Eat well for living healthy is a concept and a good practice that you learn from small. For This, and to celebrate the world day of the chef, the Worldchefs-Association of Chefs has organized an event to theme dedicated to children.
Protagonists pupils of Istituto Comprensivo Marconi-Oliva of locorotondo (BA) that, guided by the Chef Domenico Maggi, director of the South-Europe Worldchefs, and from the pastry chef of the ‪#nazionaleitalianacuochi‬ Giuseppe Palmisano, they have learned the importance Of fruit and vegetables in a proper nutrition and have turned into little cooks, making and tasting cavatelli integral, skewers of fruit and cookies to the olive oil.
An exciting experience, training and… To repeat!
Mangiare bene per vivere sani è un concetto e una buona prassi che si impara da piccoli. Per questo, e per celebrare la…
Posted by Nic Nazionale Italiana Cuochi on Tuesday, October 20, 2015