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Rakhine Cuisine for Smiles Donate in Myanmar

Read time: 4 Min
Myanmar, 09th December 2019

Paris, France · 9 December 2019 ·  Rakhine Cuisine for Smiles Donate in Myanmar

Rakhine Cuisine for Smiles

Sandoway Hotels Group CSR & Rakhine Chefs SR 9.12.2019

Daw Ohnmar, owner of some of the best and top culinary standard hotels at Rakhine’s Ngapali Beach Front, The Best in Myanmar (Sandoway Resport, Art of Sands, Residence Ngapali Beach) offered WorldChefs Without Borders, Myanmar’s support with free meals to all patients, Drs, OPT, and ward nurses from the charity free of charge, and medical operations by German & Myanmar Interplast specialist Drs (cleft lips, pallets, mobilizing old burn scars & soft tumors).

CSR Daw Ohmar and her Myanmar head Chef Aung Chit Oo provided, with the help of all their Hotel staff, the healthiest three course Rakhine Cuisine menu, composed of chicken curry, veggie-potato, rice, and soup. There was enough for over 100 patients and family members at Thandwe District Hospital and because it was soon to be Christmas and the third Advent, delicious cakes and cookies were given to everyone.

Rakhine – Myanmar Chefs Association members joined the happy donation as Chefs Social Responsibilities for Rakhine people at the Thandwe hospital. Over 50 Rakhine Chefs next to the all Sandoway Hotel groups chefs and staff helped to portion and deliver the food in paper cups – ZERO Plastic due to Sandoway’s & Rakhine Chefs daily policy. Thank you Chef Mya Win and members.

All patients were happy of the very rich Rakhine Cuisine donation, many patients do not usually have a full meal a day and came from as far as North Rakhines: Rathetaung, Ponnakyune, Kyaukphyu, Ann Cities, traveling through war zones, in order to not miss the once in a life time chance of “normal eating.” “I used my hands, fingers and arms for the first time again after 20 years,” trapped with burn scars I got as baby, and the Myanmar medical system still overlooks such people and until the past weeks no one followed up to help to cure me and get back to a normal life.

Here in an outstanding effort, the Union of Myanmar’s Health Minister & Ministry reached out to all the past year’s burn cases in the villages in Rakhine as well Magway State with Magway, reaching over 90 old burn patients for Dr Peter Sieg,– in Rakhine this time over 20 burn cases for the Dr Heinz Schoeneich – both German Interplast & Myanmar specialist Drs teams. A great effort and success which need to be followed up and become a priority standard procedure and task. :” .. a disabled by burns COST Money livelong,- and operated and remobilized patient MAKES Money livelong …. ” – That should be motivation enough to put more energy in “Re Mobilization of all old Burn Scare patients as well Myanmar’s many, so,  daily War Victims… “

Thank you to Daw Ohnmar and all her Sandoway, Residence, Art of Sand Hotels highly motivating CSR & Rakhine Cuisine donation and ease the lives of most patients and boost happiness and UNITY between Myanmar & German medical teams at Thandwe Hospital. Thanks to all Rakhine – MCA members for the great efforts again and again as strong Chefs Team with a great sense of CSR!

Chefs Social Responsible, yours

Oliver E Soe Thet

Chairman Myanmar Chefs Association

Global board,- World Chefs Without Borders, Myanmar

Ngapali Beach – Sweet Rakhine, Myanmar 9.12.2019


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