The UN Food Systems Summit will be convened in September 2021. As agents of change, and to drive action to change our food systems, chefs must come together in one collective, connected voice. In partnership with Worldchefs, The Chefs’ Manifesto network is taking a leading role to further focus and narrow the SDG roadmap for chefs, as well as bridging and connecting across chef networks. This has been motivated by the upcoming UN Food Systems Summit, and the urgent need to generate actions to be able to achieve the SDGs by 2030.
What is the Chefs’ Pledge?
In partnership with Worldchefs, The Chefs’ Manifesto has compiled a survey to learn what chefs perceive to be the top practical actions that will enact change during the Decade of Action, to ensure Good Food For All. From the results of this survey, the Chefs’ Manifesto will facilitate a Chefs’ Pledge, to which chefs will be asked to commit, thereby creating collective momentum to rally greater attention and engagement of food systems champions as agents of change.
What is the purpose of the Chefs’ Pledge?
The purpose of the Chefs’ Pledge is to encourage chefs to be at the forefront of conversations and actions on changing food systems. This year, the UN Secretary-General is convening a UN Food Systems Summit to launch bold new actions to transform the way the world produces and consumes food, delivering progress on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As such, the Chefs’ Manifesto is taking a leading role to further focus the SDG roadmap for chefs. Several dialogues will be held in the coming months, to further discuss the role of chefs in changing food systems for the better.
Who can join the Chefs’ Pledge?
Any chefs or cooks who are working in the food industry.
How do I get involved?
Fill out the survey and get connected!
Can I facilitate conducting a survey in a language other than English?
Yes! We encourage all chefs and cooks everywhere, to be involved. If you would like to conduct a survey in a language other than English, please follow the steps below:
- Contact us to let us know your intent.
- Copy the survey as it is currently formatted, in English.
- Translate the survey into your chosen language (we use
- Disseminate the survey to your networks, and encourage people to fill in the survey. Don’t forget to have a deadline!
- Once you have received all the completed surveys back, collate the information.
- Write a summary of your survey results.
- Translate the summary into English.
- Return the summary here.
Who is organising the Chefs’ Pledge?
The Chefs’ Pledge is facilitated by the Chefs’ Manifesto, in support of the United Nations Food Systems Summit, with the partnership of: the World Association of Chefs Societies, the Chef Ann Foundation, Chefs 4 The Planet, Le Cordon Bleu, Social Gastronomy, the Good Food Fund China.

The UN Food Systems Summit
The UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) will be convened by UN Secretary-General António Guterres in September 2021. The purpose is to shape global commitments and to raise global awareness of food systems, that they might be transformed in order to reduce diet-related diseases, resolve hunger, and restore planetary health. The Secretary-General is calling all citizens to collective action, so as to “radically change the way we produce, process, transport, market and consume food”.
Building on global platforms and events, the UNFSS will aim to generate agreements and highlight collaborative actions. Initiatives locally, regionally, nationally and globally that support food systems transformation will be explored prior to the Summit occurring. Knowledge sourced from these initiatives will inform future recommendations from the Summit.
The UNFSS will follow these five Action Tracks:
1. Ensuring access to safe and nutritious food
2. Shifting to sustainable consumption patterns
3. Boosting nature-positive production
4. Advance equitable livelihoods and value distribution
5. Building resilience to vulnerabilities, shocks and stresses
Need more information?
Contact the Worldchefs team!
This article is originally published on Chefs’ Manifesto.