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Traditional Slovak Cuisine Presentation at the International Book Fair “Biblioteka 2015”

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Slovakia, 13th December 2015

The 23rd year of the International Book Fair “Bibliotéka 2015” gave the opportunity to present themselves not only to the cook books’ authors. The occasion to present the skills and creativity of Slovak chefs was given also to the members of the Slovak Association of Chefs and Conditioners, vice-president of SZKC, Marek ORT and the chairman of Bratislava Club of chefs and Pastry cChefs, Daniel Melicherik, both of them being assisted by Ivan Vozár, the manager of Slovak national team of chefs and Pastry Chefs.

For the presentation they have selected duck, the type of meat, typical for this season and they’ve presented a modern and healthier way of how to prepare the meals of it. The presentation was diversified with stewed salmon with vegetable salad. Beside the food preparation they’ve also disclosed to the beholders something from “chefs’ tricks and secrets”. As the presentation was supplemented with tasting, they got an immediate feedback, which was very, very positive. The presentation of skills at the Biblioteka 2015 can be justly rated among the interactive ones, since the spectators flooded the chefs by questions right from the beginning of food preparation and they clamoured for the revelation of further cooking tricks and advices.

This way we have once again succeeded to put the general public in closer touch with the art and skills of our members and support the increase of the prestige of the chefs’ vocation in Slovakia.


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