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Balkan culinary cup 2011

Date: April 11, 2011 to April 13, 2011
Time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM CET UTC+02
Location: Serbia / Onsite Event

The second Balkan Culinary Cup will be held from 11 to 13 April 2011 in Belgrade, in the premises of the Impulse Hall, Hotel Continental Belgrade, Vladimira Popovic st. 10. Please follow the links below for more detailed information about this competition. Balkan Culinary Cup Invitation Entry form for team Entry form for individuals

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Add to Calendar 11-04-2011 00:00:00 13-04-2011 00:00:00 Europe/Paris Balkan culinary cup 2011 Balkan culinary cup 2011 / Onsite Event


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