Blog Congress FeedThePlanet FeedThePlanet - Blog News

Feed the Planet is an empowering Worldchefs Initiative in partnership with Electrolux Professional & AIESEC!


On Friday the 13th of July was the Feed the Planet day at Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Friday the 13th is not the bad luck day but the day when Worldchefs, in partnership with Electrolux Professional and AIESEC, have decided to educate YOU to eat & live in a better world because the planet is not expandable and we need to act now to eat & live in a better world!  Chris Koetke, its Chairman, Rochelle Schaetzl from Nestlé Professional, Frances Simpson Allen from the World Food Program, Rick Chee, from the Food Air Foundation, Ruth Osborne & Christopher Ekman, Holly Elmore from Elemental Impact, Ingrid Yllmark and Ekaterina Trofimova from Electrolux, have joined forces to teach you a lesson!

The planet is not expandable and we need to react and act now to eat & live in a better world! 


The only thing to remember though is: WE CAN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOU!


But Feed the Planet, What is it & What are we proposing?

Feed the Planet is a Worldchefs initiative designed to inspire sustainable food consumption among communities and professionals. In addition, Feed the Planet supports people in need through emergency relief, food poverty alleviation, and education. Founded in 2012, Feed the Planet is powered in partnership with Electrolux and AIESEC, an international, apolitical, independent and not-for-profit organization, run by students and recent graduates eager to build positive social change.


The Worldchefs Sustainability Education for Culinary Professionals course is a Feed the Planet initiative that teaches chefs how to think and act sustainably, to lead positive change for the planet, and improve profitability in the kitchen; the course is a cost-free Worldchefs member benefit.


We had the pleasure to welcome Holly Elmore, from Elemental Impact (Ei)at the Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2018 who actively participated with Chris Koetke, its Chairman to provide YOU the sustainability course’s waste & recycling curriculum.The RiA Blog article, Sustainability: a matter of thinking critically & solving problems in an adaptive manner, gives an overview of the course during its development stage.


After he opened the Feed the Planet session with a brief initiative overview, Chef Koetke introduced Paul Newnham with the SDG2 Advocacy Hub and Feed the Planet Day Host. The SDG2 Advocacy Hub coordinates global campaigning and advocacy to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2: To end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture by 2030, or simply zero hunger.


In his opening remarks, Paul introduced The Chefs’ Manifesto, a written declaration co-created by over 130 chefs from 38 countries through online outreach and a series of workshops. The Global Goals for Sustainable Development (also referred to as SDG), the seventeen goals decided upon in 2015 by world leaders for a better world, was the foundation for developing a manifesto action plan.

The Chefs’ Manifesto Action Plan includes the following eight areas the chefs were passionate about tackling:

1.          Ingredients grown with respect for the earth and its oceans.

2.          Protection of biodiversity & improved animal welfare.

3.          Investment in livelihoods.

4.          Value natural resources & reduce waste.

5.          Celebration of local & seasonal food.

6.          A focus on plant-based ingredients.

7.          Education on food safety& healthy diets.

8.          Nutritious food that is accessible & affordable for all.




Once complete with his The Chefs’ Manifesto presentation, Paul moved into his Feed the Planet Host role with an introduction to Rochelle Schaetzl, Nestle Professional Business Capability Development Manager, for her Ensuring a Sustainable Future for the Culinary Profession segment. Rochelle opened with challenges facing the hospitality industry ranging from the lowest paid workers to the highest employee turnover to recent chef suicides.

Within her presentation, Rochelle shared integrated Worldchefs programs designed to build a sustainable future for the culinary profession. The various programs attract | recruit future chefs and develop | retain existing chefs. In 2017, the International Chefs Days was a tremendous success with over 4,700 chefs from 55 countries educating 37,800 children globally on the culinary profession. Other successful programs include the Worldchefs Academy, YoGuTa, Nutripro and Worldchefs Partnership.


Global Food Waste & Hunger Crisis

Following Rochelle, United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Digital Engagement and Partnerships Lead Frances Simpson Allen gave an empowering presentation on The UN World Food Programme: Saving Lives, Changing Lives.  Frances grounded the crisis with the following global facts:

We produce enough food to feed approximately 9 billion people each year.

Of the 4 billion metric tons of food we produce each year, one third is wasted, costing the global economy nearly $750 billion annually.

1 in 9 people goes to bed hungry every night.

Aligning with their “feed hungry people” mission and zero hunger goal, the WFP deploys 5,000 chartered trucks on roads, 92 chartered planes in the air, and 20 chartered ships at sea DAILY for providing food to hungry populations. With more than 80% of their resources dedicated to conflict environments, in 2017 WFP fed over 91 million people in 83 countries. In 2018 WFP intends to feed 124 million people.
To engage consumers and chefs, WFP launched the four-step Recipe for Disaster social media campaign:

  1. Open your fridge and grab any ingredients that are close to their “use by date.” 
  2. Create a meal using those ingredients (and any others you may need to create your dish.)
  3. Share your video or pictures using #RecipeForDisaster and nominate three friends to create their own by tagging them.
  4. Make a donation to WFP and help us reach our target of Zero Hunger by 2030.
Frances ended her thought-provoking presentation with a call-to-action for chefs to reduce waste in their own kitchens, use their influence to change expectations, behavior, and tastes, to train the next generation, and push the boundaries of what’s acceptable or desirable or profitable.
Bringing a local flavor to a global challenge, Food Aid Foundation (FAF) Founder & CEO Rick Chee educated on Connecting the World of Waste to the World of Wants. FAF is a Malaysian-based tax-exempt non-profit organization that serves as a food bank and provides food to charitable homes and the underprivileged population. As a seasoned entrepreneur and business owner with a strong background in foodservice facility planning and logistics, Rick is well connected within the hospitality community. Rick uses his connections to educate on waste and secure donations for the FAF food bank.
The global dire food waste facts support Rick’s statement:
We are running a rotten food system.

Rick’s presentation was filled with a plethora of images documenting the tremendous impact FAF has on the local population. A strong team player, Rick provided donated wasted food from local sources for the Retaste – Reimagining the Flavour of Waste demonstration and presentation by Ruth Osborne and Christopher (Chris) Ekman of Pauls Kok + Retired Hen up next on the agenda.
Addressing Food Waste, one kitchen at a time
In her opening slides, Ruth gave an astonishing global fact:

If it was a country, food waste would be the third largest greenhouse gas emitter after China (#1) and the United States (#2).

According to Ruth, Retaste is a movement; Retaste is a verb; Retaste challenges the public and chefs to view waste as an opportunity to shift perceptions and reimagine what is flavorful, what can cook well, and what we SHOULD use; Retaste is a temporary restaurant owned and operated by Ruth and Chris that receives donated food waste from local retail stores for their menu preparation. Since it is permitted restaurant, Retaste must abide by local health safety regulations related to food preparation and service.
While Ruth presented, Chris prepared impromptu, amazing dishes from the donated food provided by Rick. Chris’ on-stage culinary ingenuity was impressive.
Ruth ended her presentation with a profound quote by Douglas McMaster: “Food waste is the failure of the imagination.”
Following Ruth and Chris, Ei Founder & CEO Holly Elmore presented on The Profitability of Waste: the business case for food waste reduction. After a quick overview of the successful Zero Waste Zones 2009 launch in Atlanta, GA, Holly shared a recipe for food waste reduction success. In addition, Holly outlined the basics of where and why back-of-the-house food waste is generated.
Through four powerful case studies, Holly emphasized key ingredients for success: zero waste is a team sport, keep it simple, keen awareness is a necessity, and take baby steps, lots & lots of baby steps. Holly’s overall message: 
A well-run kitchen generates minimal waste!

The RiA Blog article, The Profitability of Waste: the business case for food waste reductiongives an overview of Holly’s presentation with an emphasis on the case studies.


Take the Challenge” says Holly Elmore!

Rounding out the formal presentations, Electrolux Vice-President Corporate Communications Ingrid Yllmark and Social Investment Junior Project Manager, Electrolux Social Responsibility Ekaterina Trofimova shared how You can Make Difference. With each meal, an individual gets a vote on how to make a difference and change the world.

Ingrid showcased the World’s Largest Lesson (WLL) that introduces the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to children and young people everywhere and unites them in action. Within the WLL, toolkits for educating children about each of the seventeen SDG are provided. Toolkits include lesson plans for a 70-minute workshop along with other creative educational resources.
For SDG #12, Responsible Consumption and Production, the lesson objective is to educate children on how to minimize food waste and become the advocates for sustainable food consumption. Ingrid invited chefs in the audience to make a difference by joining the WLL as an instructor and educating on responsible consumption and production.
Chef Koetke returned to the stage and announced the Worldchefs Food Waste Challenge, the culmination of the impressive Feed the Planet session. The Challenge tagline is:
Love Food. Hate Waste. … Save Money

The Worldchefs Food Waste Challenge consists of two sub-challenges: 1> educational introduced by Ingrid and 2> operational introduced by Chef Koetke. Within the operational Challenge are seven initial steps:

  1. Sign up for the Challenge on the Worldchefs websitec
  2. Kick-off day for BOH (back-of-the-house) Food Waste Challenge – marks the beginning of the operational Challenge with a webinar that explains the steps within the Challenge along with pointers on how to accomplish the steps.
  3. Measurement with the toolkit – participants commit to weighing the kitchen (BOH) food waste for three months and develop a baseline of food waste generated in kitchen operations. Worldchefs will provide a tracking tool for creating the food waste baseline. 
  4. Submissions commitment – sign-up for the operational Challenge on the Worldchefs website.
  5. Webinar check-in with an inspirational presentation – the food waste reduction portion of the Challenge begins. Each participant commits to reducing BOH food waste by a chosen percentage over a six-month period. Worldchefs will provide guidance on percentages and tools to help address BOH food waste.
  6. Submission of BOH food waste reduction results – at the midway point (three months) Worldchefs will host a webinar check-in with an inspirational and educational presentation.
  7. FOH (front-of-the-house) Food Waste Challenge kick-off – participants renew their BOH food waste reduction commitment for another six-month challenge and embark on a FOH challenge, following similar parameters to the BOH challenge.
Within his closing remarks, Chef Koetke invited the attending chefs to participate in the Worldchefs Operational Food Waste Challenge; twelve country delegations verbally agreed to participate in the Challenge!
As a finale to the Feeding the Planet session, the presenters returned to the stage for a question and answer session moderated by Paul. Questions came directly from the audience and the live FB stream.
A comprehensive Feed the Planet PPT presentation, as well as Holly’s solo The Profitability of Waste: the business case for food waste reduction presentation, are available for download on the Ei Speaking Engagement page.
The Holly Elmore Images FB album, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia July 2018 Visit, includes a section on the 2018 Worldchefs Congress & Expo along with sections on Holly’s guided and self-guided KL tours.

Power of Chefs
EMPOWERING: Worldchefs dedicated an entire day of educational sessions to Feed the Planet and launched the Worldchefs Food Waste Challenge at their 2018 World Chefs Congress & Expo! 
When the world’s premier chefs association teams with the UN Food Waste Programme, supports The Chefs Manifesto, and encourages participation in the World’s Largest Lesson on SDG #12, Responsible Consumption and Production, the power of global chefs is invoked! 
At the top of the food industry hierarchy, global chefs are in the position reduce food waste within the entire food system, ranging from their operations to the distribution channels and to the farms. … and as humanitarians, chefs will ensure excess food is redirected to hungry populations! 
Knowing global chefs are staged for action in the food waste reduction arena, the Earth is a brighter planet to call home.

Blog Congress News

Worldchefs thanks all our Partners & Participants for this outstanding Congress & Expo

Worldchefs thanks you very much for all your support! 

Let the party begin

The 38th Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2018 closes its doors until the next one in Saint Petersburg in 2020.

It has been a very busy four days where we shared our knowledge, our passion, our love and our great camaraderie.

This Congress & Expo was a success and nothing would have been possible without YOU!

A big thank you to all of you !


Blog Congress News

We hope you enjoyed Asia On A Plate as much as we did

And the Winners are… 

The final day of the Congress rounded up with the Worldchefs Congress & Expo gala dinner, where there was free flow of networking and camaraderie. And of course, this is the crucial evening when results of the Global Chefs Challenge were announced.
We bring you the results: 

  • Best Fish Award (Sterling Halibut) – Kare Andre Hjartholm, Norway – Global Chefs Challenge
  • Best Meat (Veal) Award – Aleksander Vartdal, Norway – Global Young Chefs Challenge
  • Best Meat (Veal) Award – Rahil Rathod, Canada – Global Chefs Challenge
  • Best Use of Tea – Dammika Herath, UAE – Global Pastry Chefs Challenge
  • Continental Director Medal – Jasmine Marie Nadres, Guam – Global Young Chefs Challenge
  • Continental Director Medal – Raymond Fung, Macau – Global Pastry Chefs Challenge

EDUCATION AWARD – Gert Klotzke, Sweden 

HUMANITARIAN AWARD – Tony Khoo, Singapore
        – 2nd runner – Aleksander Vartdal, Norway
        – 1st runner – Shayne McCrady, USA
        – Champion – Niall Larjala, Finland
        – 2nd runner – Marco Deidda, Italy
        – 1st runner – Loi Ming Ai, Malaysia
        – Champion – Lim Wei Hrn, Singapore
        – 2nd runner – Kare Andre Hjartholm, Norway
        – 1st runner – Kristian Vuojarvi, Finland
        – Champion – Jimmi Eriksson, Sweden

Blog Congress News

Yes we can Feed the Planet

5 Things We Learnt Today About Food Waste!

Here are some staggering truths we learnt from the World Food Programme presentation:

1) In 2018, 3 million children will die from hunger-related causes.
2) The world produces enough food to feed 9 billion people each year, and our currently world population stands at 7.4 billion. Yet so many people go hungry. This is because one third of the food we produce is lost or wasted.
3) Zero Hunger has never been achieved in the history of mankind but is achievable in our lifetime.
4) Chefs can make a difference. We control the kitchens, suppliers, and customers we come through the doors.
5) One of the reasons that contribute to food waste is that social media has planted in us unrealistic benchmarks of what food should be. Join the #recipefordisaster movement by grabbing near-expired ingredients from your fridge, prepare a dish and share it on your social media with #recipefordisaster.
More info on

One Ingredient, Zero Waste

We love the lunch packs prepared by the Electrolux Professional team, who creatively created a wholesome (and tasty!) meal out of..the carrot. In our lunch pack: Carrot Focaccia, Thai Carrot Soup and Chocolate Carrot Muffin. We’ll be happy to have more of these one-ingredient meals, won’t you say.

Living your Talk…

Here are some ways the Feed the Planet panellists reduce food wastage at home.

1) Clean out the fridge and use the ingredients to make salad dressings

2) Keep trimmings and make your own stock and broths

3) Just buy a little, and not in excess.

4) Make jams and compotes from ripe fruits

5) Use your freezer. When bananas start turning brown, chop and freeze them as it makes a good base for smoothies.

6) Collect broccoli stems (if you are not a fan) and make broccoli cream soup!

Global Chefs Challenge Lunch

It was a lunch like no other this afternoon, when the 9 promising Global Chefs Challenge competitors whipped up their best. Hall 4 was transformed into a restaurant in the afternoon, where invited guests were served up competition dishes by competitors from Italy, UAE, Sweden, Finland, Canada, Singapore, Hungary, Scotland and Australia. All we can say is: It’s a tough choice for the judges.

Grand Opening of the Congress Expo! 

We are pleased that Dato’ Mohd Sallehhuddin Bin Hassan, Secretary General, Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry, officiated the opening ceremony of our Congress Expo at Hall 4 today. He was also shown the competition arena of our Global Chefs Challenge…

Blog Congress News

Did you enjoy Asia On A Plate?

The Challenge Begins

The Global Young Chef Challenge kicked off with lots of sizzle and bustle. Competitors from Malaysia, China, Sweden, Norway, Italy, USA, Finland, Germany, Guam and Egypt cooked up a storm from 7 am in the morning. The second half of the day say the professional chefs take over the kitchens for the Global Chefs Challenge, with competitors from Japan, Norway, USA, Thailand, Denmark, Colombia, Malaysia, Germany, Iceland. The delectable competition dishes were served to invited guests, including sponsors, partners and VIPs. The Global Chefs Challenge competition continues to run tomorrow (Friday) and the Global Pastry Chef Challenge takes place on Saturday. Come cheer for the competitors

We Welcomed Some Stunning Speakers!

Alvin Leung from Kaluga Queen has presented Celebrity Chef 101: A Dummy’s Guide to Success in Cooking and the Restaurant World

Marcel Thiele is the Spince Hunter from Koppert Cress has presented the QuintEssence of Creativity

Jon Erik Steenslid, from Norwegian Seafood has presented Is Farmed Salmon and Trout Safe to Eat?

Dilhan C. Fernando & Peter Kuruvita from Dilmah Tea have presented Tea Inspired Gastronomy

Lifetime Achievement Award for Merrill J Fernando

Tea Inspired Gastronomy ended with much heart today. After the presentation by long-time partner Dilmah, Worldchefs presented Mr Merrill Fernando, the founder of the family-owned Ceylon tea company with a special Lifetime Achievement award. Known for his unique philosophy of “business is a matter of human service”, Mr Fernando has built humanitarian work into the global business Dilmah. Other than the MJF Foundation, which has built a culinary centre to empower the less privileged, Dilmah also starts from home – by ensuring that their tea pickers are well-taken care of, and not marginalised.

Edgar Buhrs, Chef and Owner from Vandrie has presented Rock’n’Veal

Eric Olmedo & Anisha Chai from The Sunday University have presented The Making of a National Gastronomy in Malaysia

Mark Normoyle from MLA has presented the Trends and Innovation in the World of True Aussie Red Meat

Jochen Kern from Malaysian Palm Oil has presented Malaysian Palm Oil: A Culinary Advantage

We Organized Before Your Eyes the Educator’s Forum!

With some outstanding topics, Worldchefs top members shared their thoughts and knowledge on: 

  • Digital Accreditation and Global Certification
  • Global Networking
  • Recognition of Quality Culinary Education
  • Worldchefs Academy
  • Sustainability Education

We also Met all the Culinary Industry Leaders at the Expo

Did you make a trip to Hall 1 ,2 and 4 to check out the latest technology and equipment! Our friends from Electrolux Professional were dishing out delicious bites from time to time! 

Finally, for those who didn’t have the chance to come at the congress & expo, Chef Charles Carroll prepared some podcasts for you to listen: 


Blog Congress News

What happened on the first day of the Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2018?

What Happened on the First Day of the Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2018?

It is a lot more than a simple Congress!

The Worldchefs Congress & Expo brings together more than 4000 chefs, industry leaders, culinary enthusiasts and gastronomy fans who learn about the culinary trends and innovations, compete in the Global Chefs Challenge and discover their best life experience. 

Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2018 took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, at the prestigious Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. 

The Congress included four busy days of action programmed between July 11 – July 14, 2018 and the Expo featured world class exhibitors from across the culinary world. 

Congress & Expo is a hallmark tradition of Worldchefs and has been organized in over 37 cities across the world bringing together more than 110 member countries throughout its illustrious 90 years young history. 

The first day of the Congress kickstarted with lots of laughter and camaraderie! We welcomed approximately 4000 participants – all ready to savour Asia on a Plate. From sharing updates from their respective continents (at the Europe, Asia & Pacific, Africa & Middle East Presidents Forum) to sampling Malaysia’s street favourites at Hakka Restaurant for the Ice Breaker Reception, all we can say is: We were ready to make this the Congress you would never forget. 

Andy Cuthbert (Left) & Thomas Gugler (Left)

Warm Welcomes by our Congress Chairman, Andy Cuthbert & our President, Thomas Gugler!

On that first busy day, our Congress & Expo Chairman, Andy Cuthbert accompanied by our President warm welcomed all our guests to an unforgettable experience.

“The millennial mindset today is very different. And I don’t mean we are dealing only with millennials who are 20 years old. It could be a 35-year-old who doesn’t accept the way things were in the old-style kitchens.” Said Andy Cuthbert, Congress Chairman

“The congress gives an opportunity to people who are interested to coming into the profession to talk and network with very seasoned and well-known chefs worldwide” said Thomas Gugler, President of Worldchefs

Competition Congress GCC GCC - Pastry Chefs GCC - Young Chefs News

Global Chefs Challenge 2018 – Results Revealed!

Chefs Challenge 2018  – Results Revealed!


14 July 2018 – After two years of exciting national and
Continental selections, the finals of the Global Young Chefs Challenge, Global
Chefs Challenge and the Global Pastry Chefs Challenge took place at the
Worldchefs Congress & Expo from

12 – 14 July at the Kuala Lumpur
Convention Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The winners who emerged from the days of intense competition are:
Jimmi Eriksson from Sweden (Global
Chefs Challenge),
Niall Larjala from
Finland, (Global Young Chefs Challenge),and
Lim Wei Hrn from Singapore (Global Pastry Chefs Challenge).


The format


The Global
Chefs Challenge
featured 18 countries, where competitors prepared a
four-course menu, each with 12 portions over two sessions.  Invited guests were invited to taste the
dishes at the competition arena, which was transformed into a pop-up


At the Global Young Chefs Challenge, ten teams from all over the world each prepared a 3-course menu, each
with 4 servings.


At the Global Pastry Chefs
10 top patissiers
created a chocolate centerpiece with a minimum height of 60cm
6 portions of plated desserts based on a
summer theme and a gateau of their choice.


Says chief judge, Gert Klotze, “The
competitors were put through a very stringent test. They had to be creative and
use the stipulated range of top quality ingredients provided by our
sponsors.  It was a good test of the
culinary techniques, discipline and also creativity. The standards were all
very high, and for each Global Chefs Challenge, we can see competitors
continually pushing themselves and exploring new boundaries.”

Thomas Gugler, President of Worldchefs adds, “The Global Chefs Challenges have
always been an integral part of the Congress. It is a platform Worldchefs have
developed to continually encourage and educate chefs to achieve perfection on
the plate. The response to the competition and the standards exhibited has
really been outstanding.”

The Full Results 


        – 2nd runner – Kare Andre Hjartholm, Norway

        – 1st runner – Kristian Vuojarvi, Finland

        – Champion – Jimmi Eriksson, Sweden


        – 2nd runner – Marco Deidda, Italy

        – 1st runner – Loi Ming Ai, Malaysia

        – Champion – Lim Wei Hrn, Singapore



        – 2nd runner – Aleksander Vartdal, Norway

        – 1st runner – Shayne McCrady, USA

        – Champion – Niall Larjala, Finland



Kare Andre Hjartholm, Norway – Global Chefs Challenge



Aleksander Vartdal, Norway – Global Young Chefs Challenge



Rahil Rathod, Canada – Global Chefs Challenge



Dammika Herath, UAE – Global Pastry Chefs Challenge



Jasmine Marie Nadres, Guam – Global Young Chefs Challenge



Raymond Fung, Macau – Global Pastry Chefs Challenge


For details of the competitions’ rules and regulations and products used, please refer to:




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Congress News

Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2018 – a Resounding Success!

July 2018, Kuala Lumpur

The Worldchefs Congress & Expo 2018 rounded
up with a resounding bang on Saturday, 14 July at the Kuala Lumpur Convention

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A landmark event in the 90 years of
Worldchefs history, the bi-annual event in the city of Kuala Lumpur welcomed
1053 delegates (that included 114 young chefs )across 80 nationalities for the
Congress. During the 4-day event, delegates had the opportunity to learn from
world-renowned speakers such as Andre Chiang and Alvin Leung, the latest trends
in ingredients such as veal and Australian beef, and topics such as how to
reduce food waste.

<span style='

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Over at the Global Chefs Challenge, young
chefs, professional chefs and pastry chefs pitted their skills against each
other. Niall Larjala, Finland (Global Young Chefs Challenge), Lim Wei Hrn,
Singapore (Global Pastry Chefs Challenge) and Jimmi Eriksson, Sweden (Global
Chefs Challenge) took the top podium spot.

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For the third time, the Congress introduced the
accompanying Expo. The 2018 edition proves to also be the biggest in history,
welcoming 7,000 visitors in just three days.

Says Thomas Gugler, President of Worldchefs, “The Congress has always been the
bi-annual event for the Worldchefs family to gather. This year, it is clear
that it is more than a family reunion – it is also a must-go platform for
learning about what the world is doing and what you can do as a chef. See you
all in 2020 in St Petersburg, Russia!”

Blog Congress News

Electrolux introduces toolkit with Worldchefs and AIESEC to teach children about sustainable eating

Stockholm, Sweden, 12 July, 2018


A playful
toolkit has been developed by Worldchefs and AIESEC with the support
of the Electrolux Food Foundation to educate school children about sustainable
eating. The joint initiative calls to action to raise awareness about
sustainable food
 . The toolkit is pre-launched
on July 13 at the annual Worldchefs Congress, taking place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


The new
toolkit, is based on the UN initiative 
Largest Lesson
, which introduces the Sustainable
Development Goals to children and young people. At the Worldchefs Congress,
gathering hundreds of chefs from around the world on July 11-14, the Electrolux
Food Foundation is together with Worldchefs and AIESEC introducing the beta
version of the new toolkit, and calling chefs to join the
initiative.  The day will be fully devoted to sustainable cooking and
the need to reduce the current amount of food wasted in the world.


volunteers from the international youth-led network AIESEC will also use the
toolkit, as part of the ongoing 
volunteering efforts on responsible consumption supported
by the Foundation
. The Electrolux Food Foundation also
supports the 
Worldchef’s Sustainability Curriculum to
help the next generation of chefs use resources more sustainably.


very happy to back this call to action at one of the most important events for
chefs in the world,” says Malin Ekefalk, Director of Social Responsibility.
“Chefs are role models, who have a strong voice and influence over many people
in the world. The Electrolux Food Foundation is delighted to count on them to
really make a difference in the way to handle this global issue.” 


“It’s a
devastating fact that 30% of the planet’s resources go to waste. If we can act
smarter we can easily feed the planet,” adds Ragnar Fridriksson, Managing
Director, World Association of Chefs Societies. “The chefs have a key role to
play in addressing this issue. With our passion, we can inspire more
responsible use of resources for the sake of future generations. We should also
re-think our own recipe and bring more awareness to our industry on the
importance of sustainable cooking. I’m calling upon all chefs to act now and
start make a difference today,” 


2016, Worldchefs, AIESEC and the Electrolux Food Foundation together have been
driving the 
Feed the Planet partnership to
inspire better eating and cooking habits among consumers and professionals and
to support people in need.  


For more information about Electrolux Food Foundation,



Blog Certification Congress News


WORLDCHEFS Academy was officially launched today by the World Chefs Association of Chefs Societies (WORLDCHEFS) at its 38th Biennial Congress, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 11-14, 2018.


WORLDCHEFS Academy, an online portal and mobile app was established to offer culinary education to aspiring students that may not have the means, mobility or flexibility to attend full-time culinary school. The WORLDCHEFS Academy is free of charge and open to anyone, no matter what background or current skills-level.  


The curriculum covers the basics of culinary professionalism, food service operations, culinary theory, food hygiene and sanitation, basic cooking, and culinary nutrition. The program can be followed either as a complete curriculum or individual lessons can be used to compliment other existing courses or to provide the theoretical component to an in-service, kitchen apprenticeship. The online portal is currently in English only. Other languages will be added soon to offer access to people from all over the world who want to expand their culinary knowledge and work in this industry. 


Students can learn through the web-based platform or via the mobile app which offers an offline study mode. They will be able to complete the total course free of charge. By connecting to the internet when it is available they will be able to download the course that they are enrolled in via the mobile app and study at any time, with or without internet. They then simply need to go back online when ready to complete the final assessment.


“For us at WORLDCHEFS, it is important to give aspiring individuals in this industry the opportunity for a proper, well researched and developed learning system. And proper learning means from a-to-z, ensuring that this opportunity is available all over the world, allowing them to travel and really build on their career, from scratch” stated, WORLDCHEFS President Thomas Gugler.


Upon completion of its first course for the pre-commis chef, participants will have learnt the theory required to complete an online assessment and receive their WORLDCHEFS pre-commis chef certificate and badge – an important first step for anyone looking to apply for employment in a professional kitchen. The Program links to the Worldchefs Certification and is intended to be the first step on the culinary career path.


The Nestlé Pro Gastronomia Foundation, which has been promoting culinary education in emerging and developing economies for over 25 years, funded the development of the Worldchefs Academy for young people that want to join the culinary profession.  Through their generosity, a partnership with Nestlé Professional www.nestleprofessional.comwas formed, and the online portal and mobile app was created by Klood Digital  in  consultation with a global faculty of WORLDCHEFS Academy Development advisors. This new online learning portal, the first of its kind, will open a channel of learning and communication for those looking to establish a career in a professional kitchen. 


Rochelle Schaetzl, Business Capability Development Manager, Nestlé Professional stated, “Worldchefs Academy will make it possible for any person, anywhere in the world, that wants to enter the culinary industry, to get a solid professional foundation and apply for their first culinary job with more ease.”  


WORLDCHEFS Academy is available now for download on both the App Store and Google Play, and can be found at


ABOUT WORLDCHEFS                

The World Association of Chefs’ Societies (WORLDCHEFS) is a non-political professional organization, dedicated to maintaining and improving the culinary standards of global cuisines. We accomplish these goals through education and professional development of our international membership, through skills-building and competitions, and through sustainability and humanitarian initiatives. As an authority and opinion leader on food, WORLDCHEFS represents a global voice on all issues related to the culinary profession.





15 rue Tiquetonne, 75002 Paris, France

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