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World Chefs Without Border uniting together with Philippines

Read time: 2 Min
Philippines, 15th November 2013

On Friday, Philippines and its surrounding area was hit by Mother Nature due to a massive Typhoon. 10,000 of lives were lost, families and houses destroyed and countless amounts of people have been made homeless.

This has been one of the most powerful typhoon ever recorded according to local officials.

World Chefs Without Border is urging all chef associations and their community to come together and donate whatever they can to help support and provide our friends in Philippines with food, water, shelter and other hygiene supplies.

WorldChefs are in contact and working with our local chef association to help the people in Philippines.

Chef Associations/ individuals can donate by clicking on the bottom button which will bring you to paypal account or you can transfer money into the World Chefs Without Border account by using the below IBAN / SWIFT number.

Thank you to all the Chefs and assocaitions that have donated money so far, your donation is hugely appreciated and will help those in need. 

FHC 2013 Judges Donation Singapore €1,000 09-11-2013
Russell Weir / CCFCC Ottawa Canada  €300 14-11-2013
Alison Furnham UK €50 13-11-2013
Hilmar Johnsson Iceland €100 17-11-2013
Chef Buttterworth/ CCFCC Toronto Canada  €350 13-11-2013
Chef Buttterworth / CCFCC Canada €750 13-11-2013
Lestoquesblancheskorea (LTB Korea)  South Korea €710 19-11-2013
All Japan Chefs Association Japan €1,000.00 19-11-2013
Griffith Laboratories Pvt Ltd (Chef Barani) India €525 19-11-2013
Thailand Culianry Academy Thailand €750 19-11-2013
Thai Chef Associaiton Thailand €950 21-11-2013
Sanghun Yoo/ 22 Korea Young Chefs South Korea €1,470 26-11-2013
Sarah Kymbrekos New Zealand €300 25-11-2013
Singapore Chef Association Singapore USD 7960,67 20-11-2013
HKCA: Hong Kong Young Chef Hong Kong €930,18 28-11-2013
Ching Lee/ Taiwan Chef Assocaition Taiwan  €726,10 25-11-2013
Hong Kong Chefs Assocaition Hong Kong €1887,49 22-11-2013
Malaysia Chefs Assocaition/ Yau Kok Kheon Malaysia €725 13-12-2013
Rotary Klub Zgornji Brnik/ Chef Jozef Oseli North Slovenia €2000 20-12-2013
Basel Fundrasing Basel €96 28-11-2013


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