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Blind professional Pastry Training Center opens in Myanmar

Read time: 5 Min
Myanmar, 05th November 2014


1. Blind professional Pastry Training Center opens 6.11.2014, for Blind students as well other disabled Children

An Initiative of Young Myanmar Chefs Association, Y-MCA & World Chefs Without Borders – Myanmar

Come and Visit — opens at 6.11.2014 Thursday:

Venue:  Myanmar Blind School Yangon 

              Yangon Education Centre for the Blind ( Khaweichan )

Date   :  Thursday 6th November

Time  :  15:00 pm

With  : Annual Fun Fair of the Myanmar Blind School 2014

Address: No 165, Baho Road ( near Yangon – Insein Rd / Thamine Junction) Ward 2

                Mayangone Tshp // Phone 01 651073 / 09 661689 / 662034

Selling: First Production of Top Class Cookies
Order : You can set your Order for your Christmas Cookies, – for Home Delivery

Recipes: From best Pastry Chefs in Town

Supported BY Chefs of:

( Belmond Governors Hotel, Parkroyal Hotel, International Pastry & Baking Training Center, Season Bakery, Laguna Lodge ECO Hotel Ngapali, Fonterra Brands, Anchor, Aureum Beach Hotels, Perfect Pastry Supply Company,  )

Special Thanks to Pastry Chef Aghee for his tiredless support and many time provided for the set up of the two pastry training centers.

Special thanks also to Mrs. Verna Mitura and the Canadian Trade Council in Singapore which at the Food & Hotel Asia in Singapore in April 2014 had handed over the Kick Starting very first fund collected by her colleges and Canadian Trade Council in Singapore, to WCWB Jozef Oseli and Oliver E Soe Thet at the Canadian Trade Councils FHA Reception together with Allworld s Mr Paul March.

Possible: Through your many kind donation and participation of the “ Tony Khoo Charity Dinner 17.6.2014 “ of World Chefs Without Borders,- profits. Thanks to the community and business community of Yangon s Hospitality Industry which made this project possible.

2. Pastry Training Center set up – next one in pipeline:

Certified Pastry Training at International Standard

1st Project to open here the Myanmar Blind Schools Pastry Training & professional Pastry baking Center

– Young Blind People get a 2 years training in pastry for their own job choice afterwards as well be than a good choice for the man power hungry & growing Tourism Industry of Myanmar….. which grants them good monthly income.


2nd Project to start next week at the Htauk Kyan Girls Vocational training Center in cooperation with the Union Ministry of Social Welfare

– Former Yangon street girls are at an excellent vocational training center managed by the Social Welfare Union Ministry,- these young girls will start next week with the same project of “ Professional Vocational Pastry Training “. Also here the pastry training not only gives the student a great job opportunity after 2 years of pastry training ( an international minimum ).

3rd Project, we like to follow the request of Union Minister of Social Welfare at Girls Prison Yangon

– and set up a Pastry Training center at the Yangon s – Girls Prison under 21 years, in the mid of 2015 after the next MCA / Y-MCA / WCWB

  Next charity Dinner Myanmar on Tuesday 2nd June 2015 in Yangon….as new funds are needed – counting on all your support again.


Our Quality Training aims are:

The target is to produce only “ Hand Made and at Best Quality Ingredients Pastry – Cookies “, so good Anchor Butter and ingredients are ensured to give not the consumer only but much more the young pastry trainees only the best as the most minimum standard to get used to.

To change Myanmar s often conception of low price – low quality products.   We like that the students only learn about international quality level, no side way – no short cuts, no artificial and no harmful ingredients – organic grown ingredients preferred.   

Foreign Pastry Experts for special trainings to Myanmar Y-MCA projects:

– Young Myanmar Chefs Association arranged already foreign Pastry Trainer to Yangon for the next 12 month s, which teach as volunteers in special classes of 3 to 4 weeks starting in January. ( support to the project is welcome contact MCA Office or )   

Top support in Partnership:

– Already twice this year Y-MCA & MCA joined with the Yangon Education Centre of the Blind – Myanmar Blind School,- at the 1. ever Blind Chefs Cooking competition

  in May 2014 with 11 teams of Blind Chefs co judged by Chef Ricardo, Oliver & Than Win,- than the participation of the Blind Chefs at the Myanmar Culinary Arts

  Challenge in June 2014 where with 6 “ World Chefs – WACS “ standard medals the Myanmar Blind School was the most successful establishment among all schools and

  Hotels with 5 Bronze and 1 Silver medals..

– So also now from a small pastry training room the General Secretary of M.C.F.B – Rev U Thein Lwin and the Vice Chairwoman of the Yangon Blind School

  Daw Mya Thida change to a wider room,- had a full renovation with new ceiling and hygienic water sanitation , basin and work area arranged in advance of young chefs

  Pastry equipment set up on 1.11.2014. See pictures.

– On 3.11.2014 Pastry Alliance head Chef Aghee and all his people started the theory training and food safety – hygiene with the blind students as well some of the partly

  mental disabled students in an excellent lesson,—from today 4.11. all other Young Chefs of Myanmar under the lead of Chef Thang Yawn Maung for Y-MCA and Chef Thurein Htun

  for World Chefs Without Borders – Ambassador Myanmar. Three days training & production for new fundraising and “ Self Funding Training “ by the Blind school.

Young Chefs are committed to the Future of Myanmar s next generation & modern mind set:

– With the pastry training projects at special places as former street kids and young people s prison,- we believe that we not have only a chance to teach these people a good and salary earning profession which can grant them an independent good live in modern Myanmar.

– It is more that we believe specially with pastry and bakery where you work with live products as yeast and others,- where you need to follow recipes, time given and follow strictly all given procedures – if one like to have success otherwise the whole product will not work at all.

– This “ follow and succeed “ training over two years we believe has a positive effect on the up to recently very loose and without any usual discipline living girls on the streets on Yangon. The pride of success while follow a given recipe, which awards them with a legal and much by others liked product has much more than only a chance to guide these girls into a good future and hopefully independent entrepreneurship at a fast growing industry and demand in Myanmar.

– Working only with top quality ingredients, while using as much as local and regional products to enhance the Myanmar food supply industry and farmers – at same time pushing their borders and demand strong an always increase in quality and Organic Products from Myanmar to create a “ Unique Myanmar Best & Healthy Products “ image to foreign and domestic consumers, as well as an export slogan for the future.

– Sure a very long way to go when we want to chan ge the mind set of many elder generations in Myanmar – so an easy task while starting with the innocent and young generations of Myanmar,—“ They are in charge for their Future alone and no one else … “        

Partners to join Hands, while keeping each others full independence and full strength:

– Young Myanmar Chefs Association with Myanmar Pastry Alliance, with Myanmar Chefs Association and World Chefs Without Borders is working together with Consumer minded associations as the Organic Farmers Association, the Myanmar Food Producer Association, the Myanmar Food Safety Association, in close cooperation with the Union Ministry of Health, Union Ministry of Social Welfare and the Union Ministry of Hotels & Tourism. 

More Details at: / 01 532278 ( Mrs Aye Nanda ),



your own culinary message on Myanmar Chefs to MCA Global Media: Than Naing Tun –;


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