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Tea for A Spicy Winter

Read time: 2 Min
18th December 2017

Dilmah’s chai is fun, it is natural
goodness, it is personal and it redefines milk tea! Chais are especially
magical during Christmas and can be paired with a variety of Christmas Cookies.
Christmas Chais can be taken hot, chilled, infused with herbs, spices, rum,
cognac or gin. In its authentic, natural and fragrant form, Chai is a
combination of ingredients that coalesce harmoniously in tasty balance with the
central element – tea.

How to make the most wonderful chai of
the year:

Choose your tea – Keep in mind that when
you use milk, condensed milk or a sweetener you’ll need a tea with a strong character
to keep the chai balanced.

Choose your spice – Anything from ground
spices to zests of citrus fruit! Lemons and limes often find a great partner in
chillis while oranges team up with cardamom or cinnamon in a delicious way.

Add the tea – Use 2 grams of tea or 1
teabag in 200ml of water. Add the tea and spices into a teapot or plunger.

Brew the tea – For black tea and herbal
infusions maximum brewing time is 5 minutes, for Oolong teas 3 minutes is

Strain the tea – Strain the hot tea into
the first chai mug. Sugar, honey, syrup or marmalade, any type of sweetener can
be used.

Pour the milk – Add the milk into the
second mug.

Air the tea – Especially when condensed
milk is used “airing” the tea is a key element in the making of the perfect chai.
By throwing the chai from cup to cup you create a foamy top on the drink.
Because of the extra air that is added to the drink the aroma of the spices
comes out stronger and the tea is quickly at drinking temperature. The higher
the throw, the frothier the drink.


3 Simple ways Dilmah Chais can enhance your
guest experience:

Chai Action Station at
Breakfast Buffets.

Lounge Menu – Pair it with
cookies and other goodies at your lobby lounge.

Welcome Drink – A warm chai is the
best kind of welcome during winter!


Write to us at
for a one-to-one chat on adding personalised chais into your Christmas menu.


Have a #teainspired Christmas!


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