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Strengthening the global recognition of the culinary profession

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France, 15th January 2014

Dear Chefs,

in the last period many exciting things have happened within the World Association of Chefs Societies. Moreover, the World Association has been successfully moving forward, expanding its network, launching important projects and kept raising a bar for every next venture that lies ahead.

In the light of the recent rebranding strategy and unveiling the updated logo, let me bring you closer to the vision of this significant step.

Aiming to emphasize the importance of being a Chef and strengthen the global recognition of the culinary profession, the updated logo introduced WORLDCHEFS as a form of a shorter name for the World Association of Chefs Societies with a clear purpose  – to provide a precise understanding of what it stands for and at the same time give pride and empower the profession.

Faithful to its initial mission statement to be the global voice of the culinary profession and to serve as a benchmark and support to all its members, the World Association’s updated logo is there to provide global recognition, clear distinction and strong affirmation of the culinary profession and every single individual, member of the World Association of Chefs Societies. Moreover, by acquiring the updated logo and changing the shorter name into the WORLDCHEFS, we are assured we are on the right path towards building a strong legacy for future generations of young professionals.

With culinary regards and sincere hopes you will join us on this mission and embrace the rebranding strategy that unites each and every of us,

Gissur Gudmundsson



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