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Message from WACS President

Read time: 2 Min
22nd April 2013

The world is changing and so must we. Monday, 18 March 2013 The world is changing and so must we. It is amazing to see the speed at which our world is change day after day. We may want to resist these changes but they will happen with or without us. The question is: Are we ready to be part of this change and try to have influence on it for the better of our future? One thing I have learned is that we need to be open-minded and think outside of the box. If we don’t, we soon become a cranky old person who sees only the negative side of things when all the new things are happening. We must be open not only to different ideas and opinions and things happening around us but also in the small things that happen in our daily life. I try to apply this idea when I deal with the daily tasks of WACS. We are proud to have set up one of the most important programs in WACS history – the Recognition of Culinary Schools worldwide, as well as the International Certification for Individuals in our profession, which covers all levels. As chefs we know that this is something the chef profession really needs and that this step will serve both the chefs and the industry worldwide. Although we have encountered resistance and challenges on our right to certify chefs, these only reinforce our resolve to make this happen. Along with City and Guilds, one the biggest names in vocational education, with 2 million learners working towards one of their qualifications every year, is working along with us to accomplish this huge task. It has been a long journey but we are very proud that WACS can now offer any chef from nations around the world the opportunity to become certified by the World Association of Chefs Societies. Are you ready to be part of this change? Do you have constructive comments and opinions and want to have an influence for the future of WACS? I am ready and I hope to have your support to make the changes for the betterment of our profession and future. I am especially ready to listen to your opinions and comments. After all, this organization belongs to you, the members, so take the opportunity to take part! Don’t get left behind.


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