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International Chefs Day 2016 in Slovakia

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Slovakia, 07th November 2016

The International Chefs‘ day that was celebrated on October 20, 2016 in all Worldchefs member countries, Slovak Union of Chefs and Pastry Chefs celebrated together with the children from the primary school at Mudroňova street in Bratislava in collaboration with the company Nestlé Professional Slovakia and a program „Art on a Plate“. We were speaking about the importance of eating healthy food, what’s good for their health and what is not and why should they eat more fruit and vegetables.

When announcing the theme of Chefs’ Day 2016, Worldchefs bet on childrens’ fantasy and creativity. It turned out that this decision was very good. The children got very enthusiastic and started to dress the plates with a salad from spinach and fruit as well as to decorate the so popular pancakes. It was very nice to watch their enthusiasm and pride in their creations. At the end they enjoyed what they created. The event ad a very good resound in children and they are looking forward to the meeting in a year time.

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