On this episode, Meet Chef Dennis Littley, founder and CEO of Ask Chef Dennis Productions and one of the most successful food blogs in the world, askchefdennis.com.
With over one million followers on social media and almost 10 million
page views annually, Chef Dennis uses his platform to help demystify cooking with easy restaurant-style recipes that help teach the culinary basics. He shares his journey from back of house to digital media sensation.
Tune in to hear:
- how he went from kitchens and culinary curriculums to making six figures with a culinary blog
- tips and tricks for establishing a successful business online, from advertising to SEO
More Resources

Join Chef Dennis on his culinary journey to find delicious food and adventure and find recipe ideas at askchefdennis.com. Follow Chef Dennis on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
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Special thanks to Dennis Littley for joining us as a guest.
World on a Plate is supported by Nestlé Professional and our podcast sponsors.