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Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals: Online Webinar Series

Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals: Online Webinar Series

Chefs are experts at making every crisis an opportunity. During these times of challenge caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is no different. While it is a time of great uncertainty, our industry is one of resilience and grit. Worldchefs encourages chefs to take this time to focus on what can be done to build a better future.

Worldchefs has developed a free introductory webinar to help our community bolster their resumes and bring sustainable practices to foodservice. The Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals teaches chefs how to think and act sustainably, to lead positive change for the planet – and for the improved profitability in the kitchen. The curriculum was developed by Worldchefs as a Feed the Planet initiative, powered by our partners Electrolux Food Foundation and AIESEC.

This 7 day introductory webinar series is hosted by Chef Chris Koetke, Chairman of the Feed The Planet Committee, and covers 7 important topics:
  • Day 1 (2PM – 3PM CET, 15 April 2020) – Introduction to Sustainability
  • Day 2 (2 PM – 2:45 PM CET, 16 April 2020) – Agriculture
  • Day 3 (2 PM – 2:45 PM CET, 17 April 2020) – Animal Husbandry
  • Day 4 (2 PM – 2:45 PM CET, 20 April 2020) – Seafood
  • Day 5 (2 PM – 2:45 PM CET, 21 April 2020) – Energy
  • Day 6 (2 PM – 2:45 PM CET, 22 April 2020) – Water
  • Day 7 (2 PM – 2:45 PM CET, 23 April 2020)- Waste Management

A Feed The Planet certificate will only be issued to participants who complete all 7 seminars.

If you missed a lesson, you can re-watch the recording and take the daily quiz to validate your attendance and claim your certificate at the end of the series.

This webinar is the introductory version of Worldchefs Sustainability Education for Culinary Professional. You can apply to deliver the full version of our curriculum at your schools/workplaces/culinary institutions here.

As President Gugler said, “When the quarantine restrictions are over, it will be time once again to help those less fortunate and share our goodwill and consideration for others through a combination of passion, dedication, and culinary skills.” Join us for this webinar and learn strategies to help take on climate change.

Key Information

Format: 7-day webinar series (60 min for Day 1 and 45 min for Day 2-7)

Platform: Zoom

Time: 2PM CET (14:00 CET)

Dates: 15 April to 17 April and 20 April to 23 April (7 days, excluding weekends)

Register: CLICK HERE to complete the registration form. Once completed, we will be in touch with access information.

                                                                                                                      REGISTER HERE

Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Date and time of the webinar series: 


The series comprises of 7 webinars of approximately 1 hour each for 7 days. The first webinar starts at 2 PM (CET) on Wednesday, 15 April 2020 and the last webinar starts at 2 PM (CET) on Thursday, 23 April 2020. We don’t organize webinars during the weekend (Saturday 18 April 2020 and Sunday 19 April 2020). 

You can convert the seminar time into your own time zone on the webinar registration page.

Please click on “Paris” and change it into your location.

2. Access to the webinar:


Please refer to this step by step guideline developed by Zoom.

The Zoom link provided is the same for all webinars in the series. However, please make sure you choose all the seminar dates when registering on our website to gain daily access. It is recommended that you add the webinar series to your calendar to keep track.

       3. Zoom and security concern:


We understand your concern about the emerging security issues of Zoom. After reviewing alternatives, we believe Zoom is still a reliable solution for this webinar series.


Should you have a suggestion on the platform we can use for our next webinar, feel free to reach out to us.


Please see below articles regarding Zoom’s efforts to ensure your cybersecurity:

Zoom privacy and security issues: Here’s everything that’s wrong (so far)

Zoom’s Security: Here is what Zoom is doing to make its service safer

4. Webinar capacity :

As Zoom has limited capacity to host webinar participants, the session will also be live-streamed on Worldchefs’ official Facebook Page. If you can’t join the webinar because the session is full, visit our Facebook/Youtube channel and fill in the on-site attendance form and daily test. A digital badge and certificate will be issued to participants joining all 7 webinars on whichever platform once we have your attendance verified.

            5. Attendance & Certificate:

  • If you joined us via Zoom, your attendance is verified automatically.
  • If you joined us via Facebook live, please make sure you fill in the attendance form: DAY 1– DAY 2 – DAY 3 – DAY 4 – DAY 5 – DAY 6 – DAY 7
  • No certificate will be issued before 4 May 2020.


Country National News Press Releases

Chefs in the States: Call your representatives today!


You are the voice of the industry and your representatives need to hear from you NOW!

The U.S. Congress is voting on a rescue package today that, if successful, could provide a lifeline for countless foodservice establishments. 75% of independent restaurants and 7+ million individual livelihoods are at risk.

If you haven’t already, please contact your local representatives to voice your support for this crucial bill to #saverestaurants.

Can’t call?

Visit to share your story and help save our industry.

In Illinois? 

The Illinois Restaurant Association has made it easy to show your support with this link.

Here’s what we’re advocating for:
What to say to your representatives?

Eater has provided a sample script here.

You can find numbers for your mayor and governor with a quick Google search. To speak to your congressional representative or senator, call (202) 224-3121 and provide your zip code. 

Let’s find a way forward, together.

If you have an idea or resources to share with the global community, please get in touch.

Contact us
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Recipe from the Helm of Michelin-starred Galvin Restaurants

“It’s a combination of hard work and continuity that’s bought us this far.”

Chris Galvin has had an inspiring journey from pot washer to helming Michelin-starred restaurants.

Earliest food memory: 


Driving through Lyon with my mum and dad in 1965, when I was eight. We’d stop at the many Les Routiers [road-side restaurants] along the way, and what struck me was that they were light-years ahead of our own awful motorway restaurants. I remember eating blanquette de veau, a white-wine veal stew; lots of creaminess, and it felt really grown-up and exotic.
Fillet of John Dory with Orange Glazed Endive

A beautiful dish for spring, when John Dory is at its best. You’ll need to start the dish in advance so that the curry oil has enough time to mature, so make sure you plan ahead.

For the John Dory

  • 4 John Dory fillets, skin on, each weighing approximately 140g
  • 1/2 lemon, juiced
  • sea salt
  • white pepper

For the curry oil

  • 50g of curry powder, medium
  • 300ml of groundnut oil, or very light olive oil

For the dressing

  • 40g of sultanas
  • 20g of pine nuts, lightly toasted
  • 10g of baby capers, salted
  • 10 coriander leaves

For the cauliflower purée

  • 1 cauliflower
  • 100g of unsalted butter
  • 100ml of milk
  • 50ml of single cream

For the glazed endive

  • 2 heads Belgian endive
  • 20g of icing sugar
  • 40g of unsalted butter
  • 2 oranges
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tbsp of red wine vinegar


  1. Begin by making the curry oil, as this requires 2 days to mature. Place a large frying pan over a medium heat until hot, then add the curry powder directly to the pan. Cook the powder, stirring constantly to ensure it does not catch or burn, for 2 minutes until the spices are toasted.
  2. Add the oil and cook to 60°C. Remove from the heat, leave to cool then store in a suitable container for 2 days until required.
  3. In advance of making the dressing, place the sultanas in a bowl and pour over enough boiling water to cover. Leave the sultanas in the bowl overnight to soak.
  4. For the cauliflower purée, remove the outer leaves and slice the cauliflower into small florets, discarding any excess stalk. Melt the butter in a large pan over a medium heat, then add the cauliflower florets to the pan. Sweat the cauliflower for 3-4 minutes until tender, then add the milk to the pan, cover with a lid and increase the heat slightly.
  5. Cook until it is very tender, then drain the cauliflower and transfer to a blender, discarding the liquid from the pan. Blend the cooked cauliflower in the food processor, gradually adding the cream until fully combined. Season the purée to taste, then strain the mixture through a fine sieve into a bowl. Cover the bowl in cling film and set aside, keeping warm until required.
  6. Prepare the endives by removing any brown outer leaves, then slice the heads in half lengthwise, dusting the cut sides thoroughly with icing sugar. In a large pan, melt the butter over a medium heat and cook until foaming. Add the endives to the pan, sugar-side down, and cook until they begin to caramelise.
  7. Use a microplane to finely grate the lemon and 1 of the oranges and add the grated zest to the pan. Continue to cook the endive, turning every couple of minutes, until they are well coloured and caramelised all over.
  8. Meanwhile, juice the lemon and both of the oranges and add to the pan along with the vinegar. Reduce the heat and allow to cook very slowly until the endive is tender and the liquid has become a sticky caramel. Season and set to one side, keeping warm until required.
  9. To make the dressing, drain the soaked sultanas and place in a pan along with the pine nuts, baby capers and 40ml of the prepared curry oil. Heat very gently and stir to combine.
  10. Meanwhile, coat the John Dory fillets in the remaining curry oil and leave to marinade for 10 minutes. Place a large, non-stick pan over a high heat and allow it to get very hot. At this point, add the fish fillets to the pan skin-side down. Using the curry oil marinade as cooking oil, leave the fish to cook for 2-3 minutes and allow the skin of the fish to crisp up.
  11. Once the fish skin has become crispy, reduce the heat to medium and turn the fish over to cook for a further minute. Remove the fish from the pan, season, and sprinkle with a little lemon juice. Leave to drain on the kitchen paper.
  12. To serve, use a teaspoon to add a swipe of cauliflower purée around the top and bottom of each plate and place a piece of endive in the centre. Allow the endive to fan out slightly before topping with the John Dory. Add the coriander leaves to the warm dressing and drizzle over the fish. Serve immediately.
See you in St. Petersburg.

Chris will be speaking on how the next generation of chefs can best prepare for a bright future, presented by City & Guilds.

Meet Chris and many more expert speakers at Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2020. Register below and follow updates on social!

Register now

National News Press Releases

Message from the Worldchefs President

Message from the Worldchefs President 

March 17, 2020

Dear Colleagues, Chefs and Friends around the world,

Many warm and heartfelt greetings to you and your family from Worldchefs.

During this time of challenge and difficulty caused by COVID-19, we want you to know that we are there with you and will continue to support you in any way possible. When the quarantine restrictions are over, it will be time once again to help those less fortunate and share our goodwill and consideration for others through a combination of passion, dedication and culinary skills.

As always, we will stand together and support each other. We will find a way to overcome the difficult times and despair caused by this pandemic. Together, let us do what we can, no matter how little or grand, to be that helping hand amidst this global crisis. Let us show compassion and consideration to our neighbors and in our local communities.

Families throughout the world will be seeking assistance and we will be there to support and offer our help because that is who we are and what we do. After all, we are a community of chefs, a global fraternity bonded by our profession in “the white jacket”.

For some, the difficulties will go beyond the health risks of the coronavirus and become significant financial and business concerns. Therefore, let us also remember to support our local restaurants, hotels, markets and business owners when possible, as they too will struggle to overcome this crisis.

In regard to the status of the Worldchefs Congress 2020 in Saint Petersburg, we will keep you posted. The final decision will be made by mid-April 2020 at the latest and it will be based on the global situation at that time.

In closing, I would like to personally thank you for everything you have done and will continue to do for Worldchefs, the chefs in your association, their families and the people in your communities. Your time and contributions are always recognized, appreciated and will be forever remembered.

May God Bless you and your family. May you always believe in the “power of the white jacket”.

 With Sincere Culinary Regards,

Thomas A. Gugler





The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a dynamic global network of 110 chef associations worldwide. A leading voice in hospitality, Worldchefs carries 91 years of history since its founding at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier. Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.

Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through four core focus areas:

Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, a diverse network of Worldchefs Education Partners and curriculums, and the world’s first Global Hospitality Certification recognizing on-the-job skills in hospitality; 

Networking – Worldchefs connects culinary professionals around the globe through their online community platform and provides a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events, Worldchefs Village, and the biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;

Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules and endorsemetn of key culinary competitions worldwide, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and operates the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge;

Humanitarianism & Sustainability – Worldchefs Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.

For more information about Worldchefs, visit us at

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Congress 2020: Update on Visa Guidelines

Join us, where chefs meet.

Update on Visa Guidelines

Foreign citizens may be required to obtain a visa to enter the Russian Federation.

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has officially confirmed special conditions of fast track visa issuing to Worldchefs Congress delegates. Upon request, we will provide you an invitation letter, which you will need to enclose to your visa application. To request your letter, register now and learn more here.

You may be eligible for a FREE E-Visa.

A FREE E-Visa to Saint Petersburg is available for 53 countries. Delegates from these countries can take advantage of the simplified visa procedure and obtain their visas free of charge if they intend to visit St. Petersburg or the Leningrad Region and stay in the country for eight days or less. All EU countries except the United Kingdom are included on the list. 

For more information on visa requirements, click here.

A message from a Young Chef.
“I firstly attended Worldchefs Congress in 2010. It is an important occasion to network with chefs from more than 100 countries. Except for networking and learning from each other, there is also inspiration from renowned industry leaders, who can provide advice for your career. Let’s meet in St. Petersburg, Russia!”

Vicky T.Y. Leung
Young Chefs Ambassador Mentor, Young Chefs Development Team

Meet Vicky and network with industry leaders at Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2020. Register below and follow updates on social!
Register now
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  • Connect with +500,000 Worldchefs members and hospitality professionals around the globe
  • Find new opportunities with +35,000 jobs worldwide
  • Get in touch with +6,000 employers globally
  • Tell your story and get discovered with a personal profile
  • Gain industry insights, career advice, and tips from industry experts
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See you there!
The Worldchefs Team

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A Recipe from "Miss Vareniki"

“Miss Vareniki” has perfected the art of making dumplings.

Executive Chef of the legendary Varenichnaya #1 restaurants in Moscow, Chef Alena Solodovichenko shares her unique recipes for this regional classic.

Green Vareniki with Spinach and Feta Cheese

Ingredients for dough:

  • premium wheat flour 570 g + for dusting
  • dill juice 320 g (600–700 g dill)
  • salt 1 tsp
  • sugar 1 tbsp
  • refined sunflower oil 2 tbsp
  • starch 60 g

Ingredients for filling:

    • freshly chopped spinach 900 g (or fresh 600 g)
    • feta cheese 400 g
    • peeled garlic 1 clove
    • refined sunflower oil 80 ml
    • pinch of salt


    1. Make the dough as in the first recipe, but use dill juice instead of water.
    2. For the filling, defrost frozen spinach, place in a colander, and squeeze dry (fresh spinach should be washed and sorted.)
    3. Coarsely grate the feta cheese, and mash the garlic and butter in a blender until smooth. Add the cheese and butter-garlic mix to the spinach, add salt, and mix thoroughly.
    4. Roll out the dough, cut into circles, lay out the filling on top, and mold into dumplings.
    5. Boil in slightly salted water for 4–5 minutes.
    See you in St. Petersburg.

    Who would you dream to have dinner with?
    “Sixteen-year-old Alena Solodovichenko.”

    Meet Alena and many more expert speakers at Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2020. Register below and follow updates on social!

    Register now

    Country National News Press Releases

    World Renowned Chef Michel Roux Has Died

    Worldchefs’ President Thomas Gugler and Board of Directors, the office team, and our entire community of chefs worldwide mourn the loss of Michel Roux. The culinary industry has lost a true titan. Echoing the sentiment of the Roux Scholarship, “Michel’s star will shine forever lighting the way for a generation of chefs to follow.”

    Our thoughts are with his friends and family, his son Alain and daughters, Francine and Christine. 

    Legendary Chef Michel Roux Dies Aged 78

    *from CNN
    CNN, 9th of March 2020 – Chef Michel Roux, who opened Britain’s first three Michelin-star restaurant, has died at the age of 78.

    He had been diagnosed with the lung disease idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, his family said in a statement Thursday.

    He died on Wednesday night at his home in Berkshire, southeast England, his family confirmed.

    “It is with deep sadness that the Roux family announces the passing of our beloved grandfather, father, brother and uncle, Michel Roux OBE. The family would like to thank everyone for their support during his illness,” his children Alain, Francine and Christine said in a statement.

    “We are grateful to have shared our lives with this extraordinary man and we’re so proud of all he’s achieved. A humble genius, legendary chef, popular author and charismatic teacher, Michel leaves the world reeling in his wake. For many, he was a father figure inspiring all with his insatiable appetite for life and irresistible enthusiasm. But above all, we will miss his mischievous sense of fun, his huge, bottomless heart and generosity and kindness that knew no bounds. Michel’s star will shine forever lighting the way for a generation of chefs to follow.”

    Born in Burgundy, France, Roux left school at the age of 14 to become a pastry apprentice, his family said, before moving to Britain in 1967.

    There he opened the world-famous London restaurant, Le Gavroche, which went on to become the first British restaurant to win three Michelin stars.

    In 1972 he opened The Waterside Inn in Bray, Berkshire, which was awarded its third Michelin star in 1985 and is the only restaurant in the world outside France to have retained three stars ever since.

    A prolific author, Roux published 15 books, which sold millions of copies worldwide.

    In 1982 he and his brother Albert Roux founded the Roux Scholarship, a prestigious cooking competition for chefs that enables them to train in the greatest restaurants in the world.

    The Roux Scholarship posted on Instagram that it was “deeply saddened” by his death.

    The Michelin Guide said in a tweet: “Michel Roux OBE was a true titan of the hospitality industry. He inspired a whole generation of chefs and the UK restaurant scene would not be what it is today were it not for his influence.

    “Our thoughts are with his family and the many who worked with this legendary chef.”



    The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a dynamic global network of 110 chef associations worldwide. A leading voice in hospitality, Worldchefs carries 91 years of history since its founding at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier. Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.

    Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through four core focus areas:

    Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, a diverse network of Worldchefs Education Partners and curriculums, and the world’s first Global Hospitality Certification recognizing on-the-job skills in hospitality; 

    Networking – Worldchefs connects culinary professionals around the globe through their online community platform and provides a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events, Worldchefs Village, and the biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;

    Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules and endorsemetn of key culinary competitions worldwide, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and operates the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge;

    Humanitarianism & Sustainability – Worldchefs Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.

    For more information about Worldchefs, visit us at


    The biennial event for industry leaders and culinary innovators, Worldchefs Congress & Expo unites thousands of chefs and celebrated voices in gastronomy for a dynamic four-day forum designed to transform an industry into an inspired community.

    Hear from leading experts, experience masterclasses with top chefs, learn about the latest trends in HoReCa innovation, watch the world’s best culinary teams compete in the final of the Global Chefs Challenge, and connect with industry professionals from around the globe at Worldchefs networking and dining events.

    Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2020 will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia, 29th July – 1st August. Network and expand your professional bonds with the most influential culinary body worldwide. Register now at


    For any media inquiries, contact: 

    Clare Pettersson

    Communications Manager, Worldchefs

    [email protected]

    T. +33 1 80 06 58 30

    Blog Company / Partner Competition Congress Country GCC GCC - Pastry Chefs GCC - Young Chefs National News

    Chef Alena Solodovichenko Invites You to Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2020

    Meet Alena Solodovichenko.

    She began working in professional kitchens at 17. Now the Executive Chef of 20 famous Russian homestyle restaurants called Varenichnaya #1, she knows about the fate of women in the kitchen better than anyone.

    Alena Solodovichenko dreamed of becoming a cook since childhood. Under the guidance of her grandmother, she took her first culinary steps. At just 17, she began her career in professional kitchens, progressing through every step of career growth: from Pastry Chef to an Executive Chef.

    In 2019, Alena published her first recipe book entitled “Miss Varenichnaya”. It sold out in just two months after the book’s release. Her second book is currently being prepared for publication.

    See you in St. Petersburg.

    “In employees, I value most of all their drive and a desire to learn new things. Everyone, throughout their life, should always develop and discover something new.”

    Join Alena and many more expert speakers at Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2020. Register below and follow updates on social!

    Register now
    Country National News

    Legendary Fine Dining Chef Gray Kunz Has Died

    Legendary Fine Dining Chef Gray Kunz Has Died

    *from EATER NY

    New York, 9th of March 2020 – One of the most influential chefs operating in New York City’s fine dining scene, chef Gray Kunz, has died. The news was confirmed on the website of Cafe Gray Deluxe, Kunz’s longstanding restaurant located within Swire Hotel properties in Hong Kong and Shanghai. The cause of death was not disclosed.

    Kunz was a fixture on the New York City dining scene in the ’90s, where he led the kitchen at the critically-acclaimed Lespinasse, a luxurious Manhattan institution that received four stars from the Times during Kunz’s eight-year tenure. Aside from receiving a slew of awards, Kunz also trained several chefs who have gone on to make their own high-profile marks on the city’s dining scene, including prolific restaurateur Andrew Carmellini of Locanda Verde and Floyd Cardoz of Tabla and Bombay Bread Bar.

    “The world never got to know your true genius in cooking like the few of us who worked with you closely,” Cardoz wrote in a tribute to Kunz posted on Instagram late last night. “You knew flavor like no one I know.”

    Born in Singapore and raised in Switzerland, Kunz was known for bringing diverse, global perspectives and an uncompromising take on fresh ingredients and sustainable sourcing to his dishes, long before that was a regular part of the city’s dining lexicon. In an interview with the Times in 1994, Kunz displayed the Asian fusion cooking on Lespinasse’s menu that was groundbreaking at the time — marinated crab meat paired with a melon-citrus sauce, squab ragout with turmeric served with a rice-flour crepe — and the painstaking methods he would use to develop flavor on the plate. This was also the time period in which Kunz developed the Spoon, a beloved, perfect kitchen tool that has been praised by subsequent chefs and home cooks for decades.

    After Lespinasse, Kunz opened and closed a few restaurants in New York City — including a version of Cafe Gray that ran for four years at the Time Warner Center — before moving back to Hong Kong. He also briefly returned to the states in 2016 to open Salt & Char, an American steakhouse in Saratoga Springs.

    “In a career that spanned more than four decades over three continents, he was revered as the chefs’ chef,” the tribute posted on Cafe Gray Deluxe’s website reads. “His contribution to Swire Hotels, and the wider culinary world, is immeasurable.”



    The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a dynamic global network of 110 chef associations worldwide. A leading voice in hospitality, Worldchefs carries 91 years of history since its founding at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier. Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.

    Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through four core focus areas:

    Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, a diverse network of Worldchefs Education Partners and curriculums, and the world’s first Global Hospitality Certification recognizing on-the-job skills in hospitality; 

    Networking – Worldchefs connects culinary professionals around the globe through their online community platform and provides a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events, Worldchefs Village, and the biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;

    Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules and endorsemetn of key culinary competitions worldwide, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and operates the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge;

    Humanitarianism & Sustainability – Worldchefs Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.

    For more information about Worldchefs, visit us at


    The biennial event for industry leaders and culinary innovators, Worldchefs Congress & Expo unites thousands of chefs and celebrated voices in gastronomy for a dynamic four-day forum designed to transform an industry into an inspired community.

    Hear from leading experts, experience masterclasses with top chefs, learn about the latest trends in HoReCa innovation, watch the world’s best culinary teams compete in the final of the Global Chefs Challenge, and connect with industry professionals from around the globe at Worldchefs networking and dining events.

    Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2020 will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia, 29th July – 1st August. Network and expand your professional bonds with the most influential culinary body worldwide. Register now at


    For any media inquiries, contact: 

    Clare Pettersson

    Communications Manager, Worldchefs

    [email protected]

    T. +33 1 80 06 58 30


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