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What is your contribution to the worlds food issues? Read the new book Food Forever

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Netherlands, 25th October 2016

Approaching World Food day on October 16th, it is time to reconsider the food challenges we are facing and especially what the end of the food chain, namely chefs, hospitality and consumers, could contribute to the question: ’how to feed the planet in the future?’. And even more important what is the impact of a changing planet on our lifestyle and economy? That is the central theme of ‘Food Forever’, a new book by Lars Charas, the co-ordinator of Feeding Good, the global movement for and by chefs to find solutions for the world food problem.


According to Charas, changing diets is the central pillar for solutions in the years to come. Themes like growing and richer populations, climate change, biodiversity and plenty of other societal issues are covered succinctly to redefine the concept of sustainable food. This time from a consumer point of view, called resilient food cultures.


Chefs, the professional consumer, the guardians of food cultures who influence what and how we eat, are the people to lead a worldwide movement to create culinary playgrounds. These culinary playgrounds are the place to experiment with our changing diets. Starting these culinary playgrounds is the goal of the international Feeding Good movement and the book ‘Food Forever’ is the first step towards creating these global and regional playgrounds.


‘Food Forever’ is a must-read for each chef, entrepreneur and conscious consumer and consists of 50 interviews with leading chefs and scientists and 70 interesting experimental recipes that show a glimpse of tomorrow’s  food.


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