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In Honour of Ondrej Antovszký

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Slovakia, 25th January 2021

*from the Slovak Chefs Association

In Honour of Ondrej Antovszký

July 17, 1941 – January 19, 2021

An incredible, unexpected and cruel news hit the culinary world. On January 19, 2021, at the age of 80, the heart of Mr. Ondrej Antovszky, our friend, colleague, founding president, and honorary president of Slovak Chefs Association, stopped forever.  

We were very painfully touched by the unexpected and sad news of his sudden death. We feel immensely sad that the harsh hand of death has forever torn him from our ranks.

It is really very difficult for us to find words to express our grief. A precious man has left, whom we all respected and who we all will miss very much. We highly appreciated his affection and kindness for years. His support strengthened our conviction that our efforts are important.

Mister Ondrej Antovszký dedicated his whole life to gastronomy. He loved his profession and carried it out with love and enthusiasm. Mr. Ondrej Antovszký is one signed under the admission of Slovak Chefs Association to the World Association of Chefs Societies – Worldchefs. During his professional life, he received many awards and honours. The most important of these were the Honorary Lifetime Member awarded by the World Association of Chefs Societies – Worldchefs in 2010 and the highest award of Slovak Chefs Association, Order of Saint Vavrinec, and Order of the President of SZKC, with which the Slovak Chefs Association praised his work in 2017. He was the holder of the prestigious award for his life’s work GURMAN AWARD GRAND PRIX of the Slovak Republic.   

There are no words to express the sadness we feel. A rare man and an excellent expert left, from whom we still wanted to learn a lot. We will no longer be able to fulfill the common plans we had together. A cruel death interrupted everything. We will keep the memory of moments spent together forever. He left, but he will remain in our hearts and memories. We will consider him a part of us forever.

Farewell always hurts. Especially if we have to say the last goodbye to a man who has been with us for many years, not only as a colleague but also as a friend who has always been willing to help and advise. 

With a feeling of sadness and deep respect,



            Vojto Artz                                 and                                  Zuzana Dúžeková

            President  of                                                                       general Secretary of

       Slovak Chefs Association                                                      Slovak Chefs Association





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