News World

Congress Spotlight: Star Chef Even Ramsvik

It didn’t take much for Chef Even Ramsvik to come under the spotlight. His immense talent, open-mindedness and decisiveness to bring a pinch of innovation in any of his dishes, have made this young Norwegian to become a true rising star of the global culinary stage.

During the Worldchefs Congress in Stavanger, Chef Even will share his passion, bring his tips and trick into open, talk about his cooking philosophy, as well as reveal what lies behind the success of his Michelin star awarded restaurant Ylajali in Oslo.

Don’t get left behind and join us in Norway at the Worldchefs Congress 2014!


News World

Congress Spotlight: Eric’s Gateway to a Fit World

May the positive change starts now! Meet Eric Fleishman – Hollywood’s Physique Expert and one of America’s Top Fitness Trainers with over 23 years experience in physical transformation.

While the world knows him as Eric the Trainer, Worldchefs Congress participants will have a life-changing opportunity to meet Eric in person and learn how to balance their mind and body, achieve the best possible working performances, and finally – become the agents for a healthy and sustainable Planet.

Don’t forget – in order to be good to others, we must first be good to ourselves!

REGISTER HERE and make sure we see you in Norway, as it promises to be another amazing Worldchefs Congress ahead!

News Worldchefs Without Borders

Fullerton Hotel Charity Dinner in Aid Of Phillipines Typhoon Haiyan 2014

The Singapore Chefs’ Association participated in the Aid of Philippines typhoon Haiyan Charity Dinner organised by Fullerton Hotel Singapore! World Chefs Without Borders is very pleased to be part of this event! The estimated donation for Gawad Kalinga is a fantastic SGD$90k – enough to purchase a full village ! As a result, this amount can contribute to building a whole village in the name of our informal charity group – Friends of the Philippines.

For more photos visit this link.

News World

Neues Präsidium für den Verband der Köche Österreichs

Der neue Präsident des Verbandes der Köche Österreichs (VKÖ) heißt Alois Gasser. Dem Salzburger wurde auf der Generalversammlung des Verbandes das Vertrauen ausgesprochen, den VKÖ die nächsten vier Jahre zu führen. Unterstützt wird er dabei von seinen beiden Vizepräsidenten Helmut Deutsch und Mike P. Pansi. Abgesehen von einer Stimme Gasser selbst enthielt sich stimmten alle Vorstandsmit glieder für das neue Präsidium. Mit diesem Vertrauensvorschuss kommt allerdings auch eine große Verantwortung auf Gasser und sein Team zu, ebenso wie viele Aufgaben, die es zu meistern gilt.

Die Ziele des Präsidenten sind vielfältig und ambitioniert. Im Zentrum soll die Förderung des Kochberufes und insbesondere der jungen Köchinnen und Köche stehen. Die Jugend soll wieder vermehrt an den Verband herangeführt und für dessen Themen und Anliegen begeistert werden. Besonders die Förderung der Weiterbildung soll hier ein Weg zum Ziel sein. Auch die Themen Nachhaltigkeit in der Gastronomie, Regionalität, und gesundes Kochen stehen ganz oben auf der Agenda von Gasser und seinem Team. Um die gesetzten Ziele zu verwirklichen, soll in einem ersten Schritt eine neue und klar definierte Philosophie für den Verband entwickelt werden.

An dieser sollen sich in Zukunft alle Mitglieder orientieren können und sie soll auch dabei helfen, den Verband nach außen hin geschlossen und stark zu vertreten. So sollen in Zukunft vermehrt aktuelle Themen vom Verband angesprochen werden. Gerade bei Angelegenheiten, die für Köchinnen und Köche von großer Relevanz sind, will der Kochverband nicht mehr nur stiller Zuhörer sein, sondern aktiv seinen Standpunkt einbringen und offensiv für den Berufsstand agieren.

Der Verband der Köche Österreichs besteht seit 1902 und umfasst derzeit etwa 1300 Mit- glieder. Der VKÖ vereint mehrere Sektionen in den Bundesländern, welche auf regionaler Ebene für den Kochberuf agieren.

News World

New Executive Committee Verband der Köche Österreichs

The new president of the Austrian Chefs Association (Verband der Köche Österreichs – VKÖ) is Alois Gasser. The VKÖ-board passed him a vote of confidence in the ge- neral meeting of the association. Gasser, native from Salzburg, will lead the VKÖ in the next four years. He will be sup- ported by his two vice-presidents Helmut Deutsch and Mike P. Pansi. Apart from one vote – Gasser himself abstained from voting – all the board members voted for the new executive committee.

With this credit of trust comes a huge responsibility for Gasser and his team. There are many tasks they will have to cope with. The objectives of the new president are di- verse and ambitious. At the centre of atten- tion will be the advancement of the chef- profession and the professional youth. The young cooks shall again become a much more important part of the association. One goal is to bring the VKÖ and its issues and matters closer to the youth. Especially the encouragement of further education will be a very important path in this field.

Furthermore the topics sustainability in gas- tronomy, regionality and healthy cooking are on top of the agenda of Gasser and his team. To achieve these ambitious goals, there will be developed a new and accurately de- fined philosophy for the VKÖ. This will help to guide our members and also to repre- sent the association outwardly in the best way possible. In the future the VKÖ will not just be a silent listener when it comes to to- pics concerning everyone working in the branch. It will actively contribute its point and its arguments to achieve the best pos- sible outcome for all chefs.

The Verband der Köche Österreichs was established in 1902 and includes about 1300 members. The VKÖ has various federal sections which are acting on regional level.Verbad des Koche des

News World

Congress Spotlight: Dilhan C. Fernando – DILMAH

Although it has become a worldwide leader in tea production and well-acknowledged brand across the globe, there is always a new inspiration blending in the house of Dilmah.

Right from the spot at the Worldchefs Congress 2014, Dilhan C. Fernando, Marketing Director at Dilmah and the son of the founder, Mr. Merrill Fernando, will share his success story about his family’s tea empire.

What's more, Robert Schinkel, a professional tea sommelier, wil be showcasing his Tea Mixology skills, while offering a real high tea delight signed by Dilmah!


In the meantime, let Dilmah’s mission inspire you by clicking on this link


News World

Congress Spotlight: Chef John Folse – King of Creole

Come and meet Chef John Folse – a Godfather of Louisiana’s cuisine and many times awarded Chef, who doesn’t stop stirring up the global culinary stage!

His traditional but very unique approach to Cajun and Creole cuisine has made John Folse internationally recognized, but without dragging him away from his roots and great appreciation for Louisiana’s cultural and gastronomic heritage.

Join Chef John Folse during the Worldchefs Congress 2014 and let him take you on a tasteful and flavourful journey to remember, while picking up the latest tips and tricks from this culinary master!


To find out more about Chef John Folse, visit his official website, or even think about enrolling in Chef John Folse Culinary Institute

They don’t call him “King of Creole” without a reason! Click here to have a sneak peek and find out why!


Art&Science News

Electrolux мастер-класс Cook&Chill в Москвe

Всемирная Ассоциация Сообществ Поваров (Worldchefs) и Ассоциацией Кулинаров России, совместно с Electrolux Professional представляють мастер-класс Cook&Chill.

Вы будете иметь возможность узнать о технологии Cook&Chill в теории и на практике, технологии Sous Vide, а также об инновационных решений oт Electrolux-a как Air-o-steam и Air-o-chill.

Kогда и где?

3 июня 2014г, в 12:00

Oфициальное представительство Electrolux Professional Волгоградский проспект, д 42 kopп. 8,

Москва Tелефон: +7 495 627 76 81/82/83/84 



Art&Science News

Art&Science Come Together features another Chef2Chef seminar, this time in Moscow

After successfully sealing a milestone partnership “Art&Science Come Together”, and launching a series of “Chef2Chef “educational seminars, Worldchefs and Electrolux Professional keep on paving the way for food professionals worldwide to brush up their skills, implement sustainable practices, learn how to reduce food loss and increase profitability, while maintaining the high standards in the kitchens.

Moreover, after Dubai and London, the next “Chef2Chef” seminar will be held in Moscow on June the 3rd, at Electrolux Innovation Center.

During the seminar the participants will get an opportunity to obtain both – theoretical and practical knowledge on Cook&Chill and Sous Vide cooking techniques. Furthermore, while handling the food and acquiring new skills, the participants will be using the latest innovational solutions by Electrolux Professional such as: Air-o-steam and Air-o-chill, the latest technology that incorporates an oven and blast chiller in a single solution.

When and Where?

June the 3rd 12 o’clock sharp.

Address: Volgogradsky Prospekt, d 42 corp. 8, Moscow Phone: +7 495 627 76 81/82/83/84

For more information on the latest innovational solutions from Electrolux Professional, follow the link.

News World

THAIFEX – World of Food Asia 2014 Celebrates its 10th anniversary

With much success, THAIFEX-World of Food Asia celebrates its 10th anniversary in partnership with DITP and TCC. Since it was officially launched in 2004, THAIFEX–World of Food Asia has reached many milestones in the past decade, and a record-breaking number of international participation this year.


The 3-day trade 2014 event has garnered a thumbs-up rating from exhibitors for another year of record-breaking trade visitor attendance. More than 30,000 international and domestic trade buyers and visitors attended this year’s THAIFEX-World of Food Asia. They were able to meet up with top quality exhibitors ranging from food and beverage producers through to seafood, coffee & tea manufacturers as well as equipment and food service providers. With Japan as the partner country, led by JETRO, THAIFEX–World of Food Asia featured an impressive presentation of Japanese products both on the show floor and at THAIFEX-World of Food Asia‘s 10-Year Anniversary Welcome Reception.


Parallel to THAIFEX-World of Food Asia, the ASEAN Food Industry Thought Leaders Panel brought together global opinion leaders and food industry experts sharing their views on building capabilities to overcome food safety and security challenges, both domestically and internationally.


Competitions Galore


The 3rd Thailand Ultimate Chef Challenge proved to be another outstanding success at this year’s THAIFEX-World of Food Asia! With more than 500 chefs, the ratio of international to local participants was a close 30:70 ratio this year. This included 153 overseas competitors from Australia, Cambodia, China, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Taiwan, Slovakia, Vietnam and 356 Thai participants from 20 provinces.


Thailand Ultimate Chef Challenge 2014


Says Willment Leong, Organising Chairman, “This competition has become one of the most important culinary competitions in Thailand. The chefs are looking forward to joining this competition not just to win, but also to learn. With world-class judges with us, this has created a very positive atmosphere.”


Roasters’ Choice Award


At the 2nd Roasters’ Choice Award, 56 entries of beans were submitted by coffee producers from Asia. The panel of coffee specialists included, Michael De Renovard, Tuti Hahanah Mochtar, Hide Nishimura, Felix Wong and Chen Chia-Sheng, were in search for the best coffee beans in Asia.


THAIFEX – World of Food Asia 2015 will return to IMPACT from 20 to 24 May 2015. For more information on THAIFEX – World of Food Asia 2015, please visit their website.


To find out THAILAND ULTIMATE CHEF CHALLENGE 2014 & ROASTERS’ CHOICE AWARD 2014 RESULTS see the document enclosed. 






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