FeedThePlanet News Press Releases

Ten Stories About Food Waste – Electrolux invites to change bad habits

December 2017: One-third
of all the food the world produces ends up in the bin.* Some 70% of our
business is related to food, and we feel we must engage in this global issue.
With this documentary, Electrolux brings together key food experts weighing on
the present and the future of sustainable food choices.

“Feeding the world’s
growing population sustainably is one of the greatest challenges of our time.
We believe Electrolux, as a world-leader in kitchen appliances, has a
responsibility and opportunity to contribute on issues related to cooking and
food consumption,” says Jonas Samuelson, Electrolux CEO.

“With this documentary,
we seek to provide a platform for different informed perspectives while also
enticing the world to make more sustainable choices when it comes to food. We
want to inspire people to reconsider where food comes from, how we consume it,
and why we should enjoy every ingredient on the plate,” says Henrik Sundström,
VP Sustainability Affairs.

documentary, consisting of 10 chapters, has been created as part of the Group’s
community support efforts to inspire sustainable food consumption and cooking
habits among consumers and professionals. It brings together some of the
biggest names in food, such as star chef Dan Barber, urban-farming pioneer
Anastasia Cole Plakias, and food-tech specialist Johan Jörgensen, to weigh in
on the state of food – from freezers and bycatch to bite-sized solutions and
global challenges.

launched its food-centered community support approach last year,
initiating the Electrolux Food Foundation and
launching the Feed the Planet partnership to
fulfill the objectives. Several local and two global projects are now active
through this partnership between Worldchefs, Electrolux and AIESEC.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) – Key facts
on food loss and waste you should know

Ten Stories About Food Waste – See the

Chapter 1 – “A Rotten

Chapter 2 – “Wasteland”

Chapter 3 – “A Return to Our

Chapter 4 – “Goodbye Menue”

Chapter 5 – “Fed from Your

Chapter 6 – “Food Fit for

Chapter 7 – “By Catch”

Chapter 8 – “Tech to the

Chapter 9 – My Problem, Your

Chapter 10 – Hopes And Dreams

Reprinted from Electrolux:

FeedThePlanet News Press Releases

Feed the Planet: Empowering people through culinary skills in Curitiba

PARIS, 2017: Worldchefs is honoured to announce a proud milestone; Feed the Planet’s empowering people through culinary education project in Curitiba, Brazil graduated its first class on November 13, 2017!

The program graduated 21 students, mainly unemployed single mothers. The curriculum was designed by Worldchefs to teach culinary skills, in order to help students find work in professional kitchens and provide for themselves and their families. The curriculum also aims to raise awareness about sustainable culinary practices such as zero food waste.

This first-of-it’s-kind Feed the Planet project is run in partnership between Worldchefs, Electrolux and AIESEC. Curitiba was the pilot project; the next wave of culinary education for empowerment courses will begin in early 2018. The goal is then to replicate this project in other regions in years to come.

Each training course lasts 10 weeks and includes 40 days of lessons. The curriculum is delivered by chefs who generously donated their time to train the students. When selecting participants, priority is given to single mothers struggling to get a job. Some places were reserved for unemployed relatives of Electrolux employees.

Worldchefs President, Thomas Gugler said, “As a global chef’s organization, we are committed to sharing our knowledge, resources and network to make this project a success. We know it will make a huge difference.”

Malin Ekefalk, Electrolux Director Social Responsibility said: “This project is showcasing how the sum is bigger than the parts in the Feed the Planet partnership – together we can make great things happen! Now we want to build on this and replicate in other places.”

A partnership in action

This project, which began development in early 2017, is a true collaborative effort.

Worldchefs has developed the curriculum and chefs are donating their time to train the students, Electrolux supplied a specifically designed educational kitchen in Curitiba, and AIESEC provided support. Sodexo offered cleaning services and food, and FAS, a local non-profit, selected the participants and helped with the training.

Cosimo Scarano, Electrolux Project Coordinator and AIESEC intern, said, “The skills we teach the students will last them their entire lives. The goal is to help them have a better quality of life and find employment.”

About Feed the Planet

Feed the Planet is an initiative to inspire sustainable food consumption among communities and culinary professionals, and to support people in need through emergency relief, food poverty alleviation, and education. Founded by WORLDCHEFS, it is run in partnership with Electrolux and AIESEC.

About Worldchefs

The World Association of Chefs' Societies, or Worldchefs, is a global network of chefs associations first founded in October 1928 at the Sorbonne in Paris. At that first congress there were 65 delegates from 17 countries, representing 36 national and international associations, and the venerable August Escoffier was named the first Honorary President of Worldchefs.

Today, this global body has 100 official chefs associations as members that represent professional chefs worldwide. The biennial congress is a hallmark tradition of Worldchefs and has been organised in over 20 cities across the world throughout its illustrious 82-year history.

“Worldchefs, the global authority on food”

Andie Petruzella

PR & Marketing Manager

[email protected]




FeedThePlanet News Press Releases

Feed the Planet provides culinary training and empowerment in Curitiba, Brazil

OCTOBER 16, 2017: Our latest Feed the Planet collaboration is helping unemployed people in Curitiba, Brazil by providing the culinary skills and training they need to get a job in a professional kitchen!

The students, many of them single mothers struggling to find a job – are being trained through a curriculum developed by Worldchefs, being delivered by 12 chefs in a specially designed training kitchen at the Electrolux factory in Curitiba.
The Worldchefs curriculum aims at raising awareness about sustainable culinary practices such as zero food waste. During the ten-week period the students will learn how to provide for themselves and their families, as well as gain awareness about sustainable culinary practices such as zero food waste. The objective is to train them to find work in professional kitchens.
By helping people to get a job, this Feed the Planet project, run in a partnership between Worldchefs, Electrolux and AIESEC, will help underprivileged individuals provide for themselves and their families.
The project is supported by AIESEC volunteers; Sodexo provides cleaning services and the food; and FAS, a local non-profit organization, helps to select the participants and organize the training.
Over 60 people will be trained in three waves by mid-2018. This is a pilot project which we hope to exend to other regions in the future.
FeedThePlanet News Press Releases

Feed the Planet Chairman admires the strength, range of vegetarian cuisine in India

September 18, 2017: I his journey from a chef of a high-end restaurant to a culinary educator, Chef Christopher Koetke has established himself as the master of food and flavours.

Chef Kotke is the Vice President, Strategy and Industry Relations at Kendall College in Chicago (USA), and talking about his experience in culinary education, he says that the journey had been a detour from the daily responsibilities of a chef. He says, “I have been working in culinary education for almost 20 years now. I did not expect to be in education for more than two years, but I discovered that I loved it. I love to watch students grow right before my eyes as they move toward realising their dreams.  At the same time, I like the fact that, just like the restaurant business, things are not static.  Our curriculum changes with the times and with the advancement and evolution of the restaurant business.”

He is also the Chairman of Feed the Planet Committee of the World Association of Chefs Societies (WorldChefs). Additionally, he is an active member of ACF, International Foodservice Editorial Council (IFEC), Les Disciples d’Escoffier, the International Wine and Food Society, and Les Amis d’Escoffier Society of Chicago.

Besides, he has served for 10 years on the American Culinary Federation Foundation (ACFEF) Accrediting Commission. When asked about traditional American cuisine, he says, “Many people think of our cuisine as a soup or a stew. There were indigenous ingredients and indigenous culinary traditions throughout our country.  Then, wave after wave of immigrant groups from across the world came to our shores.  Each group is like adding another ingredient to the soup—it changes the flavour of the soup and also takes on the flavour of the surrounding soup the longer it cooks.  Thus, we are a melting pot of cuisines from across the world, which is a process that continues to this day.” However, he says that in the 1950s and 1970s, some of the regionality in food started to disappear in favour of a national cuisine, but happily, chefs and consumers today are very much interested in rediscovering real regional food. 

With a deep love for Indian cuisines, Chef Koetke finds India a highly diverse country with rich culinary traditions. He says, “Having come to India many times, I still feel like I know so little as I am constantly learning about new dishes that I have never seen.  The flavour profiles are so unique!  As a side note, one misconception that many Americans have of Indian food is that it is very hot and spicy.  While there are some chilli-rich dishes, there are so many others that rely on a compelling combination of spices as opposed to a strong chilli hit, ”Chef Chris Koetke.

India and the US have different culinary cultures, but the countries share the love of great food. He adds, “One of the things that I admire in India is the strength of the vegetarian cuisine. There are so many options that are so unique and delicious.  In the USA, we don’t have that level of maturity of our vegetarian cuisine.  There are also fundamental differences as to how we see food and its role in our health.  In the USA, we see a more globally inspired cuisine and in India a cuisine that is more rooted in long-standing tradition.  Of course, Indian cuisine is the master for combining a plethora of spices to create highly individualised dishes.”

With his finger on the pulse of food, beverage and hospitality sectors, Chef Kotke says the biggest international trend right now is renewed interest in one’s own cuisine and locale. “Every country has great food. Some are perhaps richer in culinary traditions or indigenous foods, but still every place has something.  It is this realisation that has sparked a new way globally of looking at food.  What I see is that a new breed of typically younger chefs are getting a good culinary education, then travelling to see the world to broaden their horizons, and then returning back to their locales to study their own food.  What they then do is create highly individualised cuisines that are based in their own cultural identity (i.e. food traditions and indigenous ingredients). The net result is that the culinary world today is experiencing a burst of creativity and diverse ways of thinking that is simply fascinating,” Chef Kotke said.

Talking about the upcoming trends in the culinary world, Chef says, “Without a question—sustainability. It is critical that chefs across the world embrace sustainable practices now as the results of not pursuing a sustainable agenda will increasingly and negatively impact your business.  In India, I have seen a number of larger hotel groups really get behind sustainability and I applaud that.  But everyone must get behind this no matter who you are or where you work.”

Chef Kotke had his own US-based cooking show for five years, Let’s Dish, and when asked about his views on shows like Masterchef, he says he likes them but with a caveat. “What I like about programs like this and food television in general is that it has the ability to show the general public what we do. This is a great thing as it gives the experts (the chefs) a chance to teach what we know.  Now for the caveat. When I had my TV show in the USA, I was on camera teaching how to make various dishes. There were about eight people behind the scenes preparing everything so I could keep shooting and do the recipes in a compressed timeframe.  The point is that what you see on TV is not really an accurate representation of daily life in a restaurant.  For aspiring young cooks, it is important to remember that,” he added.

Reprinted from The Sunday Guardian Live


FeedThePlanet News Press Releases

Feed the Planet partners proud to speak on sustainability at Stockholm Act

August 18, 2017: Electrolux is proud to be a contributing partner of the inaugural The Stockholm Act; a festival beginning August 21 to raise awareness for sustainable development towards 2030. Hosting a wide range of events in Stockholm during one week, Electrolux will work with partners to showcase initiatives related to sustainable cooking, reducing food waste and caring for clothes.

The Stockholm Act brings together people from politics, business, science and art to explore steps to build a more sustainable world – with action needed toward the ‘Agenda 2030’ to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals signed by all United Nations (UN) members in 2015.

Sustainability is a core part of the Electrolux business strategy and supports the company’s purpose to ‘Shape living for the better’. Electrolux sustainability framework comprises nine promises in three key areas, addressing many of the UN Sustainability Goals. With the events organized during The Stockholm Act, Electrolux will highlight and raise awareness mainly about goals 2 (Zero Hunger) and 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).

Electrolux Head of Sustainability Affairs Henrik Sundström said: “Partnering with The Stockholm Act is a great opportunity to jointly raise awareness of the UN goals and build a more sustainable future. Through showcasing our own sustainability initiatives, we hope to contribute to learnings that help drive sustainable development towards 2030 at both a local and global level.”

Events by or with Electrolux during The Stockholm Act include:

  • A taste-along with Tasteology, a mini-documentary series deconstructing the concept of taste from a fresh perspective. More info.
  • A Transformation Talk on Electrolux journey to work more with partners in the area of social enagement. Electrolux representatives discuss this together with partners WorldchefsAIESEC and Stockholm City MissionMore info.
  • Waste Tasting – a unique dinner experience aiming to inspire and educate around food waste to make a change for the better. The dinner also includes a short panel discussion with spokespeople from Stockholm’s food waste scene and will be the premiere for a mini-documentary around food waste. More info.
  • A Care & Repair Station together with Houdini, aiming to educating around sustainability and how to better care for your clothes. More info.
  • The Zero Waste Market in collaboration with the Stockholm City Mission, shedding light on sustainable consumption patterns. Smoothies made by vegan chef Sebastian Schauermann using rescued fruits and vegetables and other sample treats made of donated surplus food will be served for free. More info.
  • A smoothie pop-up bar installed by Electrolux on the topic of how to reduce food waste. The smoothies will be served by Eat Easier, a startup run by three high school students. Food will be provided by Sopköket, a startup offering gourmet catering and school meals made out of rescued food and providing jobs for youths and long-term employees. More info.

For further information, please contact

Electrolux Press Hotline, +46 8 657 65 07.

Press release reprinted from:

FeedThePlanet News Press Releases

Feed the Planet Advisory Board collaborate for better food, better life, better future

Paris, France, June 2017:  The first ever meeting of the Feed the Planet Advisory Board was held earlier this month in Stockholm, Sweden. The full-day event brought together partners Electrolux, AIESEC and Worldchefs to discuss past learnings and future plans for the Feed the Planet initiative, which deliver strategies and projects that contribute to securing a sustainable and equitable food future.

“The Feed the Planet program represents a true partnership,” said Thomas Gugler, President Worldchefs and Advisory Board Member, “in that is was born from a shared vision, and will grow by leveraging our mutual core competencies to make a real-world impact. As a global authority on food, Worldchefs must show leadership on some very pertinent defining issues of our time- those of food sustainability, poverty alleviation, and equal opportunities for education.”

The Feed the Planet mission is to inspire better food consumption and cooking habits among consumers and professionals, and to help people in need, or simply to deliver better food, better life and a better future. Launched in September 2016, Feed the Planet started with food waste awareness initiatives in several regions, sustainability education for chefs in four culinary schools and emergency intervention in crisis areas such as in Greece for refugees, in Peru for flood victims, and in Italy for earthquake survivors through World Chefs Without Borders. Another achievement was finalizing the design of a mobile kitchen, to be deployable in emergencies globally.

“As three very different but complementary organizations united by shared values of sustainability and social responsibility we have come far during this period. We look forward to leveraging our learnings, replicating and scaling up the projects,” says Malin Ekefalk, Electrolux Director Social Responsibility.

A series of programs and initiatives are being planned – with some underway already – to deliver on these goals. Projects include for example hosting workshops to promote sustainable practices in the kitchens of chefs and consumers; helping to put better food on the table and providing advice on cooking on a tight budget; serving meals and raising funds for those in need in every corner of the globe; and providing workplace education and emergency relief efforts.

For news and updates, visit us at:

For more photos from this event, visit us on Facebook:




About Feed the Planet

Feed the Planet is a Worldchefs initiative in partnership with Electrolux and AIESEC. 

By leveraging our core competencies, we seek to develop collaborations, strategies and projects that contribute to securing a sustainable food future.

Our goal is to inspire better food consumption and cooking habits among consumers and professionals, maximizing sustainable choices and health while contributing to a reduction of negative impacts.

We are also working towards support people in need – in putting better food on the table, providing advice on cooking on a tight budget, offering workplace education and through emergency relief efforts.

About Worldchefs

World Association of Chefs Societies (“Worldchefs”) is a global network of chefs associations founded in October 1928 at the Sorbonne in Paris, where the venerable Auguste Escoffier was named as first Honorary President. Today, this global body has over 100 official member chefs associations that represent more than 8 millions of professionals worldwide.

WORLDCHEFS is a non-political professional organization, dedicated to maintaining and improving the culinary standards of global cuisines. We accomplish these goals through education, training and professional development of our international membership. As an authority and opinion leader on food, Worldchefs represents a global voice on all issues related to the culinary profession.


About Electrolux

Electrolux shapes living for the better by reinventing taste, care and wellbeing experiences, making life more enjoyable and sustainable for millions of people. As a leading global appliance company, we place the consumer at the heart of everything we do. Through our brands, including Electrolux, AEG, Anova, Frigidaire, Westinghouse and Zanussi, we sell more than 60 million household and professional products in more than 150 markets every year. In 2016 Electrolux had sales of SEK 121 billion and employed 55,000 people around the world. For more information go to



AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-led network creating positive impact through personal development and shared global experiences. Our vision: peace and the fulfilment of humankind’s potential. AIESEC develops the leadership potential of youth through experiential learning, volunteer experiences and professional internships, enabling both employers and organisations to connect with a global network of talent.



Andrea Petruzella

PR & Marketing Manager, Worldchefs
[email protected] 
mobile + 33 (0) 6 37 66 50 99
office + 33 (0) 1 46 87 65 10


Malin Ekefalk

Electrolux Director Social Responsibility

[email protected]




FeedThePlanet News

Electrolux launches Food Mission: Taste the Waste

Electrolux today launches the Food Mission project in Sweden, which aims to tackle the problem of food waste, by increasing awareness about the issue and supporting the development of models to minimize food waste. This is one of several employee-driven projects granted funding by the Electrolux Food Foundation.

Society has a giant problem on its hands – 795 million people are currently undernourished while 1.3 billion tons of food are being wasted. The Food Mission project, supported by Electrolux Feed the Planet partners Worldchefs and AIESEC, launches at Electrolux headquarters in Stockholm today (26 April) with ‘Taste the Waste’ – a tasting and fundraising lunch event to show how to turn perfectly edible food destined to be wasted into delicious meals.

Attendees will taste recipes that have been devised by Worldchefs to help change the perception of surplus food and show how good it can taste. All proceeds will go to Stockholms Stadsmission (City Mission), a Swedish not-for-profit organization who supplied most of the ingredients from its social supermarket which is filled with heavily discounted food that can’t be sold in supermarkets and surplus food directly from production.

Electrolux head of social responsibility Malin Ekefalk added: “Food waste is a huge global issue and with around 70% of Electrolux business being related to food, Electrolux believes it has a role in helping to solve this problem. Through Food Mission, our ambition is to support Stockholm in becoming a pioneer city in sustainable consumption, addressing the issue of food waste in the city. Our ‘Taste the Waste’ event is just the beginning and we look forward to launching Food Mission initiatives throughout the year and beyond.”

Food Mission is just one of several projects granted funding by the Electrolux Food Foundation, which was launched in September 2016 with an initial investment of SEK 10 million to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Leveraging on the Electrolux sustainability promise “Be a force for good,” part of the For The Better framework, the Food Foundation’s purpose is to contribute more to addressing global challenges such as food waste, responsible consumption, hunger and poor nutrition.

FeedThePlanet News World

How to Feed the Planet roundtable discusion at Worldchefs Congress

During the Worldchefs Congress 2014 in Stavanger a few distinguished individuals and world-renowned experts in different fields gathered for a single cause – to tackle a very important issue: How to Feed the Planet in the Future?

The Feed the Planet panelists who discussed sustainability issues form different perspectives but with a single goal were: eminent science communicator from Australia Julian Cribb, Worldchefs President Gissur Gudmundsson CMC, UK’s internationally awarded author and environmentalist Tristram Stuart, Kendall College School of Culinary Arts 
Vice President and Laureate at International Universities Center of Excellence in Culinary Arts Christopher Koetke and Nordic Alexander Throne Holst Managing Director at Unilever Food Solutions Nordic.

Many delegates who had the chance to participate in the roundtable discussion were able to bring a piece of the solution back to their home countries, get inspired and further engage fellow colleagues to join the Worldchefs mission and empower this venutre. Many questions were asked and many solutions proposed by the audience.

For all of you who didn’t have a chance to be with us during the Worldchefs Congress 2014, click here to view the discussion on Youtube.

 The quest for finding sustainable solutions and answers, providing examples and guidelines, as well as turning chefs into change agents will keep on paving its way.

Therefore we invite you all to join the Worldchefs and its partners, be a part of the positive impact, and add your word to already 10 million ones around the world!

FeedThePlanet News Worldchefs Without Borders

1st Yangon Culinary Young Chefs Challenge ended and supported WACS FEED THE PLANET initiative

1st Yangon Culinary Young Chefs Challenge ended and supported WACS FEED THE PLANET initiative

The 1st Yangon Culinary Young Chefs Challenge 2013 successfully finished just few days ago. Even though the event is already behind us, excellent atmosphere, interesting program, satisfied competitors and sponsors as well as the great number of visitor will be still talking about this great competition and cheerfully waiting for the next one.

The entire competition was conducted under the supervision of WACS certified Judges and other national and international professionals that followed the highest standards. While the winners proudly and justifiably received their prizes, sponsors or the competition made sure they received some valuable awards as well. Furthermore, during the event educational workshop on food safety and hygiene, Halal diet and modern culinary trends was held thanks to the wonderful presentations made by international speakers. Furthermore, Myanmar professional baristas preformed a two hour session ‘Barista training’ as to educate young Myanmar baristas and raise the awareness of this important hospitality segment.

As being a WACS member since 2000, Myanmar Chefs Association has been actively involved in many aspects of raising culinary standards, helping national industry to flourish and also provide help those in need. Thanks to the initiative made by the President of the Myanmar Chefs Association and Board member of WACS initiative World Chefs Without Borders, Oliver Esser Soe Thet, and his team a great humanitarian action was taken. All the bakery and pastry products were brought to an organization that takes care for elder people, offering them a great gastronomy experience that mostly likely they haven’t had the chance to taste. Cooked meals went in hands of those in need, some skillfully and completely sanitary safe wedding cakes made by the competitors were sold for the Chefs Without Borders Myanmar, purposes that will be again use for humanitarians activities. Moreover, some hot meals made by volunteers and WCWB Myanmar Chefs were specially prepared for charity purposes. “It is all very possible if it’s well planned, taken care of and managed from the beginning”, said Oliver Esser Soe Thet.

Myanmar World Chefs Without Borders, national members of the Myanmar Chefs Association, were greatly active the last couple of years and showed excellent results in their humanitarian missions like, closely related also to WACS Feed The Planet initiative:

“Health Food for Healthy Teeth”, financial aid for medical operations and treatments, schools reconstruction and building, “Clean the beach” activity”, plenty of good actions in the field of community public service, donations for sport and recreational activities as well as the medical equipment, volunteer work to raise the educational standards and make knowledge available to everyone. As many new ventures to come, there seem to be no borders for Myanmar Chefs!

To take a look at the official 1st Yangon Culinary Young Chefs Challenge press release as well as the photos, follow the links below:

Myanmar Chefs Association official press release

1st Yangon Culinary Young Chefs Challenge photo album

1st Yangon Culinary Young Chefs Challenge ended and supported WACS FEED THE PLANET initiative

The 1st Yangon Culinary Young Chefs Challenge 2013 successfully finished just few days ago. Even though the event is already behind us, excellent atmosphere, interesting program, satisfied competitors and sponsors as well as the great number of visitor will be still talking about this great competition and cheerfully waiting for the next one.

The entire competition was conducted under the supervision of WACS certified Judges and other national and international professionals that followed the highest standards. While the winners proudly and justifiably received their prizes, sponsors or the competition made sure they received some valuable awards as well. Furthermore, during the event educational workshop on food safety and hygiene, Halal diet and modern culinary trends was held thanks to the wonderful presentations made by international speakers. Furthermore, Myanmar professional baristas preformed a two hour session ‘Barista training’ as to educate young Myanmar baristas and raise the awareness of this important hospitality segment.

As being a WACS member since 2000, Myanmar Chefs Association has been actively involved in many aspects of raising culinary standards, helping national industry to flourish and also provide help those in need. Thanks to the initiative made by the President of the Myanmar Chefs Association and Board member of WACS initiative World Chefs Without Borders, Oliver Esser Soe Thet, and his team a great humanitarian action was taken. All the bakery and pastry products were brought to an organization that takes care for elder people, offering them a great gastronomy experience that mostly likely they haven’t had the chance to taste. Cooked meals went in hands of those in need, some skillfully and completely sanitary safe wedding cakes made by the competitors were sold for the Chefs Without Borders Myanmar, purposes that will be again use for humanitarians activities. Moreover, some hot meals made by volunteers and WCWB Myanmar Chefs were specially prepared for charity purposes. “It is all very possible if it’s well planned, taken care of and managed from the beginning”, said Oliver Esser Soe Thet.

Myanmar World Chefs Without Borders, national members of the Myanmar Chefs Association, were greatly active the last couple of years and showed excellent results in their humanitarian missions like, closely related also to WACS Feed The Planet initiative:

“Health Food for Healthy Teeth”, financial aid for medical operations and treatments, schools reconstruction and building, “Clean the beach” activity”, plenty of good actions in the field of community public service, donations for sport and recreational activities as well as the medical equipment, volunteer work to raise the educational standards and make knowledge available to everyone. As many new ventures to come, there seem to be no borders for Myanmar Chefs!

To take a look at the official 1st Yangon Culinary Young Chefs Challenge press release as well as the photos, follow the links below:

Myanmar Chefs Association official press release

1st Yangon Culinary Young Chefs Challenge photo album

FeedThePlanet News World

How to Feed the Planet initiative reaches the Philippines

Top hospitality professionals and social entrepreneurs signed the “How to Feed the Planet” declaration together with 50 local chefs and students following the panel discussion that took place in the Philippines at the WOFEX food show in Manila. The initiative received valuable support from Senator Bam Aquino, who is not only the youngest senator in the history of the Philippines but who also has been named one of Ten Young Outstanding Persons of the World 2012. Senator Bam Aquino is also a strong supporter of young social entrepreneurs poverty through economic and environmental sustainability… Read more


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