Sustainability Around the World #16: Lifelong Learning ft Chris Koetke

In this final episode in 2021 of Sustainability Around the World webcast, you are invited to revisit what exactly is “sustainability” and its importance in your lifelong development with Chef Chris Koetke.

You might already know Chris as the culinary sustainability expert, the enthusiastic teacher of Sustainability Education for Culinary Education and the inspiring chairman of Feed the Planet Committee. But more than that, he is also a national TV cooking show host, a published writer, a culinary educator and an expert on food concept development and the culinary application of amino acids as flavor elements. After decades of working in culinary arts, Chris never stops learning, in and out of classrooms and workplaces, from teachers, mentors, colleagues, friends, families and even his students. This is how sustainability became an integrated part of his personal and professional growth.

On November 30th, through the story of Chris, you will learn about how the concept of sustainability progresses over time, how to stay correctly informed on environmental changes and why self-development also needs to be sustainable.

In conversation with Chris is his Feed the Planet teammate and friend, Linh To, Projects and Events Manager at Worldchefs.

Sustainability Around the World is part of our Feed the Planet initiative, inspiring sustainable food consumption among communities and culinary professionals. Find out how you can get involved at

Founded by Worldchefs, Feed the Planet is run in partnership with Electrolux Food Foundation and AIESEC. This initiative counts on the support of the Electrolux Food Foundation. Learn more about the Foundation here.

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