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North Rakhine – International Day of Persons with Disability,- Myanmar An initiative of MCA-WCWB – Dr Peter Sieg & Interplast Team Germany..

Read time: 3 Min
Myanmar, 14th December 2017

During the days of International Day of Persons with Disability ( 3.12.17 ), MCA-WCWB

and German Interplast partly funded by Laguna Lodge – ECO Hotel, Ngapali Beach, —-

many North Rakhine people could for the first time eat normal with operated cleft lip or

pallet, look without meningoncele or a neck tumor, walk again after burns, had the Thyroid

operated, fingers which since birth grew together – separated, a nose the 5th step reconstructed

with two more OP s to come, can now now close the mouth and move the neck again after

a fire burnt a child years ago, or closed a moth which was since birth far to wide open…..


With the permission of Union & Rakhine State Government s and Ministry of Health all German

specialist Drs around Dr Dr Peter Sieg worked officially with Temporary Myanmar Drs license.

German Interplast this year 2017 already the 4 th team to Myanmar with round 460 patients

free of charge operated,— 3 more teams are arranged for early 2018 for Lashio, Loikaw and

Tachilake with Dr Heinz Schoeneich – Interplast Muenich.


The Rakhine State Government donated 5 million Kyat ( near to 4500 $ US ) to the mission for

food supply to the over 250 patients which came mostly from near Bangladesh Border – Maungdaw

District where ugly events were also responsible for the several burns patients. Shelter with social

Rakhine Free Society and Alodawpye Social Society in Sittwe by U Pinya Sota Seyadaw. Sittwe

volunteers shuttled the Patients between the medical shelter camps and the State Hospital.


Sustainability grants long term solutions – MCA-WCWB

Special among all the cases was the small Hindu Girl from Maungdaw, Ma Nu Nu with which took

with her charm all the attraction to her. So another small girl since years a football big ball on the neck

was removed in 1,5 hours. Round 20 Rakhine ladies felt happy to be free from the big thyroid part.

Many patients we could clear see came the second time, in 2015 cleft lip operated and this time

the cleft pallet all by the same Interplast Germany teams – a sustainable mission through Myanmar

Chefs Association and World Chefs Without Borders as the ground handler…


Mg Kyi Hla the 2 acre farmer from North Rakhine had his 5th operation in 3 years, when an insect bite

and traditional medical treatment destroyed half of his face and nose, lip reconstruction, reconstruction

of gum and this time the pre arrangements for the final OP the new nose which will be in 2018,—we

will care and have Mg Kyi Hla again for the final face reconstruction….


Thank you to the all Dr Peter Sieg team of German Interplast which all take their annual leave for free of

charge operations, live changing and often giving back the dignity to the rural area people of Myanmar

which would be usually unthinkable for all of them with the present still Myanmar health system,- a country

in transition and specially Rakhine always pushed back to history by small groups of individuals which let ‘

Rakhine never escape from being the poorest State in Myanmar. NOT fair to the all people living in Rakhine

State,— often already for monetary and geo strategic issues. A future Singapore in the growing…a danger

to all people without voice and without assets.    


Thanks to the Union & Rakhine Government for the since 21 years now annual working permits to legalize

and make the work possible,- thanks to all volunteers,—I believe this Interplast Germany mission around the

3.12.2017 was a great initiative to the International Day of Persons with Disability in North Rakhine – Myanmar.

Myanmar Chefs Association, World Chefs Without Borders & Laguna Lodge – ECO Hotel Ngapali Beach are

more than happy to be a small part and will do it again the next teams packing the boxes already. So also special

thanks to the Guests – Tourists at Laguna Lodge – Ngapali which through their free ECO Fund contribution have

a big part in the success of such a mission. Next to Anesthetic Dr Ulrike ( which plans already to come back to bring another 

thyroid specialist to Sittwe – Prof Goretzki from Germany also Dr Soeren Knudsen from Denmark joined the team to Sittwe,- the 7th team MCA-WCWB arranged in 4 years since 2013 with over 800 free of charge operated poor North Rakhine people, much more to do,- as the region around the Bangladesh Border, Maungtaw – Bothitaung with usually 1 million people has at least 2500 to 3000 cleft lip or pallet patients next to all the other issues which makes a Human person disabled. — time to get to work and plan again and help the people in North Rakhine as International Drs in Rakhine,- Not look back, not blame come and help pro active. It can not be the solution that as this time a fast majority of poor people must travel from far and bad infrastructure Maungdaw and Bothitaung at Bangladesh Border to Sittwe and Drs medical treatment — medical Drs and specialist Drs must travel and work where poor people live.


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