News World

Worldchefs Congress kick-off diner

138 days prior to Worldchefs Congress 2014, the organizers, hosts, supporters, sponsors and other foodies met for kick-off at Sola Strand Hotel. And everyone is looking forward to doing it all again for Nordic Evening on the 4th of July, after a tasty five course dinner.

Worldchefs Congress countdown

Three chefs chosen from each of the five Nordic countries had composed an ambitious menu with the very best produce and techniques from their native countries.

They’ll be back in Stavanger Norway from 2-5 July with a very similar menu, however, changes will be made taking into account feedback from the rehearsal, fresh experiences, and the outdoor setting.

“We’re looking forward to the real event”, confirms the Icelandic spokesman, Bjarni Gunnar Kristinsson. He has two colleagues with him from the restaurant kitchen of the Reykjavik Opera, and is proud to have brought with him Icelandic chocolate as the main ingredients for the dessert; made authentically from cocoa beans.

Johan Franzén, in charge of the Swedish culinary team, has also brought two colleagues. They prepared lamb mains to go with the Danes pork with crackling. The collaboration was as pain free as the traffic on the Øresund-bridge.

No one is looking at the collar flags when it’s getting close to the finishing line. As always in the international food world, it’s professional ranks that counts and not the nationalities, when the bell rings.

NKL-president Kristine H. Hartviksen was glowing from head to toe in the banquet hall of the hotel.

“A promising start for the big event ahead’, she confirms. In her welcome speech she challenged colleagues in the guilds and supporters to pull together to produce “the best Worldchefs Congress ever” in Stavanger, knowing full well that the event in 1994 has gone down in WORLDCHEFS history.

Nordic Evening Menu

Amuse Bouche

Danish Smørrebrød – Dyrlegens Natmad (Denmark)

Poached salted cod with crayfish and juice (Iceland)

Cold smoked elk tartar, Kalix roe, mustard emulsion, juniper berries, rosemary, almond potato and cress (Sweden)

Salted and dried cod Klippfisk balls ‘Ålesund’ with ramson mayonnaise (Norway)

Mature cheese with seasonal garnish (Finland)

Starter – Norway

Scallops ‘Hitra’ served as tartar with crispy oats

Crayfish ‘aspik’ with apple jelly and fennel

Halibut remoulade ‘Hjelmeland’ served on rye crisps and Icelandic seaweed søl

Mains – Sweden and Denmark

Braised and grilled breast of lamb, smoked lamb sausage with lemon thyme, vinegar pickled beets, chanterelles, fried red onion, carrot, almond potato puree seasoned with Swedish flavours. For summer; ramson flowers and truffles from Gotland.

There’s also pork filet with small, glazed beetroots, pea puree, horseradish cream, crackling, new potatoes and sauce.

Dessert – Finland and Iceland

Wild strawberry mousse with blackcurrant-leaf-brûlée, crispy white chocolate, served with spruce foam, and milk cookies – sprinkled with pollen and spelt crumbs.

Energy bar in two parts on Icelandic dark chocolate


Raventos l’Heure (aperitif)

Laroche Chablis (white)

Canaletto Chianti (red)

Article by Borghild Fiskaa

All the photos are on our facebook album: here

News World

Congress Spotlight – Chef Rick Moonen

WORLDCHEFS is delighted to announce another great speaker! At this years Worldchefs Congress Chef Rick Moonen will be sharing his passion and devotion to sustainable seafood, as well as demonstrating his master skills through a seafood cooking demo.

If you haven’t registered for the Worldchefs Congress yet, follow the link to secure your place at what promises to be an extraordinary event!

Click here:

News World

Attention Hot stuff!

WORLDCHEFS Congress is getting closer and you sure don’t want to miss it!

Click here to register: Join us in Norway, from 2-5 July 2014. We are expecting you!

News Worldchefs Without Borders

WCWB Education, Myanmar a Disaster Aid Project

The ” WCWB Education, Myanmar a Disaster Aid Project 2008 turns into 5th year

Development Program,”  4th primary school built & handed over 13.02.2014

 12.000 $ US – ” Christine ” & 5th primary school to be built, 36.000 $ US, sealed at same day

Keep the Fire hot for future Projects 

No total free of charge aid but let villager share 1:5 = 6,- motivate a unity in a village for

a commend cause the better education of their children and the next Generation of Myanmar. All villager need to have the feeling they also put something in rather than to eat without working anymore MCA & partner against the traditional ” aid pipeline free flow”.

As a direct result of the Myanmar Chefs Association s Nargis Cyclone aid in 2008 and the following aid initiatives growing as a snowball effect from Rice, to Boats, to houses, good, medicine and food of over 12 million $ US in 24 big sea container,- we started also,- soon after with the construction of village schools funded by Foundation ” Stiftung Life ” ( Germany ) and Hapag Lloyd Cruise Liner ” MS Europa ” .

The 4th primary school was now opened on 13.2.2014 at Thang Kyo Dinge Delta Village a three feet high building with two wide class rooms – solid built and at back our standard protection the , where the wall at one side in made or plywood and not bricks in the floor area and three feet up. A potential future flood this way not just come into the building — a major cause of death and injured people take shelter in schools or religious buildings,– collapse as the water get stuck and more on the run. With the invented in all our schools built the play wood easy brakes and the flood can run through with minimal damage to the building.  With Juergen Gessner, chairman of Stiftung Life brought along Mr Ralf a Director General of the German Education Ministry in Bavaria State and Chefs from Yangon organized with the villager trusty group a colorful opening. All students presented different traditional and modern dance performances and the head mistress told how different the here now solid building is compared to the shaky small bamboo hut they had before.  73 young Children using the two new class rooms now.

Drinking water problems

The Village leader highlighted that the school for all the children has a lack of drinking water and here help is urgent needed. Hoping for assistance .

Than afterwards all was celebrated later with a good Delta Cuisine meal at a big table.

Paul a solution for the drinking water shortage & Fund Raising

During the meal Juergen asked the village leader how he expected him to help and solve the water problem. And the village leader requested tanks to have the dirty river water in when the waters are high.

” Paul ” is much better Juergen said a latest technological invention from a Germany university, 500 ltr dirty water become 500 ltr of 99,99 % clean water a day. Just by flow through. Every two weeks need to back wash the membrane filter  – the longest in service Paul operates since 4 years without any extra cost anymore.

Of course the village leader was excited , so the system is as the school “…. how much can you give me – so I give to you the rest …. ” .

200 Euro fromthe village and 1000 Euro from Stiftung Life agreed in two weeks the villager will have money together and Paul will arrive in April to Myanmar and Thang Kyo Dinge village. The school than even able to bottle the water as it produces much more than needed and sell it as ” funds raising for self sustained other projects “.

WCWB – Myanmar always a new project at Hands,= WCWB Myanmar funding

The 5th primary school to be build by WCWB – MCA signed and WCWB funds ensured.

As already in the midst of the River Delta at border of Yangon & Ayeyarwaddy Division,    Juergen asked if WCWB-MCA would have a new school project at hand in a village which would be nearby, — of course we had and so routed the boat more south near Kayin Kyaung to the small 110 families Your Htit village with 151 students being in a temporary shelter for too long already a new building with 4 classes is needed urgently. The existing building where three classes are in one big room only,- over shouting each other, it needs to get separation walls to ensure that one class learns and hears only what they have to learn and not two others at same time. One class – one teacher.

We had gathered already the data for this 34.000 $ US project and motivated the village some weeks ago already to look into their part of share in. At the small teachers hut we sat all together and Juergen asked “.. who has 1000 Kyat ( 1 $ US )…” the head master put 1000 on the table and Juergen put 5000 from him next to it.

1:5 – nothing for free everyone has to share, in order to gain,

Create funds for WCWB – Myanmar.

The village collected already over the past weeks near to 2000 $ US and would be able to bring it to 3000 $ US until first week March,- Juergen ensured that the MCA Chefs would come in two weeks and 15.000 $ US to kick start the 5th primary School by WCWB Myanmar.

50 % to start the project. Ground breaking ceremony on 1st April 2014.

Donor Recognition most important;

As a special gimmick Juergen needs every day of the construction a picture of the work,- done by a mobile phone, as no one had a phone in the village,  he would finance the phone inclusive hotspot wifi connection ( around 350 $ US ) if he gets daily one picture,-  the village can have the phone for good,- another great ” Early Warning Facility ” for a delta village,– they fail one day, than need to give the phone back after the three month building process.

Background: the donor of the school is one of the big global IT guys, inviting 2000 IT cracks on 1.4.2014 to a seminar in Germany and every one will 10 to 20 Euro for the school – on 1.20.2014 is the next seminar in LA – USA or Bangkok – which will be the official opening day of the new school. The daily picture at on the ” NET ” is for the 2000 IT guys a daily game to play within their Cyber world ….and multiplies at same time the chances that others come in for more schools to fund and be built with a good share always by the villagers them self.

1000 $ US of the project will go officially into the WCWB – Myanmar funding.

The villager agreed and we did not leave without ” Paul ” planned and share funded also for this village, from April on daily 500 Ltr – Clean Drinking Water will be ensured for all students,– dirty water still one of the main threats to the health of children in Myanmar, work of Chefs and World Chefs Without Borders can make a difference just by assistance and networking. Use our contacts, support with our abilities and spend some time to make the live for many better within our Global Network ” WCWB – WACS ” and more to join in the name of Food & Health.

So it was in four ways a great day with WCWB – Myanmar & Partner Stiftung Life:

– Opening of a new school part for 73 young students

– 500 Ltr 99,99 % clean water through Paul to Thang Kyi Dinge village

–  Discussion, MOU signed for a new School building and 151 students in

– 500 Ltr  99,99 % clean water for all at Your Htit village again through ” Paul System ”

MCA – WCWB Check Dental project and intro to potential supporter:

On the way back we had a small stop at the from Singapore Senior Minister Goh in 2009 after Cyclone Nargis opened Delta River,  32 bed Hospital,- our WCWB-MCA dental team had just finished an over 270 patients three days dental treatment program in with some equipment to be checked. The in 2009 to MCA donated KAVO dental chair did not more up or down anymore. After a short talk to Dr Kyaw all was clear to arrange — so the main purpose of the stop was to let potential donor and partner already on Board let see further projects and chance to support more WCWB – MCA projects direct for people.

WCWB –Myanmar reach out to other rural areas

In addition one ” Paul Clean Water”, MCA-WCWB will from May 2014 on also introduce to the tourism destination of Ngapali Beach for awareness building, fundraising as CSR and Tourist join hand with World Chefs Without Borders aid & development projects in rural areas.

The most we love & enjoy to see on all this developments is, that it resulted just out of a smallest Chefs Aid initiative after Cyclone Nargis on 5.5.2008 at the Irrawaddy Delta,- through direct transparent documentation, publication and full recognition of the donors and partners – resulting in an over 14 million $ US aid & development mission since.

Changed from Aid & Relieve efforts more and more to community development, education, vocational training and environmental protection these days.

Of course at all time alert, prepared and ready to help quick in times of another disaster would come.

With many thanks to Juergen and Foundation Stiftung Life , so also to WACS and World Chefs Without Borders, which give us a global standing, trust from donor and supporter , paramount for any funding of projects,- it gives our chef members and volunteers the feeling to be part of a global well doing family, ” Being Part of It ” motivates most to be there when ever we call take their time


News World

A Taste of Asia in Uzbekistan

            Chefs, student chefs, and chef educators in Uzbekistan had the unique opportunity to learn Asian cuisine from one of its master practitioners Chef Devagi Sanmugam from Singapore. Chef Sanmugam is a world-class chef, chef educator, and award winning author, and one of WACS Train The Trainer Expert Chefs.  She voluntarily gave her time and talents to teach Uzbekistan chefs her passion for all types of Asian cuisine.  WACS Train The Trainer is sponsored by Custom Culinary™, and supported by WACS member countries across the globe.

            For one week last September the Chefs Association of Uzbekistan hosted Chef Sanmugam in Tashkent, and coordinated several events where she was able to showcase a wide variety of Asian cuisines.  Lessons were given through a series of lecture demonstrations and hands-on work experiences where some of the chefs had the opportunity to try their own hand at preparing some of Asia’s traditional delicacies.  Lessons included Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Indian, Japanese, Korean, Philippine, Malaysian, and Indonesian cuisine.  Although related to each other Chef Sanmugam was also able to show their subtle differences in ingredient use, cooking techniques, presentations, and flavor profiles.

            Participants included chefs from as far away as Samarkand, Khorezm Province and Ukraine.  While few could speak English an interpreter was provided to translate Chef Sanmugam’s words, PowerPoint slides, and recipes. 

            Not all of the ingredients Chef Sanmugam requested were available in the markets of Tashkent; yet she was able to make local substitutions and still be able to produce a wide variety of authentic and near authentic dishes.

            During her 10 day visit Chef Sanmugam was also able to enjoy Uzbekistan hospitality at its finest.  She stayed at the beautiful Grand Orzu Hotel and dined on traditional Uzbekistan foods.  Most of the classes were held at the International Culinary Arts Center of Uzbekistan under the direction of Anvar Allabergenov.

Here is one of her observations that she posted on her blog after her return home (   “The first thing that fascinated me was the Uzbek low table with short legs. This is called a “dastorhan”.  In traditional homes and hotels that want to extend traditional hospitality, you will find these tables.  People sit on a thin mattress called “kurpachaa” or carpets that is spread on the floor, and the food is served on the low table.  The women will usually sit with their legs on to the right side, and men will sit cross legged.”

Great thanks also go to Mr. Akbar Umarov Chairman of the Chefs Association of Uzbekistan, his wife and chef Nargiza Umarov, and his assistant Ms. Tatyana for coordinating the visit and the venues. 

WACS Train The Trainer brings chefs from one country to another to share their passion and knowledge about food.  If you are interested in hosting a WACS Train the Trainer event or become one of WACS Train the Trainer Expert Chefs please visit the WACS web site and apply today.

News World

Announcing the candidates for Continental Directors

The World Association of Chefs Societies (WORLDCHEFS) is pleased to announce the official Continental Directors candidates’ list.  We would like to thank all the candidates for participating in CD elections and wish best of luck during the final voting at World Congress!

See you in Norway!

News World

Congress Spotlight – Chef Rick Tramonto

World Congress 2014 is proud to present internationally renowned Chef and author Rick Tramonto, who will be having two exclusive presentations at this years global culinary gathering in Stavanger Norway 2-5 July!

Be sure you don’t miss to meet Chef Rick Tramonto, gain firsthand knowledge, develop professional skills, express your own know-hows and finally network with industry leaders!


News World

Chefs’ Association of Pakistan and COTHM launch book on Pakistani Cuisine

Friday, February 14, 2014

Pakistani cuisine has a unique richness in terms of traditions, range of dishes and its taste. It has now made its presence in all regions of the world. Mr. Mahmood Akbar, Managing Director of Salt’ n Pepper Restaurants- Pakistan and the UK, a renowned expert of the hospitality industry, has contributed immensely to the hospitality industry of Pakistan. Now in a unique manner he has further proved his love for Pakistan by compiling an authentic book on Pakistani cuisine. The Chefs’ Association of Pakistan (CAP) launched the book at the College of Tourism & Hotel Management (COTHM) on Thursday, February 06, 2014.

The book on Pakistani Cuisine is first of its kind in the history of Pakistan which has been authored by Mr. Mahmood Akbar, Managing Director, Salt’ n Pepper restaurants. This invaluable contribution in terms of documenting the traditional and authentic Pakistani Cuisine will go a long way in reviving the phasing out Pakistani Cuisine.

Attended by the chefs, hospitality industry experts and leaders from the corporate sector and the media, the book launch ceremony revealed Mr. Mahmood Akbar’s dedication and commitment to promote Pakistani Cuisine not only nationally but internationally. He said that food is an important ingredient of the culture and lifestyle of a society. Many countries in the world are known more for their cuisine than for any other reason.  The diversity of Pakistani cuisine, he said, surpasses many other cuisines of the world.  

Mr. Haseeb A Gardezi, General Manager Pearl Continental Hotel Lahore, food & beverage expert and corporate Vice President of Chefs’ Association of Pakistan Mr. Waqar Ilyas Khan and Mr. Masood Ali khan, CEO Takhleeq Management Consultants, Ex Dy. Managing Director Pearl Continental Hotels and Ex MD PTDC, contributed their expert reviews on the book on this occasion. 

In his welcome address, Mr. Ahmad Shafiq, Secretary General of Chefs’ Association of Pakistan (CAP) and CEO of COTHM, lauded Mr. Mahmood Akbar’s precious efforts for promoting the Pakistani Cuisine. The book, he said, will play a vital role in preserving the Pakistani cuisine. The Chefs’ Association of Pakistan signed the MoU with Salt’ n Pepper Restaurants to work together for revival of Pakistani Cuisine. The book will provide substantial support to accomplish the task.

The chief guest of the ceremony, Mr. Kamran Akhtar Lashari, Director General Walled City Authority of Lahore, said that we have a rich culture, history and heritage spanning over thousands of years. Pakistani cuisine is one of the most important components of our culture and lifestyle. Pakistani cuisine was phasing out gradually but the efforts of the Chefs’ Association of Pakistan (CAP), COTHM and Salt’ n Pepper Restaurants to document and preserve traditional Pakistani cuisine is a great initiative.   

News World

DIT student wins Knorr Unilever National Cookery Competition

Congratulations to Fiona Drought who wowed judges with her dishes at the 17th annual Knorr Student Chef of the Year competition. 

Winning Student Fiona Drought is congratulated by Pat Zaidan – Culinary Arts Lecturer, Mentor and Judge, Chef Mark McCarthy – Business Development Chef at Unilever Food Solutions Ireland, Dr. Frank Cullen – Head of School and John Clancy – Assistant Head of School Culinary Arts and Food Technology DIT.

News World

Time to catch the Early Bird for WORLD CONGRESS 2014

As the World Congress is getting closer, be sure you catch the early bird in time!

REGISTER no later than the 31st of MARCH and obtain a SENSATIONAL DISCOUNT for the upcoming WORLD CONGRESS 2014 from 2-5 July in Satavanger Norway.






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