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Worldchefs Without Borders succesfull Nepal campaign marks another succes

Read time: 3 Min
India, 07th July 2015

Tens of thousands desperate for help as survivors on Nepal quake await humanitarian aid and continue search for survival. Nepalese are huddling in tent cities, desperate for help after 25 April 2015 quake that killed more than 8000 people, as international rescue team raced to find survivals buried in the rubble.
Teams equipped with heavy cutting gear and relief supplies were landing round the clock, Kathmandu which has been devastated by Saturday 7.8 magnitude quake. Officials say more than 8000 people are now known to have died, 7000 injured including 3422 in Nepal- making it the quake prune Himalaya nation’s deadliest disaster in more than 80 years. Which has also many powerful aftershocks according to report.
Apart from appealing to all WACS member to raise fund to any organization who are in support of the relief effort for Nepal, WCWB also activate all committee member and ambassador plan or / and organize fund raising event to assist rebuilding Nepal project.

Through Chef Rick Stephen from SAT Catering Singapore is the first organization to response the donation for Nepal relief following by Korea Young Chefs Federation fund raising in Food Hotel Seoul culinary competition and also in HOFEX Culinary Classic Hong Kong, all souvenir earning during the 4 days show will all go to WCWB Rebuilding Nepal fund through Chef Mak by Hong Kong Chefs Association.

The following Association also follow suite in THAIFEX – TUCC 2015 Thailand, all competitors and judges are encourage donating 1USD to 10 USD to the Nepal relief fund and also seeks donation in the 5 days event by Thailand Chefs Association. All respective Association representatives were also present in THAIFEX – TUCC 2015 to present their donation fund in the last day of the event. In the other hand, Slovenia Chef Jozef also created a gala dinner to raise fund, Penang Chefs Association donation and Singapore Junior Chefs Club selling mash morrow to raise fund.

Last but not least, with the present of Chef Willment Leong and the massive support from Taiwan Chefs Association and Taiwan Chinese Cuisine Association, within a night, both associations manage to raise 15,000 Euro toward WCWB Rebuilding Nepal fund.
Through the contact of Chefs Association of Nepal, WCWB manage to seek an audience with the Prime Minister of Nepal and any fund raised will all go to Prime Minister of Nepal Relief fund.
On 26 June 2015, Chef Willment Leong Chairman – WCWB) arrive Kathmandu Nepal visit Chef Association of Nepal and did an inspection of all damage structure cause by the earthquake. 27 June 2015 together with all board of director of Chefs Association of Nepal, we had granted permission to meet the Prime Minister of Nepal and pass 30,000 Euro donations to his office as rebuilding Nepal fund.

Special appreciation to the following Organzation / Association / Individual

1) 4250 Euro (SATS Catering Singapore through Chef Rick Stephen)
2) 1220 Euro (Singapore Chefs Association)
3) 2000 Euro (Thailand Chefs Association) THAIFEX -TUCC / GCC Judges / Competitors
4) 910 Euro (Korea Chefs Association)
5) 455 Euro (Korea Young Chefs Federation) Seoul Food 2015 Fund Raising Campaign
6) 800 Euro (Myanmar Chefs Association) Willment Leong Workshop Expense Donation
7) 300 Euro (North Greece Chefs Association)
8) 364 Euro (Chef KK Yau – WCWB Committee Member)
9) 546 Euro (Hua Hin Chefs Association Thailand)
10) 155 Euro (Chef Willment Leong – WCWB Chairman)
11) 2000 Euro (Hong Kong Chefs Association) HOFEX donation through Sale of Chefs Booth
12) 2295 Euro (Slovenia Gala Dinner through Jozef Oseli – WCWB Committee Member)
13) 1041.56 Euro (Penang Chefs Association)
14) 15,000 Euro (Taiwan Chefs Association and Taiwan Chinese Cuisine Association)
15) 4770 SGD (Singapore Young Chefs Club) – Await recieve

Grand total: 31336.56 Euro and Pending 4770 SGD

From Willment Leong: On behalf of the WCWB Committee and Ambassdor, i would like to extend my sincere appreciation to all kind donor assisting in rebuilding Nepal and i would also like to thanks Chefs Association of Nepal for your kind hospitality during my 3 days visit in Kathmadu Nepal. Even you had gone through all hardship after the quakes but each and one of you still maintain your calm and positive attitude toward rebuilding Nepal, YOU NEPAL CHEFS has gain our respect. Hopefully all WACS National member could continue organize more charity event toward assisting rebuilding Nepal.
Since Aug 2013, WCWB had manage to raise over 70,000 euro assisting the needed one worldwide and please kindly support us in the future (for good cause)

WCWB june nepal


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