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The Australian Culinary Federation Fonterra Foodservice National Apprentice Competition Final

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Australia, 16th October 2015

The Australian Culinary Federation Fonterra Foodservice National Apprentice Competition Final was held at West Coast Institute of Training, Joondalup Campus on Wednesday 14th October.

Apprentices from all Australian States & Territories arrived Monday & hit the ground running on Tuesday morning when it was off to the markets with a budget to purchase their ingredients for the competition. With products sponsored from Fonterra, Bidvest, Nestle Professional & Krio Krush combined with their purchases the teams spent the afternoon preparing for the competition & tweaking the final details of their menus. They have come together for a week of comaradrie, networking & education including dining at White Salt, touring The Swan Valley & culminating in a Gala Dinner at WCIT on Thursday evening. The awards were presented at the beginning of the evening prior to being treated to an exceptional meal prepared by the ACF National Youth Team.

Western Australian apprentices cleaned up at the awards night taking out top honours in 3 categories Culinary Student, 2nd Year Apprentice Chef, 3rd/4th Year Apprentice Chef, Northern Territory was awarded champion 1st Year Apprentice Chef & first time competitor Rachel Zwarts from South Australia prepared the best omelette on the day. Perth 3rd Year Apprentice & ACF National Youth Team member Brody – Young Steedman from Co – Op Dining was named Champion Apprentice of the Year taking home a R211 Ultra sponsored by Robot Coupe


The NAC is a culmination of many apprentice competitions being held throughout the year in each state and territory and includes training chefs in each year of apprenticeship and a culinary students section. The best apprentice from each apprentice year and culinary student section from each state and territory are brought together to compete and decide the overall winners. The numbers of competitors, training schools, culinary educators that the NAC touches is staggering with in excess of 4,000 culinary students and teachers, each with links to industry resulting in exposure to over 10,000 chefs throughout Australia.


Medal Results

Culinary Students

Jerome Poret                SA         Bronze

Christel Darion              Vic       Silver

Kuo heng Lin                  WA       Gold & Champion Culinary Student

2nd Year Apprentice Chefs

Joshua Lee                    NSW    Bronze

Kelsea House                TAS       Silver

Wade Fordham            VIC       Silver

Nick Donovan              ACT      Silver

Ross Maxwell                 SA         Silver

Mark Johnson                WA       Gold & Champion 2nd Year Apprentice

1st Year Apprentice Chefs

Hugh Walters                TAS       Silver

Kasae Fraser                  VIC       Silver

Linh Khanh Tran             WA       Silver

Rachel Zwarts               SA         Silver

Zoe Drew                        NSW    Silver

Christopher Carr          QLD      Silver

Jasmine Sawa              ACT      Gold

Maria Hoad                   WA       Gold & Champion 1st Year Apprentice

3rd/4th Year Apprentice Chefs

Sheila Mae Hobbs       QLD      Participation

Sammantha Devlin     ACT      Silver

Tumelo Nthupi              SA         Silver

Tenille Brazel                 NSW    Silver

Brad Sutton                   VIC       Gold

Brody Young – Steedman        WA   Gold Champion 3/4th year Apprentice & Apprentice of the Year


For more information please contact Deb Foreman [email protected]

Photos at & ACF Face book


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