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World Chefs Without Borders – Motivation & Inspiration “ How to Become a Great Professional Chef” by Willment Leong

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Malaysia, 20th April 2018

World Chefs Without Borders – Motivation &
Inspiration “ How to Become a Great Professional Chef” by Willment Leong


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
DATE: 14th April 2018


Active restaurant chefs, Culinary lecturers &


Chef Jackson feed back “Memorable inspiration no
chef should have big ego; prepared to work hard; plan for your career and learn
from the great chef”


13th April 2018, we had witness a group of 20-30 Malaysia chefs
preparing 600 diners raising fund to purchase culinary equipment and utensils
for poor students in their naked kitchen. This will enhance the teaching result
for the volunteer lecturers in the years to come where many Malaysian can be
benefited. Some volunteers had to drove back 300km to work on the next day
after their event by 10.30pm, some chefs travel to airport for another charity
event, chef volunteers skip work and close their restaurant cause to their
equipment and staffs had to move to the charity event. M.A.D Modern Art
Delicate Culinary Chef Club Malaysia had done a great deed to make a different
for other life even in a adverse situation.


April 2018


Chefs Without Borders Culinary workshop where we have chefs from Johor,
Malacca, Penang, Ipoh…the distance apart is few hundred kilometres. A new venue
been select to suite our WCWB object; cost of rental is footed by Willment
Leong & KKYau after they pay themselves here.

passionately present the 3 hours program to inspire attendees how to be a
successful chef with passion WCWB way, a full house!!!

great chef mentality; How to plan for career path from apprentice to great
chef, Celebrity chef, Corporate chef, research chef and choice is many. The
summary is this world has no free lunch and success is only arrive after many
failures and sacrifices; learn from the successful chef, study them, prepared
to work hard, invest yourself in knowledge is the only way to stay in the game
of culinary world.

Chef Willment conclude his presentation with a loud applause from the floor,
KKYau announce WCWB would want to have 8 Young Chefs under 25 years old to be
on stage. Each of the young chef been give 5 minutes to recall what is most
touching their heart in the last 3 hours presentation on how to be a
professional chef. 8 of the young chefs present a very good view and opinion of
their own on stage what they career path guide by the great chef.

able to select to 4 young chefs as the winner; Chairman Willment present a
surprise prize to individual a fully paid Young Chef delegate to the congress
2018. So that happy ending where 4 Malaysian young chefs will be able to Bill
Gallagher Young Chefs Forum. Happy ending indeed for WCWB to see so many happy
faces and a not well to do young chefs can participates in their dream event-
Worldchefs Congress 2018.


ABOUT World Chefs
Without Borders

World Chefs Without Borders (WCWB) is a global humanitarian aid initiative by the World Association of Chefs
Societies (WORLDCHEFS)

Our mission is to support and mobilize our
global network of volunteer chefs to undertake initiatives providing education
and resources to those in need and afflicted by natural disasters.

Our programs fit into four key focus areas.
Through the Emergency Task Force chefs work with local rescue units,
mobile kitchens and other local programs.  In the Relief
, chefs assist victims and aid local teams in disaster

The Development Program allows chefs to assist with the
establishment of training programs and infrastructure development. Chef
events to grow awareness and/or raise funds for WCWB.

Worldchefs is a non-political professional
organization, dedicated to maintaining and improving culinary standards of
global cuisines.


Willment Leong, WCWB Chairman 

[email protected]


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