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Congress Spotlight: Education in Focus

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Norway, 13th June 2014

Knowing how important professional development is, Worldchefs Congress 2014 has prepared a few fundamental sessions, focused on different educational opportunities and presented by the Worldchefs Education Committee Chairman himself – Mr John Clancy.

The educational presentations are designed for chefs, mentors and educators, as well as for those on top positions of educational institutions. If you are looking for a quality school to enrol in, click here and find the best one that suits your preferences and professional aspirations.

On the flipside, if you aim to recognise the educational excellence that you as school provide, do not hesitate to apply for the Worldchefs international Recognition of Quality Culinary Education and let the wolrd know about it!

Nevertheless, apply for the Worldchefs Global Culinary Certification Program, and make your skills and industry experience acknowledged worldwide, and your career development supported throughout 9 different levels.

Join the Worldchefs Congress 2014 and find out everything on how you can advance in your career, officially regonise your expertise, and acknowledge your excellence at global scale. Don’t get left behind!



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