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Like a chef: “Cooking makes me feel good”

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Russia, 20th October 2019

Moscow, Russia· 20 October 2019 · Like a chef: “Cooking makes me feel good”

Meet Vanja, who grew up in an orphanage in Russia. He found his calling during our culinary training program in Moscow and is ready to pursue a career as a professional chef.

The original link can be found below.

Vanja is one of 6,000 Russian teenagers that leave their orphanages every year and can struggle to transition to independent living, with only 10% able to provide for themselves or find a job.

He is also one of the first graduates of our global culinary training program Like a Chef that in Moscow is targeted towards young orphans.

The initiative builds on the program that started in Brazil in 2017 and is a collaboration between the Electrolux Food Foundation, Worldchefs and the local ‘Big Brothers, Big Sisters’ organization.

The eight-week course provides culinary training on sustainable cooking and valuable life skills, such as learning how to work in a team, start a business or pursue an education at a culinary college.

The second wave of graduates this year have been given the opportunity to become gastronomic stars of the future after being offered internships at restaurants owned by acclaimed Russian chef Vladimir Mukhin.

In 2019, the Electrolux Food Foundation is expanding the Like a Chef program with launches in Sweden, Poland, Egypt and Ukraine.


The original article can be found on the Electrolux page.

Click here to find out more about ‘Like a Chef’. 


The World Association of Chefs’ Societies, known as Worldchefs, is a dynamic global network of 110 chef associations worldwide. A leading voice in the hospitality industry, Worldchefs carries 91 years of history since its founding at the Sorbonne by the venerable Auguste Escoffier. Representing a mobilized international membership of culinary professionals, Worldchefs is committed to advancing the profession and leveraging the influence of the chef jacket for the betterment of the industry and humanity at large.

Worldchefs is dedicated to raising culinary standards and social awareness through these core focus areas:

Education – Worldchefs offers support for education and professional development through the landmark Worldchefs Academy online training program, our expansive network of Worldchefs Certified Schools and curriculums, and the world’s first Global Hospitality Certification recognizing on-the-job skills in hospitality; 

Networking – Worldchefs provides a platform for connection to chefs around the world, and a gateway for industry networking opportunities through endorsed events and the preeminent biennial Worldchefs Congress & Expo;

Competition – Worldchefs sets global standards for competition rules, provides Competition Seminars and assurance of Worldchefs Certified Judges, and runs the prestigious Global Chefs Challenge;

Humanitarian & Sustainability – our Feed the Planet and World Chefs Without Borders programs relieve food poverty, deliver crisis support, and promote sustainability across the globe.

For more information about Worldchefs, visit us at


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