Blog National News Press Releases Worldchefs Without Borders

World Chefs Without Borders feeds 14,500 people during Myanmar Tour for Humanity



The World Chefs Without Borders (WCWB) Myanmar Tour for Humanity recently took place in Yangon as its 1stChefs Social Responsibility global event on the 10th Anniversary since Cyclone Nargis.  60 Chefs from 22 National Member Societies of the World Association of Chefs Societies (WORLDCHEFS) travelled to Yangon at their own expense to raise funds together with the Myanmar Chefs Association and cook for zero hunger in a world where humanity must come first.  


WCWB Chairman Willment Leong stated “Chefs may not be able to change lives, but with our Chefs Social Responsibility initiative, we can make a difference. Convert your ego to sharing and it will make you not only a great Chef, but also a great person.”


The first community event on the WCWB Myanmar Tour for Humanity organized by Chef Oliver E. Soe Thet, President of the Myanmar Chefs Association was held at the Shwedagon Pagoda, the most sacred Buddhist pagoda in Myanmar, where the Chefs prepared and distributed 4500 meals to the local community.  It was the first time this type of event was approved by the Yangon State Government and was strongly supported by the Union Hotels & Tourism Ministry.


The Tour continued by boat on the Ayeyarwady River Delta. When they landed in Twantay City, the Chefs were greeted on the pier by Abbot U Yi Wa Ra Seyadaw with 150 orphan children of the Dhamma Linkara Monasteryand 50 students accompanied by Mr. Zaw Kyi, a Free School teacher & philanthropist. Stationary packs with school supplies and dry food relief packs were distributed to the children, and the Chefs purchased vegetables from the local market to encourage its economy and then prepared meals on the boat for the villages ahead.


Thousands of villagers and children from 20 villages gathered together between Napyaw su Village and Ka yin Kyaung Village to welcome the Chefs and show appreciation for their humanitarian efforts. In addition to the 10,000 meals prepared and provided to the villagers and children, sporting items and WCWB teddy bears were also shared. A total of 8100 dry food relief packs was distributed throughout the day by the Chefs.


As a finale to the boat trip, the Chefs released 50,000 young milk fish in the Ayeyarwady River Delta near Ka yin Kyaung village to help replenish the food supply for the years ahead.


WCWB acknowledged the 12 local labourers that assisted in the delivery of the dry food relief packs during the Tour by recognizing them as VIP’s and awarding each a WCWB Medal of Humanity during the WCWB Myanmar Tour for Humanity Farewell and Appreciation Dinner.


Myanmar Chef Association President Oliver E. Soe Thet shared the country’s appreciation with the Chefs, “The Myanmar people in Yangon, the Delta and throughout the Nation, are proud and thankful for the efforts and support of World Chefs Without Borders, in particular the 60 Chefs from 22 countries that came together and initiated such a once-in-a-lifetime event in Yangon and Nargis Delta.”



Extremely severe cyclonic storm Nargis, also known as Cyclone Nargis, caused the worst natural disaster in the recorded history of Myanmar in May 2008. The destruction was catastrophic with at least 138,000 fatalities. Damage was estimated over K62,988,000,000, making it the most devastating cyclone ever recorded in this basin. Myanmar and its people are still struggling to recover its effect.


ABOUT WORLD CHEFS WITHOUT BORDERS                                                                                                                   

World Chefs Without Borders (WCWB)is a global humanitarian aid initiative by WORLDCHEFS. Our mission is to support and mobilize our global network of volunteer Chefs to undertake initiatives providing education and resources to those in need and afflicted by natural disasters. Chef Ambassadors also coordinate events to grow awareness and/or raise funds for WCWB. 



ABOUT WORLDCHEFS                

The World Association of Chefs’ Societies (WORLDCHEFS) is a non-political professional organization, dedicated to maintaining and improving the culinary standards of global cuisines. We accomplish these goals through education and professional development of our international membership, through skills-building and competitions, and through sustainability and humanitarian initiatives. As an authority and opinion leader on food, WORLDCHEFS represents a global voice on all issues related to the culinary profession. 




Willment Leong, WCWB Chairman

News Press Releases Worldchefs Without Borders

Chefs Opened their Hearts Again to Children Health Issues – Food Festival in Bratislava with Worldchefs WCWB Ambassador

The Wold Chefs Without Borders Ambassador in Slovak
Republic presented again the mission and activities of Worldchefs – WCWB at the
charity event that took place within the Food Festival in Bratislava, the capital
of Slovak Republic, in the premises of Bratislava castle in the days 25th
to 27th May 2018. The Bratislava castle commemorated the 301st
anniversary of the coronation of Maria Therese for Hungarian and Czech Queen and
Archduchess of Austria

three days
at Bratislava castle belonged to the
chefs and gourmands again. For the eighths time, there has been a favourite
gastronomy event
„Slovak Food Festival 2018“.
The Castle became a meeting point of both gastronomists ad gourmands. However,
it was mainly a meeting point for people with good heart, willing to help
those, the destiny was less favourable to.

Vojto Artz, the WCWB Ambassador in
is already for eight years the professional guarantee.  He´s both author and organizer of the „Vojto
Artz´s COOKING SHOW“, that regularly makes part of this festival.

Within his Cooking Show he conceived
literally as a charity also this year, he welcomed on the main stage in
the festival centre several personalities not only of the world of cooking, but
also from the Slovak show-business. The meals and desserts prepared on the stage
were immediately auctioned and this way were changed to the good thing
supporting thing – 
improvement of the life conditions of the
children with health issues by means of two foundations: Foundation of Paediatric
Cardiac Centre Foundation Bratislava and Markíza Foundation.
During all three days Vojto
invited to the stage several interesting guests who presented both traditional
and untraditional chef show.
The good thing was supported
also by the members of the Slovak National Junior Team of chefs and
conditioners who are preparing for the international competition World Culinary
CUP 2018 in Luxembourg, renowned Michal
Maroš Mrenica, Daniel Hrivnák, Tomáš
Pikáli, Daniel Širota and Vlado Lokšík
. The
well known chefs from Czech Republic, Róbert
member of the Prague branch of the Association of chefs and
conditioners of Czech Republic and the chef Oskar Klanert demonstrated their
craftmanship too.

The children´s workshop „Vojto and Tinka cook with children“, was not missing
either, during which the little chefs were perfectly supported by the audience.

All these participants contributed to
the fact that a nice sum was collected
in the amount of
700,00 Eur.
Within three days, the yield will go to the accounts of
Cardiac Centre Foundation Bratislava and Markíza Foundation.
  We are happy that together we´ll succeed to make
the life easier for the children with harder destiny.


Blog National News Press Releases Worldchefs Without Borders




The World Chefs
Without Borders (WCWB) Myanmar Tour for Humanity was launched today in Yangon as
its 1st Chefs Social Responsibility global event
on the 10th Anniversary since Cyclone Nargis.  60 Chefs from 24 National Member Societies of
the World Association of Chefs Societies (WORLDCHEFS) have travelled to Yangon at
their own expense to raise funds together with the Myanmar Chefs Association and cook for zero
hunger, in a world where humanity must come first. 


The Tour kicked off at Pullman Hotel
Yangon with a VIP Gala Dinner for 200 guests led by Chefs: Tony Khoo, Myanmar;
Chef Tony Chang, Taiwan; Chef Mak Kam Kui, Hong Kong; Chef Louis Tay,
Singapore; Chef Buddy Trinidad, Philippines and Chef KK Yau, Malaysia. 


Special guests attending the Event
included Myanmar Hotels and Tourism Union Minister,
His Excellency U Ohn Maung
; General Manager UBM Myanmar, Fraser Hawkes,
whom has also contributed personally and will be joining the Chefs for the
Tour; and the Tour partners, sponsors and supporters.


All funds raised at the dinner will go
towards the Myanmar humanity aid and relief initiative led by Oliver Esser Soe
Thuet, President of the Myanmar Chefs Association.


Throughout the WCWB Myanmar Tour for
Humanity, Chefs will use their skills and dedication to raise awareness of
those lacking sufficient resources for their communities and families. 


WCWB Chairman, Willment Leong stated
“Hunger should not be tolerated and the basic necessities of life must be
provided to those who need our help.  We
have come together in Myanmar for this Tour because We Are Chefs, We Have No


events will continue to take place until June 13, 2018 and will include a
Ground Cook Off preparing 4,000 meals at Shwedagon
Pagoda, the most sacred Buddhist pagoda in Myanmar
and a Boat Cook Off
preparing 8,000 Meal for 3 villages.



Extremely severe cyclonic storm
Nargis, also known as Cyclone Nargis, caused the worst natural disaster in the
recorded history of Myanmar in May 2008. The destruction was catastrophic with
at least 138,000 fatalities. Damage was estimated over K62,988,000,000, making
it the most devastating cyclone ever recorded in this basin. Myanmar and its
people are still struggling to recover its effect.


ABOUT WORLD CHEFS WITHOUT BORDERS                                                                                                                           

World Chefs Without Borders (WCWB) is a global humanitarian aid initiative
by WORLDCHEFS. Our mission
is to support and mobilize our global network of volunteer Chefs to undertake
initiatives providing education and resources to those in need and afflicted by
natural disasters. Chef Ambassadors also
coordinate events to grow awareness and/or raise funds for WCWB. Visit:


ABOUT WORLDCHEFS                

The World Association of Chefs' Societies
(WORLDCHEFS) is a non-political professional organization, dedicated to
maintaining and improving the culinary standards of global cuisines. We
accomplish these goals through education and professional development of our
international membership, through skills-building and competitions, and through
sustainability and humanitarian initiatives. As an authority and opinion leader
on food, WORLDCHEFS represents a global voice on all issues related to the
culinary profession. Visit:



Willment Leong,
WCWB Chairman

Blog National News Worldchefs Without Borders

Worldchefs prepare 12,000 meals for Ayeyarwady Delta tour

Renowned chefs will host a charity gala on Saturday, June 9 to raise funds for an initiative to feed thousands of people living in the Ayeyarwady Delta.

Organized by World Chefs Without Borders and Myanmar Chefs Association (MCA), the five-course dinner at Pullman Hotel Yangon will launch a campaign to mark the 10th anniversary of Myanmar worst recorded disaster, Cyclone Nargis.

Seventy chefs from 24 countries traveling to Myanmar at their own expense and donating 1,000 euros each will cook 4,000 meals for passersby outside Shwedagon Pagoda’s south entrance at 6am on June 10.

The following morning the chefs will board a cruise ship to the delta, where they will donate some 8,000 meals and 8,000 aid bags to people affected by the cyclone. MCA has a history of helping people in the region—especially in the aftermath of the cyclone, when it donated fishing boats and helped build a shelter.

In addition, about 150 orphans will be given school bags and equipment, the group’s dentist and doctor will visit a local hospital, and all of the cooking utensils—10 gas burners, 20 pots, stirring spoons—will be donated to local communities.

MCA president Oliver E. Soe Thet also hopes to release thousands of native fish in the rivers in order to boost the local ecosystem. Other top chefs presenting courses in the gala and joining the cruise include Singaporeans Tony Khoo and Louis Tay, Kam Kui Mak from Hong Kong, and Philippine pastry chef Buddy Trinidad.

Tickets to the charity gala cost US$100 before 30 May and $125 after 30 May. Buy 10 tickets and get one free. Contact the Myanmar Chefs Association on 01 501 123 or Ma Kay Khaing at

News Worldchefs Without Borders

North Rakhine – International Day of Persons with Disability,- Myanmar An initiative of MCA-WCWB – Dr Peter Sieg & Interplast Team Germany..

During the days of International Day of Persons with Disability ( 3.12.17 ), MCA-WCWB

and German Interplast partly funded by Laguna Lodge – ECO Hotel, Ngapali Beach, —-

many North Rakhine people could for the first time eat normal with operated cleft lip or

pallet, look without meningoncele or a neck tumor, walk again after burns, had the Thyroid

operated, fingers which since birth grew together – separated, a nose the 5th step reconstructed

with two more OP s to come, can now now close the mouth and move the neck again after

a fire burnt a child years ago, or closed a moth which was since birth far to wide open…..


With the permission of Union & Rakhine State Government s and Ministry of Health all German

specialist Drs around Dr Dr Peter Sieg worked officially with Temporary Myanmar Drs license.

German Interplast this year 2017 already the 4 th team to Myanmar with round 460 patients

free of charge operated,— 3 more teams are arranged for early 2018 for Lashio, Loikaw and

Tachilake with Dr Heinz Schoeneich – Interplast Muenich.


The Rakhine State Government donated 5 million Kyat ( near to 4500 $ US ) to the mission for

food supply to the over 250 patients which came mostly from near Bangladesh Border – Maungdaw

District where ugly events were also responsible for the several burns patients. Shelter with social

Rakhine Free Society and Alodawpye Social Society in Sittwe by U Pinya Sota Seyadaw. Sittwe

volunteers shuttled the Patients between the medical shelter camps and the State Hospital.


Sustainability grants long term solutions – MCA-WCWB

Special among all the cases was the small Hindu Girl from Maungdaw, Ma Nu Nu with which took

with her charm all the attraction to her. So another small girl since years a football big ball on the neck

was removed in 1,5 hours. Round 20 Rakhine ladies felt happy to be free from the big thyroid part.

Many patients we could clear see came the second time, in 2015 cleft lip operated and this time

the cleft pallet all by the same Interplast Germany teams – a sustainable mission through Myanmar

Chefs Association and World Chefs Without Borders as the ground handler…


Mg Kyi Hla the 2 acre farmer from North Rakhine had his 5th operation in 3 years, when an insect bite

and traditional medical treatment destroyed half of his face and nose, lip reconstruction, reconstruction

of gum and this time the pre arrangements for the final OP the new nose which will be in 2018,—we

will care and have Mg Kyi Hla again for the final face reconstruction….


Thank you to the all Dr Peter Sieg team of German Interplast which all take their annual leave for free of

charge operations, live changing and often giving back the dignity to the rural area people of Myanmar

which would be usually unthinkable for all of them with the present still Myanmar health system,- a country

in transition and specially Rakhine always pushed back to history by small groups of individuals which let ‘

Rakhine never escape from being the poorest State in Myanmar. NOT fair to the all people living in Rakhine

State,— often already for monetary and geo strategic issues. A future Singapore in the growing…a danger

to all people without voice and without assets.    


Thanks to the Union & Rakhine Government for the since 21 years now annual working permits to legalize

and make the work possible,- thanks to all volunteers,—I believe this Interplast Germany mission around the

3.12.2017 was a great initiative to the International Day of Persons with Disability in North Rakhine – Myanmar.

Myanmar Chefs Association, World Chefs Without Borders & Laguna Lodge – ECO Hotel Ngapali Beach are

more than happy to be a small part and will do it again the next teams packing the boxes already. So also special

thanks to the Guests – Tourists at Laguna Lodge – Ngapali which through their free ECO Fund contribution have

a big part in the success of such a mission. Next to Anesthetic Dr Ulrike ( which plans already to come back to bring another 

thyroid specialist to Sittwe – Prof Goretzki from Germany also Dr Soeren Knudsen from Denmark joined the team to Sittwe,- the 7th team MCA-WCWB arranged in 4 years since 2013 with over 800 free of charge operated poor North Rakhine people, much more to do,- as the region around the Bangladesh Border, Maungtaw – Bothitaung with usually 1 million people has at least 2500 to 3000 cleft lip or pallet patients next to all the other issues which makes a Human person disabled. — time to get to work and plan again and help the people in North Rakhine as International Drs in Rakhine,- Not look back, not blame come and help pro active. It can not be the solution that as this time a fast majority of poor people must travel from far and bad infrastructure Maungdaw and Bothitaung at Bangladesh Border to Sittwe and Drs medical treatment — medical Drs and specialist Drs must travel and work where poor people live.

News Press Releases Worldchefs Without Borders

World Chefs Without Borders Launches Myanmar Tour for Humanity

PARIS, November 29, 2017:  World Chefs Without Borders (WCWB) announced today that on the 10th Anniversary since Cyclone Nargis, 100 Chefs from the World Association of Chefs Societies (WORLDCHEFS) will travel to Myanmar at their own expense to raise funds for those in need.

Passionate Chefs will unite with the Myanmar Chefs Association and cook for zero hunger, in a world where humanity must come first.  Chefs will also use their skills and dedication to raise awareness of those lacking sufficient resources for their communities and families. 

WCWB Chairman, Willment Leong stated “Hunger should not be tolerated and the basic necessities of life must be provided to those who need our help.  We will join together in Myanmar for We Are Chefs, We Have No Borders!”

Myanmar events will take place from June 9 to 13, 2018 and will include a Ground Cook Off preparing 5,000 meals, a Boat Cook Off preparing 5,000 Meals, assembling 10,000 relief packs, and a VIP Gala Dinner for 200 guests. All funds raised will go towards the Myanmar humanity aid and relief initiative.


Extremely severe cyclonic storm Nargis, also known as Cyclone Nargis, caused the worst natural disaster in the recorded history of Myanmar in May 2008. The destruction was catastrophic with at least 138,000 fatalities. Damage was estimated over K62,988,000,000, making it the most devastating cyclone ever recorded in this basin. Myanmar and its people are still struggling to recover its effect.

ABOUT WORLD CHEFS WITHOUT BORDERS                                                                                                                            

World Chefs Without Borders (WCWB) is a global humanitarian aid initiative by WORLDCHEFS. Our mission is to support and mobilize our global network of volunteer Chefs to undertake initiatives providing education and resources to those in need and afflicted by natural disasters. Chef Ambassadors also coordinate events to grow awareness and/or raise funds for WCWB.


ABOUT WORLDCHEFS                        

The World Association of Chefs' Societies (WORLDCHEFS) is a non-political professional organization, dedicated to maintaining and improving the culinary standards of global cuisines. We accomplish these goals through education and professional development of our international membership, through skills-building and competitions, and through sustainability and humanitarian initiatives. As an authority and opinion leader on food, WORLDCHEFS represents a global voice on all issues related to the culinary profession.




Willment Leong, WCWB Chairman

News Press Releases Worldchefs Without Borders

World Chefs Without Borders prepares 40,000 meals in honour of beloved Royal Thai King

Thailand, October 24, 2017:  Following months of intense preparation, the time has arrived. On October 25 and 26, 2017, 99 chefs from Thailand and around the world will generously donate their time to prepare 40,000 meals and 9999 snacks over two days for hundreds of thousands of Thais who will be paying final respects to their beloved Royal Thai King.

The meals are an initiative of World Chefs Without Borders, run by the Thailand Chefs Association, The Thai Culinary Academy, and Event9 Marketing who will provide raw ingredients, equipment and funds.

October 26 is the Royal Thai King’s Cremation Day; the whole of Thailand will be paying their final respect to the king with hundreds of thousands expected to travel to the cremation site.

International chefs participating in the event have travelled at their own expense, and all chefs involved have generously donated their time and skills to honour and pay tribute on this solemn day for Thailand.

 About World Chefs Without Borders 

World Chefs Without Borders is the humanitarian arm of Feed the Planet, including emergency task force, relief, and development programs, along with Chef Ambassador events.

About Feed the Planet

Feed the Planet is an initiative to inspire sustainable food consumption among communities and professionals, and to support people in need through emergency relief, food poverty alleviation, and education. Founded by WORLDCHEFS, it is run in partnership with Electrolux and AIESEC, and supported by an international network of chefs passionate about creating better food, better lives and better futures across the globe.


For more information about this event, please contact:

Willment Leong, Chairman, World Chefs Without Borders

News Worldchefs Without Borders

Myanmar launches A Taste of Peru, aids flood victims

YANGON, MYANMAR, APRIL 2017: Under the leadership of Myanmar World Chefs Without Borders Ambassador Chef Thurein Htun, WCWB chefs and the Myanmar Culinary Association (MCA) came together to launch A Taste of Peru, a series of events which kicked off on March 31, 2017 to raise funds for the flood victims in Peru.

The event saw people lining up in Sule Pagoda Park to try rich and delicious chicken and fish soup, created by a team of young chefs for the cause. Top-quality cookies donated by the Deaf Students Pastry School were also sold, with proceeds from both sales reaching 860 euro.

Chef Kaung Kyaing, U Soe Myint and SM Fish and Prawns were instrumental in getting donations of stock, poultry, fish and seafood for the first Taste of Peru event.

The food preparation kicked-off bright and early as young chefs gathered at 5am in the fish market to collect the 50 kg donation of fish before heading back to the kitchen for a full twelve hours of scaling, cutting, marinating and cooking before heading off to the park for the event which started at 5 pm.

MCA – WCWB Myanmar has more Taste of Peru aid projects in the pipeline, with a goal of raising more than 2500 euro by the final event scheduled for June 9, 2017.

Myanmar has a centuries old relationship to South America, including a similar food heritage. The MCA-WCWB team were enthusiastic in their desire to offer support to this nation in need.                                                                                                 

A Taste of Peru Recipe:

1,5 pounds white fish, 1 inch thick

1,5 tsp salt

2 red bell pepper stemmed , seeded

Marinate in:

6 cloves of garlic

1/2 tsp black pepper ground

1 tsp cumin ground

1/3 cup vinegar distilled

 1/3 cup lemon juice

To glace with:

3 tbsp vegi oil

1 tbsp aji amarillo powder or paste or hot paprika

1/4 tsp turmeric ground

2 tsp salt

1 tsp black pepper ground

lemon wedges for serving

ABOUT World Chefs Without Borders

Worldchefs Without Borders (WCWB) is a global humanitarian aid initiative by The World Association of Chefs Societies (WORLDCHEFS).

Our mission is to support and mobilize our global chefs network to undertake initiatives providing education and resources to those in need and afflicted by natural disasters.

Our programs fit into four key focus areas. Through the Emergency Task Force chefs work with local rescue units, mobile kitchens and other local programmes.  In the Relief Program, operated with logistical support of Electrolux and AIESEC, chefs assist victims and aid teams in disaster areas.

The Development Program allows chefs to assist with the establishment of training programs and infrastructure development. Chef Ambassadors coordinates events to grow awareness and / or raise funds for WCWB.

Worldchefs is a non-political professional organization, dedicated to maintaining and improving culinary standards of global cuisines.




World Association of Chef's Societies Head Office : Paris 310 rue de la Tour, 94550 Chevilly-Larue, France Phone : +33 (0) 1 46 87 65 10 

News Worldchefs Without Borders

Flood victims in Peru need your help

LIMA, PERU March 21, 2017: Considered the worst flooding in over 2 decades, victims in Peru urgently need your help as intense rain continues in 24 of the 25 regions, with 12 already in a state of emergency. Highways, bridges and railways are damaged causing delays in support and supplies reaching those in need. Some towns are stranded and others have no method of communication. Water treatment facilities and sewage pipe damages are impacting the water supply and causing a shortage of drinking water. Concerns are increasing over the possibility of a disease outbreak caused by mosquitos.

La Asociacion Peruana de Chefs, Cocineros y Afines (APCCA), member of World Association of Chefs Societies (Worldchefs) and Worldchefs Without Boarders (WCWB) are appealing to CHEFS and all humanitarians around the world to generously donate and assist the flooding victims in Peru. WCWB is collaborating with APCCA for relief efforts to provide the victims with non- perishable food, bottled water, coats, clothes for all ages and financial support to establish and operate an emergency relief production plant.

Andres Atapoma, APCCA President stated “APCCA and our partners are supporting the victims in strategic points preparing food with the basic resources that we possess. In Lima alone, there are almost 25,000 people affected by the El Nino phenomenon”. He further stated, “According to the latest report from the National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI), more than 24,792 people are affected in the Lima province alone, and nationwide more than 1,000,000 people have been affected and injured by the recent emergencies. In addition, 25,000 homes, 39 schools and 16 hospitals have been damaged or collapsed.”


All kind donor please kindly mail your transfer slip to our respective WCWB Committee Members – see contact list below. Any enquiry, please contact our WCWB Committee Member.

Donation Account

Account Name: WACS Worldchefs Without Borders

Account Number: 00010339592

IBAN: FR76 3000 4024 8400 0103 3959 223



2 Rue Gaston Boyer, 5110 Remis, France

ABOUT World Chefs Without Borders

Worldchefs Without Borders (WCWB) is a global humanitarian aid initiative by The World Association of Chefs Societies (WORLDCHEFS).

Our mission is to support and mobilize our global chefs network to undertake initiatives providing education and resources to those in need and afflicted by natural disasters.

Our programs fit into four key focus areas. Through the Emergency Task Force chefs work with local rescue units, mobile kitchens and other local programmes.  In the Relief Program, operated with logistical support of Electrolux and AIESEC, chefs assist victims and aid teams in disaster areas.

The Development Program allows chefs to assist with the establishment of training programs and infrastructure development. Chef Ambassadors coordinates events to grow awareness and / or raise funds for WCWB.

Worldchefs is a non-political professional organization, dedicated to maintaining and improving culinary standards of global cuisines.



Email –


Email –


Tony Khoo,

Mak Kam Kui,


Árni Þór Arnórsson,

Jozef Oseli,


Cornelia Volino,

Ray MacCue,


Oliver Soe Thet,

Thomas Gugler,

World Association of Chef's Societies Head Office : Paris 310 rue de la Tour, 94550 Chevilly-Larue, France Phone : +33 (0) 1 46 87 65 10 


News Worldchefs Without Borders

WorldChefs hosts Two Workshops in the Home of the 2018 Congress

Asian Continental Director Dr.Rick Stephen with the strong support of the Professional Chefs Association – Malaysia (PCA) held a very well attended Motivation Workshop for Young Chefs immediately after a WorldChefs Judging seminar.

The event was held at one of our WorldChefs partners University in KL and we would also like to thank Taylors University for their relentless support for the workshop.

The auditorium which has a capacity of 350 people was packed and young chefs were sitting in the stairway while Chef Rick went through his presentation which was not just aimed at been a chefs but life in general.

10 other universities and colleges sent students along with Taylors to this event that also had many members for the PCA and CAM2016 in attendance.

The PCA Young Chefs for Malaysia got the show off to a great start after ChefWorks had given many lucky door prizes away to happy chefs. The YoungChefs were encourage to join as ONE to make Malaysian Young Chefs a strong ARM of WorldChefs and naturally to attend the Congress in 2018. Chef Rick’s presentation showcased our industry along with many core values not only for the kitchen but life in general, Honesty, Integrity, Goal Setting, Achieving, Respect and Passion.

Chef KK Yau also presented on the WorldChefs Without Borders (WCWB) to highlight that WorldChefs is also about Responsibilities, Education, Giving back to the Community. 

It was a great day for WorldChefs and a fantastic day for Malaysia as to see two member chefs bodies coming together for the betterment of the Malaysian Chefs – congratulations PCA and CAM2016 with Unity our Congress 2018 is in good hands !


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