia for charity fund raising which all committee travel with their own expense. We are honor to have World Chefs (WACS) President Gissur Gudmundsson gracing the event with many VIPs from Bled attending in this prestigious and meaningful gala dinner. With some insightful interviews with on the World Chefs without Borders leadership under Willment Leong and Committee Charity projects, the proceeding go to needy around the globe and local charity group.

Worldchefs without Borders Slovenia Charity Event Report of September 2014 reporting on the meeting and Slovenia and fundraising for relief can be found below in image form and be downloaded at bottom of page.

News Worldchefs Without Borders

NZChefs elect new leader

Following the recent AGM of NZChefs we are pleased to announce that Mr Graham Hawkes from the Otago/Southland Branch has been elected into the position of National President of NZChefs.

Graham brings a wealth of experience to the NZChefs National Executive having previously been a Continental Director for WorldChefs in the Pacific Region; he is also an internationally accredited culinary judge. Coupled with Life membership of NZChefs, Member of NZChefs Hall of Fame, Honorary Member of WorldChefs and being the Inaugural recipient of HNZ Hospitality Industry Personality Award, puts him in a convincing position to become the new President. In additional a strong and passionate depth and understanding of working within hospitality associations.

Graham said “I feel very fortunate to still work as a chef at the kitchen pass and have no less passion for the Culinary Arts than I did when I entered this most satisfying profession. I have led, learnt and listened and now feel better than ever equipped to lead and support NZChefs into the future.” He went on to state that “I want to foster young people’s interest in the art of cookery by enjoyment of cooking and then developing their culinary skills and knowledge in our profession. Our membership has a strong command of the art of cookery and it’s time we shared this with others for the greater advancement of all.”

Graham with his wife Glenise and their family operate Paddington Arms, a Gastro Pub, in Invercargill. This is Southland’s most award-winning eatery which has been operated for nearly twenty two years. He has also over the years, with his extended family, operated a number of hospitality outlets in Invercargill; three contract catering, two licensed restaurants and an entertainment centre.  During that period they employed more than eighty full time staff, twenty permanent part time staff along with several casual team members. Graham said “To succeed with five operations in differing premises and styles we adopted a management style of a “good working chef”, allowing team members to maximise their potential through their own drive and passion with our guidance, with praise for the accomplishments and a quick band aid and encouraging advice for any slip ups. A style we still adopt today in our business practices.” He also assists Beef + Lamb NZ and the Alliance Group Limited as their consulting chef.

The new Presidium will start their term with a strategic planning meeting to map out the future development of the association under his leadership. Graham said “We have an incredible team of dedicated people on board already, and I feel my inclusive style of management and mentoring will enhance the opportunities for others on the National Executive to play their part. We need to continue to grow our membership and attract and retain not just our youth but also our successful chefs who can be our ambassadors both for the association, our country and for our hospitality industry.”

Following an outstanding six year contribution to NZChefs, Anita Sarginson, as the immediate past president, moves into the position of National Ambassador for a two year term.  The Association will retain her expertise as part of the National Executive and she will be able to continue with some of the initiatives started during her term.  


NZChefs is the “National Association” representing professional chefs, cooks and trainees, patissiers and confectioners in New Zealand.

The association is made up of regional branches around New Zealand. These branches allow chefs to help fellow chefs both nationally and internationally. The branches hold regular meetings and are active within their regions and at a nation level. Members consist of people with a passion for food and represent a wide range of professions associated with the industry.

NZChefs has a Charitable Trust which has been established in New Zealand to represent the “Humanitarian Focus” of the WorldChefs.  The WorldChefs mission states “Everyone on the planet should have access to food and water that is healthy, safe and sufficient.  This can only happen if the earth is healthy first.” In New Zealand we will focus on Poverty, Health and Education to support the WorldChefs without borders mission.  If you can help us, we can help others in New Zealand.

WorldChefs is a global network of chefs associations founded in 1928 at Sorbonne in Paris. Today, this global body has 93 official chefs associations as members that represent over 10 million professional chefs worldwide. WorldChefs is dedicated to maintaining and improving the culinary standards of global cuisines. It accomplishes these goals through education, training and professional development of its international membership.

For further information please contact:

Carmel Clark – Communications Manager

New Zealand Chefs Association Inc.

101 Onehunga Mall, Onehunga

P O Box 24 057, Royal Oak, Auckland, 1345

Tel: 0800 692 433     Fax: 0800 692 432     Mobile: 027 488 1025

Email:       Website:


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