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United Aid Support for Worldchefs Without Borders donation against illegal sand mining in Myanmar

Read time: 2 Min
Myanmar, 27th January 2016

Some time ago just some fishermen and ECO Hotel Ngapali Beach Rakhine in Myanmar along with their medical counterparts met for an exchange of past weeks towards the benefit of World Chefs Without Borders actions. The discussion centered on present and future medical projects which benefit the Rakhine & Myanmar communities.

Chief Dr of Munich Interplast Dr Heinz Schoeneich, just back from FOC medical operations in Bagan, Prof Heinz Homan of Duisburg Clinic & Dr Frauke Deneken back from medical operations at Pyapon Delta clinic and Dr Julia & Dr dent Axel Fruehbuss and Dr Robert and Dr Ulrike Seeliger of German – Myanmar dental Projects at Delta and Ngapali Beach the MCA-WCWB Solar Community Clinic met and talked about their work since they are all volunteers of many years in Myanmar and as great cooperation partners for Myanmar Chefs Association and Worldchefs Without Borders.

13.000 Euro cash Aid final hand over from Action Myanmar e.V. Dr Werner & Mallu Heller for the MCA-WCWB Flood Aid Mission 2015, through Action Myanmar member Dr Robert Seeliger for the building of more houses in Flood hit North Rakhine and for medical care to people in need. All arrangements as report by MCA-WCWB Myanmar near Mrauk Oo, Laymyo River. A follow up project is planned as a small dispensary for a permanent Dr in this near Chin State hills area. The last 7500 Euro arrived just by Dr Seeliger, 5500 Euro were already handed over.

Dr Werner & Mallu Jeller helped raising 13000 euros for Action Myanmar. Dr Robert Seelinger provided 7500 euros for the building of more houses and medical care for people in need in North Rakhine area as it was heavily hit by the flood.

All German specialist Drs and Ngapali Beach Myanmar Chefs Association members present,- came together for a documentary picture of the great donation which goes back to the never tired work of Mallu Heller. Many thanks to you sir!

The Munich Interplast team will follow Myanmar Chefs Association (MCA)-Worldchefs Without Borders (WCWB) on the 9th of January to very south Myanmar at Thai Border city of Kawthaung where MCA-WCWB collected over 300 patients which are in need of free of charge plastic surgery. The German Drs team is already in planning for end February a second follow up – mid March as the patients in need is still growing. The Munich Interplast doctors are planning to come between 13th of February to the 27th of February, the 5th team in Sittwe in 2 years, by Dr Bergermann.

Dr Julia Fruehbuss & the German – Myanmar dental team will continue in southern Rakhine through villages with the new mobile dental units as well at the MCA-WCWB Solar Community Clinic for free treatment and dental education dental public health mission until end of February 2016.

All German doctors also joint the protest and awareness campaign of MCA-WCWB on illegal sand mining at Ngapali Beach and Myanmar, a destruction of a sustainable Tourism development for all communities.

We woudl like to thank all our parteners for their help. If you want more information on ythe MCA-WCWB actions please contact: Oliver E Soe Thet, President MCA, Ngapali Beach Rakhine.


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