A Chef’s Guide to Food as Medicine: a prescription for a paradigm shift

The notion that healthy diets support good health is by no means a new concept. Hippocrates of ancient Greece, considered the father of medicine, famously said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” This age-old wisdom continues to resonate, reminding us of the profound connection between diet and health.
In today’s world, where a myriad of crises impact our food systems and our health, understanding the role of food as medicine is more crucial than ever. Each meal presents an opportunity to support our health or undermine it, highlighting the importance of food in promoting overall wellbeing.
As chefs, we hold the responsibility of harnessing the power of food to nourish not just appetites but bodies, minds, and communities. Through culinary expertise, chefs have the power to transform ingredients into potent prescriptions for health and food systems transformation. As we delve deeper into the concept of food as medicine, let’s explore how chefs can deliver on this responsibility one dish at a time.
Culinary Medicine: empowering healthier choices
“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”
― Ann Wigmore

The impact of food and diet on health is undeniable. There is an overwhelming body of evidence linking poor diets to diseases like heart conditions, diabetes, and cancer. But food isn’t just a culprit; it’s also a remedy. The evolving field of Culinary Medicine is helping to bridge the gap between allopathic medicine and the healing power of food, marrying the two iconic white uniforms: the chef’s jacket and the doctor’s coat.
Culinary Medicine is a multi-disciplinary approach combining the art and science of food and cooking with the evidence-based practice of medicine. It involves incorporating culinary knowledge such as meal preparation, knife skills, and recipe modification to improve the nutritional quality of the foods. The foundation of that nutrition knowledge and culinary skills is used to help individuals make healthier food choices and improve their health.
Whether it be in the clinic or the kitchen, education is a central tool in advancing conversations around preventative medicine and overall health literacy. Food, a great connector, is a gateway to deeper discussions about health and nutrition, empowering individuals to make informed dietary choices.
With so many people craving information and guidance when it comes to healthy diets, chefs can help bring great nutrition and health literacy to the table. Through educational initiatives led by chefs, communities can gain a better understanding of the role of food in promoting good health and in preventing and managing chronic diseases. By fostering a culture of culinary education and empowerment, chefs can inspire individuals to become proactive stewards of their own health.
From the Clinic to the Kitchen: integrating the science of medicine into culinary tradition

Chefs, armed with their culinary expertise, have the remarkable ability to unleash the magic of food by selecting and combining ingredients rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other bioactive compounds. Take, for example, the vibrant hues of fruits and vegetables, each color representing a unique array of phytonutrients with distinct health benefits. From the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric to the cardiovascular support offered by leafy greens, the palette of possibilities is as diverse as it is delicious.
Incorporating food as medicine into culinary practices not only elevates the dining experience but also empowers chefs to make a meaningful impact on the wellbeing of eaters. It provides a holistic approach to nourishment that celebrates the symbiotic relationship between food and health, without forgetting flavor. Dr. Timothy Harlan, a renowned physician and chef, emphasizes the transformative potential of a ‘food first’ perspective, where chefs bring their creativity to high-quality, nutritious, and local ingredients.
I come to the conversation from a ‘food first’ perspective, not from a clinical perspective, from ‘Look, this has to be great food that just happens to be great for you,’
That’s really interesting when you think about what it means to be a chef and the training that chefs get because you’re using great quality, fresh, and these days more and more local ingredients. In a way that just happens to be healthy. The unique piece for those of us who do what I do for a living is that we come to it from that ‘food first’ perspective.
― Dr. Timothy Harlan
Embracing the concept of food as medicine is not just a trend; it’s a paradigm shift towards a healthier, more sustainable food future. The food as medicine perspective reminds us to reflect on the many roles of food with reverence, and to take action to ensure our food system supports the power of food in better health and beyond.
Citizen Chefs for Citizen Eaters: putting food and health on the policy menu
Food as medicine solutions are undeniably making strides in improving health outcomes, yet it’s crucial to acknowledge that they are not a silver bullet. While Culinary Medicine holds tremendous potential, it must be complemented by broader policy changes aimed at enhancing access to and affordability of nutritious and culturally appropriate food options, and greater investments in health education.
Chefs play a pivotal role in advocating for these systemic changes. By championing sustainable sourcing practices, supporting local small-scale family farmers, and advocating for policies that prioritize food equity, chefs can contribute to building a more resilient and inclusive food system.
We need more citizen chefs for citizen eaters—individuals who actively engage in local food systems and advocate for policies that ensure equitable access to nutritious food for all. By becoming informed and engaged in dialogue around policy, we can drive positive change, increase access to nutritious options, and support initiatives aimed at promoting food justice. Through collective action and community engagement, chefs and eaters alike can work towards building a future where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, nourished by a food system that prioritizes health, equity, and sustainability.

Food as medicine represents one piece of the puzzle towards achieving a healthier future. While food as medicine solutions hold immense promise in improving health outcomes, they must be accompanied by systemic changes in food policy and greater investments in health education and access to preventative care.
Worldchefs’ members and food systems actors around the globe are advocating for a more delicious, equitable, and sustainable food system. By embracing the concept of the citizen eater and putting food at the top of the political agenda, we can work together toward a future where everyone has access to nutritious, delicious food for better health and better lives.