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Henny Swinkels from VanDrie is Sixth in the AgriTop 50

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Netherlands, 26th December 2016


Recently, the Boerderij trade journal published its annual AgriTop 50. This ranking classifies the Netherland's most important agricultural administrators according to various factors, including the influence they have through their supervising board memberships and the size of the organisation they work for. Henny Swinkels, Director Corporate Affairs of the VanDrie Group, made it to number six on the list, rising two places from last year.

In addition to the ranking, which is compiled by a jury, a survey among the general public was held. On that list, Henny Swinkels ended in second place.

The jury's report primarily mentions Swinkels' recent seat on the Executive Committee of the International Meat Secretariat (IMS), which he assumed last November. The IMS represents 75% of the global production of cattle/calves, pigs and sheep, and has its offices in Paris. The Director Corporate Affairs of the VanDrie Group will perform this function alongside his chairmanship of the Veal Committee within the IMS.


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