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Worldchefs Without Borders – Direct Flood Aid in Myanmar

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Myanmar, 20th August 2018

From 3 – 8 August, Myanmar Chefs Association took on a Worldchefs Without Borders mission: set up a mobile aid kitchen and provide 4500 nutritious meals to Bago Flood victims with zero plastic use and zero waste.

The team arrived 6 days after Mandalay RESCUE set up an excellent logistic at different small villages and towns along the Sittang River, where villagers and monasteries were isolated from the world due to the disastrous flood.

Chef Ya Nanda leaded the team of local chefs and volunteer to run a Soup Kitchen counter available at 11:00 and 16:00. The hot and healthy meals were served from to-be-reused 20L and 50L drums directly to bowls  instead of unhealthy and polluting foam boxes and plastic bags.

As IKON Market and Pastry Alliance generously donated 50kg of Australian beef, 50kg of Norway salmon, 600 ports of Shwe Wein noodle,150kg of dry beans, chick peas, lentils and tamarins, the local enjoy a highly nutritious menu:

  • Radish Soup with Marsalla powder & Chili paste
  • Noodle Soup with chick peas – Tom Yam flavor
  • Rick Lentil Curry with Dry Chili and fresh Coriander
  • Japan Flavored Beef Curry – slow cooked
  • Pumpkin Soup with Ginger
  • Chick Pea curry with Curry Leaves
  • Salmon Nga San Hine – Curry
  • Dry Bean Soup

Along with hot meals, 1000 t-shirts donated by Wave Water, various drinks donated by Dagon Beverages, hundreds of bags of rice, 4000 Euro of “Tamiflu” against H1 virus donated by German Interplast and Stiftung Life were delivered to the suffered locals.

This mission couldn’t be realised after just 2 days of planning without the assistance of Mandalay RESCUE, volunteers in Madauk and especially the kind financial donations from chefs and individuals in Myanmar and Singapore.


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