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Gastronomixs is joining us at Worldchefs Congress&Expo 2016

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Netherlands, 05th September 2016
We are blessed to have amazing partners in our journey. Following in Chefsroll’s footsteps another great service company will be joining us at Worldchefs Congress, Gastronomixs.
Self-described as “LEGO for chefs” it is sure they will enchant us with their very unique concept!
What exactly is Gastronomixs?
Gastronomixs is an online idea generator that enables chefs to quickly create new dishes or adjust existing recipes by presenting a wealth of recipes in the form of building blocks.
This website presents all the classical preparation methods and the newest techniques, conveniently arranged by ingredient or product group. 
Gastronomixs is an initiative launched by Dutch entrepreneurs Jeroen van Oijen and Inge Meijs. Together with a team of highly enthusiastic staff members and chefs of all levels they ensure that content is continually created, checked and photographed. They comb all corners of the globe in search of preparation methods for you to have at your fingertips, saving you time as well as money. 
Gastronomixs members have access to all components, compositions and a domain of their own, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: MyGSX. Memberships cost only €6 a month. Gastronomixs was designed to simplify the culinary creative process of chefs!
We’re looking forward to meeting you not only digitally in just a few weeks at Worldchefs Congress&Expo in Thessaloniki, Greece.


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