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What is the Nordic Chef Association (NKF)?

Read time: 2 Min
15th April 2016

A fantastic and unique network between the 5 Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland and Denmark) which has existed in 76 years. Nordic Chef Association is a very active organization and the corporation has never been better and closer than now, and all countries has huge benefit from it.

The key to success lays within the respect for the different countries and their chef organizations, we all push each other forward and exchange experience to have better organizations and results.

NKF has a board with 2 representatives from each country, we elect a NKF president at the congress each second year, in the current period it is Uffe Nielsen from Denmark.

One of our focus areas are our national teams, where we help and exchange experience on logistic, organization and structure, when we are not competing in competitions. It helps and strengthened us to be among the best in the world.

Latest success for NKF is starting our Nordic youth forum, it is a strong network, and has during the past years gained hundreds of new young chefs, for our Young Chef Clubs.


NKF have each year help the competition, Nordic Chef of the Year for both junior and seniors, since 2014 the waiters has joined us in Nordic Waiter of the Year. Tit is a well-recognized competition between each “chef of the year” from the 5 countries, with focus on Nordic food and gastronomical culture.

NKF is proud to have a good and close corporation with our sponsors, as sponsor you are part of our “Nordic family” as so, we network and support each other, to be the best we can be. we work together on joined stands at different fairs, to promote our fantastic products and the Nordic spirit.

Politically we stand shoulder by shoulder, and internationally we speak united, for better results and influence.

NKF has part in defending and develop the great results the Nordic countries has achieved thru “Nordic kitchen” with some of the best national teams, global chef winner, Hans Bueschkens trophy, and some of the most innovative restaurants in the world.

NKF will remain strong and keep pushing, in the years to come, with 9000 members, strong national teams, inspiring young chef clubs and corporation and exchanging knowledge across our borders, we are ready for the future.

What is the Nordic Chef Association (NKF)?


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