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World Food Day and International Chefs Day Welcomes

Read time: 2 Min
05th November 2014

Just days after World Food Day and International Chefs Day launched the beta version of its culinary site in New York City with its Foodies virtually in Paris. The platform, which connects foodies around the world with Cheffies – both lay and professional – aims to link people through food, while alleviating global hunger.

At the event, ‘Cheffie’ Claude Godard, Vice President of Maîtres Cuisiniers de France (USA) and distinguished member of the Academie Culinaire de France, taught foodies Aurore Leon and Pierre Denmat in France how to make three distinct hors d’oeuvres. This is certainly in line with the World Association of Chefs theme for International Chefs Day, “passing it on” – when culinary professionals are commemorated for passing on their time, knowledge and expertise. seems to bridge the two culinary events together: World Food Day is a day to shed light on the food insecurity issues around the world. A portion of the funds that the Cheffie receives for his time Connecting and ‘passing on’ his knowledge on the platform can be designated to the organization’s partner charity, Action Against Hunger, which is present in over 40 countries around the world.

Alex Cottin, Associate Director of Partnerships at Action Against Hunger said, “We’re making sustainable strides – really creating a strong impact; in fact, last year alone, thanks to partners like Kitchen Connection, we’ve helped over 9 million children and adults.” The ingredients for the Cucumber Avocado Rolls, Salmon Rillete and Beet Tartare that were consumed by all of the attendees were sponsored by Whole Foods Market® Bowery.

Danielle Sandars, Cultural Programs Marketing Team Leader at Whole Foods Market aims to connect Whole Foods Market to like-minded organizations. She emphasized, “Food dollars go a lot farther than our monetary dollars do. Food does connect people.” Of his first Kitchen Connection experience, Cheffie Claude Godard said, “It made me feel great, peaceful. I love traveling, and with Kitchen Connection, I can travel further and more without having to leave for days.” The foodies? “It was 2:30am, but we ate. ” On the night of the 21st, New York City was connected to Paris, a master Chef was connected to students, and everyone in attendance was connected through the food that was consumed unanimously, truly in line with the overall mission of

‘You’re Eating – I’m Eating – and Because We’re Eating Together, Someone Else is Eating Too’

Watch Kitchen Connection video here:



* is currently inviting beta testers off of its landing page. It is scheduled to launch publicly in early 2015. 


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